《Lancelot Dungeon》Side Story The Replicant


Lancelot Dungeon

Side Story The Replicant

The Replicant is the Weapons Shop of the University, which is on the market on the campus.

When Emiony Rick and John go to the market of the University, which was South of the lobby, the first shop they found was a store call: 'The Replicant Weapon shop'.

John said:

"Let's go and see what we find."

What they saw was something like an Internet Cafe.

Was a room very spacious, the size of a princess room, color White and Green.

At the bottom of hall you could see weapons and armor hanging everywhere, behind the counter was the dependent and such a thing to a bread oven craft.

You could see 10 computers in the living room, which were well-space one of the other and even so still could fit probably 20 more if they put all together.

With maximum of 2 students or staff of the university on each computer, they were sitting reviewing lists with weapons of all kinds and type or just looking at the Internet.

John was head of the group: they go to dependent that had a mane Red lush, he was dress casual with a shirt celeste, he was a slim and muscular man, it looked like a man who go to much to the Beach because it was well tanned.

In the walls near the dependent you could see weapons and armor hanging on the wall, of which the most striking were:

- Ironman armor(comic).

- Samus Aran armor(game).

- Mjolnir VI from Saga Halo.

- The sword Excalibur of Fate/Stay Night (manga).

- The sword Zangetsu of Blech (manga).

- The sword Batusaiga of Inuyasha(anime).

- The gravity gun Half live(game).

- The rifle assault Lancer of gear of Ware(game).

- The BFG of Doom(game).

John, Emiony and Rick they stay dumbfounded, watching all family size copies for a moment, so they touched this things to know if they were of cardboard or what, but for the surprise of all of them, this thigs fill like metal stuff.

When they came to counter, they saw that had many interesting objects, like grewn with black pokeball, Scanner as the Dragon ball, boxes with 3 green seeds, a black box and the Dragon map.

Rick said, "where are the weapons you sell?"

When he saw the face of the man, he was afraid of the man, because it looked like a Leon.

For a moment the dependent it was surprised, by the reaction, but holding back, he maintaining control over him self, he smile showing the teeth and revealing many fangs.

John, Rick and Emiony was go in to run out when the Leon face said:


Wait, I'm not going to bite you!

In this Shop we sell copy of weapons or armor of science fiction, who have the ability to work in real life, thanks to Corporation Lancelot".

John with a little fear said: "what are you talking about Willis?"

"LOL", smile the dependent and said "you are new are from the package, right?".

Rick, John and Emiony turned to see each other as wondering to meaning of that.

The dependent without let them say anything, he said:

"Let me explain: with technology of Lancelot is very easy to copy weapons and armor from science fiction.

That is why all objects in the Armory, here are functional.

All the other people could hear this, but they was not amazed except for Rick, John and Emiony.

The dependent them step by each of them and put a scanner to all of them, a he said:


"This device will allow you to see basic information of all things you look, people or beasts bit. When you look at some thing you say the command: 'appreciate'".

Them while Emiony, John and Rick watching the dependent said: "appreciate".

On the head of the dependiete appeared the following information:

"Name Leon Hu, level '???' ."

Rick said:

"Why appears sign question next to your level".

Leon hu said:

"The scanner has levels of appreciation that interacts with the level of the user and the level of the object that you are watching.

So an object, person or beast bit have a level very high may only be possible to see the name and will not be possible to see the number of the level".

They saw things in the display case and said, "appreciate".


1. Scanner range B [serves to measure the power of monsters, information of people or things]. Requirement: 100 Mana. Price 2000 credits.

2. Map-radar range C. [serves to make a custom map of the dungeon], requirement: 100 mana.

Prece 3000 credits.

3. Box Luvias range C [seeds of the hermit that cure wounds (not produced by disease), the user does not need eat or sleep, for 11 days]. Price 5000 credits.

4. Blackbox Charge -At. Range C [AT shield charger]

Price 1500 credits.

5. Pokeball this is what they commonly call it, name: Domestication Range C [It serves to catch monsters from the dungeons and converts into pets].

Price 1000 credits.


With a little bit or fear, they looked at all the weapons that were on the walls to see their information:


1. Ironman Armor Range B,

All Ironman weapons, example: The Mutancanon.

