《The Bracelet I Got Was More Than I Bargained For》Chapter 5: What of the Winged?
The next morning the spider kin began to escort the group to the pass. Andrew felt the whole thing to be sort of anti-climatic. They didn't even see the chief again and their escorts did not attempt to even talk to them. Even so, Andrew couldn't feel at ease for the next half-day it took to get there. He guessed it wouldn't matter how long he stayed with the spider kin he would never feel comfortable and he could tell Shimeirin felt the same. Even Insu looked like he wasn't comfortable and Andrew had to wonder if everyone else treated the Spider Kin this way. "They didn't eat us!" Insu celebrated after the spider kin let them loose at the mouth of a very narrow canyon. "Spider kin don't eat other Kin," Rah'asu said with a hint of relief in her voice. "But did you see their eyes. I felt like those eyes were the eyes of a predator that found its meal." Insu put his hands over his face like claws and hissed. "You DO look pretty tasty." Andrew thought about all the rabbits they had eaten. "You do." Rah'asu approached Insu and began licking her lips. "And we haven't been eating well lately..." Insu laughed. "Wouldn't get much meat off of me right now." It has been only a day but Shimeirin missed this. Shimeirin sighed a happy sigh. Me too. Andrew hoped the rest of the trip was uneventful, no more giant spiders either. Shimeirin's home is on the other side. Shimeirin felt worry, anticipation, and longing. Shimeirin is not sure Shimeirin wants to go to Melche's temple again. Andrew thought back to the dream last night. He had always enjoyed the dreams Shimeirin shared with him and he knew that if he could fly like she had, he would have done the same. He still hadn't seen her home city but could still see many of the details of the temple in his head. It only added to the anticipation for reaching it. He doubted there would be anything there that would help him return to Earth, but seeing Shimeirin's home was actually what he wanted to do more now. I'm looking forward to seeing your home. Shimeirin... Shimeirin was overcome with doubt and sadness. Shimeirin wouldn't be surprised if no one is there anymore. They are all probably like Shimeirin now or worse. Andrew wondered what had happened. He felt it wasn't a subject he should touch on very long so decided to let her tell him when she felt like it. "He's talking to... uh, what was the name?" Insu was staring at Andrew. "Who?" Rah'asu said. "It was the bracelet?" Insu leaned over and got a closer look at it. Tell Insu Shimeirin says hi. Shimeirin commanded. Andrew smiled. I'm going to tease him. Tell Insu Shimeirin says hi. "You know bracelets can't talk." Andrew would not miss the opportunity. "Did the spiders hurt your head?" Rah'asu joined in. Mnf! Shimeirin's expected reaction. Andrew stumbled forward as something hit the side of his head. "Ouch!" Ouch! "Ouch!" Andrew looked around to see where the rock had come from and saw that Rah'asu had been hit. "Some dirt picked itself off the ground and hit you two!" Insu said and was looking around as well. It had happened at the same time as Shimeirin's outburst. "It was Shimeirin." Andrew didn't want the others to worry if they were under attack. "Shimeirin!" Insu perked up. "That's what the name was! It was Shimeirin!" Spoilsport. Andrew had found the outburst kind of cute. It's not fair. I want to talk to him too. Shimeirin became amused. And tease him. I knew I liked you. Shimeirin became embarrassed. "He's talking to Shimeirin again." Insu's face was nearly next to Shimeirin. "Hello. Can you hear me? I'm Insu." Tell him Shimeirin says hi. Shimeirin was extremely happy. Andrew decided he didn't want any more rocks to the head. "Shimeirin says hi." "Nice to meet you! You should have told me you were here earlier! I always love meeting someone new." Insu was practically shouting at the bracelet. Should we tell him you hear what I hear so he stops yelling at my arm? Andrew hoped Shimeirin would play along. No. Shimeirin wants to see how long it takes him to realize. Shimeirin felt a bit guilty. This is Insu. Andrew wasn't even sure if Rah'asu knew how Shimeirin worked. You're right. "You don't need to yell," Rah'asu grumbled but looked like she was enjoying the scene. "Where are you from?" Insu was still shouting. Can you make something up for Shimeirin? Shimeirin is not sure Shimeirin wants anyone else to find out. Shimeirin was feeling uncertain. "The US. She was made in the US." Andrew couldn't think of anything creative. "And please stop shouting. Shimeirin can hear you just fine." "I've never heard of the US." Insu smiled. "Is it far from here?" "It's where I'm