《Where Muses Go To Die》#3 -TG- Chapter 7
AN: I-it's not like I'm writing this because I enjoyed talking to everyone...
Tiania Silvercrest Auromsteins' POV
Honestly, I was close to wetting myself.
But, as my father always says, "A noble is noble not because they simply are, it is because the commoners need someone to lead them."
And, isn't this exactly what I wanted?
All around, men and women were yelling, crying, cowering, and fighting. If this continues, who knows what could happen?
But what if I fail?
I Slowly rose to my feet, and waved back my two bodyguards, Giffard and Poll. They were both level 75 Knights, but against this many people, even they could be overwhelmed. Now was the time I took responsibility. I goaded and taunted the demon. I endangered all these people. If any of them get hurt, regardless of whether it was by my action or not, it is still my responsibility.
Rule is such a heavy mantle.
Instantly, my tone filled with the weight of command and authority cuts through the cacaphony, bringing me the attention of all around me. These aren't county bumpkins, so unless I use sufficient rhetoric to win them over, they'll continue rioting all the same. Time to remember all those lessons my tutors gave me.
But they didn't prepare me for this.
"Listen, good people of Keravala, this day we have brought a demon out into the open. Panicking will get us nowhere, instead, I want you all to quietly return to your homes, and warn everyone you meet."
"What will hiding in our homes accomplish if that devil burns the city down!?"
The yells came back, and Giffard and Poll had to hold back angry drunkards.
"LIsten! I will speak with the mayor and the head of the guard, and together, we'll prepare a defense. Right now, the best thing you can do is lie low and avoid attracting the demons attention by...I don't know, yelling?"
Immediately, the noise started dying down, and people started quietly leaving. After most had gone, I sighed and collapsed in my chair. I'd feel embarrassed to show my guards this, but they'd seen me in a much worse state.
After giving myself a moment to recover, I stood up again, and steeled my resolve.
"Come, Giffard, Poll. We have a town to protect."
Jacksons' POV
I felt like dancing. I had never expected the even to go this way.
One of the demon kings' servants, in the starting town!
I had thought of finding the bastard to kill first, as an opener of my genocide of the entire town, but now...
I'm going to see this event to the end, and I'm going to suck this town, this event, and everyone involved, dry.
Oh, just thinking about the loot I'm going to get is making me aroused~
Asheras' POV
With the same expression I used when faced with anything, I listened to the message 'Jeff,' more commonly known as 'Dice' had left.
In short, it was an apology that he had to leave in a hurry, and left everything to me. I took the several hundred pieces of silver, and the recent acquisition of three gold pieces, and pondered deeply.
On the one hand, I could live comfortably until I was old enough to be apprenticed, but who knew what would happen to a little kid with lots of cash during that time?
Besides, life was boring. Nothing happened, only trivial matters occured in day-to-day life, and everything had the same, gray tone.
Except Dice.
Underneath his hood, his eyes always shone, full of wisdom and cunning. They glowed with an inner light, and anyone who looked would quickly realize that the soul behind those eyes was vast, resourceful, and mind-numbingly ancient. That body of his that could barely move seemed like a joke, a trick of the eyes, so ironic was the match of that soul and that body.
Like sticking a dragon inside a rabbit.
Now that he was gone...the gray tone had dulled even more. I could barely make out where walls were. Everything seemed to crumble as I walked on it, and nothing felt solid.
And I...I felt empty. My soul cried out in endless torment, the vast and cold expanse of reality draining its' life and bringing me to my knees. Nothing felt warm. Food turned to ash in my mouth.
Sleep eluded me. Light avoided me. Everywhere I looked, the gray seemed to mock me.
Life...is not worth living.
How many times have I fondly dreamed of death? How many days did I lay staring at the stars, weeping at my weakness that made me unable to go through with it?
My tears had run out, until nothing but emptiness remained.
And there I sat, quietly awaiting death. Until the bastard picked me up, and jogged me from my trance.
He filled my head with useless dreams and hopeless fantasies, of stars and hope and beauty and color.
And then he left. Like everyone else.
