《The Shadow in the Sunlight》The Monks of Tengu Temple
Kazimir stands high above Tengu Temple on the peak of the mountain of meditation, dark mist leaking from his skin.
A dark blot on an island of color. An interesting monk, indeed.
He's been waiting here since he arrived, but that's expected. The peacebringer has a rather busy schedule, then add the sudden world meeting and the cloaked shade knows what he's in for.
The experience isn't terrible, mind you. He's been free to reenter the blissful world of Tengu Temple. Even if he's forced to stay in the mountains unless accompanied by escort, he still feels much better in this lush isle than the mainlands. No assassins or mercenaries waiting around the next corner. No worries of blood to shed or skulls to crush. He dislikes the cracking of bones, and despite the restraint he's learned as a monk, most bodies are as fragile as twigs to him.
But here, he's free from that awful noise.
The paradise of peace.
The isle is gorgeous as ever, the vibrant pink of cherry blossoms and bright red of maple leaves glide through the wind, creating a gentle tempest of color. Towering pagodas of varying floors emerge from surrounding trees. The tallest pagoda is visible from the furthest corners of the island.
"Pink and red combine," says a soft voice from behind him.
"Flowers flow past tall towers," an aged voice continues.
"The land where peace thrives," a third finishes.
The way they speak, as if they know his thoughts, it must be them.
Kazimir's wings raise as he turns to see the source of the haiku, his black robes changing route with the wind.
His favorite part of coming, the three high monks he knows as dear friends.
The first, Arata, relaxes on a rock. His rounded face wears a single eye in the center, two holes for a nose, a long tongue that his mouth can't hold in, and a circular straw Kasa that rests on his temple. One hand holds the cloth-wrapped Nodachi he never unsheathes, and in the other eternally fresh tofu he never consumes.
The second, Tatsuo, sits in mediation, his cane resting on his lap. His elderly form appears like a citizen of the light, with the exceptions of his nails as long as talons, and the more noticeable oddity of his stretching neck. His head reaches Kazimir's shoulder while his body lies six feet away.
The final, Koshiro, floats on a pillow midair. In body, he's two, but in spirit, he's one. A being easily confused for twins. Each has twisting cloth that moves of its own accord around them. The left's mouth never closes, though he speaks no words. The right's never opens, but can speak without restraint. Red skin covering the right, blue the left. Besides that, no difference is noticeable in the pair of one.
Koshiro's short stature brings pleasant thoughts of Kazimir's new brother, and along with it a smile hidden by the shade's mask and emotionless white eyes.
"The mere sight of Koshiro can bring joy to even our grim friend, here," Arata laughs.
"Quiet you. How can you even tell he's joyful?" Koshiro responds.
"It's in the wings, you grumpy faced midget."
Koshiro chucks a pebble at the yokai dying from laughter, the rock bouncing off his hat causing the laughter to increase.
"You ruin this peaceful moment with abrupt your sound, Arata," Tatsuo's neck retracts, his head returning to its rightful place. "Poor Kazimir came to the peak for silence."
His long-necked friend is close in his assumption, but their presence brings him peace in times of noise as well as times lacking it.
Kazimir gives a forgiving grunt, waving away the issue, before continuing with a questioning mumble.
"I believe peacebringer Kazuya will return shortly," responds Arata, the best at translating his formless word. "The meeting ended short because of an unannounced issue. He should return in a day or so, but on a more important note..." Arata jumps to his feet. "What should we do while you're here? It's been so long since we've all been together. We should celebrate while we wait!"
Kazimir gives another hidden smile at the thought.
"This is a rare occasion that I agree with our one eye-friend," Koshiro says. His synchronized heads turning to opposite sides in thought. "But, what would be a good choice of celebration?"
"Since Kazimir is our guest, I feel we should let him decide." Tatsuo closes his eyes. "As the philosophers of old say, 'to deny a guest his pleasure is a foolish act, indeed.'"
