《Quitting the Hero's Guild》Chapter 6: Your Villain


I’m going…to save her.

If those words were true, Nikolas, why did you hurt her?

As I drop to my knees, I feel my heart fall and shatter.

Everything that I had worked for…disappeared in a moment.

I blink, studying Qin Yang’s crumpled body. The world falls silent. All the while, red flames billow higher and higher into the skies until our surroundings resemble what seems to be Hell. The once-peerless Guild Hall with its array of cream-painted flowers–is smeared by the blood of its own guild members. The entire courtyard is strewn with limbs, heads, and dismembered corpses.

“Search the maze garden!” Someone yells. “There might be survivors hiding in there!”

“Yes, sir!” A chorus of people answer before dissolving into black smoke.

Bit by bit, my eyes water.

Qin Yang once loved to read her books in that maze garden.

“Ahahaha!” Breaking the sacred silence is none other than the person behind me. I slowly feel my hands tighten into trembling fists. “Wow! You really killed her, Nikolas!”

She stifles another sinister laugh and halts behind me. The woman then glides around me, with a dark fog trailing behind her thin, high heels. Pushing her long bangs aside, she bends down to look at the corpse and sneers at me.

“It was so easy to manipulate you once you got close enough to her.” The villainess says, straightening her back. Her lengthy, black dress ripples alongside the cool breeze and ashy smoke. “Did you really think that you could save her, Nikolas? An Inmundus…hoping to be the hero?”

So, that’s what happened.

Earlier, I dropped my guard around Qin Yang.

Even when I pointed the sword at her, at least one person from Obsidian could tell…that I was stalling time.

Somehow, my end goal was foiled.

Then, the villainess was able to overtake my body like a puppet…and I… To Qin Yang…

She made me kill her.

No, it wasn’t that.

I should’ve built the courage…

No. Wrong again.

I should’ve said something sooner.

I should’ve acted sooner.

I should’ve…

I should’ve, I should’ve…

Yeah, I…killed Qin Yang.

“What are you doing?” Knitting her brows together, the woman cocks her head. “There are plenty of other women! Come on, we should go see if everyone here is dead for sure.”

Did Qin Yang…think I was a bad person? My thoughts are getting louder. My lungs are collapsing altogether as though I am drowning in an ocean…of regrets. I want to think that my current reality is a bad dream. I just want to wake up. I long to continue watching Qin Yang practice her magic-–just like what Master ordered me to do.

I didn’t want to be a bad person.

My eyes rest against the dark red area that has spread throughout the stomach of Qin Yang’s white dress. The world reels away from me. Like the piece of f*cking shit I am.

A glint catches my eye.

I must’ve dropped that when I tried to catch Qin Yang.

But, as that woman’s puppet, I could not and was forced to just stand at the edge. I just watched…

I was always too cowardly and watched.

For years, I watched Qin Yang suffer in silence and did nothing.

That woman’s right, you know?

I’m no f*cking hero.

“H-Hey!” The villainess forces a dry laugh. Noting my eerie quietude, she asks, “N-Nikolas, look at me!

She tries to approach me. However, once I glance over her way, a rose of black electricity snaps at the woman. She yelps and jumps back.


I gradually stand over Qin Yang’s corpse and watch the cool breeze kiss her long, thick lashes. From a distance, anyone would’ve thought that the girl was sleeping. Except for the red splash of blood on her dress. Caused by me.

Despite the shaky fingers, I feel the cold heavy blade. The weight of metal brings a sense of life into me once more. It’s not enough though.

“D-Drop that!” The woman stammers out. “The Guild master said that you had to come back or else…!”

It’s strange.

What she wants to say doesn’t matter anymore.

The world doesn’t matter anymore.

There is a stampede of racing feet. Voices. All of them are screaming, “NIKOLAS!”

I…don’t matter anymore.

But if I do matter, if the Goddess really loves everyone like they all preached, then, She would’ve loved me too.

I’m not a religious man, but…

If you’re real, Goddess, then, can’t you grant my wish?

Once you do, I’ll believe in you again.

Because, without that sunshine, nothing else…matters anymore.

