《The LEVELER King》Book: 2 | CHAPTER 1
Sitting on a hillside across from the gaping mountain caves, Nala watched Indel’s slender frame in the moonlight.
Nala’s own pale hair boxed before her in the small breeze, contrasting to the black of Indel’s.
The naked Leveler King, a beautiful robe clenched in his hand, sauntered forward. Though he wore a scowl, no doubt displeased, Nala smiled at the sight of him.
“Country brat, when did you arrive?”
Nala gave him a smug look and waited.
In time, Indel reached her. “Did you not hear me?”
“I heard you,” Nala said, that smile still firmly in place. “But that is not my name.”
Indel flopped down beside her in the wet blue-green grass. He glanced at Nala and then at the caves. “I am surprised to see you here. I thought you would stay and tend to your festering farm.”
Nala’s smile grew. “The festering farm you visit almost daily?”
“The same.” Indel examined the robe in his hand and said, “I gave you another robe. If you refuse to change to a lower stage, then at least protect your skin.”
“I do not need your fancy robe,” Nala said, bowing her head. “I’ve survived this long without it.” She gestured to the base of the mountain and the openings there. “They look bigger this time.”
“There are seven main caves in all,” Indel said. They were silent for a moment until he muttered, “I should have brought you with me when I came here. Do not think it was my intention to leave you. And you recall...I tarried with you as long as I could bear.” He took Nala’s right hand in his. “Do you wish to come?”
Nala slipped from his grip. “Which cave is that of the king?”
When Indel didn’t answer, their eyes met.
Indel studied her. “I know it’s been some time, but...but you do not call me Mana. You can call me Mana. You know that I would not take it wrong.”
“Take it wrong?” Nala blinked at him.
She had her misgivings about the Leveler King, even now, one month in.
After their brief encounter nearly a month prior, Nala had remained at her barn; ten stage-one Levelers left to guard her. It was a foolish notion—she’d survived this long on her own. But with even the sloth gone, she hadn’t complained.
It had been overwhelming. Not only had she been forced to hide in that grave whenever she heard a noise, but for Indel to come and...seek her out. She’d been stunned—she was still stunned. What more, Indel asked nothing of her.
Like today, he would catch hold of Nala’s hand a time or two, sometimes her hair, but nothing ever came of it.
As Indel would visit her often since then, Nala found herself unable to stay away for long; even from the caves where she knew Indel would be sating himself with countless others.
When Indel stared out at the caves without answering, Nala leaned against him as she often did.
“Which cave is that of my king?” she asked again.
Indel relented. “There are seven caves in total. The openings here aren’t accurate, some lead nowhere. Inside there are seven main ones and I will visit them all. One female controls her collective. I will mate with her first, then some of her stronger charges. Then after that, fighters will come and the females can select the ones they think have the stronger hearts. Then I will visit all seven clutches.”
Nala tried to imagine it.
“I’m sure it’s not much different from Summoner mating patterns,” Indel said. “Females choose their males.”
“The fighters do not have first choice? They are stronger. Surely, they would choose the females.”
Indel studied her for some time, seemingly unable to respond. “That is not common. Might does not control all. You’ve taught me that better than the old laws. Tradition for both Leveler and Summoner alike is the female’s choice. Now because of you, I understand; despite our drive to mate, it is not like a battle. It is companionship. A female chooses. Forceful lust sounds like an Earther ideal.”
Nala lowered her gaze.
“This is also to help with fighters new to mating,” Indel continued. “More experienced females can see to them so that they won’t hurt themselves in the heat of the moment. Or if an eager male with experience becomes impatient.”
A small smile formed on Indel’s face and Nala gasped. They both laughed, remembering their first time in that barn and the vigor with which Indel had released his seed down Nala’s throat.
“Forgive me my folly, my king. I had not timed it well.”
Indel’s smile grew. “I was too impatient. The fault was mine.” He let out a small sigh. “I’d hoped that I had helped you reach this third stage but maybe I am wrong. Now, it’s the proper season yet the mating spells don’t take you.”