"Ah yes, the classic vague saying of old men with too much time on their hands," Arata responds, his eye rolling. "Kazimir takes forever to choose. How about we just get some food?"
He isn't wrong. Kazimir is rather known for the sluggishness of his decision-making.
"I'll ignore your youthful insolence, for now," Tatsuo chuckles, rising to one knee. "But only because I'm rather famished myself."
Koshiro nods along.
With the decision made, Kazimir leads the group down the colorful paths of the mountain of meditation. He gazes at the scenery and listens to the friendly chatter, momentarily stopping their descent to prevent Arata from being pushed off the cliff-side by the irritable Koshiro.
The pleasant atmosphere dies when they reach the bottom. The sound of screams come from the dining area. A sound that shouldn't exist on this island. Kazimir dashes towards the source, the yokai behind him glancing at each other before following.
The dining hall is in ruins. Stew that previously filled the fallen pot soaks the wooden floor. Tables knocked over and broken. Chair legs torn from their rightful place. A chair lies in the hands of a raging monk who doubles Kazimir's already extraordinary height. A half-fox, half-man defends himself from the vicious blows of the aggressive onyudo, jumping from table to table. The monks surrounding the fight try to hold the aggressor back, but can't get close because of the wide range of the attacks.
Kazimir steps towards the fight, dead-set on restraining the onyudo single-handily.
A wrinkled hand set on his shoulder stops him. "Let us handle this, my reckless friend," Tatsuo says. "It may not be the best idea to force yourself into our temple's problems. You may have been one of us, but it will take time for the newer monks to get used to your dark aura. I know it did for us."
Kazimir turns to the man, a confidant smile surrounded by the pure white streaks of his well-combed beard. The other two stood there just as confident, if not more for Arata. They didn't earn their title of high-monks without reason.
Kazimir gives an understanding grunt, moving out of their way.
Arata dashes forward, throwing his plate of tofu into the air. The two forms of Koshiro split to Arata's flanks, gliding towards the onyudo. Tatsuo walks, relaxed, close behind them, his neck growing as he closes in.
The onyudo chucks a table at the round-faced monk. Arata flips over it, losing no momentum, as Koshiro catches and sets the table down. With a taunt, Arata reaches the towering monk, using the hilt of his blade to slam into the onyudo's stomach. The monk's anger grows, throwing punch after punch at Arata, who sidesteps each blow decisively. At the peak of his rage, the onyudo tries to crush Arata's head with a mighty two-handed slap. The round-faced monk soars above the humongous arms, landing on them. Koshiro latches to his large monk, locking his limbs in place. Arata hops again, catching his tofu as he kicks the back of the onyudo's skull, forcing him forward. Koshiro uses the momentum and throws the monk towards Tatsuo, who's neck stretches to twelve feet. Like a snake, Tatsuo wraps around the onyudo's entire body, restraining every inch.
The raging monk falls into a state of unconsciousness, helpless in Tatsuo's hold.
Arata turns to the fox-man. "What happened here? The hall is in ruins?"
The kitsune responds, bowing. "We are unsure. We were discussing the state of the mainlands when he left to grab something from his chambers. When he returned, he attacked me on the spot, his eyes black as night. The odd thing is... he usually has excellent control over his temper. I'm still unsure of what happened."
Tatsuo peels the onyudo's eyes open, the color returning. "It's as he said, pitch-black."
"How strange..." Koshiro rubs his chins, his heads tilting.
Arata turns to Tatsuo, his face stern. "It has to be."
A solemn nod in response. "Yes. There's no other possibility."
Koshiro catches on. "An Amanojaku."
The crowd mutters among itself.
An Amanojaku is the most dreadful of pests. Able to reach into your mind, fueling the most negative of emotion. Your annoyance becomes rage. Worry becomes dread. The tiniest of thoughts becomes the most dangerous of actions. It's normal for anxiety to rise at its mention.
