《Quitting the Hero's Guild》Chapter 4: Foresight


Huh? I open my mouth in shock. All around us, I could hear the adults gasp in astonishment and buzz with interest. Wh-What did…

‘...Do you want to dance?’

Hey, is Cole talking to me?! Is this even the same kid who just kidnapped me, ah?!

My ears are so hot, I wonder if there are too many lanterns and candles in this tavern…

“Did you hear what I just said?” Cole raises a brow at me, with arms crossed across his black shirt.

“Wh-Why would I…” For each sputtered word, the heat on my face only grows worse til it’s burning up like the f*cking sun. “Why would you th-think…?!”

“Pick a partner. I’m sure they won’t mind having you join their dance.”

Oh… My heart sinks. I thought that Cole was trying to ask me for a dance with him. But he means to see if I want to dance with any of the people on the floor?

As soon as I make sense of Cole’s words, the red-haired boy averts his golden eyes and walks away. I blink as his figure retreats farther and farther from me.

Gradually, I watch the musicians pause their instruments for a moment. Then, to my surprise, they switch to a faster and more peppy tune. Their cheeks are flushed from all their hard work and the long periods of endurance. Sweat dribbles down the side of their faces; yet, they beam like they have never worked a day in their life.

The crowds must like the swift change as they cheer loudly and clink their tankards of beer together again. Again, they continue to shout and laugh as people swap out of the dancing floor. Others take their place to begin tapping their feet. Hands clap in the air. Laughter rings from all over the brightly-lit place.

Before, everything had an order.

Now, the life that I was content with…is suddenly shed with a mundane light. I have never crawled on the dirt streets before. I didn’t know what an actual tavern looked like until now. People like Cole…did not exist in my pampered life since they lived beyond the gates and white walls around me.

We’re from two different worlds, after all.

While people like Alastair and I bask in the light, Cole and his friends are often forgotten in the dark. As outcasts.

I knew about the Underground Slums. However, in my previous life, I did not check out the area. In fact, I chose to turn a blind eye to their suffering. It was terrible of me to do that.

Then, out of nowhere, the anomaly of my current timeline shows up.

“Cole.” My feet are behind him as I blurt out, “Aren’t you going to show me some tavern dances?”

The boy’s back stiffens as he comes to a halt. “...Hah?”

I stop a few strides away and grab the end of my yellow dress. It is then that I notice the short red ponytail that Cole wears. What a messy ponytail…

“I thought you were going to ask me...” I fidget with one of my pigtails and the matching yellow ribbon, now smudged by dirt. “...to dance with you.”

From the corner of my eye, the boy’s hands tighten into fists. He still refuses to turn around and face me.

I go on, “Why would I want to dance with them when there’s…”

With a whirl, Cole finally reveals an earnest expression. “...me?”

Soft, brilliant gold eyes. A quivering lip. The tips of his ears are blazing red, as red as his hair.


Why…is the kid making that face?

Inmundus people…are still people, ah.

“Don’t make the lil’ lady wait!” It’s Henry again, sitting at his table with those boys of his.

With a flushed face, Cole walks back and grabs my hand. He then rigidly leads me to the large dancing floor of twirling dresses and sweeping feet. “I-I made the first offer but…!”

“Oh, but you got scared?!” the man shouts out. “Don’t be scared!”

“I just didn’t think that…she’d want to dance with an Inmundus…”

Standing in front of me, the boy abruptly locks eyes with me. He looks away again when Henry howls out with laughter, “If you’re gonna be scared, be scared of the future!”

Both Cole and I jolt at the drunk’s words.

The future…

“If you don’t take your chances, don’t be sorry when they pass you by, mi boy!”

“Don’t mind Henry, Cole.” One of the men next to Henry, shakes his head. “He’s just drunk and spoutin’ random shit now.”

“I once had a pretty lad who waited on me!” Henry rambles on, “She got tired and married some merchant after I put off my confession for years, mi boy! That was seventeen years ago!”

“Henry’s the slum-favorite drunk as you can tell.” Cole nonchalantly points out, already leading me into a small circle. He frees my hand and slowly claps his hands in the air. I do the same. “Pick up the pace or they’ll leave us behind.”

