《Since I'm having an adventure, I decided to take the Quest Book for Pastime》Chapter 3: the adventurer's guild
Adventurer’s Guild
The union of all brave warriors that raises their shields to protect the people and vow to point their weapons to their sworn enemy, the Monsters.
Even back from the world Seiland –where otherworlders came – the fight between the two sides has long existed but with no apparent results on who are the true winners. The monster dies, then another will respawn. The same thing can be said for the adventurers. They sometimes lost their lives from the quest or retire from the job, but another will sprout anew. This endless cycle of battle might probably last forever.
Both worlds from different realm were facing the same problem. Nevertheless, this problem is what gives livelihood to the adventurer:
The people request the guild for a monster subjugation, and the guild responds by sending their capable adventurers to deal with it. In exchange, adventurers received monetary compensation from the requestors.
This simple and easy method of earning money was what attracted those who had power regardless of their status, gender, and race to become an adventurer.
After walking about half an hour, the lad found himself standing on a looming building of the adventurer’s guild. The white flag fluttered on the rooftop bearing the golden symbol of lance, sword, and staff, crossing under a shield.
Above its veranda supported by white pillars was the name "adventurer's guild" carve on the Seilandian alphabet under the carved adventurer’s symbol.
Several people trudging in and out from the huge opened doors. Different people of different races with their signature styles of battle garments, but all of them are here for the same thing –Adventure.
He nonchalantly climbs the stairs as he indulges the atmosphere of the guild. Before the entrance, he raised his arm for his trusted companion Album to land.
“Good work album”
He praised, brushing his rich white of feathers of the bird for another job well done.
While heading to the guild, the festive atmosphere of the people was still going strong to the whole main street, but there was something seems bothering him. Somethings seems to be out of place.
The philosopher’s heart is very sensitive to any dissonance from the surroundings. One of the reasons for their heads to be filled with doubt and spin their gears to satisfy any questions themselves created.
He’s sixth sense was ringing some for some reason but he doesn’t know what it is. Maybe because he was overwhelmed by his first impression of the city so he doesn’t notice it right away. He worked up his brain to find that lost idea but wasn’t so far as stopping from the road. It doesn’t take long before the light of epiphany dawned over him.
There was still no uproar or any news whatsoever about the incident.
Why hadn’t I notice of that sooner?
In the first place. Those thunderous noises of explosions should have reached the ears of those people outside the building district and smokes that rose above the buildings should already be visible around the area. But when the lad emerges on the back alley near the mains street, there’s not a single soul ever voiced about it.
His head was filled with wonder – why?
The boy let the critule roam the sky once more before casting the familiar spell [nota]. He analyzed the movements of people regarding the earlier incident to confirm his theory.
There was no doubt that the capital would be put on a high alert after some unknown individuals had made a ruin right inside their city. Regardless, this was the preferable outcome he was expecting since the household of Eclipse will be observing for now and be more careful about their next encounter. Thus, he can move freely until the commotion died down.
It’s just that the late arrival of the knights was what piques his curiosity. There were already people fleeing from their houses. There would be at least one or two civilians reported the incidents immediately to the knights. If they arrived a little sooner the fight should have stopped and damage would spread no further.
As I thought, they did something to the witness… and the late arrival of the knight was because they reported the incident themselves to the royal knights
His head hanged with a frown.
The movement around the capital was still festive as always. Except for the couple of knights who orderly formed a barricade around the area to mask the incident. Sooner or later the people will find it strange about the appearance of royal knights and the news will spread soon on the capital like wildfire. But for now, only speculations and rumor can be heard around the people.
Those assassin he fought earlier were all [expert-ranks] who undertaken harsh training and discipline. They will never abandon their standard tactic and be exposed in the open just to capture their target. Unless of course-
They erected a soundproof and illusion barriers to mask all noise and smoke of the battle. And they have done it with while I’m in the middle of their assault, focusing all my attention to them.
Thus, they manage to erect the barrier, bypassing his energy perception. And gave them a chance to fight with AOE magic inside the barrier. If they indeed do something about the residents inside the barrier, then it does explain why the people had no idea what is happening.
A perfect secret battleground for the atypical assassins who suppressed their prowess and deal with their targets with minimal effort.
What a troublesome opponents.
The boy smiled with awe under his mask, colored impressed about their feats.
But what done is done. And the curiosity was now cured. This was the best outcome he deserved.
He can review such things later since he already before the entrance of the guild.
Hmm… what was that about?
An all-girls adventurer party sneaks some glances at him. So he responded by turning his head to them. But as he does so, the girls back away a little and with utmost caution.
