《To Kill A God》Butterflies and Smoke


One of the most breathtaking creatures that the middle plane offers is the Ramminton Butterfly. Named after Linton, the legendary adventurer that annexed most of the flying organisms. They fly in swarms, flashing their ultramarine wings along any predators that dare risk the wrath of the whole Kaleidoscope. Eshikel watched them surf the cool breeze that was brewed by the trees. He had finished his chores and was allowed to do his daily inspection in the afternoons. His mom had always urged him to play with the other children. But he can't be bothered with that. He was a busy child after all. At the age of 14 winters, all he did during his spare time was to forage and play in the forest. However, today was different. He wanted to explore the deeper part of the mountains.

The swarm of Ramminton butterflies circled around the canopy of wildflowers. When there's a prey, there's a predator. One of the old hunters taught him that. He crouched to see the life thriving below. Hiding in plain sight were spring spiders, camouflaged with their green skins. Here and there were invisible threads, set up in the most likely flowers that the butterflies will land on. One was caught in the legs. The spider immediately sprung, true to its name, and took the kill.

It's a shame really

He watched as the spider crumples the wings of the dying butterfly. When he was little, he used to forage with his Grandma. She was the one who started the strolls in the forest. Together they observed all of the beautiful masterpieces that Life and Death had created.

There was that one afternoon where he saw the same situation. A spider caught a butterfly in its nest. He would always free the butterfly from its deathtrap. Those pretty wings should fly after all. That is until his grandma reprimanded him. She patted his head, her crooked hands pointed at the sight.


"My dear Eshi," she said smiling, "if you were to pick, which one will you save?"

"Why the butterfly of course."

"and why is that?"

"Because it's a beautiful insect!"

"What about the spider?"

"What about it?"

"Is it not as beautiful to you as the butterfly?"

He thought for a moment. When someone says beautiful, one often thinks of the vast prairies, clear lakes or adorable animals. Not one bit did the word spider cross his mind. Hideous would be the right term.

"What's so beautiful about it?"

"All life is beautiful Eshi, even in its own bizarre way," she said sternly. "That spider, brutal as it may be, is an equalizer. It eats other insects such as dart bees and king hornets which, as you may know from experience, is nasty."

She smiled again.

He sighed.

I wish she was still here

The spider he was watching was now wrapping silk on its victim, saving it for later. He was so absorbed that he didn't notice the smoke rising in the sky. Nor did he notice the screams of his people, the footsteps of the ambushers or the smell of burning oil. What he did hear was the faint ringing of the village bell. And that's when he knew something was wrong and began the long run back home.

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