《Since I'm having an adventure, I decided to take the Quest Book for Pastime》Chapter 6: The Quest book
The bookseller’s posture straightened like a soldier, she held the book with those delicate arms as if holding a fragile commodity.
“Would like to have a Quest Book, Sir masked-man?”
The tone brimmed with hope and desire. And Haven, like there no person in front of him, just stood still and not uttered any words as if like a statue.
Silences descended between the two, giving a moment for the background noises to take over. She earnestly waited for his answer without breaking her pasted smile. Her costumer this time was special. He wore a hat and coat with aiguillette, white as snow and free of any stains, suggested he was no commoner. He wore an unseemly mask combined with faint presence and silence, giving an overall eerie… atmosphere…
She finally met the stranger she had been looking for and her heart was jumping in joy. But as time went by, no sound escaped between the both of them. If wasn’t for the cover in their faces, this would look like a staring contest.
Her heart started to race. Her pasted smile became stiffer as she held her breath while waiting for his response. She felt like talking to a ghost, but his worlds earlier reminded her he was not. Perhaps his silence would stretch on forever, she snapped and thrust the book.
“Would like to have a Quest Book, Sir masked-man?”
His masked slowly shifted to her face. He can’t see her upper face but the tone of her voice upon the consistent smile giveaway her determination. He surrendered a sigh with his head hang limply.
“I’m sorry, bookseller-san. As a philosopher, I would love to read new books. I am ashamed to say this but, I don't have money right now."
He was downcast after he failed the eager the bookseller’s expectation. But still not feeling guilty about what he had done earlier.
The bookseller was startled as if she can’t believe what she just heard.
This must be the first time she witnessed a poor nobleman or high-ranked knight up-close. Nobles fallen from nobility was not an unusual story. With a reputation to protect, people with high status struggled to keep their position up high so much that they will undermine others to become their stepping stones.
As if she remembered something, she shook her head.
“No, I'm giving this for free”
Haven’s mask hid his expression, but his voice suggested a slightly surprised tone. To this bookseller, her only way to read her current customer’s expression was from his voice.
Giving something for free to someone you had just met seems too good to be true. This clearly isn’t it a festival giveaway either. If it does, she would have forgotten him when he disappeared and try to approach the other passerby.
There must be some deeper objective here. The bookseller guessed his thoughts. After putting down the book between them, she then orated her reason.
“Allow me to tell you a brief story of a legend.”
Before the two worlds linked, a legend from Seilandia exists about how heroes became heroes.
They rose on the great predicament, held their favored weapons, and defeat the unspeakable monsters and heretical demon lords. And above all, the heroes saved those who are in need.
Is that how they became a hero? The people might say yes. But for the heroes, they would answer no. For they can't save anyone without power after all.
The generation of heroes always had a novel armament. Even the most talented blacksmith on the continent beheld the weapon with awe, nonetheless troubled with the mystery of the weapon. The craftsmanship was said to be described as a work by the hands of gods. And no hint where materials were found.
“Where have you get this weapon?” they asked. But the heroes corrected them, “not where but how?”
The heroes in the past tell their tales about the venturesome journey they struggled with. They had gone on the roads differed from each other, but they do have the same destination: The completion of a certain book.
They completed the hundred quests ordered by the book and grabbed the power they desire by their own hands.
The anchorites of the book traveled to the corners of the world, seeking brave souls to be its challenger.
“I see” Haven nodded, slightly impressed about the brief explanation of the legend.
He may be lacking some commonsense but he wasn’t dumb. No need to really work up his brain about the reason for this encounter.
He already had a hunch from the start, and her story just strengthened the answer he formulated on his mind. But for some reason, he feigned ignorance still asked anyway.
“But what does it have to do with me?”
“Heh?... uhmm…”
Does he still not understand? The bookseller startled for a moment and didn't further show it on her face.
Her costumer asked a question. It’s only appropriate to provide him what he needs. She cleared throat before blooming a smile.
