《Those Feared By The Gods》Chapter 4


Batner went and looked into the basket. There he saw something he could never imagine; a child, neither dwarven nor human. It looked like what he saw long ago, it’s existence a myth.

“Fenhal!” yelled Batner, after which Fenhal ran straight to Batner after giving the order to secure the perimeter.

“Batner, what is this child? It does not look like one of us” said Fenhal.

“Quiet down!”whispered Batner. “There is a note. Read it yourself, a promise has been fulfilled, a promise from long ago.”

“What?”. Fenhal was confused, but decided to read the note before asking questions.


To My Dear Friends,

Please forgive me, for I have sinned.

Long ago, when you fought for our sakes, we abandoned you.

Long ago, when you let your blood flow for the Realm, we used you.

Long ago, when you were banished, I kept quiet.

Now, it is my time to repay at least a fraction of our debt.

My dear friends the Warriors, the Artisans, the Scientists, the United.

I bring you this tribute.

A tribute to your hard work, a tribute to your sacrifice, a tribute to your suffering.

I trust you know what this child is, for he is one of you.

I beg of you, do not abandon this realm.

I beg of you, live on.

I beg of you, raise this child, so that he may be your champion.

My dear friends, I have missed you, and will miss you, for eternity.

I shall cast my last blessing upon this realm, upon you.

Continue striking, pushing and fighting, for you shall one day return home.

Goodbye, my dear friends, may you be as solid as Rock, as fierce as Flame.

Forever in your debt,

Aán dùr vérinù


Quietly, Batner and Fenhal sat near the basket, a thick crimson tear rolling down their cheek.


The crimson tears fell onto the child, being absorbed into his skin. Suddenly, a bright and soothing light radiated from the child, basking the mountain range into it’s embrace. Everything was quiet, everything was still, as if paying respect to their Emperor. An hour, a day and even a month passed like this, after which the light slowly dimmed down, awakening those living on the mountain range. Those who stood still for a month, were neither hungry nor thirsty. Instead, they felt fulfilled.

“Oh bless the mountain king!!!!!!”

A shout resounded from the mountain range. Even the hostile and aggressive creatures paid their respects.

“So she did not forget about us…” whispered Fenhal

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