“STOP HIM!” The scream pierces the scarlet vicinity.

☆*:・゚・:* ☆

“And…if I’m Nikolas Redfield?”

My heart is pounding crazily. My hands sweat to no end. I maintain a cool composure, but my entire body becomes rigid like stone. I wait for the girl to drop my head from her lap. I’ve surprised myself…by how faint my voice sounds.

The child’s dark agate eyes are enlarged from my response.

She, too, waits as we are left alone in the thin, dark alleyway. Toward the golden light of torches, her fellow Moon Flower members gather around, glancing back at their princess like white moths. They glare deep into my black soul. Their hatred for people like me…runs for as long as their history has with the Inmundus, the ‘untouchable’ people. The lowest of all humans. The most corrupted ones.

“...Why would I care if you know?” I go on. I start to feel rather bitter toward myself. “The last few hours must’ve been a bad dream for you.”

But, to me, it was…

Quickly, I sit up and press a hand against the bones of my right arm. Nothing’s broken anymore.

But acknowledging it only reignites the flames of anger inside my chest.

Still, to the girl, I persist, “Your guild has rescued you from me. You don’t have to worry about being in this kind of dump anymore.”

I don’t care what others think of me.

“After all, I’m really a bad person, right?!” I snap at her. “I’m your villain, right?!”

F*ck those Moon Flower folks.

They’re all so useless.

Even the one who is the most useful—is dumb as bricks.

At once, the small girl gets up, her dress brushes past me as I look down, and—


To my surprise, a pair of gentle hands brush through the bright red hair that run past the back of my neck. She swiftly takes them, bundles the greasy strands together, and ties my hair into a more neat low ponytail. There is silence as I wonder about the foreign fabric that slightly tickles me.

Then, sitting behind me, I hear Qin Yang say, “Next time, don’t kidnap other people. Just ask.”


“I’m sorry.”

Wh-What are you—

“At first, I was scared and attacked you first even though you didn’t hurt me. Then, my Guild master and guild friends tried to hurt you with ice magic, broke your arm, and knocked you unconscious.” She pauses. “It was wrong and scary of them to do that to you and to anyone else.”



“My time with you…was fun.”

Stop that.

“You showed me that even in the darkest places, there is a flame of hope that can never be extinguished for as long as others believe in it.” I could hear Qin Yang’s childish smile in those soft words. “When we were hiding in the alley, sneaking around, hiding from the guards, and even having fun in the tavern…you protected me. Even from your own friends.”


“Even if you’re not with me, you actually wished to protect me with the necklace.” The girl sniffles.

At long last, I turn my body, only to see…

“But I couldn’t do the same for you.”

Her face streams with tears that drip over her pale cheeks and chin. Her lashes cling with wetness like dew drops. “I’ll study all types of magic, not just healing. So, other people won’t just think it’s okay to hurt Cole anymore. I…” There is a forced pathetic laugh. “I was really scared, thinking that Cole died, okay? But what if you did…? What will I do?”

There's no reason to cry. If I died, that’d be fine, actually. I had that coming.

And don’t go around, bowing to other people. Geez… Where is your pride?

“So, don’t call our time and memories here…a dump.”

That’s when I realize that one of the yellow ribbons to Qin Yang’s pigtails is missing. Wrapped around my own hair.

I swallow. Dammit.

What the actual f*ck am I doing?

Maybe everything was a huge mistake.

I must’ve gone crazy, thinking that I’d make a difference. So, I approached Qin Yang first and had Cedric and the others follow us throughout the Underground Slums.

You see, Cedric and the others…were supposed to be with that Ivan guy and the other party members. I was shocked that despite the event being fixed in time, Cedric took the bait and tracked us like I wanted him to. His well-being determines the direction of which Qin Yang’s fate forks into. If he lives, he stays as the Guild master. His power and influence will protect Qin Yang in my place.

Better than that self-absorbed ‘hero’, Alastair.

Going around, parading his armor and looks to others. Instead of ensuring that his own people are safe. And taken care of.

But back to the original thought: What the actual f*ck was I thinking?

It’s not like I'll ever get to see Qin Yang again!