The reason why she traveled across the world –it meant for this day. Her heart starts racing once again. If this goes smoothly she will expect this person to become what he had on her mind.
Her lips parted. But before she can utter a word, the lad himself took the answer right out of her mouth.
"I'm one of the challengers being called by the book, is it? And you’re an anchorite?"
She was stunned for a moment before nodding innocently like a puppy. Having spoiled her momentum, she screamed inside, why you even ask when you already knew the answer!? The
A mix of emotions flooded her nevertheless they were curbing each other.: Happiness on their encounter, astonishment on his up-close appearance, irritation on his behavior. And this time, it was anxiety.
His impassive words dissolve any sounds except the thumping her heart. She can’t see anything but the lad in front.
She traveled the world meeting new people every day. Commonly read every movement of her costumers. Different people and different races and different personalities. But this was the first time she saw this kind of customer. She can't read his thoughts and behavior. This man is too strange. But he was the person requested by the book.
Does he believe her story? Maybe he wasn't really impressed. If worst, he treated her story as a joke. But the fact he still not waking out means that he still considering the book. If he did reject, she will find another. But how long? What place? Does will she walk once again, or her legs shall be put rest?
She erased all the questions sprouting on her mind including the negative emotions.
Be patient. Put your trust in him. Trust your judgment!
She held that one string of hope. She gave up reading him now; all her all experience was useless against him. Her eyes narrowed on haven, whose attention focused solely on the book, not missing a beat on the vague time he may talk.
There’s no reason for her to lie. Her legends matched to the report of Eclipse about the heroic weapons sheltered by the Theocracy State of Holight.
Even if the truth dawned on them, The Eclipse has no right to proclaim the legend’s validity. Their job was to get information and finding the truth will be on the readers.
Thus, Haven can only assume based on the gathered data.
Is it okay?
Accepting the book is like accepting an unnecessary job. There was also the possibility that accepting a book would diverging him from the main road if gets focused too much on the quests.
But there’s the reward… If ever the legend was indeed real.
This is not a fluke... right?
Legends were created from good stories. And if the many believed in the falseness, it became the truth. As a philosopher, what he sought was the ultimate truth of things.
What he was about to do was to gamble for the truth of her story. And if an unlikely event he lost on the game, or if ever he completed it and only to find out it’s all just legends –this would certainly be of the dumbest decisions of his life.
All in all, the wrong decision means a total waste of time and effort, including all humiliation and frustrations. But on the bright side, he will learn something.
Both hemispheres of his brain were having a debate if it to accept or reject. Seemingly can't decide, he reached reach his hand on to book as if he was drawn to it. He still hasn’t seen what kind of quest was it. Maybe this will help tip the scale somehow.
I don’t sense any mystical reaction at all. It’s just a plain black book without any title. How does this book even work-!? He wondered as his hands slowly closing into the book.
No sooner than his finger made a contact than electricity run through his entire arms.
–This book forced my mana out!
Haven endured the pang which was over in an instant.
His eyes focused on the book as he wondered about his stolen mana. But he didn't miss the bookseller who smiling impressed.
His finger slowly crept at the edge. He flipped to the first page which was the flyleaf and arrive at the other which was also… blank?
But as if waiting for its owner, the blank page reveals the black hieroglyphics which was written in a language he never saw before –definitely not the alphabet used by the Sielandians nor the Neagians.
Haven flipped to other pages to check the contents of the quests only to see that it’s all… blank too? He was about to wait for the letters to come out just like earlier but the bookseller gave him a warning.
“The quest will reveal if you write your name at the blank space in the rows of characters on the second page”
Following what she said, haven produced a fountain pain from his breast pocket before writing his name in the alphabet that wasn't recorded in Seilandians and Negian's writing system either. With the name of the holder written, the unknown alphabet warped and follows the alphabet used by the holder, making all texts recognizable only by Haven.