He cocked his head in bewilderment. Is their first time having seen a man with neat and clean clothes going inside the guild building? Rich people always tend to send their butlers or guards if ever they had an appointment with the guild. But he was not one the given. And the poor will never wear fine clothing like him.
But it seems it wasn’t just those girls.
Moving his covered eyes to his surroundings, several adventures passed by also made the very same gestures just like how the all-girls party.
Why? was the only question running on his mind. He was about to contemplate the reason behind but he immediately pushes the idea out of his head. Nothing better will happen if he just stands there thinking about unnecessary things.
Thus, he ignored all of the curios gazes and proceed inside.
The boy was greeted by bustling activity that wasn’t inferior on the main street of the building district.
Requestors filed on a line to send requests to the counter where the receptionist was taking care of the documents and other transactions. In that same counter on the other file, adventurers have carried sacks containing the dismembered parts of different monsters; showing the evidence of the monster subjugation. And another file beside it was the line of those who wanted to register as an adventurer.
Besides the adventurer’s reception area was a bar. The adventurers merrily clanked their mug to toast of another victory, drinking their fatigues away after those adventures. A dwarf drink mouthful of bear on one swig and an elf was wearing a forced smile from his excessive alcohol tolerance. And some rumbustious animal people were showing off all their feats during their earlier battle. But one thing that caught most of his attention was that topic.
“Phwah... Hey, what do you think about that barrier? Was that really a fight? you’re the one who notices that first right?” (Human)
A human asked his demon friend after chugging down his alcohol. He leaned his body to grab some answers but instead he solicited a reprimand from the female elf. This three-party adventurer was discussing that earlier commotion yet unaware from one of the perpetrators who was keenly listening to them.
"Hey keep your voice down. The people are not aware of this incident yet. The capital is in the middle of the festival. Probably they will keep it a secret for now." (Elf)
"Yeah, yeah… I know, since the knights had surrounded the area and forbid people to enter. But sooner or later, some speculation will spread. But we do have an information broker to provide us some real information. But I had never seen such a concealed barrier before. If you would have stayed silent, I wouldn't have noticed it” (Human)
"True, even I, a demon, can barely perceive that barrier. But as a warrior, I can smell the battle spirit from the inside. Theirs is no doubt that it was a fight… I hate to say this but I had a sudden goosebump from that" (demon)
“Hahaha… so even a demon, the supposed strongest race can smell fear. This is new.” (Human)
"Every being can smell fear. Whoever those people are, we must avoid them at all costs."(Demon)
The boy's eyes widen slightly and came on a momentary still.
By the standard of his country, only an adept or higher rank of philosophers can be able to detect those kinds' barriers. If it equates this to adventurer's standard or the world's standard, these are the rank A- class and S-class adventurers of the Seiland and powered people of Neagi the, paragons.
“I guess we can’t underestimate the strength of the people anymore”
He leaves those words behind and made a beeline to the queue of people who wants to register as an adventurer.
He reaches the end queue for people who wants to become adventurers.
The boys were grateful now that he's inside with a short line of people, and this place was equipped with air-conditioning equipment designed by Seilandians themselves. The transaction per each person was smooth and efficient. Totally opposite to the ones outside the gates of the capital.
As he was waiting for his turn, a man widened eyes after it accidentally glanced at the bird he was holding.
“Oi! Is that a critule!?” (human)
His sudden cry pulled the attention of the merry crowd. They voiced their astonishment as if they saw something akin to a celebrity.
“Whoa... it is indeed a critule!” (human)
“What a beautiful bird!” (catman)
“Beautiful indeed” (lizardman)
“How lucky. I never thought I’ll be seeing one up close!” (elf)
“How did it get… here….?” (human)
The brief fiery clamor was soon died down like having doused by cold water.
From the critule, their eyes slowly shifted to the person who’s holding it.
They beheld a boy wearing a white coat with an aiguillette proposing a high status of a military officer. His overall appearance had the impression of a noble. But his eerie silence and the creepy mask was enough to make the adventurers, who forge the strength thought battle, unsettled. The nearby person retreated a few steps, careful not to antagonize someone of his status.
“Who the heck was that?” (Human)
“I don’t know but, I can’t sense anything”. (Vampire)
“Yeah… like he was… not there.” (Witch)
"Oi, Be careful he might hear you. From his garments, that's probably a high ranking officer."(Human warrior)
“But… I don’t see any coat of arms” (witch)
“He’s maybe traveling incognito” (dog-man swordsman)
"If that the case he should have to wear something to blend in"
“Isn’t the lad a li’l young to be an offisah?” (Dwarf shaman)
"Fool! The fact he conceals his presence is what makes him competent" (elf archer)
"If that's the case, then that explains the bird." (Human warrior)
“I bet the aggressive adventurers will think twice about messing that kid.” (Incubus)
Muffled conversations ignited from the surrounding adventurer. Curious onlookers also did the same. But for the requestors, they seem not to care. Well, it's understandable since they don't have the eyes to view the world of paragons, even more, they don't have the leisure to worry about unnecessary things other than their problems.