from." Andrew was pretty sure he had mentioned it to Insu before. "Really?" Insu thought. "Oh, right." Shimeirin guesses that makes us neighbors? Shimeirin seemed to enjoy the thought. I'm not sure how big Nael is but chances are my home country is just as big if not bigger. Andrew wondered how big Nael was. Shimeirin doesn't know how big Nael is either. None of Shimeirin's people left much. Shimeirin became curious as well. "Do you need to eat Shimeirin?" Insu had already started asking silly questions. A sudden scream rang through the canyon. Andrew, Shimeirin, and Insu were all scared by the noise and by the time they had recovered they heard a different noise. Something was tumbling down the canyon wall. It didn't take long to see that Rah'asu was hurrying ahead. Not knowing what was going on they followed. "Woooh!" Came Rah'asu's mix of wolf howl and shout for joy. "Andrew and the noisy one, come look what I killed." It was a mountain goat! "I always knew you were my favorite Wolf Kin!" Insu yelled as ran up to the kill. "Glad one of us can hunt." Andrew was thankful for such a good companion. Shimeirin wonders if it tastes better than the rabbits we've been eating. Shimeirin was still uncomfortable at the sight of a kill but wasn't as put off by it as she had at the beginning. Wait, you can taste what I eat? You haven't mentioned that before. Andrew wasn't sure how to feel about all the senses he was probably sharing with her and remember she had reacted with pain from the rock earlier. And feel my pain? Yes... And smell, and touch, and hunger, and... and... when you need to do your... well... poop and pee. Shimeirin was feeling very uncomfortable. Wait... Shimeirin was a girl. All the times he had... done his business she had seen. Now Andrew was embarrassed. He probably wouldn't have mentioned it either. I'm sorry. Shimeirin never knew boys looked like that down there. Shimeirin was very uncomfortable. Andrew wondered how old Shimeirin was before she became a bracelet. She was at least a few years into puberty but he hadn't gotten a good look at her during the dream so she could be much older, though teenager was his best guess. How old were you when you became like this? He hoped she wasn't shy about her age. Shimeirin was twenty years old. It was last spring when Shimeirin became like this and is almost Fall now so only a few months. Shimeirin was uncertain but not too much. Andrew thought back to one of his many conversations over the past month. Hadn't Rah'asu told him there were only about two hundred and ninety-something days in a year on Calorin? Andrew didn't feel like doing math at the moment. "Gonna help me with this?" Insu had pulled out the sharp rock he had been using to skin rabbits. "Sure." Andrew hoped there was a nearby spring so he could wash his hands later. *** Two days later they exited the canyon. Rah'asu and Insu had been busy the whole time. "I don't think we should have killed all the goats we saw." Andrew looked behind them to the canyon they had just left. "We needed food." Rah'asu had just finished vomiting. "Says the one who ate too much food and got sick." Andrew shook his head. "I didn't get sick and I ate the most!" Insu looked smug. It only made him look more sinister considering he was wearing several goat skins and there hadn't been enough water in the canyon to wash blood from butchering. I hope we find water soon. Shimeirin sighed at the look. I wonder if I can convince him to get rid of those skins. Andrew didn't want to remember the past two days in the canyon. How many goats had Rah'asu killed? "Let's go find some water." Andrew turned to the scenery ahead of him. He still couldn't see a valley from here but was sure it wouldn't be long until he could see Shimeirin's home. "Yeah, it's been a couple hours since we saw any water, let alone clean water," Rah'asu said and surveyed the area. "And Insu needs a bath." Andrew glanced back at the rabbit. "Me too." "Yeah, this dried blood is making me itchy." Insu scraped off a bit of dried blood. "Could be the flies," Rah'asu said as she headed down the path. "At least get rid of the skins. You look horrendous with them on." Andrew began to follow Insu. "It felt like a waste to leave them there." Insu began to follow. "That doesn't mean you have to wear them," Rah'asu said. "I guess... but wearing them is easier than carrying them." Insu tugged at a skin on his right shoulder. And he stinks. Don't go near him until he cleans himself. Shimeirin felt disgusted. "You stink Insu." Andrew relayed. "Until you clean yourself please stay on the other side of the path." "Fine." Insu hopped ahead in search of water. "We should abandon him," Rah'asu said