The bookseller leaned her body slightly, trying to figure out what was the meaning of the characters he wrote. But haven, as if denying the curious lady, continued to flip the pages to view the first quest. She appalled with at a little embarrassment, but haven pays her no mind and reads his first quest.
Quest Number 1: Help someone in need.
Description: The challenger must help any 5 people who were in a desperate situation.
Desperate situation huh. Haven a stifled a smile under his mask.
He was a little desperate because of his situation, but somehow everything worked out for him because of the two helpers on his side. If can't return their favor to them, at least he can do it to someone else.
"Umm... What does it say?"
Seemingly troubled that she can’t anymore read any text in the book, she asked the new owner with head lowered with both his pointy finger hitting each other.
He slowly steered his mask to her as if asking –why would I show my quests? As if he remembered something about earlier, he gave a deep with a sigh. He hoped this will get them even. –without the other person’s knowledge though.
"It involves some desperate people needing some–
Haven sentences were completed by a wild scream of lady.
Somewhere ahead of the stalls a lady cried for help. She attracted the attention of some concerned citizens and they all sprang into action.
And a thief covertly wove through the gaps of the crowd then sprinted to haven and the bookseller direction.
The concerned citizen moved their heads with a flurry but the thief was nowhere to be found. Some people scream at some distance away from them.
The thief’s rough maneuvering – grazing the shoulders of some people on his way –made him reveal his location.
He doesn’t slow down and kicked the road as hard as he can. Several men were already on his trails. This wild goose chase continued on rows of stall until they arrive at the head of the alchemic section. Further in the middle area located the stall of the bookseller.
Amid this incident, Haven returned his gaze back to the book; unconcern of the unnecessary problem.
The bookseller’s mouth fell open. Her head swiveled back and forth: between the closing thief and to him.
Why is he not doing anything?! She grimaced while suppressing her faint shaking fist on the desk.
The candidate hero who is supposed to help the people who are in need is not responding at all. Why did the book even choose him? This was completely out of her expectation. But the book chose him for a reason. She can't do anything about it now. The recorded name cannot be removed and the book cannot be returned.
Her long journey was over. But this result is wasn't she wanted. She can only hang his head with sadness and frustration in this unsatisfactory ending.
Giving up on this useless challenger, she fixed her gazed to thief –silently praying that somehow an unfortunate accident may happen.
The thief saw the end of the rainbow. There was an alley behind the rows of the stalls. If he passed in there, then he can lose all his pursuers. He grinned as he thanked his lucky stars. But that expression was distorted immediately.
His foot hit something hard and disorienting his balance. With those unsure steps, he prompted ran harder, supporting his leaning body. But his attempt avail no result until he crashed faced-first on the solid ground. His arms sprawled forward still clasping the stolen handbag.
He received a bit of damage but not enough to be crippled, he still got some energy left. He still got the handbag and he was close to the alleyway. All he has to do was… He tried lifting his face adored of bruises and fix posture-
As if not satisfied with the unfortunate accident* of the thief, a wild large watermelon dropped straight from above–smacking his head on the clobber stone to add more bruises. The green fragments scattered on its head, together with the red juices mixing up on the bleeding forehead.
The bookseller was dumbstruck to what happened to the thief. Her prayers were just answered! She curiously looks at the sky as if there was someone above who throw that fruit.
A Critule? Does the bird drop it? That's impossible. That bird will never descend to human dwellings. Let alone picking fruit and just to drop on the thief.
She returned her gaze to haven who still not even budging an inch.
"What an unfortunate accident it is. Don't you think so, bookseller-san?"
Haven, must have felt her earnest probing, offer his comment on the incident with his mask still fixed on the book.
She jolted at his sudden words. Her body was assaulted with goosebumps after she heard something quite unbelievable.
Did he… do something?
It was easy to guess what happened based on the sounds of the surroundings. But way talk feels like he knew everything that happened even though his back was facing on the scene the entire time. Even she was watching the thief, she didn't miss the lad in front. No magic reaction was present. He did nothing except just standing still. And the thief accidentally falls before her stall. And accidentally dropped with watermelon. And accidentally guess her prayer?
