《System of Gods and Devils》Chapter 28: Ou clan's Doom (Part 1)


Roger Dream looked at the girl who had a beautiful figure and had a friendly smile on her face.

Even though she killed the Ou clan's Ancestor, he still can't help but vigilant around her. Who knows she might also attack them.

She came near him and look at him curiously. She was circling around him while looking at him as a weird specimen.

Roger Dream couldn't help but ask "What do you want? Why are you looking at me like that?" he said looking at her.

"Nothing" she replied plainly.

Hearing her blunt reply, he couldn't help but ask "Who are you? Why did you save us?"

"My Grandfather asked me to, that's why?" She replied.

Roger Dream was confused "I don't even know you then how do I know your Grandfather?" he asked.

"Yup! You don't know him?" she replied.

Hearing her answer Roger Dream was kind of irritated.

She was looking at his expression and smiled mischievously.

The Silver Fox girl was still bleeding, and her face paled due to blood loss, but she was still on her pose to protect him. Roger Dream was confused and asked her "Hey. Do we know each other? Why did you protect me?"

She looked at him and said "Your Majesty. It is my Job to protect you. Don't worry I will also protect you from her."

She said and looked at the Red dressed girl vigilantly.

Looking at her expression, the Red Dressed girl laughed and said "Don't worry Miss. I won't hurt him. I already said I came to protect him on my Grandfather's Order."

The Silver Haired girl still didn't relax as she is still adamant on shielding him even though she looked like she will faint any minute.

Roger Dream couldn't help looking at her as he gave her a healing pill. Looking at him giving her a pill, she was surprised and took the pill carefully without touching his hands as she feared to dirty him.

Roger Dream looked at her curiously thinking why she called him as Majesty. Seeing Roger Dream looking at her she blushed nervously. And she averted her eyes as she felt she would be disrespecting him if she looked directly at him.

After she ate the pill, her bleeding stopped, but her hands didn't regrow. Still, she was shocked at the pill's efficiency. Her injuries seemed cured fully. "As expected of his Majesty!" she thought.

The Red dressed girl looked at them ignoring her she said "Hey. Do you forget me? I saved your lives, and you haven't even thanked me yet."

"First of all, you haven't introduced yourself. How do we know that you're not going to attack us?" he asked.

She harrumphed in a disgruntling manner "Humph! My name is Long Qing'er. And I am from the Soaring Dragon Clan." she said.

Hearing this the Silver Haired Girl was shocked and looked at her with an uneasy expression. The red dressed girl noticed her expression and said "Don't worry. We won't hurt you. Even though our world is constantly at war with most of the Demi-Human race but still there are some races maintains a neutral relationship between us."


"Also you're a Silver Immortal Fox race, Right? I never thought my Favourite character in the history book would be still alive!" she said while looking at her.

Looking at the red dressed girl who seemed to know about her race, she was confused because her Clan sent her saying that the Human race and Demi-Humans are enemies and they will kill each other without mercy. But the Girl in front of her surely doesn't show off any wicked thoughts from the start, and she seems to talk nicely to her.

The red dressed girl looking at her still vigilant face said "Don't worry. We know the history of your clan that you were hunted by Other Demi-Humans. We thought you were extinct, there are also proofs stating that Silver Immortal fox to be the first to establish a neutral Relationship with the Humans. And actually considered as friends to some extent. And mainly my Grandma would love to see you, as she would always research the history kinds of stuff and her favorite was Silver Immortal foxes."

Hearing the word research her anger suddenly took off, she looked at the red dressed girl and looked ready to battle.

Looking at her getting the meaning in wrong way "Hey. I didn't mean like that. I promise she won't dissect you or do anything like that. She would just ask questions that's all." she said helplessly.

Roger Dream who was watching them fell down with a thud. It startled both Silver Fox girl and Long Qing'er.

After some time, Roger Dream woke up feeling pain all over the body. He opened his eyes to see a room constructed of metal. On his left, he could see the Silver Haired woman resting her head on the side.

And he saw Qing'er been staring at him, she's been looking intensly around his stomach area. He then looked at himself to found out that he's wearing no dress.

"Ahh...." he shouted as he quickly covered his private part.

Hearing his shout, the Silver Fox girl woke up and looked around in confusion.

Roger Dream quickly looked at them both and asked "Hey. Why am I naked? Where is my dress?"

Long Qing'er averted her eyes quickly with a red face said "Why are you asking me? I didn't do anything. Ask the girl beside you."

He looked at the Silver-haired girl with confusion. Seeing him looking at her, she quickly kneeled "Your Majesty, I'm sorry. I'll accept any punishment." and said.

Qing'er quickly said "Hey. Don't blame her. After you fainted your body burned hot like hell and became red, she's the one taking care of you for 2 days without even taking rest. And also bathe you in cold water and wiped your sweat day and night."

Roger Dream was touched by hearing her taking care of him for 2 days. He then asked "Where is my Grandfather? Is he OK?"