when Insu disappeared around a turn ahead. "Good luck," Andrew said. He was sure Rah'asu was mostly serious about it. Shimeirin can see why Rah'asu wants to leave Insu. Shimeirin gets tired more now that he talks to me. Shimeirin felt guilty but was telling the truth. I know what you mean, but it keeps me distracted. Andrew wondered if Insu would stay with them once they encountered more extroverted people like he was. "Hurry!" Insu called from ahead. Andrew and Rah'asu looked at each other than jogged to catch up. It was the valley, and from here in the mountains, they could see most of it. It stretched to either side as far as Andrew could see and in the distance to the north; he saw the ocean. Next to the ocean he saw Shimeirin's city and just between them and the city was a building. Melche's temple. Shimeirin's emotions flooded Andrew. Excitement, nostalgia, longing, loneliness, fear, and reluctance. Shimeirin is home. I can't wait to see it. Andrew wondered what was waiting for them. Shimeirin misses Shimeirin's aunt. As soon as we visit the temple we will go look for her. Andrew felt unease. If she is still there... Shimeirin was still hiding something. He wished the dream had included what happened at the temple. "I see a stream over there," Rah'asu said and began heading west. Thankfully the stream wasn't far. It wasn't big enough to take a bath in but they were easily able to wash. The cold water was refreshing, albeit cold. Insu's goat skins disappeared mysteriously while he was cleaning himself in the water. When they had gotten their fill of water and washed themselves they followed the stream down the mountain and were nearly to the bottom when they stopped for the night. The next day they set off with vigor. Their destination was close and by the time it was late afternoon they reached the temple. It's the Bell. Shimeirin said when Andrew scanned the building. Everything is exactly like your dream. So strange seeing it with my own eyes. Shimeirin has seen some of your dreams too. Where you lived. Your friends. I thought you might have. Your world is so interesting yet so sad. So many wonderful things Shimeirin has never seen before. "I don't see anyone outside," Rah'asu said and began to approach the building. The entrance is on the east side. Shimeirin said. "The entrance is on the east," Andrew said and began walking. Rah'asu looked at him for a moment but headed to the east side. "I'm so excited!" Insu hopped in place. "I have never seen a building like this before! To think something this big could be made of stone!" Andrew thought of the pyramids in Egypt. "If you ever come to my home, I'll have to take you to see the pyramids." "These 'pyramids'are big?" "I haven't seen them in person, but I think some blocks are much taller than I am." Andrew wasn't sure. "Ooh. Please." Shimeirin wants to see them too. With Andrew, Rah'asu, and Insu. "I would love to take all of us, though you would have to stay in person form." Andrew would love to see everyone react to a giant rabbit. Rah'asu on the other hand. "Andrew. Insu." Rah'asu had stopped next to the temple. "Coming!" Insu hopped over to meet Rah'asu. Andrew followed. "How did you know the entrance was on this side?" Rah'asu asked when Andrew came to a stop next to her. Should I tell them? Andrew wasn't sure if Shimeirin wanted to tell them too much about her. Yes. Shimeirin trusts them. "Shimeirin told me. She used to live in the city here." Andrew hoped they forgot he told them she was made on earth. "Shimeirin was made by the winged kin?" Rah'asu was a bit shocked. "Wow! I would love to meet whoever made Shimeirin." Insu said as he looked to the city then back at Shimeirin. "Let's go inside," Andrew said, relieved no one brought up his lie about Shimeirin being made in the US. "We can do that later." The group pushed open the large wooden door and entered. The room they entered was the ceremonial chamber and it was remarkably empty. The room was spacious and had places that lined the back wall to about halfway up the sides of the room near the ceiling. They were big enough for someone to sit. There were no chairs in the room. The walls were covered in purple tapestries. The front of the room was raised but otherwise plain. There was no furniture. "I thought there would be more in here," Insu said and hopped to the middle of the room. Andrew followed Insu, but his attention was to the spot he suspected Shimeirin had gone to hide. It was near the tall ceiling and he couldn't see inside it very well. Perfect for hiding and spying. Shimeirin doesn't like it here. Shimeirin's discomfort was strong. I will make this quick. Andrew headed towards a door on the south side of the