Bonus: 184 Multiplied to all status,

An artificial intelligence as a companion.

Prerequisite: 19 str(strength) pts, int(intelligence) 25 pts and

Mana 3000 pts.

Price 5000000 credits

2.Samus Aran Range B,

All Samus Aran weapons

Bonuses: 93 Multiplied to all status.

Prerequisite: 19 str pts, 1500 mana.

Price 2500000 credits.

4.MJOLNIR VI (Halo Saga) Range B

All weapons that have a spartan example

Energy gc Shields.

Bonuses: 5 Multiplied to all statuses. And Artificial Intelligence as a companion.

Requirements: str 246 pts (points).

500 mana available.

Price 1000000 credits.

5. Excalibur Fate Stay Night Rank B

100 + pts Divine energy.

Attack: 100 to 1500 str damage

Defense: 200

Range: 9 to 12.08 mi²

Requirement: 1000 mana available.

Price 1000000 credits.

6. Zangetsu "is the zampakuto Ichigo kurisaki of Blech Range C

Attack: 90 to 600 pts damage

Defense: 70 pts

Range: 9 to 3 mi²


100+ spiritual energy Shinigami

60+ spiritual energy Holow

20+ spiritual energy Quincy

, Zangetsu is the esperitual companion.

Requirement: 500 mana

Price 1000000 credits.

7.Batusaiga -Inuyasha Range B

Destroys everything that is biological

Electric attacks

Fire attacks

Attack: 80 to 300 pts damage

Defense: 100

Range: 80-200

Bonus: 100+ demonic energy

Requirement: 300 mana

Price 800000 credits.

8.Gravity Gun- Half Live Rango B

Fire Rate: 1

Damage 38 a 800 pts Of Ammunition Damage

Ranger 100 a 200 mts (Meters)

Cost of ammunition 40 mana

Accurary 30 a 90%

weight 5 kg

Requirement: Mana Core(it Increases 500 pts)

price 17000 creditos.

9.Rifle Assault Mark 2 Lancer Gear of War range F

Fire rate 10 damage 38 pts damage ammunition Ranger 100a 200mts accurary 60 to 80%

Weight 10 kg

Ammunition 10 to 70 point of damage

Cost per shot: 2 Mana

Requirement: 330 points Mana

Price 20000 credits.

10.BFG 9000- Doom Range C.


Fire rate 3

Damage 100 to 800 pts

Damage Ranger 400mts

Accurary 150%


Weight 30kg

Ammunition 3 to 10

Cost per shot 40mana

Bonus: increases the ability user 120 points to store Mana.

Price 50000 credits.


The group seeing this things, they had a cold sweat and breaking the silence Emiony with a flushed face she said:

"You do not have anything cheaper"

The Leon Hu said:

"In computers through the Internet can search for replica of weapons of science fiction, in different sites that sell toys. According to the price of each toy multiplied by 100 credit, will be equal to the cost that will have to pay for it, to be able to bring them to this world.

Also may search for weapons and armor from movies, anime, manga or science fiction in general and the price go in to be according to the level of destruction that you decide to put on it.

Internet costs 200 credits ".

Emiony ask:

"Why multiplied by 100 credit"

Leon hu, he turned to monitor on the desk and he search on Google:

"Replica of anime weapons"

Of the selected results he go to the web page Vistoencreen, so they could see and example of a page with copies of some weapons from anime:


The Shield of Captain America cost 1999 dollars.

Assassin Creed Gauntlet $ 81.33 dollars.

Rambo knife: $ 173.70.

Minecraft Diamond Peak $ 34.90.

Among others.

If you see the captain america shield, its price goes from 1999 dollars to 199900 credits, and with all the skills, powers or hardness of the shield, within the continuity of the information that contains the article on the shield of Marvel universe.

In addition to a size that can be used just like the original.

However, it will probably require as a requirement a strength, agility and intelligence equal to or similar to that of Captain America, to be used by any person.

However, one has to judge whether the cost per benefit is worth, for example:

Rambo's knife: $ 173.70 dollars to 17370, credits, this weapon is not special so it will probably have a bonus +5 all status, profession level 1 warrior and level 1 craftsman class. Where the warrior profession Gives abilities to skill + 2 pts in use of firearms and knives and the craftsman profession allows you to build weapons, objects or traps like those used by Rambo in his films but at level one, until you raise the level.