The f*cking ‘father’, Cedric, disapproves of me for sure!

“Ellen.” Sure enough, the fair person flashes next to the little girl and takes her hand. “Is your business here done?”

Sniffling, the child nods vigorously and rises to her feet with Cedric’s help. She wipes away her tears with one hand, revealing reddened eyes. Qin Yang nods again.

“My deepest apologies.”

I blink. Huh?

The severe, icy expression of the Moon Flower Guild master melts away. In an instant, his eyes are soft. I now understand why Qin Yang…has grown to become such a kind person. Pushing back his long hair, the blue-robed man seems grievous.

“I am embarrassed by my guild members’ actions and behavior toward you, Nikolas Redfield.” The Guild master says. “I hope that you do not bear a grudge against all that’s transpired here against us. I only meant to scare you with ice magic.” He blinks as though thinking rather deeply. “I did not expect your affinity with fire, of course.”


The man goes on, “Though you…took Ellen here away, you also looked after her and did what you promised: showing her the magical item. And also, even going as far as gifting it to Ellen for her own protection. But instead of being relieved, my people here reacted quite violently and injured you far more what was necessary.”

Because I'm an Inmundus.

They couldn't accept...that we're not as bad as they want us to be.

I'm in awe of this fair person, who towers over my small figure. Slowly, I too stand up and look down at my tattered shirt, pants, and shoes. My toes…are sticking out of whatever’s left of my footwear.

Then, there is the noble Cedric with his clean, silk attire and Qin Yang in her half-red cape, a cute one, and her perfect yellow dress.

“...If I want to, would you let me enter Moon Flower?” I ask out of curiosity.

“Of course not.” Cedric is quick to answer, which brings panic over Qin Yang’s face.

“Worth the shot!” I shrug.

“You’re brave. For acting so casually around the Grand Star Sorcerer.” Despite those words, the Guild master smiles gently.

Of course. Even the king will kiss your feet.

“But…aren’t you already in a guild?”

My smirk grows wider. “Yeah, but…”

“They’re the only one who will take you in.” His cerulean blue eyes lock with my red ones. “...Isn’t that right?”

No need to mention who ‘They’ are.

You are a brilliant man, Cedric. But, in your previous life, your kindness triumphed over that. And you paid the price with your life and Qin Yang’s future.

I won’t let that happen again.

“What’s the standard fee for leaving a guild?” I inquire, innocently.

“Well…if your guild is the standard type, then, it’d be one-hundred-thousand gold coins plus the Guild master’s signed approval. Send those items off at the Adventurers’ Headquarter at the royal capital. Then, you’re free without lawful consequences.”

I see that Qin Yang’s jaw nearly drops. Good…

“But you’re not from a standard guild, Nikolas.”

“Of course. But what can I do?” I scoff. “Even if I’m not, I doubt that Cedric will take me in, considering the stigma against Inmundus people and their bitter history with the kingdom.”

A hint of regret flickers through Cedric’s eyes.

“You are wise to understand the predicament that I, a Guild master, am in.” The man admits, patting Qin Yang’s head. “It’s a shame…that I can’t mentor you in the ways of channeling dark magic.”

The girl stiffens. She gasps.


“What is it?” Cedric asks her.

“Ah…no, I just remembered…” Qin Yang looks at me, then at Cedric. “...I—”

“Guild master! Ivan and the others are in trouble!” It’s that Davyd guy again, shouting from the other end of the alley. “We need to go! They’ve run into some people, whom they thought to be—Obsidian folks!”

So, it’s begun.

“What?!” The Guild master hesitates and glances at me again. “I owe you one, Nikolas. We’ll meet again.”

Like I’ve half-expected, from the other side, I feel a pair of intense eyes on me. I avert my attention, hand in my pocket, and tip my chin up. I sneer.

Alastair Skye.

The boy seethes, with trembling fists. Then, with a sweep of Cedric’s broad sleeve, everyone but me vanishes with the blinding blue light.

Leaving me alone in the dark once more.

I touch the ribbon that Qin Yang has left me with. I lower my lashes.

The plan sails forth. With me as your villain.

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