Though... three monks show no sign of worry. Tengu that watch from the second floor. A gruff male on the right, an impatient female on the left, and a short tengu with a contagious smirk in the middle, his positivity making it difficult to pay attention to the dangerous vibes of the two at his sides.
Koshiro speaks to the crowd. "Because of the high probability of amanojaku infestation, an investigation needs to take place. If you see any irregular behavior, report it to a high monk immediately."
Kazimir taps Tatsuo's shoulder, pointing to the tengu trio and giving a questioning grunt.
Tatsuo glances at them and his face drops. "Those two are here... that is concerning. Though it seems high monk Hiroyuki is escorting them, so no problem should arise."
Hiroyuki... Kazimir remembers that name, though he can't remember ever meeting him. The monks hold him in high regard around here and from what Kazimir's heard for good reason. He's been here for long past Kazuya's start, even longer than Tatsuo. He's been a key part in stopping the rebellions, him and Kazuya calming each with ease. A big reason that was possible is Hiroyuki's overwhelming positivity that spreads like a plague.
If only he could bring him around Adrik.
Hiroyuki seems to be quite reclusive, though, he's only said to appear when he's absolutely needed. Why did he come out? He may just be escorting the other two. Those two are past leaders of rebellions, Tenchi and Kana. It makes sense to have Hiroyuki escort them.
Why are they here? He just watched the violence, not even trying to stop it. But it wouldn't make sense for him to be the holder of Amanojaku, what'd be the point. He seems to be against the rebellions.
Kazimir grunts again.
Tatsuo strokes his long beard. "Question them? I don't if it will help much, but your instinct is worth trusting. He may have seen something we didn't."
"Who's that?" A monk cries out, pointing to Kazimir. His presence now acknowledged by the rest of the crowd.
Kazimir could see the worry in their stares, and he didn't blame them. Though he may relate to them on the level of unique appearance, the fact he excretes shadows from his pores can easily place people ill at ease.
He gives a greeting grunt and waves, a splash of darkness spreading from his hand.
The monks step back, aghast, speaking amongst themselves.
"He uses dark energy."
"He must be the holder of the Amanojaku."
"No peaceful being should spread such dark."
The monks take hold of their staffs, not making a move to attack but keeping distance for protection, steeling their minds against possible mental attacks.
The Kitsune steps up again. "Why'd you bring such a dark force among us, High-monks? Is this some test?"
"Do not fear," Koshiro says. "That dark is nothing but clouds of mists that are natural for him. He is a monk just like us."
The crowds grow louder. "Darkness is natural for him!"
The tengu's take the return of tension as their time to leave, Hiroyuki leading the way, his smile unfaltering.
Kazimir tries to follow them, but the mob blocks the way.
"Where are you going?" The kitsune says. "Don't let him leave until we know he's safe."
"Do not worry," Arata says. "He is just a shade prince, who previously lived among us, coming to talk with the peacebringer. There is no ill intention."
The mention of the shades splits the crowd in half, the beings who can pass more easily for natural creatures on the light's side, while the ones with more monstrous appearance side with the dark. The three high-monks continue their desperate plea to calm them with reason.
"So he comes to force information about the light from us? I thought we were neutral." The light supporting side shouts.
"Your bias is clear, if the light came for information, you would give it out for free!" The other side shouts back.
"We need to deal with the Amanojaku. This is no time to bicker," Arata says.
They don't listen.
Tatsuo sits with a sigh, crossing his legs. "Furnace of anger. Man nor God can withstand it. A hatred within."
The two sides of the crowd continue to grow more vicious, inching towards violence. The slim line that holds the peace stretches to its limit, seconds from snapping.
"What is the meaning of this?"
The mob freeze at the voice, all turning to its owner.
A gentle beauty cloaked in flowing robes. A pair of horns, one reaching high, while the other keeps low. Mismatched eyes fierce, but kind. Peacebringer Kazuya has arrived.
All bow at his sight, any sense of negativity melting away. An abrupt silence after a crashing wave.
