《NiceOneNoMicroSon》A memorable birthday


Bobby Wight was the son of Bill Wight and Laggad Wight.

For his 12th birthday his parents gave Bobby Wight a newly developed neural implant called 'MicroSon', developed by the prestigeous company 'Robert's Experimental Science and Repair Service'. Its advantages were, that it was affordable and there was a guarantee for a lifetime, plus a coupon for their favorite pizza place.

They decided that it was time for young Bobby to become a neural expert as that would be a very important science in the future. There would probably be a lot of jobs for people that had experience with neural interfaces, after all it would be the future.

Of course no one drops a neural implant, a bonesaw and some aspirin into the hands of a 12 year old boy and expects them to do everything by themselves.

That is why for his 12. birthday Bobby was taken for a drive by his parents.

"Where are we going, mama?", Bobby wanted to know.

"It will be a surprise, sweety.", Laggad answered, smiling motherly.

"You will see when we are there", Bill grumbled in a rough way.

Bill always expressed very little emotion to his son in the hope it would toughen him up.

It didn't work so far, maybe he didn't do it enough. Maybe this new technology would help.

The lime colored car of the family stopped in front of a building that could use some fresh paint and a more fancy sign.

In unimpressive letters the sign unambiguously said: 'Robert's Experimental Science and Repair service*', under that it said '*opened monday-friday 10:00 - 12:00, weekends closed'.

Bill understood that technicians who had a lot to do with tech would have to work a lot on metal and electricity. Taking care of a building whilst doing so might be even detrimental.

"Are you sure that is the place, darling?", Laggad asked him.

"I am sure that the technological genius living in this place is just a very busy man, honey.", Bill grumbled. He really needed Bobby to toughen up. As a rather traditional paint and coating specialist Bill knew that one didn't come far in life without being tough against verbal abuse of his coworkers. Working very long on painting walls with disgusting smelling paint had almost made him bitter if not for Bobby and Laggad, almost. Bobby should never be not tough enough for the world.


The family approached the door and Bill pressed the doorbell button. A rather disappointing sound of a high pitched buzzing could be heard. Shortly after that one could hear a door from inside opening and a man only clothed in boxers with unwashed hair and acne opened the door and then closed it quickly.

"Shit.", the man said from indoors, after a pause he said "I'll be right back!" and one could hear a door closing, something landed on the ground breaking, a curse was uttered and then more fumbling.

"Who was the man, mama?", Bobby curiously inquired his mother, yes he somehow was not asking his father who was always gruff and rough to him for some unexplainable reason.

"Nobody, sweety. I think it was just an assistant.", the last part was directed at Bill.

"Who knows. Technology is pretty complicated and one might not have time to shower all day.", Bill answered the unspoken question.

One could hear hurried steps coming from the inside and the man opened in a scientific (!) stained labcoat. "I am Robert. Sorry for earlier, I had almost forgotten ... I mean. I had almost forgotten the MicroSon surgery today over my current calculations about the neuro-digital receptiveness - I think it improved by 2 percent after last update...", Robert stopped talking, a virtual routine of his very own implant had alarmed him of something semi-important. "I'll make space on the operating table real quick and you best leave him with me for ... an hour I think.", Robert tried to smile awkwardly - one could tell he really was trying.

Laggad threw Bill a sceptical and worried gaze, but Bill had already decided that Bobby would toughen up for his birthday. "Well mr.Robert, what about the cost? I haven't gotten a price from the newspaper.", Bill asked the most important question first.

It seemed to have cought Robert offguard as he replied " Uh, how about 50 bucks?".


Bill was taken aback by the cheap price, but quickly grabbed a 50 buck bill and put it into the hand of the undoubtly professional man. He then offered his hand to be shaken.

The greasy Robert looked at his hand holding the 50 bucks and a smile spread over his face.

Robert put the money into his lab coat and then shook the hand of Bill.

"Bobby, my son. You will get one of these new neural implants, a really new technology. It is your present. Robert here will put it into your head.", Bill didn't sound gruff at all while saying it.

Bobby was taken aback by the relevation. Usually he only got books like 'Viable 2' and 'How succeed at life' for his birthdays. Curiously he asked "What is a neural implant?", to which Robert replied "A neural implant is a device that interfaces between neural and digital devices. You can imagine it like a computer -", Bobby rudely interrupted the technician asking another question "What is a computer?" and Robert was a bit taken aback.

"Ok uh that neural implant is like a little friend that talks to you and gives you great advice, but it is all in your head.", Robert explained as primitively as possible.

Bobby went wide eyed. A friend, just for himself, when he felt lonely? For 50 bucks?

"Can I get more than one?", Bobby asked exitedly.

"Now, now. Let's not get greedy sweety.", Laggad interrupted Bobby, knowing that they couldn't afford to gift Bobby another little friend for his head.

"Oh please mama! I need no gift ever again if I can have another one.", Bobby bargains pleadingly. Laggad knew it was time to be strict, even though she loved her son.

"Only one neural implant for now Bobby. Now stop arguing so that the man can put the friend into your head.", she stated.

"I wouldn't exactly recommend getting several implants. It... I mean - 50 bucks are 50 bucks. Second one could even be 25 bucks as a discount. Plus it would be more advanced.", Robert offers. The special offer was tempting for Bill.

Two implants for the price of 75 bucks? He had already gotten a bargain with the first one, but the second one was just so much cheaper. Besides... two implants would toughen up Bobby much more than one. That was just very simple math.

"Maybe we could just make an exception for this one time. If we take the second one, do we get a second coupon for the pizza place?", Bill attempts to bargain.

"I mean it is a ... hmm ... an alright deal.", Robert mutters.

Bill hands the generous scientist the money, feeling much better about the toughening up of his son already. Robert hands him the two coupons only slightly stained with grease.

"I too like that place. Very nourishing.", Robert comments.

"But Bill...", Laggad wants to complain, but then she sees the happiness in Bobbies eyes.

What mother would not melt away at those joyful eyes?

"Ok Bobby, we will leave you with uncle Robert who will put the neural implants into your head. And we will be back in ... 2 hours?", Laggad asks Robert.

"That's correct. Bobby that's a big step in science, you are a great pioneer now. Come in and we will get those implants into your head."

With those words it was decided. Nothing would be like it was before.

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