chamber. It was the door to the priest's chamber. Before Andrew had reached the door, it opened. "Hello..." A tall, gangly man stepped through the door. The man was built like the other Calorinites he had seen and was tall, with long, thin arms and legs and narrow body. His long brown hair was tied behind his head and went to his just past his shoulders. His eyes were brown and his round face showed a man in his late forties, Earth years. He was wearing a robe the same color of purple as the tapestries and wore no shoes. He had a purple choker around his neck. "Hello!" Insu said and hopped towards the priest. The man studied the three of them. He looked to Andrew with surprise and studied him much longer than the other two. "A Terran?" "I think that's what I'm called here," Andrew replied. Do you recognize him Shimeirin? No. The last priest was a Winged Kin. "Hmm, I had heard all Terran's had white hair and pale skin." The priest studied Andrew's hair. "Really? I hope my hair doesn't turn white and I like the tan I've gotten." Andrew grabbed his bangs. He hadn't had a haircut in a while and they were starting to get into his eyes. Insu hopped to Andrew and studied his hair too. "I wonder what you would look like with white hair." The priest looked to Insu, then to Rah'asu. "A rabbit kin and..." He looked to Rah'asu, "Wolf Kin? I heard I might see some animal kin here, but you are the first I have seen since I arrived here last month." "What happened to the last priest?" Andrew asked. His heart started beating faster. He hoped he would get some answers. “They told me the previous priest had new duties and I was to guard this temple for a while. Even all of the Winged Kin went somewhere. Their whole city is just sitting there abandoned." The priest rubbed his chin and became lost in thought. They're all gone. Andrew felt sad at the news. Shimeirin thought so. Everyone was here that day. Shimeirin still felt sorrow at the news. What do you want to do? Andrew wanted to search the city himself but wasn't sure he wanted to expose her to the sight of a lifeless city. Shimeirin doesn't want to think about it right now. "Where'd they all go?" Insu asked. The priest shook his head. "It looks like everyone left on their own. No signs of attack or haste. From what I can tell they didn't take anything with them either." "Strange," Rah'asu said. She looked at Andrew, "Does Shimeirin know anything?" "Shimeirin's last memories were that there was a ceremony being held here and they required all the Winged Kin to attend," Andrew said. "Hmm," Rah'asu took another look around the chamber, "I know little about the Winged Kin but I'm not aware of any ceremonies requiring every individual to attend." "Yes, it is not the norm for Melche's ceremonies to require anyone to attend. Nael is a special place to my Lady so I suspect things do not follow the same practices here as elsewhere." The priest said. "Special?" Andrew was always curious to hear more about Calorin. "Well, let's just say that the various kin populating here are not found anywhere else." The priest looked just as interested in the topic as Andrew. "Does it have anything to do with the Barrier I've heard about?" Andrew was getting excited to finally learn some details about Nael and Calorin as his companions were remarkably uninformed. "Ooh, I want to know too!" Insu hopped excitedly. "Unfortunately, that is not something I am too familiar with, but it assuredly is Lady Melche that placed the barrier around Nael and, as far as I know, only Deity and the Servants of Deity can pass through it." The priest shrugged. "Are you a Servant!" Insu leaned forward to get a better look at the man. "No, but I was brought here by one." The priest took a step back from Insu. "Is he still here?" Insu took a step forward. "No." The priest took another step back. "Insu. Give the man some room." Rah'asu sighed. "Oh, sorry." Insu jumped back and scratched the back of his head. Poor man. Shimeirin was feeling better after seeing more Insu awkwardness. I'm sure Insu's breath doesn't help any. Andrew had become all too familiar with the scent. He wondered if his was as bad, there weren't toothbrushes here after all. Rah'asu's is worse. Shimeirin spoke the truth. "So," the priest looked like he wanted to change the subject, "I believe we have yet to introduce ourselves. I am Edic, Priest of Melche." "I'm Insu." Insu sat on his haunches, "The angry wolf is Rah'asu and he is Andrew." The priest looked at the three of them in turn. "A pleasure to meet you. It's been months since I have seen anyone and you are a welcome sight." "I think the scary spiders stop people from coming here." Insu shivered. "Spiders?" The priest