《Ancestral World: Memorial Clouds》Chapter 22


[Arc III-Death Valley]

The bright sun and sky has now started to turn orange while Kyle was maniacally laughing at my statement to annihilate him. As he was dying of laughter, it bought me time to come out with a plan to defeat him but he finally stopped laughing.

“YOU?!...HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA...YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT YOU CAN DEFEAT ME. Let’s not joke around, you pathetic fool!! You have not even made a dent on me or even chip away at my stamina since we started your torture.”

“Don't worry. You'll get your share of a full course torture." I said sarcastically as I was trying to find a weak spot.

"Hoh!? Sounds interesting enough for such a dull talking. You're ALL TALK AND NO ACTIOOON!" Kyle threw three cards that both combined and summoned a thunderstorm as he finishes his sentence.

"Then!" I leapt away as I was trying to escape the homing thunderstorm. "I'll prove it to you...right now!" I summoned and had ten rods surround me and the lightning hit one of the rods. It was then dispersed as the energy from it destroyed it.

"Hm. I see. I see........ I SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! FUCK YOU WITH YOUR BULLSHIT, AMANE!!!" Kyle threw at least around fifty cards at the air. All of them combined into which made the entire world moved.

"What the hell did you do, Kyle!?!" I asked in a worried tone with a hint of anger in it.

"Now now... Who knows?! KUEHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHA!!!"

Kyle kept laughing as I just looked at him. Suddenly I heard a lot of people started screaming. Surprisingly, a lot of them were still alive. They were floating around in crystallized water bubble. I was somewhat relieved to see that but I noticed that some of them were pointing something behind me.


The moment I turned around, I was extremely shocked. The entire planet was moving towards the moon since it was getting closer and closer.

"Tch! KYLE!! THE HELL IS YOUR MOTIVATION FOR ALL OF THIS EVEN!?!" I was enraged as I was clenching my fist tightly to the point blood was coming out of my hand.

"I don't know! PFFT! YOU LOOK WAY TOO PATHETIC, DON"T YOU THINK!!? Killing you along with these trash is well damn worth it after all~ But don't worry! I can't kill everyone yet......sadly~" The planet suddenly stopped and the moon was extremely clear and it was like right in front of our face.

The moment I faced Kyle, he threw two cards which resulted into an explosion. An energy beam suddenly came down and striked Kyle. He was surprised by that. He looked at his hand that was bloodied by that. His face already told me that he will be killing me.

I summoned even more rods and placed them as walls between me and Kyle.

"I can do this...*Inhale* *Exhale* I can do this. I have a chance...." I whispered to myself while crouching down. "So...Kyle. Round two?" Behind my mask, I was smiling. I did not know how I looked like but I felt like that I looked like a fool with that smile but.... I'm putting my life in this gamble of a strategy that I came up with.

"Da-D-DAMN YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" Kyle's face was extremely red so were his eyes. Even that shout had his voice cracked.

He took out one of his deck from his coat and threw the entire thing towards me. All of them combined and actually made the ground broke. He had a smug face as the ground was broken. The only problem was, at my side, nothing happened.


After the dust started to clear up, he was surprised about the fact that behind the rods was unaffected. It is counted as different dimension since the rods are borders to a different dimension thus it fully confirmed that Kyle can't affect dimension whatsoever.

His face was surprised but in the same time, he grinned. When I look up, there was a gigantic meteor falling down on where my position is. I wasn't worried at all since expectedly, the meteor was destroyed into ashes the moment it was around 20cm on top of me.

Kyle was getting even more irritated from the fact that I can't be harmed.


He took out two decks and was preparing to throw them. I quickly summoned five rods to surround me exited the border. The moment he saw me, he threw the entire deck at me which resulted 100 energy to hit him since each deck he had has 100 cards in it.

He fell down to his knees and I gave him a thrusting blow towards his face as he puked out blood. I disabled my ability as I was getting a bit exhasuted.

A day and a half had passed by since the Earth rotation was sped up and the days were became shorter. When I exhaled, I could feel the cold breath that I had from my mouth. The temperature became colder.

As I looked down and turned towards Kyle, the body was gone.

"Wha-" Suddenly I was stabbed behind with a card and it exploded. I flew forward and rolled around.

"D-D-Do-Do you really think....? I would die......from someone......like YOU!!??!!" Kyle ran towards me and threw a card at the ground. It made smoke all around. I suddenly saw a flash of light at a distance. I was soon greeted with three cards which made a fire geyser.

"I see.... *Cough* {Talisman of Heavenly Blood}, huh..... A talisman to fully heal a person no matter how lethal it is. How the hell you managed to get that......"

"Kukuku....KUAAHHUAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! I'LL TELL YOU THEN!!! IN HELL THAT IS!!!" Kyle dropped an entire deck at me. I wonder....can I.....even win at this point....?

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