His attention was grabbed by a dwarf who continuously pouring alcohol from his already brimming mug. It seems he wasn't aware that it's already over-flowing on the table with attention focused solely on him. It's only a matter of time before the liquid came pouring down to his tablemates.
He put business-like expression and choose not to care about whatever thoughts they had. What others think of him is not of his business anymore. So they might as well continue what they're doing however or whatever they want.
Become aware of the gazes of people to the end of their line, applicant adventurers also started to keep their distance away from him; just like the priestess before of him who tried to squirm further on her front.
A sigh escaped under his mask.
He can understand the gazes of those adventurers since their aura was giving a vibe that they belong to the upper-class. Their instinct was long forged to be sensitive to danger. But these low-class adventurers probably was pulled along the flow without even knowing why they need to do the same.
After the priestess in front of the lad done registering her name and became a full pledge member of the adventurer's guild, she scurries to her party members who were and still shooting cautious look towards him.
Do refrain looking at me like a criminal. He scoffed inside his head. Even he was being chased down by the residents of shadow, that doesn’t mean he did something wrong.
But I'm being chased down by them, this indeed makes me a criminal.
Saying so, he steps on the counter.
The lad was greeted by the receptionist with a blooming smile. Actually, she greeted the critule on his arms.
The receptionist beheld with the bird with awe the moment her eyes lade upon its figure. She inadvertently patted its head and the bird somehow wasn't delighted with it.
Her full attention was grabbed by his companion while he, the owner was treated like air instead.
With such behavior, He can only smile wryly under his mask.
“So you want to become an adventurer little bird.”
"Do you really think he can become an adventurer?"
The woman startled after she heard the wild voice. Does this critule talk? Of course not. The receptionist slowly shifts his head from the ground going upwards.
But as soon as she reaches his read, her face distorted with a grim expression. Probably because of her unbecoming behavior of a receptionist that ignored the person in front of her or his mask scared the hell of out her.
But if she shows any more misconduct in front of her applicant, he might take this as an insult and she might get fired from her job.
Before she was a person with high status and she just patted his pet without his permission. This is not the time to be swallowed by anxiety. She better fixes her conduct like how a good receptionist is, and somehow hope that her applicant forgets what she had done.
She deeply exhales the remaining tension leave her body. She cleared her throat and bloomed a smile once again, but the shaky tone provides a hint that she wasn't confident about what she doing.
“I-I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay.”
She manages to offer an apology. But his curt reply had pierced her with guilt. She clear her throat once again and carefully enunciate her words without any stammer.
“S-so… Y-you want to become an adventurer sir?
“I wouldn’t be in this line if I don’t”
The receptionist was abashed with her face starting to get a little moist. His emotionless remarks create imagery on the receptionist that he was not happy with her attempt at all. She pondered if it's okay to ask why a person like him decided to apply, but there's a possibility she creates more distance between her and the applicant. Thus she keeps her thoughts to herself.
She manages to get ahold herself and with her sweaty and slightly shaking hands, she showed a square device with a sphere embedded on its surface. There was a wire connecting that device to another device which was loaded with papers.
Is this their version of a printer? he asked while cocking his head.
All the devices of the Seilandia were powered with magic stones. Compared to the Neagians who keep using electricity even after the old earth. With three hundred years of coexistence, the people from two different worlds had learned from one another. This printing device was one of the products they learned from Neagians. A magic-powered printer (otherworlder's version)
“W-what is your name… Sir?”
He pondered a little if it's okay to give my true name. There's still this matter about his pursuers, the household of Eclipse. But with their intelligence network, they probably would know his location and his name on the guild sooner than later so it's stupid to keep a false name. But he still doesn't want to reveal his identity to the adventurers so he offered a half-truth name.
“Haven Monocrayon”
“T-then Monocrayon –sama, please touch the sphere and release your mana. All your information's regarding your spells will be printed here on the paper so we can keep that on our records. Your adventurer's ID would be published right after that''
“I believe it won’t work”
“Um... Why… would that be?
“I’m a Neagian”
Her voice rose on a high pitch, not expecting an original resident of the world was in a foreign country without formal ties from the United Nations. Neagians doesn’t usually take on a journey to Seilandians countries that wasn't approved by the United Nation. After all, some countries were still hostile to them, and wars still prevalent from different parts of the world.