“A-Alright!” I nod and try to match my speed with the boy. I glance over my shoulder to see what the other dancers are doing. “Oh, they’re…”


I return my gaze to the frowning boy before me.

“Eyes on me.” Cole presses his lips together for a moment.

“You like to boss me around, huh?” I tease him.

The boy scoffs. “Only a child would think that!”

“What do you mean? Aren’t you around my age?”

“That…” Cole stops, lowering his eyes. He steps away from me, and I imitate his actions. I focus all of my attention on his feet as we each stand, shoulder to shoulder, with the other dancers.

On the right side of the central space is a line of men whereas the left holds a string of women. With Cole across from me, I copy his next motion and clap my hands as each couple meet each other in the middle before joining hands and dance all the way to the end of the line. Then, they break off to either the right or left side, spinning like spring blossoms.

Soon, I hear the stringed instruments run faster, along with the pipes.

Quickly, Cole and I glide our way to the left dance floor. Before long, we too are circling. A soft laugh burst from my lips. Soon, of course, a genuine smile spreads along the boy’s mouth. Like that, his eyes light up like dazzling lanterns of hope and gentle warmth.

To be honest, I wish…that the fun would never end.

“C’mon!” Cole laughs, leading me through the dance. I smile back at him, seeing that he’s enjoying himself. If he is, then, I am too. “You’re gettin’ the hang of this!”

As we hold hands, our feet movements race against the high-spirited music as it twirls and twirls and twirls…

Until the end.

How much time has passed us by?

“HOORAY!” A hundred strangers cry out with glee.

As the tavern roars with celebration, the musicians exchange smiles with one another and move toward the bar counter. They reach over for some cold drinks when Madame Monet sets the tray down. She laughs as they offer her a few copper coins and walks away without taking any.


“That was fun!” I laugh, turning around. “Right…”

The boy’s arm is still around me, frozen as though he is afraid that I might fall. Despite his child-like appearance, Cole’s eyes seem to have seen far more than anyone would ever imagine. What’s more is that those golden irises exude an abundance of wisdom, experience, and…even grief as he stares off into the distance.

“Cole?” I wave my hand at the child’s face.

Right away, the boy blinks. “Huh?” He whips his hand away from me. “Oh, the dance is over…”

“You were spacing out.” I lean toward Cole, studying his fluctuating facial expressions. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine… Just tired.”

“Tired? If you’re tired, I’m about to drop! I haven’t run around like this in years!”

Cole cocks his head. “Why are you talking as though you’re already an old lady?”

“I-I mean what I said! I never run around like this at home!”

“Well, it’s a good thing that I’m making you exercise those old bones of yours, then, huh?”

“C-COLE!” Again, his words are enough for my face to burn mercilessly. “YOU JERK!”

Little piece of shit, I’m trying to be nice here!

☆*:・゚・:* ☆

Turns out that there is a back door, hidden behind a towering cupboard in Madame Monet’s kitchen. Once the large woman pushes it out of place, I see that the exit is indeed small. It’s meant for someone like Cole to come in and out of the place. I gape in wonder, turn to the stern-faced lady, and bow to show her my gratitude. She nods and watches us open the short door without any problem. Then, without another word, Madame Monet shuts the exit behind us as we enter the cold darkness again.

The sweat from dancing is drying off on me.

“Here.” Handing me a hand-sized loaf of warm bread, Cole does not look at me but keeps walking forward. Chin up. “Freshly baked, so it’s still a bit hot.”

I grab the bread from the boy and feel the crinkling paper that wraps around it. “Thank you.” My stomach growls, and I start to scarf down the food. My eyes are moist. Wow… It has a medley of sweet berries mixed in. I sniffle. “Cole, this is the best bread that I’ve ever eaten!”

“Not even gonna question that too?”


As though to avoid any more conversation, the boy stuffs his face with bread as well. I follow him in the dark, regardless.

Tugging at his sleeve, I ask, “Do you always eat Madame’s bread?”

“Of course, I do.”