Nala had no response to give. She braced herself back on her hands and took on a more comfortable posture. This time when Indel put his hand atop Nala’s, she didn’t pull away.
“I am glad you have come,” Indel said. “You feel like home.” When he stood, he allowed the robe to cascade. “Come now, miserable Summoner. Don’t be stubborn. If you plan to travel home in this weak stage, take my covering.”
The fabric of the robe alone was far better than any Nala had ever touched. Regardless, she shook her head.
“You will need it.”
“When the spell has ended and I’ve completed my task, my body armor will keep me safe.” Indel crouched, undid the rope around Nala’s waist, and pushed the gunny-sack robe which she wore past her shoulders. He dragged her to stand.
Nala chuckled. “You will not relent, will you?”
“You do not shun a gift,” Indel said.
It came from the finest tadat silk, left over from the Earth-man’s occupation. Smooth shimmering fabric like this was appealing to the earth eye due to its ability to appear like multiple colors as the fabric bent. Now, with the Earthers gone, very few remained. This was too good for her and she knew it.
Lydnel brought the robe over Nala’s shoulders, going so far as to tie it. “There. Now I will know you are well and fit.” He glanced back at the caves and a hungry groan left his throat. “It will be soon. Do not linger here on this mount, Summoner; a predator might snatch you up.”
“I am not all that frail,” Nala said, shoving him back. “To your work, my king. May you have a good brood.”
Indel held Nala’s face with both hands and said, “Thank you, country brat. Enjoy your wretched farm until my return. I will help you then.”
That was unlikely. “Coming to complain is little help,” Nala said, nudging him. “Your body secretes more and more. You should go.”
Despite Nala’s words, Indel didn’t move. In time, he nodded, loosened and retied the robe he gave Nala, and turned to make his way down the hill.
Nala watched on until that naked frame faded from view. She returned home before the sun came, but at dusk her legs took her to that hillside yet again.
Three nights later, her pale, blue body guarded by Indel’s robe, Nala sat there watching the caves. Just how far in Indel had gone, she wondered.
She imagined the king, the most fit of all Levelers, having as many females as he wanted.
That wasn’t worrisome. It was Indel’s duty, his purpose; he was king. And besides, Nala was sure he’d come around to visit again.
Most Summoner mating spells lasted days, weeks. Nala had to eat, so she resolved to stay just a moment more before retreating back to her home.
No sooner had she resolved to stand in the oncoming moonlight that she heard a commotion.
She held her ground, remaining seated lest anyone spy her.
One pink body emerged from the shadows of the cave, its steps unsteady from fatigue.
As it neared, Nala gasped. “Mana?”
Indel’s body glistened, his limp member still dripped, though it was shrinking down from its elongated size. Before Nala could stand, Indel fell down close, dragged Nala into his lap, buried his face in her neck, and whispered, “I like you best.”
They sat there for a time, Nala struggling to make sense of what was happening or why the Leveler King had returned. Indel appeared drunk. But this was no nectar. This was his need to mate, his desire for it, his function as a king. So why was he here and not doing his duty?
Together in their third stages, Indel was the taller of them. Nala, still unaccustomed to being so small even after all this time, took pride in offering some sort of comfort. She wrapped her arms around her Leveler King’s body.
They sat in the moonlight for only a moment more before Indel shifted.
The sour smell betrayed his state.
“Come, Mana,” Nala cautioned. “You must go back. I think your sac is not yet empty.”
Pulling her closer in his lap, Indel ignored her. The night was peaceful, the sound of the wind lulling a tranquil quiet over them.
Indel stifled a groan against Nala’s throat.
“Mana...come, you should go back.”
“I longed for you,” Indel muttered. “I cannot go back.”
In all this time, Indel hadn’t requested anything physical between the two of them. Nala kept to the farm. Now with the wars over, she could tend to it again. Day to day, Indel came by to complain about the garden’s poor condition.
He never asked for a lay; he never asked for anything.
When Indel shifted position, his stirring penis brushed against Nala’s body. That tail began to twitch. Nala finally noticed how close their faces were.
