《Opax》Surprise and Dungeon
When I woke up I got myself ready , I called a Taxi Driver to bring me to the Hospital . When I got to the Hospital I rushed to my Sister's Room to see her already waiting for me , standing besides her Bed .
I told you to wait for me , before you get ready that if something happens I could have helped you . I know but I didn't wan't you to stress yourself to much . Well , you are already ready so let's go . I have a Big surprise for you .
I called a Taxi driver , when we started driving in the directon of our new House my sister said :
We are driving in the wrong direction , arent we ?? No , were driving to our new House , that is my Surprise for you . I have made a lot of money recently so you could quit your job and live a relaxing live without to have to worry about money . I wan't to give you 150.000 a month , so you can buy yourself everything you want . I..I...I...I I don't know what to say . Thank you very much , but I can't just leave all the work to yourself . You can , plaese quit your job and let me take care of you and you don't have to thank me . But , you can't bear the cost off myself and you . You can't have made so much money to give me 150.000 a month and bear the living cost's of ourself's . I made enough money . How much do you have made last week , never ore than 1.000 Dollars . If you don't believe me I can show you my Bank Account , but I have made 40.000.000 Dollar yesterday . No , I cant believe that ... Before she could finish speaking I showed her my Bak Account . She stopped compplaining and accepted to quit her job . The rest of the drive was quiet .
When we arrived at the Villa , I paid the Taxi driver and got out of the car . My sister looked confused why I would step out of the car on the outer edge of the city , but she got out of the Taxi anyway . When I started going to the entrance of the Villa and opened it my sister couldn't believe her eyes .
This ... This is our new Home ?? Yes , I bought it two days ago . Well , shouldn't it be worth a lot of money where did you get that ?? You see I made 15.000.000 before and with that money I bought this House . Ok . Settle in first and later we are going out to eat in a Resturante , Oh and I have given you your first 150.000 Dollars . When you ahve heaked from your surgery you can go to the University again . Ok , thank you very much , I can't say how much I thank you . Again you don't have to thank me it is what a Brother should do .
When I finished talking with my sister and logged in to play Opax . When I entered the Game I saw a lot of notification's again , but decided to not Forge anything today and insted go to a level 15 Dungeon .
I found a Dungeon when I was on the way back to the City after I killed the World Boss Snake . I ran to the point where I saw it and got in .
You enterd the Dungeon Snake King's Lair
The first thing I saw after I eneterd was a big snake . An Elite on level 15 .
Before the snake could even react on me , I lunged forward and hit it with my Abillity : Smash and a good chunk of it's health got wrecked . It responded with a Hit to my Body with it's Tail , which I luckily could Parrie with my Abillity : Parrie . After the Parrie I backed of and used Sword Dash to stun it . During the Stun time I hit it with my Abillity : execute and cut it in half .
This happened 5 more time's before I got to the first Boss of this Dungeon which got 2 in Total .
It was a Big winged snake . When I entered the Room the Snake Started to Fly and spitting Poison at me . I ran around the room to try reach it . I noticed that every 20 seconds it sits on the ground before it takes off again . When it sits on the ground again , I ran at it while using Sword Dash , I stunne it and then use the opportunity to use Both Execute and Smash . I repead that until I finally killed it .
You killed the First Boss : Flying Snake
+ 65.000 xp
+ Flying Snake's Poisonig Spit
+ Wings
- Gives you the abillity to Fly
Well that is and interesting Reward for the First Boss . When I left the Room I continued my way to the next and finall Boss .
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