《NiceOneNoMicroSon》Neon chainsaw massacre


There were alternatives to being a sniper. Especially at night another form of killer was an attractive job. What if one could move around and thus stay warm at night?

What if one could see due to not having to be stealthy?

You already guessed it.

Ben was wearing his neon rgb suit, listening to hard metal (a particularly tasteless metal variation) whilst keeping his chainsaw ready for any loiterers. The suit was necessary to warn any sniper that he was not a loiterer, but a chainsaw killer - beside that it also worked as a hydrophobic cloak to keep him dry when sawing apart loiterers.

His face was hidden behind a hockey mask, but it wasn't really something special.

Many other CKs (chainsaw killers) were out there, some of them with, some without masks.

Getting close and personal to a loiterer was his motto, but in his heart he was a good family man keeping the streets clean. That were one of the downsides of the job also.

Cleaning would be up to him, he had beside the chainsaw also some bodybags with him and the disposal of the parts would be his job. The metal was only there to distract him from his own toughts about his relationship to his victims. Ben had been doing this for ten years and was well accustomed to his custom made lightweight chainsaw. The motor could start up really quick upon pulling the trigger and would be compareably quiet to not disturb the citizens whilst he would first cut off the head in order to preserve the relative silence.

He would remove his hand from the trigger and get out his meat cleaver and then a body bag. Cleaning up the rest of the mess would be dealt by the sunrise patrol, a bit more efficient than carrying some soap water around - the chainsaw and cleaver alone were enough weight already. Ben truly respected the snipers, but he would never become one of them, he needed his exercise. Sitting around on a rooftop was nothing for Ben.


That really shows the difference in attitude towards life in general. Ben had a family and a fulfilling job, whilst Randy was a lonely sad man. You really see the difference in life quality between a man who does physical exercise instead of sitting all day in his job.

Ben saw a shadow moving in an alley and started jogging, his rgb pulsing to the beat of the song 'Ripping Sick Blades - Tears of Acid'. The annoying bugger was quick.

Ben knew that taking it slow and getting faster would only work to him getting tired out, so he broke up into a sprint, reaching his highest speed in extremely short time.

With a quick swing he decapitated the child and smiled - another one down, soon he would have made his quota. Well and now the cleaning action, if the running after people was his favorite part, this was his least favorite.

Bobby on the other hand had frozen still, viewing Ben dismantle a fellow child just around the corner. The snipers hadn't fazed him at the speed he was moving, but this man would be a problem. Looting was way harder than initially thought.

Snipers, rgb CKs, what next - maybe a goddamn invisible ninja? The streets were so dangerous that Bobby questioned how he got home safely that one time when he stole from Robert, it probably had been pure Luck.

Could he defeat the CK? Probably he would be killed and the man would have a lucky double kill. Sneaking past the man? Sure, but his very existence meant he would have to watch out even more. Nothing good he could do beside that though.

Well the other kid had been noticed because she tried to sneak away, so maybe he could just stay here and hope that the CK would go a different way and then he could move - carefully.


Suddenly a brick wielding homeless man walked into the alley, throwing the brick at the CK.

The brick hit Ben, but he also wore a tactical helmet (with a completely unnecessary pointy bit on top) additional to his hockey mask, so he was only stunned instead of dead.

The homeless man picked up another brick and threw it at the stunned man, knocking him unconcious. The homeless man got another brick and kept stoning the CK.

Greedily the murderhobo went to steal from the dead CK, but then was hit by Bobby with one of his bricks, knocking him out. Bobby continued hitting until the brainfluids leaked onto the bloody scene. What a lucky coincidence. Bobby looked around in case anyone else wanted to get the drop on him while looting and spotted a blurry silhouette.

Quickly he took the chainsaw to block the katana of the invisible ninja. Bobby pressed the trigger of the chainsaw and sawed the katana in halves - that's a lotta damage.

The ninja had jumped from his optical camouflage, and was surprised by the quick reaction of the child. With terror he saw the child running towards him with the chainsaw humming quietly. Guts spread over the overly gory scene. In midst of it Bobby the 12 year old child.

It smelt like shit and blood and the details of the shitshow was illuminated by the still rythmically pulsing rgb suit. Bobby ran behind cover as the first sniper began to take pot shots at the alley. Apparently Randy didn't really have the worst job. Remember what I said about some jobs having obvious differences? What good is a happy family life if you died to a 12 year old ganging up with a homeless man?

Anyway Bobby had enough of all these attempts on his life. Those pizzas better be worth it.

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