Before I knew it, I'd purchased a bow, spare clothes, rations, and a horse. I asked the stablemaster where a suspicious looking man had left, and he pointed down the road.
I knew not how long I wandered aimlessly through the streets, blind to all around me. But now...
I must make up for lost time. I'm tired.
Of living.
Of breathing.
Of being left behind.
I'll track the bastard down, nail him to a tree, and if he still manages to slip away...
I swear, to god, to the devil, to myself, that I'll be strong enough to end it all.
Sitting at a dirty table in a run-down inn, idly drawing symbols in the crumbs, I ponder the end of all things.
I look up.
"Hello there, mysterious stranger. My name's Gerald, but you can call me Garry." said a veritable giant.
"I'm Greg, you can call me Greg." added a man almost as short as me, and carrying a bow on his back.
"I'm Percy, and if you call me anything other than Percy, I'll kill you." growled a boy a little taller, and a little less pale.
I looked at the three, then lowered my head, assuming they were talking to someone else.
"Hey, we aren't done with you." stated the less-pale, raven-haired pretty-boy, while aggressively grabbing the front of my shirt.
"Hey, we're trying to be friendly, ease off." said the dashing bowmen, curly brown hair sweeping across his forehead.
"We wouldn't want to offend a magican." Rumbled the blond giant.
I looked behind me, then back at the trio. "What magican?"
The giant chuckled, a sound that made the floorboards vibrate. "Well, what else would a cloaked, slight, mysterious fellow be?"
I squinted at him. "I think you have me confused with someone else. I believe the words you were looking for were, "clothed, puny, suspicious fellow.""
"Come on, don't be coy. You look like a magican, you talk like a magican, and you even smell like a magican! It's obvious you're a magican!"
I look at him. "First, what does a magican smell like, and secondly-you sniffed me?"
He shrugged. "You smell like those dangerous chemi-somethins that magicans are always messing around with. You only have to be a few inches away."
I scoot away. "So, supposing I was a magican-not saying I am-what would you say?"
The giant laughed and picked my up like a doll. "Why, join us! What else? My team is lacking some magical sorcery, and you're just what we need!"
Feeling like a piece of hanged-up clothing, I look down at the giant. "You don't actually know what a magican does, do you?"
His grin faltered. "Well, no-but I'm looking forward to learn!"
"Well, you'll just have to wait, because I'm not-Mf!mFMFFMFMFMFM!"
The giant clasped me to his chest, then left the inn, followed by his two companions.
"I told you! I'm not a magican! And this is kidnapping!"
"Hahaha, just what a magican would say."
"Kidnapping is illegal, you know?!"
"Do you think anyone will miss you?"
"I'll take that as a no. Welcome to my party! We call ourselves-The Joyful Jaunterers! You'll love it here!"
"Aren't you a cleric? Doesn't this poke your morals?"
"Hmm? Those useless things? Nah, they got in the way of profit. Now I listen to the little red man on my shoulder!"
"...and they call me a demon..."
"What was that?"
I was sat down on top of a wagon between Greg and Percy, while Gerald rode in the front wagon, next to the tradesmen who'd hired them. As we rumbled down the dirt road, I tried many times to escape, but was checked every time. I attempted the ol' 'I need to use the bush' but they just told me to do it over the side of the wagon.
Barbarians. Every one of them.
Every now and then, wolves or goblins would jump out, only to be nonchalantly slaughtered where they stood. Greg put it most aptly.
"These pests are like rats. You step on one, and the rest just scatter."
Still, there was an advantage to being in a party. I was getting experience. The bar was mostly full after around a hundred dead goblins. I asked Greg about this.
"Seriously? I leveled up three times this trip. You must be quite high-leveled to not even get one after all this..."
I cried to myself. Gerald once made a comment. "Man, all of the monsters here are only Tier I. I wish we'd meet something interesting."
To this, the tradesman expressed his relief at not having met anything 'interesting.'
But, I had a question. "Tier? What's that?"
