《Endless War》Chapter 10



After the bloody battle with the Keukans outside the Russian base, Eagle Force says goodbye to the Russian army and wait for the helicopter that would bring them back to the Eagle headquarters.

"Where am I?" Emma suddebly woke up.

"Whoa! Calm down! You are in a helicopter and being taken back to the headquarters." Jerry said.

"But that Russian Base?" Emma asked.

"It was attacked by Keukans." Daniel said.

"What did I miss?"

"A whole war with Keukans." George said.

"A war? So you guys handled the war while your leader remained passed out? Oh god!" Emma cried.

"It's okay, Emma. You couldn't have done anything about it." Fresh said.

"So, tell me now. What happened?" Emma asked.

Daniel, George, Jerry and Fresh took turns narrating the entire battle to her. By the time they had made Emma up-to-date with everything, their journey had almost ended.

"Congratulations on your first successful mission!" Kent was waiting for them in front of the helipad with two armed bodyguards on his side.

"Is the news disclosed to the world yet?" Emma asked as they got out of the helicopter.

"Yes, that's all the news channel is talking about. They asked me so many questions. Although I didn't reveal your names to anyone. Your identity should be anonymous." Kent said. "Anyway, do you have any lead on the Keukan leader?"

"Not yet but I retrieved some files from the computers in the base." Fresh said.

Kent looked at the time on his watch. "It's almost night. You all need some rest. Two battles in a day must be enough to drain the life out of you."

As the five walked with Kent through the corridors of the base, they came across many people engrossed in work or discussing things with their companions.


"What is going on here?" Daniel asked Kent, "What work are they doing? Our suit is prepared already."

"We are trying to make more suits." Kent replied.

"More suits? How did you got so much money?" Jerry inquired.

"We are not making same suits as yours. The world governments agreed to give us some more money. We are trying to build a cheaper models of your suits. They won't be as advanced as your suits but they will certainly be better than a simple kevlar."

"You managed to make one yet?" Emma asked.

"Not yet. We are working around the clock to discover a cheaper alternative but not any success yet." Kent said, "Anyway, your old rooms are prepared again."

The elevator brought them to the topmost floor. In front of them was a corridor having five doors, each room reserved for the five soldiers of Eagle Force. It was the same room they had stayed inside during the training.

"When you wake up tomorrow, I want a full descriptions on both the battles. Sleep well till then." Kent said before disappearing behind the doors of the elevator.

"Good night, everyone." Daniel wished before entering his room and shutting the door.

Once he was inside, he wriggled the shoes out of his feet, removed his suit and the brown Eagle Force uniform underneath it and then wore a T-shirt and pyjamas which were kept inside the wardrobe before collapsing on his bed.

Before falling asleep, Daniel stared at the ceiling and then whispered to himself, "Dad, I wish you could see me now. I promise you I'll do what you weren't able to."

The breakfast was served to them inside their room only. However, Emma decided to call everyone inside her room so that they can have breakfast together.


Once they were done with their breakfast, Kent summoned them to his office while Fresh stayed behind to take a look at the files he had retrieved.

After Daniel, Emma, Jerry and George had finished narrating all the scenes of the battle, Kent made them up-to-date with all the recent wars against Keukans. Fresh interrupted them in the middle with a face full of excitement.

"What happened, Fresh? You discovered something?" Kent asked.

"Yes, I did." Fresh replied. "The best discovery ever."

"You found the location of the leader?" Kent cried.

"Alright, second best then." Fresh corrected.

"What did you find?" Kent asked.

"Till now, we all probably thought that as soon as Keukans capture someone, they brainwash them and send them for training immediately. However, after checking copies of my mails and other documents from the Keukan computer, I discovered that they don't send someone for training as soon as they are captured. They have safehouses in almost every city where the brainwashing of people are done. In every six months, the Keukans collect all the brainwashed people and send them to a massive base they have in Alaska for training. And the next such recruitment will happen in only a week. They are heavily dependent on the new recruits and if we manage to attack on this base before more recruits arrived, they will be much more weaker. Almost a million new people will be recruited to their army in just a week and we have the chance to stop it and save all of them." Fresh finished.

"It looks like our next mission will be to Alaska then." Kent said, "Although, this time, you won't go there alone but instead put in charge of an entire army."

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