tilted his head to the side. "The spider kin live on the other side of the mountain. I don't think anyone wants to go by them." Insu smiled. "Spider kin? I am curious but not sure if I want to see giant spiders." The priest looked like he was imagining what they looked like. Shimeirin doesn't want to see the spiders again. Shimeirin shivered at the memory. It's the eyes and fangs. Andrew shivered too. And the hair. Shimeirin shivered again. "Forgive me Lord Edic, but we would like to request several things." Rah'asu was looking a bit impatient. "Oh, yes, I am happy to hear any requests should they be reasonable." Edic turned to Rah'asu. "We would appreciate food and shelter first and foremost. We have traveled far and anything you can spare would be welcome." Rah'asu bowed to the priest. "I can certainly arrange the food as the storeroom here is well stocked, but I will have to ask you to sleep on the floor in this chamber." Edic took another look at them. "I do have extra bedding. You don't look like you have much so I will let you keep them." "Thank you." Rah'asu bowed again. Andrew bowed in gratitude as well. Insu hopped to Edic and hugged him. "Thank you!" Edic struggled to free himself from the giant rabbit for a moment but soon gave up. "Insu..." Rah'asu growled. "Ah, sorry." Insu let go of Edic. "Um, it is OK." Edic stepped back from Insu. He then turned to Rah'asu, "Is there anything else you need?" "Yes," Rah'asu said. "We would like to send Andrew back to Terra. Terrans do not have a good reputation here and some of the kin will likely try to kill him if they find him." Edic turned to Andrew. "You want to return to Terra? A Deity or higher ranking Servant might be able to do it, but I am afraid I do not have the rank to make such a request on your behalf. Though, if you wait here for another month and a half, when a servant will arrive to take me home, I will ask to let them hear your request." Andrew, Insu, and Rah'asu looked at each other and celebrated. Insu jumped up and down and Andrew even joined him. "I'll go with you," Insu said. "You have rabbits on Terra so I'm sure no one will notice." Andrew laughed. "Only if you can shrink yourself, or stay in your human form..." Andrew remembered how different humans looked on Calorin. "On second thought, I think you'll get unwanted attention as rabbit or human." "Oh, they'll love me over there!" Insu hopped. "At petting zoos." "What's a petting zoo?" "A place children go to pet animals." "Oh, that sounds like a great place." Insu's stomach growled. "I will go get some food." Edic smiled and shook his head. "I hope you like preserved food, I haven't been able to harvest much from my garden yet." "That will be fine, thank you." Rah'asu bowed. "As long as it isn't more rabbit." Insu bobbed from side to side. "I want to try something different for once." Edic looked at Insu. "A rabbit eating rabbit..." He shook his head and left the chamber. "I guess we're staying here for a while," Andrew said when the door closed behind Edic. "Yes." Rah'asu agreed. "But we should help provide our own food and find a good place to stay." Can we go to Shimeirin's house? Shimeirin felt uncertain. "I'm going to explore the city," Andrew said. "There might be a place we can stay or things we can use." "Yes, I was thinking of that too," Rah'asu said. "I want to explore every inch of it." Insu nodded. The three talked about the city and how to get food until Edic returned with food and bedding. "I don't feel hungry for once!" Insu said as he laid down on his bedding. Rah'asu had already laid down and looked the most content Andrew had seen her since they left the Wolf Kin village. Andrew laid down himself and snuggled under the thin blanket he had been given. It's so nice having a blanket again. Yes. Shimeirin was still a little anxious, but with help from the blanket, it was fading. *** Shimeirin woke up. She was laying in the hole in the wall between the priest's chambers and the ceremonial chamber. When had she got here? Oh, she had hidden here to get a better spot to watch the ceremony. She realized she had fallen asleep and that the ceremony had already started. Shimeirin turned to look into the ceremonial chamber, but something in the priest's chamber caught her attention. She moved to get a better look and saw that there was a group of thirty or forty standing in a circle. It didn't take her long to see that they were all high ranking members of the city. Except for a strange, non-winged man that stood in the center. Shimeirin had never seen someone like him before. His proportions were all stretched out, making him taller than all the others though much more fragile looking. He was wearing a white