《The Thousands Sons - First Cycle -》Arc 1 - chapter 5 : How-to be a King.


Heavy step echoed in the caves, along with the clanging of metal. An azure light passingly lit up the dark corridor, casting shadows behind the edgy rocks protruding from the ground. As the light grew as bright as daylight, a figure emitting an almost tangible domineering aura appeared. The grand and pressuring feeling was enhanced even further by the pitch coal black skin of the massive figure. And in contrast, he donned a complexly crafted, pure white armor. It was giving out a surreal, otherworldly feel with many straight lines intertwining together in an untraceable maze.

With a heavy gait, he moved slowly to a major cave entrance, guarded by crystal like humanoid, a strange mix between rock, human and crystal. Each of them were armed with stone spear and covered with furs of Giant Beasts. The loud footsteps had alerted and forced them to be vigilant. Forming up

a jointed line, they lowered their weapon in prepare, concentrating all their attention toward the approaching unworldly creature...


Mwahahahaha. I’m feeling so badass now.

My current walk make me feel like a space marine of warhammer 40k.

Arriving in sight of the village entrance, I saw six tribesmen raising their spear…

So they tripled the number of guards. It seem like I was expected. Unfortunately, as of now, only other Progenitors are capable to fight me to a standstill.

Even with me appearing in plain sight, they would still hold their ground… The values that I engraved in them are present alright.

Now, let’s do a little show of force, using this Aura skill.

The King’s Aura

You can suppress any inferior beings.

As you consider yourself first under the heavens, it mean everyone.

Active skill.

Cost: 10% permanent stamina at the activation.


When the giant wass 5 meter away from the visibly fidgeting guards, the previously restrained aura now disrupted the air around it, exploding outward, forcing the six Millenians on their knees.


As cracks ran along the wall of the stone corridor under the extreme pressure, the majestic figure simply walked past the kneeling guards, his hand slightly brushing over each of them, pushing them to sleep.


Entering the cave, a magnificent scenery entered my sight.

A central lake, vegetation lushing around, the roof opened above the very center of the cave, letting a massive and huge monolithic obsidian square rock piercing from of a rocky formation, creating a island under the open sky.

All around, small crystals were lighting of a gentle blue the entire cave, giving a little surreal vibe. And scattered in the outer cave, which spanned all around the lake, nearly two hundred Millenians sitting on stones, training or sparring.

My eyes were drawn towards the monolith, which was linked to the shore by a stone path. At its base, a throne as white as the most pure quartz was violently contrasting with the complete blackness of the monolithic stone behind.

I subconsciously irked when I saw someone else sitting on it. Holding a yellowish bone staff, his back covered by a torso of a giant beast with many trophies attached to the rib and spine's spikes. Surely impressive, but nearly not enough to reach me.

Releasing my power field once again, I willed a very complex sword to fall down, cutting a steep price of half of my total mana for it. Deciding that if I’m going to show off, might as well made it to make a sounds and light show.

The sword descended with blinding azure light.

With a screeching sound, as if it torn the air apart, it impacted the ground, a crashing sound echoing in all the caves nearby.

Sensing the panic that the tribesmen were releasing on the psychic connection, and the chief stand up with wide open eyes, I start to move in a grand and imposing manner toward the throne, catching on the way the hilt of the sword and swinging it around with flashy moves.


I had not passed the ten meters mark from my starting point that I found myself surrounded.

Fear. Dread. Panic. Confusion. Awe.

I was sensing so many emotion from them.

Isolating myself from the connection, I started at the crowd before me parted as the old chief stepped in the circle, facing me.

Three head taller, nearly two time more broad than him. It was really a David versus Goliath redo.

I stared at him. He stared back.

We engaged in a willpower duel, unfortunately, I was the designed winner. Retreating a few steps from shock, he laughed loudly while the whole bonies ornaments clicked.

He hammered his chest with his closed fist, engaging in an Honor duel against me for the ruling of the tribe.

Soon, the entire tribe hammered in unison, creating a thundering drum sound.

Sensing the excitement pumping up, I slowly hammered my chest in rhythm with the rest, but only one with two beat in between.

It reached the peak when the tribe chief let go of the beasts bone’s on his back and pointed his staff at me.

Taking a stance with my longsword, both hands on the handle, the blade vertical and close to my torso, I asked.

“Your name?”

“I am known as Khillvin, Honored Patriarch.”

“Oh, how did I became your and your tribe’s Patriarch ?

I do not remember to have come here before.”

“Our blood do not lie, and it tell us so. The Sage Oracle even announced so.”

He then pointed to the King’s Mark. And my armor.

“Those were the sign of the Patriarch, as announced by the Sage Oracle. As much as I would like to simply pass the ruling over to you, traditions are to be respected and thus, this duel is mandatory.”

He then emitted a vibe giving off a cocky feeling, in replacement of the smile that we are unable to express.

Much to my astonishment, he charged first at me, displaying speed out of my expectations for the first generation.

Raising up his staff, he tried to spear my legs. I quickly parried away with the flat of the blade and pressed forward to strike.

Making two step forward, keeping absolute balance. I feinted a large up-down strike, the staff lifted high up to block.

I directly striked with half my strength a palm attack, pushing him all the way to the lake’s water shore, which was about four meters away by now.

Having beaten him by the rules, the duel concluded with my win. Getting out of the crowd, I helped the old chief to stand up, going to the throne.

Sitting on it, I embedded my sword before the right armrest, and the Mark encrusted itself in the backrest.

Reaching the gargantuan stone with my consciousness, the monolithic black rock created a throne as black two step down on my left, surprising me.

When it finished, a throne like mine, but as black as the darkest night, was now waiting for a fit owner.

Waving at him, the old chief set down on it, and I saw his magical and physical capacities break through and rise up at a high speed.

Then, I gazed on the small crowd of Millenians standing before the island, not daring to thread the stone path.

All of them kneeled down, one after another, effectively starting my rule as the Millenian race Patriarch.

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