John said:

"Why does Rambo's knife sound any more useful than the Captain America's Shield?"

Leon Hu said:

"It is the price if they found a Rambo knife more cheaper would have less beneficial effects, on the other hand the Captain shield is made of a material almost unbreakable, so much of the production costs goes in this.

Another difference is primarily that no Captain America artifact is going to give you super strength or their abilities, other than the super soldier serum."

Emiony ask:

"Why do we have to use the serum while with a knife we can acquire the skills without more?"

Leon Hu said:

"It is The Universe, to have certain benefits it is necessary to comply with certain rules, such as:

'For example for Steve Rogers for we to obtain his powers we have to take the super soldier serum plus use the machine.

However with technology Lancelot we do a duplicate of the serum, we we obtain something similar to super soldier serum that is an improved version of the serum that will include the effects of the machine plus the serum. Then Voila, you have the powers and abilities of Captain America plus your own status.

However, this type of update is no longer a weapon exactly, this is called DNA support. As you can see we applied the rules of the Universe of Marvel, to which it belong and added others that benefit the end user in a minimum of 80%.'"

John said:

"What is DNA support?".

Leon Hu said:

"They are genetic improvements that can make you more powerful or give you power."

Rick with a malevolent smile said:

"Show me what you have".

"Hahaha". Laughing Leon Hu and Said:

"Weapons and Armor have some small DNA supports, some more permanent than others, but I can not sell you DNA Support

For 3 reasons:

1. You have to reach Level 100 in order to buy them.

2. That's not my area of expertise.

3. In my store I do not sell DNA Supports, I can give DNA Support recipes that all found in Internet that cost 400 minimum credits, but you should also take it to the 'DNA Support Shop' ".

This does not include the cost of installing it.

Rick with a pistol-face said:

"If for some reason I somehow find some DNA support I can use it."

Leon Hu said:

"Of course," selecting his face, he said:

"But I do not recommend it, I was more beautiful than now, but ideally you should be supervised by a Genetic Engineer, not to accidentally become something not Human or some kind of monster."

Rick thoughtfully said:

"Give us a machine."

John saw all over again noticing that all the machines were occupied, so he said:

"I think we should wait"

Leon Hu said:

"Do not worry, Cursor will prepares a machine for you."

From the roof of the tent a compartment was opened, a geometric platinum object with the size of a tennis ball fell, falling to the ground, which began to shine from light blue to white, becoming a spark and began to float.

Then Cursor begin to draw the chairs, the table, the monitor and the cpu; So that they could explore the network and so they could find equipment and armaments corresponding to the money they had.

When Cursor finish, Cursor disappearance in the compartment that closed inside the ceiling.

Leon Hu said:

"I leave them the site where you can find the copy of most popular and cheap equipment to have a reference".

Leon Hu said:

"Something you should know is that all weapons and armor are preservation devices.

Preservation devices, runs with mana and if a particular device run with particular energy it is converted to that energy that the device needs to function.

The device creates a deposit of this energy inside your bodies, these deposits contain the remaining amount of the conversion, so that will fill with time, these deposits can be seen reflected in the window of the status and allow us to use Both magic and other devices. "

Whit face of concern Emiony said:

"When go in to be install this deposits in are bodys?"

With pale face Leon Hu said:

"Well, as you should know the power suit is in armor and device preservation that automatically install a support DNA, so that is that offer to the users or students way be able to use the Mana, Magic, devices preservation and any object that may need in the dungeon. The power suit is also what allows you all to grow up in force, through improvements that you goin to get will you climb in level.

However do not take it badly, follow the instructions of your teachers, who will help them reveal the mysteries of this new world.

For the moment here I leave a basic package with all the preservation devices Range F or beginner with their respective videos ".

Zampakuto: Range F. Popular sword for its growth with the user, short reach:

Attack: 9 str damage

Defense: 7

Bonus: 100+ spiritual energy, 1 spiritual partner

Requirement: 70 mana.

Price 700 credits.

Mana Kola Gun: Range F. Popular gun, long reach

Attack: 90 to 600 pts damage

Fire Rate 1

10 mana cost per shot.