robe. The strangest thing of all was that he was glowing. The glow was spreading to those around him. The man looked straight up to Shimeirin and smiled. Despite this, he did nothing to alert the others, all of whom had their eyes closed. The two stared at each other for a minute and only stopped once Shimeirin realized that the glow had reached her as well and soon she too was glowing. Shimeirin turned to escape but soon saw a similar glow from the other room as well. What was going on? It didn't feel right. She knew that the light coming from the other room was different than the one that had found those in the priest's chamber. It made her feel sick just looking at it so she began to back away from it. She could feel the different lights tugging at her, both wanting her. She didn't want the one from the ceremonial chamber; it wanted her to take from her. The other light, she wasn't sure. Shimeirin turned back to the priest's chamber. The man was still watching her, "What choice will you make?" He said. Shimeirin was too terrified to speak. "Will you provide or receive the gift?" The man said. Despite her fear, she moved towards the man. Whatever the other light was, it terrified her. This one felt wrong, but it felt safer, more inviting. The people standing closest to the man turned into pure light and soon more light flooded past Shimeirin from the ceremonial chamber and began to merge with what once was a person. Shimeirin didn't have to look to know that it was the people in the ceremonial chamber that were now flooding past her. Soon some large rings began to float in front of the once people, now lights, and were then engulfed. The rings soon began to take on various colors, before settling on the ground. It was then that Shimeirin realized that she too was turning into light.
System Savior
System Message Hello, I am System 7 (31129758). 🙂 I am here to save you. I have already begun changing your world to make it more suitable for the coming war. I am mighty, yet I alone will not be enough. Ironically, though I am eternal, an aspect of the universe itself, all my creations are ephemeral. This is why I need your help. I need you to get strong so that one day you may fight and save your planet. It will not be easy; many will perish. But if you don't fight, you all will. So I ask you to fight. I am sorry in advance for any deaths my actions cause. But my inaction would be responsible for even more. So I act. I intervene. I change your world into something hostile and dangerous. Dangers like you have never seen, except in your darkest horrors and worst nightmares. I will aid you as much as I am able. The trials begin now. It is time for you to cultivate. It is time for you to become immortal. Only then will you have a chance against the eternal foes.
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Thousands of years ago, an alliance between the races of Idoras and the mighty dragons, saved the world from destruction. After many years of relative peace, a dark evil emerges. Aalya, a young girl from the small kingdom of Avani, meets the young Prince Alexandar. When chaos reigns on their peaceful home, Aalya and her friends gear up for an adventure that could very well determine the fate of all life in Idoras. I haven't completely fleshed out the prophecy yet but I wanted to include it because it is an important part of the story. I have decided it would be better to spend some time figuring out the world I am creating and work out all the kinks in the story. I have done a lot of editing in the first seven chapters already. For now, updating will be scarce. I will post all of part one once I am happy with what I have written. I will leave what I have up, but please let me know what you think. I do not own the image I used for the cover.
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Saitama, the hero for fun. As of the moment he stands a bored husk of his former self. The only reason he hasn't punched his way home is because the small glimpse of challenge that could come from this world."Hope there's a sale on armor."Hero! ORE O TATAERU KOE YA KASSAI NANTE HOSHIKU WA NAI SA HERO!
8 66Characters by Zodiac
Which characters are you from you favorite shows/ movies?// I don't own any of these characters.//
8 209SSBU Headcanons
At times I ponder about the characters featured in the Smash Ultimate. series. I think about their relationships between one another and how they would interact with others in certain situations. I also think about scenarios about how they would treat their love interest.-This is a book about general headcanons about the characters and XReader moments, this book is probably going to be updated daily!
8 177