《The Avaricious Merchant System》08 - Rulers of the Underworld


"Don't misunderstand father…" Clyde tried to calm down the king.

Old Levi finally understood that he was being taken for a madman.

It really was a misunderstanding.

By reading the King's memories, he understood his sorrow deeply so much so it struck a chord in him.

Deep down, he was also the King's son and his memories taught him that he had grown up without a mother. It left a scar in him.

Now as a God who had nearly limitless power he couldn't allow himself to feel powerless against the King's hurting heart. He had to be the one to resolve his father's pain.

A wooden plain staff appeared in the hands of Levi. It looked like a parlor trick but no matter how everybody racked their brains to try and understand how he did it, their minds remained blank.

Old Levi's voice seemed deep as he said, "Little King, I asked you a question and I need an answer...What would you do if you saw her again?"

The ministers and Salazar almost went insane. The ministers were calling for guards to come and administer the most painful death upon the old man.

The King heard the question again and memories he had long sealed inside of him resurfaced. He tried to hold them back but he was unable to. Finally, he slumped down his chair with a lost expression.

The King raised his hand and the ministers went silent.

"I am thankful for what you did for my son, but you're not welcome here any longer. Please leave..." With that he closed his eyes and waited.

Not only did the old man know things he shouldn't know but he was even cursing him to die.

Levi said, "I'd ask you to have some faith, but your mind is limited...but as limited as you are, I think you'll like this gift...hehe."


The wooden staff had its base hit the floor in a sonorous explosion that blew up the glass ceiling to space.

Clyde was fidgeting, ' This isn't how it was supposed to happen at all. My god this clone isn't like me at all, he's uncontrollable.'

Now, every guard and soldiers whether aura wielders or magicians in the Dumas capital dropped what they were doing and converged on the palace.

Meantime the day had long turned into night as a magic circle that covered the entire city appeared under the incredulous eyes of everyone in the Dumas capital.

{Interesting! So that's what he's after.}

The system said.

"What! Quick tell me what's happening, I'm losing my mind here." Clyde said in his mind as he held his head in frustration. In fact, if he wasn't so sure that Levi wouldn't kill anyone, he would have stopped all pretense and staked everything against him even if he couldn't win.

{He's trying to activate his bloodline and in doing so accept that he's a Leviathan descendant. It's their ancient rite of passage where the purity of the bloodline is tested and since he's the last Leviathan alive he'll automatically become the patriarch and protector of the entire race...besides the bloodline I gave him was the purest in all time, only second to the first Leviathan Founder.}

"I get it but what has this got to do with everything?" Clyde asked.

{When the Dragons ruled the multiverse they connected and fused all the respective underworlds of each universe into one entity which is the Underworld we know today and the main character in making it happen was the Leviathan Founder who became the first underworld God. The Dragons wanted a piece of the pie, but the Leviathan Founder was too greedy and kept the soul energy for himself and his clan. In a way, that's how things should've been. There was nothing wrong with it because the Leviathan Founder foresaw that the Leviathan Bloodline was flawed and was insatiable, a bottomless pit. With all the dead immortal souls who could supply soul energy forever and with many more beings dying in the future, the Leviathans were set for life and wouldn't have to clean out the entire universes in hunger...but the Dragons' greed led them to make a sad decision which led to a great war that reshaped the multiverse. In the end the Leviathans were uprooted and incinerated to dust to make it so there wouldn't even be a halfbreed hiding somewhere and the dragons found themselves weaker than ever and are still desperately trying to regain their hegemony 'till this day.}


"You still haven't answered anything I asked?"

{In short, while there is someone else governing the Underworld, they don't really own it...Ownership goes to the possessor of the Leviathan bloodline.}

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