"Must I ask again?" Kazuya asks, a voice like a cool breeze.
"I apologize, peacebringer," Tatsuo responds. "I fear an Amanojaku has entered our ranks. I believe it to be the cause of our poor display."
"If that is the case, this small trifle will be a small pebble on a path covered with boulders. Call the five high-monks together for a meeting. We should discuss how to deal with this issue as soon as possible. We must prevent another rebellion at all cost."
Kazuya turns to Kazimir, his smile even surpassing the shade's mother's. "My old disciple. Your visage is a warm hand on my frozen body. I can't express how pleased I am to see you, but sadly... we must delay our talk. As you see, we have much to do. Return in one month, and we may talk to your heart's content."
Kazimir bows low, knowing that asking to help would be of no use.
He grabs the three of his friends, pulling them into his massive chest.
"Restrain yourself," Koshiro says, his breath stolen. "Your strength is something you seem to still not understand."
Tatsuo laughs. "It seems despite all his training, control is still not his strong point."
"Indeed," Arata agrees.
Kazimir releases them and bows.
"Our celebration may be delayed," Arata says, bowing in response, "but don't think you got out of it."
Tatsuo follows suit. "We are a trap not so easily avoided."
Koshiro nods to finish. "We'll see you in a month."
Kazimir begins his trek to the ports.
"Before you go," Kazuya says, interrupting his travel. "I must ask something of you."
Kazimir gives a questioning grunt.
"From now till the time you return, you must not partake in the act of violence." Kazuya raises his head to the heavens. "I wish for you to be pure of both heart and mind. Do whatever it takes to accomplish this, and I will fulfill what you desire."
Kazimir bows the last time, taking his leave.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thoughts of the three tengu plague Kazimir's mind as he travels to the shore. Something about the situation worries him.
A sharp stare stabs into his back.
He turns.
The gruff tengu from Hiroyuki's side glares down at him from the sky, his sharp teeth bared in a scowl.
After a moment of silence, he leaves.
Kazimir can only hope whatever plan Kazuya has, succeeds.
- In Serial32 Chapters
Realm Eternal
Meet Nabi Elrick ; betrayed by the woman he loves, and blinded by anger he acts rashly and it nearly costs him everything.Nabi Elrick's actions have drastic consequences and he looses the prestige of his occupation and he sinks into an epic slump; a Deep depression. Fortunately the ?Alternate Reality Simulation? Realm Eternal rouses him from his melancholic abyss.Nabi Elrick sees an opportunity to Begin Again.Inspired by; Mushoku Tensei, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, Daybreak on Hyperion, Log Horizon and Only Sense Online. I unashamedly draw some elements from my favourite light novels in writing this FanFic.For the Record; the Realm Eternal Mythology Revolves Around Ancient DragonsMy Chapter target is set at ?5000 words??Written in South African English which means closer to the British Standard.?Warning: Mature Content ?Violence, Language and Adult Themes ? List of My Novels:?Realm Eternal??Crystal Guardian ??Exiled Nomads of the Galaxy??Soul Vessel Psyche?
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Song of the Unborn
Let me tell you a story A story about a beautiful song And those who sing it Alright, time for the real synopsis: Song of the Unborn takes place in a bleak and dark universe. The world is broken and unbalanced. Dark creatures roam the lands and the order that once existed as a beacon of hope has crumbled. Kalosýni is one of people who live in this cursed world, but thanks to the efforts of his father, he led a sheltered life. However, an unexpected cry on a seemingly normal night leads to a journey that will lead Kalos, his father and a pregnant woman on a journey across the kingdom of Faacri. UPDATE FOR BOOK 2 (Warning!!! Spoilers ahead.) Book 2, or Throne of the Lords kicks off right where we left off. A dark figure is claiming to be the dark lord, one prophesied to be the bringer of the apocalypse has appeared. But is there truth to the prophecy and how will Kalos, Raymond and company react to all this? FINAL UPDATE: The book is over... the part about Kalosýni. I just have a few side chapters to dump on you and boom, done. Hehe, it's been one helluva ride. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR POTENTIAL PATRONS: I think I'm ready to take the next step with this story of mine. Anyone interested in supporting my ambitious endeavours should follow the Patreon link. What will I be doing exactly? I really want Song of the Unborn to exist in as many mediums as possible and so, after publishing the novel on Amazon, I'm planning on creating a graphic novel version and we'll finally be able to see Kalosýni in all his glory. Well, that's my goal anyway.