“Give me your mouth,” Indel whispered.
Nala tensed. Indel had just spent days mating. The request was less than appealing.
Still, the Leveler King hadn’t finished, and without emptying his seed entirely, the excess would poison him. Nala herself felt ill if she went too long without some sort of physical coaxing. It wasn’t just males who fell under the need for release. Indel thought she had no cravings. He didn’t know that Nala was forced to hide and coax herself now and again in order to remain in good health.
For Indel, Nala did not mind this discomfort. She understood the pain well.
Using both hands, she guided Indel up, she herself turning on her knees.
“Yes, Mana. Bring your penis to me,” Nala said.
And Indel did just that. His fingers in Nala’s hair, Indel used his right hand to heft his jutting member up.
Without hesitation, Nala took it into her mouth, leaning in to allow it to reach as far as Indel needed.
The sour taste made Nala gag for only a moment, but Indel didn’t buck more than once.
“Na’am, what is wrong?” Indel whispered.
Nala had no intention of moving. She waited for Indel to grab her hair and guide her.
Instead, Indel eased back, withdrew, and knelt.
“What is it? You do not want my penis in you?” Indel asked.
Eyes cast to the now yellowing grass below them, Nala shook her head.
“I do. It’s just....”
The brush of Indel’s fingers against her cheek sent a shiver through her.
“The taste, Mana...” Nala confessed.
Indel gave no response for some time.
Finally, he reached down to undo the binds of Nala’s robe.
“Then you must spread for me, Na’am. I’ve missed you.”
Nala held Indel back.
Their eyes met, and long forgotten feelings of regret and anguish bubbled up within her.
Cycles ago after their first encounter it had been agony to wake up without Indel’s complaints and vitriol. Coming home to an empty structure was dreadful. It was even worse after she’d awoken to find herself in the third stage one morning. Visions of Indel drove Nala to fondled her breasts for hours until she finally gave in and coaxed herself, finding rapture on her bed of hay.
That had been the end of it. It was only now, after having the real Indel back in her life that the cravings didn’t come so strongly.
She’d feared Indel would request a lay and realize just how well-versed she’d become in reaching completion alone for pleasure. And she’d felt slighted when Indel made no request at all.
Now here, on this hillside, in the open moonlight, Indel finally sought that from her.
Nala struggled to answer.
Indel eased away. “Oh Na’am, have I hurt you? If you do not want my member—”
“Yes, I want it. I want it deeply, but not here.” Nala’s skin began to secrete in anticipation. She cursed her weakness. “Mana, let us return home—to my own home.” Nala brushed Indel’s black hair back, the very thought lighting a fire in her gut. “I’ll spread for you again and again there.”
She expected a fast response, but Indel only hung his head, his voice shaky.
“I cannot travel that distance unguarded.” He sat back finally. “I wish to partake now.”
Partaking out in the open wasn’t something Nala found appealing.
“Then you should return to the caves and answer your lust there,” Nala said at length.
Indel stared at her, his gray eyes somber.
“No,” Indel said. “Forgive me, Na’am. I will go wherever you request it. Only don’t send me back without you. I will travel if that is the only way.”
Nala’s body ached. In time she would find it difficult to even stand in this stage, much like Indel when they first met. Indel trembled and Nala understood. Whatever she might have felt, the Leveler King, the most potent of the maters, felt it two-fold.
“Oh, Mana. Are you in pain?”
Indel gave no answer beyond a somber smile. He looked agreeable, ready to stand, despite his agony, and follow.
The vision of their travel troubled Nala greatly, as it would be no easy task with a slow-moving Leveler.
“Come, Mana,” Nala said, opening the robe as she lay back. “Come let me coax you in my way.”
His pace slow yet determined, Indel crawled atop her. Nala meant to bring their bodies to touch. It would be difficult to coax Indel’s member barehanded, though she wanted to try. Perhaps then she could swallow him down at his very release, sparing herself the taste of others while easing his ache for a time.
Indel misunderstood because he pushed Nala’s legs up, held the soft flesh of his member, and pressed it against Nala’s tear.