Percy humphed and turned away, but Greg, who seemed the most helpful, tried to explain it. "Tiers are what we use to differentiate between high and low classes. I mean, you must have already hit Tier II, am I right? After you reach Level 100, you're asked to pick a higher class and a sub-class. Guards and tradesmen are Tier I, while Knights and Merchants are Tier II. Of course, they gain experience and levels differently, but you could call a level 25 knight a level 125 warrior. Except, for each higher Tier, the bonuses for each level, and the skills, become exponentially larger."
Gerald chimed in. "That's why I want to meet a Tier II monster. For monsters, they evolve into completely new creatures, or at least stronger versions, whenever they hit the big one-hundo. The stat bonuses they get are much bigger, but us humans make up for it with skills and team-work. Still, the more evolution's monsters get, the more human they become. Some can use skills. Ah...those are the fun ones."
I look at him. "You know those 'fun' ones can kill you, right?"
He just grins. "That's what makes it fun. Plus, you get huge bonus EXP when you kill something of a higher Tier."
These...psychopaths. They're crazy! Why did I have to be kidnapped by maniacs!
Still, I was interested, so I checked my status again. My base stats meant nothing, as no matter what they were they'd be nullified. I checked my level and...
Level: 0
Tier: -III
...wait. -III? As in, less than Tier 0? Seriously!? "...Hey, when you're born, you're level 0, right?"
They all looked at me like I was an idiot. "No, stupid. Everything, regardless of race, is born Level 1. Even when you Tier-up, you start at level 1. How else would we get a skill point?"
"...wait. Skill point. How get?"
Percy impatiently hammered the wagon with each word. "At level 1, everyone gets a skill point. Then, at 5, 10, 15, and so one, another one is awarded. Are you just playing dumb to get a rise out of me?"
I retreated far into myself. So, I was, effectively, four tiers below everything else, a level that didn't even exist, and...I'm gonna check what the 'fragile' part of my race means.
This individual is so pathetic that it can barely support its' own life, much less do much about it. EXP gain reduced by 99.98%, -1 Level
Seriously? Are you kidding with me?
I was just starting to enjoy life...I thought death wasn't so bad...but now...
I reaffirmed my oath to destroy the world, deep in my heart.
Right now, because of the difference between mine and other monsters' Tiers, I'm gaining EXP, even with the titanic wall standing in my way. Instead of being a super-high level, I'm so low, and so weak, that it seems impossible for me to get stronger.
How, oh how, I ask you, is this fair?
I don't even start out with a skill point! Everything...is hopeless...
There is no reason to live...
And as I was falling deeper and deeper into the abyss known as self-pity, something 'interesting' stepped onto the bushes.
Warning! Tier III monster > has appeared!
Oh, great. I'm heading towards death at RECORD SPEED!
"Okay, it's been fun, but I really think we should fall back and-"
I sat down next to the tradesmen, who was sweating profusely. "My, I never thought...I mean, Ogres are a dangerous race, you never see them so far south, but if a Lesser Ogre evolved, then maybe...but that's impossible..."
I clamped my hand on his shoulder. "Wait. What's a "lesser Ogre?""
He looked at me, then turned back. "They evolve from very large goblins, a Tier II monster, even more dangerous than the conventional Hobgoblin that is the same Tier. Technically, it's possible that a Lesser Ogre could evolve, but it would have to kill so much..."
I only heard up until, "It's possible a Lesser Ogre could evolve..."
My mind was clear. All the doubt and pity was gone. My head swirled with joy...
I could do it. It was possible. I could, eventually, rid myself of the > precluding my Race! I could do it! But...
Two > were accompanying the >, and together they were too much for Gerald and Percy. Gerald, with his large tower shield, could hold off all of the goblins surrounding them, but he was quickly tireing, and Percy, with his dual swords, could only cut down the goblins and try to get the attention of the ogres. Greg was busy shooting arrows at the > trying to weaken it, just a little. The Ogre was wearing nothing but a loincloth, and holding a large stick. It stood at nine feet. Geralds equipment was good, and the Ogre was probably low-leveled, but there were simply too many monsters. If it was just the lesser monsters, or just the Ogre, they could do it...
After Greg, Percy, and Gerald had killed nigh on two-hundred monsters on the way here, my experience bar was a centimeter from pushing over the edge. I was, almost, level one.