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Magus Zero
Announcement(s): A sudden family emergency happened...so the next chapters may take some time. I'll try my best to release a chapter tomorrow, but I'm not too sure I can. I'll try my best to make up for it. Sorry for the delay and thanks for understanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey! The light novel reached more than 100 views! Thank you for the support! It means a lot to me who's just starting out! Special thanks to my girlfriend who supports me right now (she's gonna be my illustrator soon too!)Special thanks as well to Deathkiddoom, who made the first ever comments on my works! You guys may not know how much these things mean. They might be little in your sight but for us authors it encourages us to keep going! Once again you have my thanks! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Five magic nations have been created out of the land of Rasec. Gloseren, Loche, Veile, Lieza, Meharea. Each nation with their own unique setting, and thus have their own unique understanding of magic. One thing was common though: they rank their magi according to their capabilities, and the one with the highest capabilities become the ruler of the nation. This story is about a boy from one of the nations. He stood out more than his peers not because he has something unique, but because he has nothing. He has zero. Watch the story unfold as the boy who has zero becomes the Magus Zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's blab:Hello everyone! This is my second light novel project! This particular project will be updated daily except Saturdays PST until further notice.Anyways, I hope you guys have fun! Here are my other work(s): Strife Howl of the Deities (Discontinued)Title TBD, Either a romance or another adventure (Novel to be published)Title TBD, A romance or a smut (Short story to be published) Cheers! -Halcyon.Bahamut ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This author's works are officially available only here at Royal Road. Announcements will be made on this site regarding any changes.
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World Blueprint: Variety of Life
The bond of two: man and girl, attempts to survive in all seven realities which inflicted with danger from invasion of unknown enemies in every world. Waltren Eragle was born with untreated-illness. He created World Blueprint, defeated a doctor's future vision that he would die in few years. With the power, he had been living simultaneously in seven realities: Blueprint Reality, Science Reality, ALIEN REALITY, Alchemy Reality, Rune Reality, Steam Reality, MAGIC REALITY. Though, the disease was about to coming back after eight years. Despite hopeless, he lived long enough, accepted his fate soon and prepared to pass this ability to someone else. After third selection who failed, he encountered a girl who seemed to be a unsure yet qualify to grand the right. However, as he was teaching her everything to know about World Blueprint, otherworld invasion occurred one by one in every reality. Siqura Selvona was grew up with debt left by his father. She and her mother were working day and night, chased the end month to dismiss the flowery-interest rate. As weight gone from her life, she thought everything would be greater when all of sudden his mother disappeared and treated by people as murderer. Have no idea what was going on, stressed from massive rumors, until when they started seeking a revenge. Peaceful was over, she was about to raise weapon with her bare flesh-hand, believed herself as daughter of criminal but a boy who she never met before rescue her. On next day, people somehow forget about her mother and blamed the tragedy to someone else. The boy who saved her acted like close childhood friend even though she had no recollection of relationship. With her mother still missing, she took connection who a completely stranger to her. Available on sites: Scribble Hub - https://www.scribblehub.com/series/81248/variety-of-life Royal Road - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/29384/variety-of-life Wattpad - https://www.wattpad.com/story/210843130-variety-of-life Webnovel - https://www.webnovel.com/book/17174007506882105 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OcelintSteiner Amazon Page for Other Series: "Perfect Blueprint Volume 01 - Soul Hack" - https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07Y8SS7SD
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