《The Avaricious Merchant System》Chapter 06 - Old Levi


Knowing the authority level of his clones on the system was paramount. The last thing Clyde wanted was to see himself being walked on and eventually betrayed by the clones.

{As you know, to access me and all my functions, you need the key which is being in possession of the Space staff, it is also the same with the lesser version of the space staff. As the main user, Clyde can choose what the possessor of a lesser space staff can access in the system…that’s all.}

“It seems I must do some a*s kissing, if I want to have full access to the system. Hehe.” Levi chuckled and said.

Clyde was in deep thought. Ultimately, he decided to buy the Lesser Space staff for Levi At the cost of 1 500 000 000 origin crystals.

Of the 4,994,188,995 origin crystals that he had only 3,494,188,995 origin crystals left.

"...and give him full access." Clyde said.

With that problem settled, it was time for the show to start.

Immediately, a change started to happen on Levi.

His black hair receded and he was rendered completely bald.

His body aged visibly as a white long beard appeared and his back hunched a little.

His eyebrows were exaggeratedly bushy and white as well.

The finishing touch, he donned a white pristine robe.

Levi coughed and as he did so his voice kept sounding older and older until it sounded like an elderly.

The now elderly Levi, then turned to Clyde as he asked "I do not have a mirror so you'll have to be the one who corrects any defects. I followed my inherited memories of the Leviathan family about shape shifting...there shouldn't be any mistakes."

Clyde still had his mouth agape. It had been that way ever since he saw the elderly in front of him.


He was shocked to say the least. He knew that he also had the ability to shapeshift as he proved it with his feat of regaining his normal appearance after the transformations he had been through.

...but...the level of detail on Levi was uncanny.

He really looked like an old man who had one foot in the grave.

Clyde regained his composure and then said, "No...this won't do. You have to be imposing even though you're old. Right now you look like a breeze could kill you."

Clyde was right.

Only Clyde, Levi and the System knew the strength hidden in that elderly appearance.

Levi thought for a moment and then activated a certain effect of his ancient Leviathan bloodline.

His eyes which appeared normal a moment ago were now completely black and released a black smoke.

From a bystander's point of view, once these eyes were seen, a certain feeling of unease as well as intense fear could be felt. It was no longer a simple elderly...but some kind of monster in disguise.

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