He waited a moment, but Nala didn’t protest. She longed for this again—maybe not outside here, but there was not much of a choice.
Nala gave a nod, groaning when Indel’s penis grew longer. The very tip parted her, then the fat nob. The flesh on the base of Indel’s shaft was loose, but the core was stiff and lovely.
Indel pushed into her, and Nala, eager for the Leveler King to situate himself, leaned back, hoping to give her Mana better access.
Without thinking, Nala used her third fingers to pull the skin of her opening apart, a pleasing discovery she’d made some time ago.
Clear liquid seeped from the top usually, today’s plentiful secretions were no doubt brought on by Indel’s pulsating member inside her.
Nala gave off a gasp as the secretion shot forward, it required both hands to keep the tear, Indel parted her by, apart. Having him snugly inside her made the sensation last longer. The force needed to coax Indel fully couldn’t easily be achieved by hand alone. Considering that she needed both third fingers for herself, Nala conclude this was something similar with her physiology. Simultaneous stimulation was best. The liquid that dripped out of her at climax was a minuscule amount compared to Indel and his seed but it came with pleasure—and she could do it more than once in one sitting.
Maybe Nala was too loud, too eager, but Indel stopped.
“Na’am. What are you doing?” Indel gasped.
The tip of her claws slipping in and out of her slick slit along with Indel’s member, Nala remembered herself and paused.
Indel stared down at her, shock written on his face.
“What is it you do?” Indel asked.
Nala’s body warmed. At least she hadn’t doubled over and flicked herself with her tongues.
Shame stole Nala’s response. She’d be forever grateful when Indel leaned in and touched foreheads with her, whispering, “Do it again. You look so fetching and eager.”
Indel arched his lithe body until his tongues brushed that very claws, then the slit his penis snugly parted. He could only manage it a moment before he was forced to take on a more comfortable position. Hands on the ground, Indel bucked into her.
“Do it again, Na’am. Coax yourself so that I can see it Is that what you were doing?”
Nala stared back at him, cautious but enticed. “You do not mind it, Mana?”
Indel’s hair draped before him when he shook his head. “It surprised me. It still surprises me, but you look lovely when you do it. I hope it’s not because my member does not sate you.”
“No. That is not it at all,” Nala assured him.
At first with a curious expression, Indel slowed in his thrusts as he asked, “Can you mouth your opening yourself? You seem very eager.”
Nala didn’t answer.
Indel waited a moment more before leaning in to her. “What have I said, Na’am?”
At their gentle rhythm, Nala leaned back. Indel seemed ready to forget the joke but Nala said, “I can mouth the tear myself. I can mouth it very well. My body bends easily now.”
A growl in the back of her throat, Nala slipped her third fingers in along with Indel’s slick member as her king’s thrusts started long yet ended with a sharp jab again and again.
“Oh Mana,” Nala moaned. “Mana, I’ve missed you.”
No more sound came from Indel as the mating spell took him. Nala was aware of the Leveler King’s ministrations, but Indel gave no verbal response.
“This way. He’s over this way!” someone called.
Nala tried to listen to the sound of heavy footsteps over the low screech coming from Indel reaching his peek.
“This way. He’s....”
And then there was silence. Nala hid herself under Indel, using her hands to slow the ramming of the Leveler’s hips. It was ill-advised because the pause came with a thundering shout as Indel arched back.
Warm liquid gushed inside Nala, again and again. There seemed no end to it as Indel continued to empty his sac.
“Stop them!” someone yelled finally. “He’s wasting it on a Summoner! Pull them apart.”
“I cannot. I think he’s in to the hilt. The base is too fat until he’s done.”
And there Nala lay, arms across her chests to guard her four breasts, flattered by Indel’s continued appreciation of her, yet troubled by the audience.
When Indel was finished, collapsing on her, Nala brought their foreheads to touch.
“Mana. You’ve wasted your seed on me. Any brood I give you will be weak.”
“It’s not a waste,” Indel muttered. “I like you best. It’s not a waste. Na’am, it’s not a waste.”
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