《Lone Alpha.》Chp-3 Some magic AND BONES!!.


Have you ever thought that, that specific day, would be like any other day and instead, you're wrong? If not then I wonder what kind of live you have, seriously what kind of live you have.

Anyways, the main point is that im finally leaving from that damn cave, I have spent 128 naps and 205 fights with my sibling's, and yes, ive counted them because im weird, life over there was getting bored, although its starting to get funnier and excitier cause my siblings are growing stronger after each defeat they suffer.

What doesn't kill you make's you stronger, I guess.

For some reason I thought about it while in some sort of singing. Meh..

Now one of my Aunt, or whatever he is from me, is leading us to the forest, this Aunt is bigger than any of us, his height is around 2 meters while walking in 4 legs, he has the typical black fur and that strange thing every adult has in its chest, its like triangle stone in its chest and it feels very hard and sturdy. I noticed we are also growing one, me and my siblings, maybe its normal and every wolf has it in this world, or this is a weird pack.

Back to the main point, ¿Maybe our Aunt is going to teach us how to hunt? I hope so, it would be more exciting than beating my brothers everyday.

While we were in the wilds I watched in wonder the same as my brothers, its not my first time in the forest, in my past life I... Nevermind, I barely remember I was a human, sometimes im even doubting that I was a human or if im even real and instead im only fiction, every thought in my mind beign readed by some kind of people with weird hobbies and fetish... Yeah better not thinking of that anymore..


This forest has weird things indeed, while we were beign lead by our Aunt, I noticed that there are huge mushrooms and when I mean huge, I mean twice my height, about 2 or 3 meters, also I have seen some weird kind of birds with human face, creepy. Also I have seen other weird creatures like squirrels with shell, snails with arms, monkeys with weird tails (I hope they were tails...) as you might guess, the tree's are also giant, our guide looking like an ant in this giant forest, well, if you look by the sky our guide would look like an ant. I guess..

Yep, definitely a fantasy world.


Nothing appear..

Worth the try..

After a long walk with alot of wonder things by the sight, we finally reach our destination that was a..

Another cave, perfect.

Were we moving of house? Why? Lack of food couldn't be, after all we haven't move so much from our old cave and while moving, I noticed the forest has plenty of life, or maybe this place has plenty of food compared to the other place? Yeah still doesn't make any sence, maybe we are not moving and instead we are just.. doing wolves things? Yeah, most reasonable answer to all of this.

After a while, more and more of my pack were moving and relaxing here and unfortunately yes.. we are moving.... "MY BONES ARE IN THE OTHER CAVE I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE MOVING I DEMAN SOME OF YOU MUTS GO AND BRING MY FOCKING BONE IF NOT I WILL STEAL EVERY OF YOUR BONES I KNOW YOU HAVE SO GO RIGHT NOW"

Obviously no one took me seriously and even some of them began to snicker at the yelling of a mad kid.

Your bones are gone lazy mutts...


9 Naps later I have some new bones and more enemies than I would like to have. Perfect, some are grown adults and some others are teenagers (I guess) and they are funnier to fight compared to my siblings, but I always lose and recive a harsh beating by them, but fighting with the teens are most times a fair battle and even once I won, but not everyone wanted their bones back so they let me be.

The truth is that I dont know what to do with so much bones, I though everyone would want their bones back and it would lead to a fight.. 'sigh..' I was wrong.

Nap 156.

Status: So fucking bored...

Relationships: Forever alone...

Summary: Nothing special since nap 128, so fricking bored..

Conclusion: Maybe another nap and tommorow something special will happend...

Nap 157.


Finally some magic, and its ¡wind magic! My Favourite!! well, apart from earth, I mean earth pretty op, at least in my own opinion.

Summary is that while rising from my nap Nº157, I noticed an adult approaching to my brothers, then glanced at me and told me to follow, as I said before, we somehow can communicate by some weird way like telepathy but it feels more like instict or some weird shit.

Anyways, as I was saying, he leaded us to a place outside of the cave but still very close to it, with a glance he told us to stop and watch, we did as we were told sitting on the grass and looking at him closely.

He took some steps to the side so we could watch better whatever he was going to show us, the adult stood some meters away from a tree, and with a quick swipe from his leg at the direction to the tree, an almost invisble air claw flied to the tree and hitted the tree, leaving 3 deep claw slash at the tree bark.

I watch in wonder and excitment at the sight of magic, ¡First magical thing I see in this world! Finally my doubts are settled and in fact, ¡This is a fantasy world!

But it appear im not the Mc of this world.. Bullshit, the little hints the wolf left us was to concentrate in our chest, where our magic stone reside at, I tried tried and tried, but it never worked like my Aunt claw did, it stopped midway and didnt do anything, we practiced 1 hour I didnt seem to improve to much, I just hope it get easier tommorow, now im very tired and sleepy to continhe, so lets chew some bones and to sleep...

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