"He's fine. He woke up yesterday. At first, when he heard you being unconscious, he was worried, but after knowing that there is no problem in your life, he left." Qing'er said.

"What he left?" he asked "Yes, he said that he had some unfinished business and will return within a week with good news. He said that and left." said Qing'er.


Roger Dream then took clothes from his spatial ring. After getting ready he asked, "Where are we?"

"In my spaceship!” said Qing'er.

Roger Dream nodded and looked at the Silver Fox girl. She looked down after he made the eye contact.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Your Majesty, I'm Lisa" she replied.

"Can you tell me, why you are calling me as Majesty?" he asked looking at her.

"Our clan leader has ordered our people that your Majesty will be the King of our people!" said Lisa.

"Your Clan leader? I don't understand?" he asked.

"Your Majesty as you should know that our Clan has been Shunned, Killed, and Hunted and made nearly extinct by other races due to that we went hiding into the depths of a Rotten World. As we didn't have any other choice but to survive there. Even though we had low food, we lived happily. But recently, the news of the existence of our clan has been leaking to the Devil Domains. And we even found some of them came hunting for us. Which made us migrate to another land for our safety. Since the news is leaked, we know that there won't be any peace to us. So Without any choice, we had to perform Divination on the future of our clan by sacrificing the lives of 100 clansmen. By the Divination messages, our Clan leader told us that you will be the Future King of our Clan and lead us to prosperity. According to the divination messages, I was chosen to find our Future King." she said.

"But why did you chase my Grandfather for the treasure?" he asked with confusion.

"In the divination, it mentioned about a map that will lead me to our Future King!" she said.

Suddenly she started crying and kneeled "But I didn't know that I am chasing his Majesty's Grandfather. I did that because I had no choice, it was the only hope of our clan. I'm ready to accept any punishment your majesty gives me. I will even kill myself for my sins If your Majesty orders. But please don't abandon our clan." She said while taking a knife to her neck ready to kill herself.

Roger Dream looking at her took the knife out of her hand and sighed "Did my Grandfather know about this?" he asked.

"Yes. He recognized my voice, and I told him everything," she said.

"And what did he say?" asked Roger Dream.

"He said that he forgives me for saving your Majesty's life," said Lisa.

Roger Dream looked at her not knowing what to say. "Since you found me, what are you going to do from on now?" he asked her.

"I will follow your Majesty on his Journey as our Clan leader said that in the future your Majesty will come to our clan by himself and save us all from our wretched life," she said while looking at him nervously.

"Your Majesty can I come with you," she asked looking down nervously.

He sighed and accepted her as he couldn't kick her out after all that's happened. She saved his life by putting her in danger and took care of him while he was unconscious. He was grateful to her even though she was the one started the mess.

"OK. You can accompany me on my journey as my personal Maid. Are you OK with that?" he asked looking at her.

Hearing him, tears started to flow from her eyes "Your Majesty. Thank you very much. I'm very grateful that I going to be his Majesty's personal Maid." she said as she cried of happiness.

Roger Dream knowing that he got a beauty as a personal Maid he was happy inside.

Suddenly he heard a voice from his back "So you got a maid now. My darling!" made him creep out.

Hearing the voice, he knew that it was his wife "Fengxin. It's not what you think." he said in fear.

She didn't say anything as she came closer to him. Lisa who was kneeling on the ground wanted to save him from the mysterious woman, but she found that she couldn't even move a muscle.

Fengxin came near and hugged him and cried "You stupid. Do you how much pain I felt, looking at you nearly dying nearly broke my heart. If anything happened to you, then I also would've killed myself." she said while crying like a child.

Roger Dream looking at her crying, tears also fell on his eyes as he hugged her tightly and said "Fengxin. I'm sorry. I made you cry."

As they both hugged for a minute, then he looked at her "Fengxin you look more beautiful today?"

She wiped her tears and said happily "I had a breakthrough. That's why I look younger." she said while feeling happy that his husband noticed her change.

Long Qing'er looking at the duo was shocked "How did she appear her? And why don't I feel any cultivation from her? She only experienced the situation when she met her clan's Ancestor on her birthday. But looking at the lady, she felt a hunch that the lady is far more powerful than her Ancestor.

Roger Dream then introduced Fengxin to the ladies. Lisa after knowing that Fengxin is the King's wife, she kneeled with one leg and paid her respect.

Fengxin looked at Lisa and noticed her colossal rack and felt a little jealous. Because she knew what her husband likes in bed as he always squeezes them and wants to use them as pillows. Noticing Fengxin gaze, Lisa blushed.

"You. Stand up. I thank you for saving my husband's life." she said.

"No. It's my pleasure, your Majesty," replied Lisa.

Roger Dream then said "Fengxin quickly take me to my Grandfather. He should've reached the Ou clan now." he said.

"I can't wait to show my powers. Hahaha. Wait, why I am still in Foundation Stage?" he shouted in surprise.

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