《Early Access System》Chapter 2


[Early Access of Tower Of Deos Unlocked!] The hologram was light blue and it was almost transparent. The hologram was shined brightly in Arthur's dark and gloomy room. The sudden flash of light made him fall backward.

"What on earth…"

The glass that he broke was nowhere to be seen. There was not a glass shard to be seen. He tried touching the hologram cautiously. The hologram felt minty cool and as he moved his hand, the hologram moved like mist only to return to its original position.

[Would you like to enter the Tower now?] [yes] [no]

"The heck…" 'The hologram appeared after I broke the glass that dad gave me…If he gave it to me then nothing bad should happen to me right?'

He clicked the [yes] button trusting his father. The [yes] hologram was surprisingly hard compared to the other sides of the hologram that only felt like cold minty air.

[You have 60 seconds to prepare yourself. Everything that you try to bring with you will be left behind and won't be brought with you. Your clothes will be exchanged with the Tutorial clothes.]

There was not much for Alex to do since his life was already in ruins. So he waited.

Sixty seconds passed and the hologram turned into blue cloudy gas that wrapped him like a tornado. And the faster it spun the more cold Arthur felt. The cyclone of cool air spun all across his body and it felt like it was pulling his body apart slowly. But he didn't feel the pain he just felt cold.

The tornado slowly settled down and turned back into a hologramic panel in front of him. [Welcome to The Tutorial for The Tower Of Deos! Pass the Tutorial to enter The Tower!]


"Where the heck am I…" 'Did I teleport?'

He was no longer In his dark apartment room but was in a cave that had a smooth stone floor and was brightly lighten by the torches that were placed in the surrounding. He looked at his clothing only to find a shabby t-shirt and rugged jeans.

"Oh! the VIP has arrived!" A faceless humanoid in a fancy suit suddenly appeared while clapping his hands and on his toes.

Arthur immediately retreated on instinct and raised his hands to fight against the faceless humanoid creature.

"Whoah there, let's not get rough, shall we? Don't worry I'm here to help you." Explained after appearing in front of Arthur in a split second.

Arthur lost his balance due to the shock and tried standing while backing away from the creature.

"I said don't worry…you are just like every other contestant, always getting scared after looking at me…" The creature said sounding slightly sad.

'This creature is freakishly fast!' Arthur concluded that even if he tried fighting off the creature he would end up dying so he decided to trust the creature.

"Okay, where am I and what do you want with me?"

"First off, I am the Tutorial staff. You are in the Tutorial to enter The Tower Of Deos, you should know that since you consented to enter the tower...And as for the question, I don't want anything from you, the real question is what do you want from the tower?"

"Now since you are here you can't go back. And death here will result in permanent death. Before I continue please repeat after me, say "Status"."

"Status" As soon as Arthur said it the blue hologram appeared again in front of him.






[AGE: 23]




[LVL: 1][100 EXP TO LVL UP]


[MP: 0/0]

[SPEED: 23





















"This looks like an RPG game, and why the heck is my deception and lying stat and SSS+ ????" Arthur shouted since he doesn't remember lying or deceiving anyone.

"Uhh were you a politician?" The tutorial staff asked while looking shocked as well. "Yeah but only for a while…" "Then you must be one hell of a politician!".

"For a level 1 player, you are certainly more powerful and skilled than even most level 4 players, especially your overpowered talking skills and its subskills. It seems that your father prepared you well."

"You know my father?"

"Of course I do. Every staff in this tower knows your father. He was the former number 1 ranker in this tower and he even cleared the last floor. He is a legend here."

"You know... for a person that just came here for a few minutes you have been adapting here pretty good. Most players can't even comprehend what is happening.

"Oh cool. But what is this tower again?"

"Oh, I forgot! Uh, this tower is where you could get stronger by leveling up and climbing each floor in this tower. Each floor is divided into two separate sections. The first is the gate and the second is the locus. The gate is where you will have to fight to pass and qualify to enter the locus where you could live and stay there with no penalty. If you reach the 100th floor you could get one of your wishes granted. There are humans from your world, other worlds in other parts of the universe, titans, elves, and demons as players. Oh, and did I mention your father is a legend here? You could also get titles to be respected by others and most NPCs. The two titles that you own are your father's and you inherited them. So people might misunderstand you for your father, and since you have the same username and the same face you are most likely gonna be targeted by the top 5. You have a 30-day headstart since you are an early access user. It could have been 2 whole years but it's your fault for coming here late. "


"That's it? You do not regret coming late?"

"Why should I?"

"Good point."

"Before you continue you might want to read that diary in your inventory. Your father requested that we reminded you."

"My father did?" Arthur pulled out the diary from the hologramic screen and it looked like an old book with dark green snake leather as its cover.

An orange hologram suddenly appeared in front of him.

[My son…]

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