Damage 50 to 100 pts damage

Ranger 119 mts

Accurary 76%

Ammunition 3

Bonus: Increases user's ability by 20 points for mana pool.

Requirement: 30 mana

Price: 1892 credits.

Scanner. Range F. Support Object. [It serves to measure the power of the monsters, information of the people or things].

Price 400 credits.

Map-radar. Range F. Support Object. [Serves to make a custom dungeon map

], Requirement: 100 mana.

Price 750 credits.

Box of Luvias Range F. Support Object [Hermit Seeds Cure wounds not caused by disease, the user does not need to eat or sleep, for 3 days].

Price 1360 credits.

Blackbox Charge -At. Range F.Object of support. [AT shield charger with 100 energy].

Price 600 credits.

Domestication. Range F. Object of entertainment and support.

[It serves to catch monsters from dungeons and converts into pets] .Price: 700 credits.

Emiony said:

"Thanks for the Offer give us a moment to review all, if we found and anything we decided on in a while ... A Leon, Leon one question we can stack preservation devices one on to receive as many skills and status as possible?"

Leon Hu said:

"As long as you meet the requirements and do not obtaculise usability each device."

Rick said:

"Guys, I think we're going to need each one, a computer."

Most of the students, who heard this, also wanted a computer to get the effect of stacking the status, with the preservation device, for them.

A moment later

John said:

"With these preservation devices, we could become the science fiction character we've always wanted to be."

Emiony said:

"I do believe so, but the fact is temporarily discarded any skill or power that falls into the category of DNA support."

Rick said:

"I wonder what would be the best DNA support?"

Emiony said:

"I would definitely choose between Goku's and Superman's DNA Supports."

Rick said:

"I would have chosen one of these two too."

Then they saw that John started typing and doing things like hopeless, on the computer.

A moment later and sweating cold, John said:

"Boys To obtain Goku's DNA Support, the price of support is 50,000,000 million credits and that of Supermam, the price is 150,000,000 million credits, where both supports are Level F and where the difference is in how each one absorbs The energy in their bodies.

The cost to install any DNA support is 10% of its official purchase price. "

Emiony said:

"I do not want to know how much a DNA support costs for Omnipotence Powers."

Emiony said:

"Hey, John, how did you calculate the price of DNA Support?"

John said:

"On the desktop of the computer there is an application called 'Lancelot Forge Power' and a text file that said reads me, explaining that if we enter the name of the fictional character, we put the name of the weapon or armor of Science fiction or the link of the object on the internet makes a breakdown of their abilities or positive or negative effects or adverse effects that have and tells us whether it is a DNA Support, a Preservation Device or a Support Object."

Emiony said:

"Wow, the truth was I had seen them! but not gave them importance."

Rick said:

"And what kind of fictional character do you want to be?"

Emiony said:

"Since I was little I always like the idea of being a magical girl!"

But what happens is that I am not determined by which I want to be. Also the budget we have is 10000 credits ... Thinking the best, it is less, because we have to pay the internet and we must leave money for tomorrow's food. "

Rick frowned at the words of Emiony and he said:

"When we were kids my brother and I used to play the Wii VRMMO of Super Smash Brows Melee Bros from Nintendo, do you remember John?"

John said:

"Yes I remember, we were the duo of Destruction. Rick's was Fox McCloud and I was Metal Mario... Hey Emiony do you want to be my Princess?"

Emiony jumped from her chair, blushing and getting everyone's attention.

Acting all tender she said:

"How, if we do not even know each other?"

John gets up from his chair and jump on one of his knees taking her hands, he says:

"It's just that since I saw you I knew you were my missing princess, my princess ... my princess Peach."

"Hahaha," said Rick.

Then everyone in the room began to laugh.

There was a bit of anger on Emiony's face, but suddenly there was a flare in her eyes, so Emiony pushing John to the ground, making it fall to the hard floor

Emiony putting her hands on her waist and pulling out her chest. She said:

"I am not Peach, I am Princess Blue Zelda and you will all be my slaves."

Then happened that John on the floor smile to Emiony, while applauded he said:

"Yes my Lord!"

She greeting all with a smile and holding a invesible dress, greeting to all. All on the shop applauded, while she returning to her chair.

Leon hu thought: "this trio are one of the more bright and full of spirit that and seen in a while".

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