Another concern of the receptionist was the Neagian's magic system. Neagians, they need to read books and study the mystic arts so they can learn spells and including the swordsmen for their swordsmanship. But on the bright side, they learned to create their concept of magic and skill.
Compared to Seilandian's magic system, It was based on the concept of their god's blessing. Right after their born, any child who was baptized on the name of their god would manifest a preexisting spell, skills, and status just like how in console games. They also got a level-system for every growth of their power. Because of this magic system, it's very easy to record the preexisting spell or skills.
For this reason, Neagians who wasn’t baptized and blessed by their gods would be a blank slate in front of that device.
The receptionist must have found her courage when Neagian was involved, and manage to speak confidently, showing off her competency on her job.
“I see… but if that’s the case, then we can’t give you your rank since we don’t know your abilities yet, Monocrayon –sama. And we can't just give you the quest you choose either. Since we don't how strong you are, we can only give you quests from the bottom, then you'll go higher each time you completed the quest."
“Not happening, give me the most difficult monster subjugation you have”
“I’m sorry Monocrayon-sama, like I said before we don’t know your strength and abilities we can’t give you what you want.”
Preexisting abilities are powers that were given by god. Seilandians tends to harness those abilities rather than learning a new one that would be through a grueling study and effort. And the abilities they created on their own just like the Neagian would not be recorded on that device.
That's why some adventurers were already seating at the high higher chair and can pick high-class subjugation monsters even they were just registered as adventurers.
That’s what Haven was aiming from the beginning. After all, no paragon would want a meager reward from community service.
The upper-class adventurers might have a rough idea of how strong he was, but ordinary people like this guild girl wouldn't know unless he shows it to her.
But how can he do it if they aren't giving him a chance to take that quest? Casting large scale magic in the capital is out of the question too. There's an option of releasing mana pressure on this building but there's a possibility that he might scare all the receptionists and low-class adventurers and he's friend album. News about him threatening the guild's staff and the adventurers to get the job would be very stupid.
"Besides, this country is in the middle of peace talks with neagian countries. It all the more reason that I can’t let a neagian rookie adventurer’s life be in danger because of our mismanagement. The Ruseburg Adventurers branch reputation would be damaged. And the peace talks may be hindered"
Her argument was on point that Haven fell in deep contemplation.
All neagian countries are pro-people even before the old earth. And because they experience that wrath of nature during the transition of the world, they all became united with no war was ever recorded between them in Neagi. It's no exaggeration to say that war may break out if ever one of their people was intentionally harmed on the foreign land. Compared to Seilandian countries that running a slavery system and sometimes don't care about their people, provides a negative impression on the UN.
But even if this is the case, he still doesn’t want to give up. Or rather, he can’t give up with his precious room is on the line.
His country doesn't belong to the UN and he doesn't have any records of his existence from those countries. Hence, whatever happens to him will never pose any problems.
But this girl will never move even if he says that. That's because his country was a myth in this world.
Thinking so, he tried a different approach. Haven look straight in her eyes and ask her in a solemn tone.
"If I register and ignore your orders, but succeeded in subjugating high ranking monsters, what will you do?"
The receptionist was taken aback, not expecting a question that gave a hint of violation from this applicant. Even with his mask, she can feel the sharp gaze that probing her entity. Chilling sweat trickle down her spine and her hands were faintly shaking again. Her bulging eyes were zeroed on X marks on the mask which where his eyes supposed to be.
Being under the assault of a phantom pressure, the guild girl grimaced. This is different when the rookie adventurers confronted her with complaints. As a guild receptionist, her job is to provide information and advice to the adventurers so that she can still greet them tomorrow.
The death of adventurers was an everyday occurrence in any guild of this world. If someone is not even famous, then people will not even be bothered by it. That's why she always rejects any opportunist rookie adventurer's to the quests that were more than they could handle.
This was her job.
She will not let this person before her, dies. Even if he was someone with high status, she will not back down.
Even if he says that he's strong, I still can't rule out the possibility of danger of facing the high ranking monster. Even more so, that I can't let a rule-breaker become part of the guild. I can't let this guild be at risk because of his selfishness.
With the spirit of her job kicking in, the receptionist returns his gaze with a stronger gaze of her own.
This is for his own good too. Even if this Neagian still insists on doing it. At least the guild will not be held responsible.
The determination glinted on her eyes as if the nervousness before doesn't exist. With a stronger tone, she handed down her judgment.
“I’m truly sorry Monocrayon-sama but I can’t let a person like you to be part this guild”
…….. What?
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