Are these all accidents? But the bookseller was not convinced. Her mouth tightly pursed as she cupped her chin while pondering akin to a detective.
Just what did he do!? The question kept playing on a loop inside her head.
As she was processing what happened, the Lady together with the concerned citizens caught up. They were surprised to saw the thief lying on the floor, with head soaked with the watermelon juices and its broken pieces.
The lady steps forward to get her bag back from the thief's hand. As she does so-
A faint sound resounded on the stall. The bookseller hanging jaw was faintly shaking. Her left hand flew on her chest, with the other slowly raising to cover her mouth.
I knew it! He really did something!
Her heart was filled hope with her spirit invigorated. This challenger is not impassive as she thinks he is.
The glimmering page of the opened book records everything that haven did: and image drawn slowly depicting a scene of a thief lying on the floor with broken pieces of a sphere around his head. Below the image detailing the description of what he to fulfill the quest.
Even if she can't read the character, the glowing of the page after the lady got his bag wasn't just a mere coincidence. She broke out a smile with a streak of tears on her cheek. Her arm raised to rub her eyes under her veil. This lad in front of her is a man with many mysteries. but he was indeed willing to lend his hand. For her, this was enough.
But after a few moments, she felt something odd.
Somethings… not right…
I see…
A cold chill ran on his back with his eyes stretched open. His heart beats faster as his adrenaline spiked.
An image drew on the page with texts describing how the quest was fulfilled. The current schools of Magika cannot recreate this phenomenon. Even with the depth of his knowledge, he can’t find out the concept and mechanism behind this book. Or at least he hasn’t yet. Is there a sentry equipped on this book to record his activities? How the book with no mystical reaction bypassed his levels of detection? Is this book alive? Who’s the genius behind this? All sorts of questions swirl inside his brain.
His eyes narrowed like those bird of prey with her lips warped to an ominous grin. If it wasn’t for his mask, this bookseller might have retreated away from him.
The bookseller pursed her mouth as a colds chill tickle her spine for some reason. She didn’t know why, but her intuition tells that something was different about his silence. The fact that the challenger has yet to give his answer also adds to the pressure.
Even his name wrote down and claimed the ownership, she still wasn’t sure that this he will fulfill the quests. After all, the way he behaves showed so much uncertainty.
She had to speak up and ensure this lad will truly accept the book.
S-so… A-are you going to take it? Mister Philosopher?” Fighting the anxiety, she spoke with a shaky voice.
“I’ll take it,”
The book has proven it’s genuine. Unraveling the mysteries of the book coincides with his objective: To see the world and the mysteries yet to unfold. He can already visualize the derailed part ahead, curving back to the main road. Or rather, this was just one of the side quests the build-ups the main quest.
From the book, he shifted his head to return her earnest gaze.
“I’ll be having an adventure so I shall take this book for pastime.”
“For pastime!?”
Her voice rose on a few octaves. Haven cocked his head. He already stated his situation earlier, but it seems the bookseller forgot it.
"As I've said, I don't have money. I need to hunt down monsters to earn and afford an inn... My hand is currently full.”
“Then, I’ll be on my way, thank you for the book” Haven bowed in gratitude.
“The sun will set soon. If you leave, I believe you would be able to get back tomorrow.”
There might still a line of people outside the capital. The guards will probably cut off the line to closed gates at the appointed time. In other words, a person wouldn't get back inside if he leaves now. But Haven doesn’t need her concern.
“Thank you for your concern, but I’ll be sleeping in the wilderness tonight.”
The bookseller smiled wryly. She didn't further intrude in the lad's business. She had gone through a rollercoaster of emotions to deliver the book. And was satisfied with today's encounter with everything worked out in the end. With a lightened mood, she sends him off instead.
“Well then, farewell Sir masked-man. May the all-knowing one watches over you. Good luck with your adventurer.”
“Thanks. May you have a good sale.”
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