For so much work, I was almost at the point that everyone excluding me was born at. But, instead of filling me with self-pity...
It filled me...
With fire.
"Greg! Kill one of the goblins!"
"Which one!?"
"Any! Just do it quickly!"
He didn't question further, just shot a small green-skin in the eye. As it fell, dead, I received a notification...
Level-up! +1 Level, +0 stat points, +1 skill point
I entered my skill tab, scrolled past my racial skills, entered the magic, then opened the only path open to me...
> Learned!
Effects: -25% speed of individual target for -1- minute.
Cost: 15 mana
I slipped on my new ring, and grinned. I stretched forth my hand...
Instantly, the > began to move as though slowed by a strong wind. Taken by surprise, Gerald almost took a blow from a > but quickly recovered. I yelled to him, "The > will be slow for one minute! Back off, and finish off the lesser monsters."
With obviously superior teamwork, the three psychopaths retreated at a full run. The Ogre tried to follow, but seemed frustrated at its' slow feet. All of the other monsters eagerly followed Gerald and Percy.
Then, Greg, Percy, and Gerald, committed a slaughter as I'd seen only perhaps a dozen times in my life. Then, when the minute ran out, the ogre stumbled a few steps forward, to find all of its' followers dead, and three grinning lunatics covered in green, gooey blood, raising their weapons.
I didn't enjoy watching the butchers' work...but I didn't close my eyes, either. I just watched for...research. Yeah...
..research. Glorious, blood-spattered research.
As we were sitting around the campfire that night, the three laughing and drinking, I sat a little away from them and brooded.
I'd gained 3% EXP from the > alone. A being that had a seven Tier difference gave me 3% Exp, and it would only get harder from here, the higher leveled got. I would have to kill every person in the town I came from, the town I woke up in, and probably a couple others. Except...i had no strength, and no way of dealing damage. I could only make people three-fourths as fast.
Well, I wouldn't die from old age, maybe I could just be patient?
Percy elbowed me, which took ten percent of my health away. "Hey, whatcha thinking about?"
He'd gotten considerably more polite since the incident. He hadn't even blamed me for not using my magic sooner. He was either a very good person...or an idiot.
I'm leaning towards the latter. "Oh, nothing. Just wondering why none of the monsters had names. Are they just not smart enough?"
Percy chuckled. "Man, you must've been hiding under a rock your whole life. Some monsters do have names, but only because they were given. Monsters can't name themselves, you know? It just doesn't work, because..."
"Names hold power." inserted Greg.
I looked at him. "Really? But everyone in town has one..."
Gerald nodded sagely. "That's exactly the heart of it. People are gifted with names from the goddess, because we are her chosen people. Monsters were cast out, abandoned, forgotten. They became angry, and the earth itself became angry, and spewed forth a flood of nameless beasts, hell-bent on destroying the goddess's favored race. But, it is exactly because of the Goddess' favor that we can weather the storm, and even prosper!"
I thought about it. "..say, what if a monster were to call itself by a name. What would happen then?"
Greg smiled and spoke slowly. "It would be like using a sword as a shovel. Sure, it works somewhat, but it doesn't contain the essence."
I thought about it. "...so, how would you give a monster a name?"
Gerald shrugged. "When a beast-master tames one, they give it a name, but they only do so to identify it as different from other monsters. Now, Named Monsters, are entities unto themselves. No one quite knows how they're made, but the demon king is a prime example of what happens when one gains power. They seek to destroy humanity, with their ill-gotten name lending them power."
I thought for a while. "...So I've been thinking. I'm embarrassed about my actual name, so I should use a different one. An impressive one. What kinda name do you think a magican would have?"
"Geoffrey! Jeffery! Peffery!"
"...I don't know. 'Greg' is the only name I can think of..."
I hang my head. "Not to be offensive...but you suck at coming up with names. How about..."
"Meh, I like mine better."
"...I still think Greg is better..."
"What kinda stupid name is that?"
I responded. "Oh, come on. Just for fun, Percy, call me it."
"Com'on, just once."
"...I'll give you my stew."
Percy looked up, a shine in his eyes. "Alright.
"I, Percy, Name you Imed."
Named Monster > is near.
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