“What else can she make?” I am already almost done with the sweet bread and finish up the last few crumbs.

“Mm… She bakes muffins and cookies in the morning.”

“Wow! She does?”

Cole rolls his eyes. “She runs a tavern. She needs to make money, you know.”

For a moment, the boy glances down and sees that I am stubbornly holding onto his sleeve. I catch the direction of his eyes and look back.

“It’s okay.” Cole says, staring ahead into the void. “We’re almost there.”

Soon, after fumbling here and there in the dark, the child stops in his tracks. I do too. Then, Cole squats down and brings out an enormous wooden crate with a heavy, dingy tapestry draped over it. A single flaming torch burns over the area.

With one scoop of his hand, the boy brings out a small dusty box. Cole gently holds it close to his chest, cradling the box as if it is worth more than his own life. His golden eyes soften into a pair of warm water pools, decorated by autumn leaves.

“Is this what you brought me all the way here for?” I whisper, kneeling next to the boy.

There is only silence, saved for the occasional water droplets from the stalagmites overhead.

Cole pulls up the end of his black shirt and cleans the box. It is only the size of my two palms placed together.

“I told you that I wanted to give you a magical item.” The boy answers me, revealing the container. “The moment when I first saw you, I knew…” He trails off.

“Knew what?” I tilt my head.

“I knew that such a rare item…must go to you.”

“Why? Also, where did you get this? How much was it?”

“If you keep asking too many questions, I’m gonna change my mind.”

I glower at the boy.

Cole smirks. “I’m kidding.” Before I can say anything more, he opens the box.

There, in front of me, a silver necklace radiates in the dark, with a thumb-sized ruby pendant hanging from its delicate chain.

“Oh…” I cover my mouth, having accidentally gasped. I slowly peek and see that Cole is staring right at me. I lower my hand. “What’s it called?”

“This is the Silver Armor Necklace with an added Divine Blessing.”

“Armor…?” I raise my brows. “So, it’s a magical item that offers the user surplus protection from magical and physical harm. Not only that, it heals the user from any ailment or injury too.”

Oh, shit. A nine-year-old wouldn’t know about this sort of stuff!

I manage a smile at the staring boy. “Th-That’s just my guess since I saw something like this in the Guild Hall’s library! Haha…” I pause since Cole is waiting patiently. “Do…I really need this?”

“You’re really dumb, you know.” The child motions me to turn around and sit down. I do. “Let me put the necklace on you.”

“Hey! I’m not dumb!” I huff.

“With one look, I can see that you’re the type to get bullied by others outside of your guild.”

Ouch! I fold my arms across my chest.

Ah, the kid’s not wrong though… Other than Isleen and Alastair, I didn’t have a lot of friends. Whenever I did try to make a new friend from other guilds, as Moon Flower’s reputation increased over time, they started pressuring me for political favors due to Alastair’s good relationship with the king and other famous figures.

Well, Cole's words are harsh…but he’s being quite gentle with the jewelry. I guess it’s that valuable.

“Moreover, you’re a healer, are you not?” Cole isn’t done yet, fastening the metal clasp. “You’re gonna be squishy if that’s all you’re gonna study. In the future, how are you gonna hold up in battles against animals, monsters, and humans?”

“You act as though I’m going to die.” I stop, wondering if it’s okay to make a joke of how I met my end last time. Ah… That’s alright, right? “My guild will take good care of me.”

“Oh? Who takes good care of you?”

“The great Alastair takes good care of me!” There is no response, and I snort. “You’ll definitely hear about him in the future. Alastair Skye will be Nobilis Apricus’ greatest hero!”

“Alastair Skye…huh?” There’s an odd rim of resentment in Cole’s changed tone.

“Do you know him?”

“Qin Yang, look at me.” This time, Cole softens his voice. He lets go of the silver chain around my neck. “The hero…can’t always protect you.”

I rotate to get a better view of his face. A few red tufts of hair fall over one of his gold eyes.

“And you wanna know how I know?”

“How?” I ask.

Running his hand over the crown of red hair, the boy avoids my gaze. He sighs under the burning torch that shines above us.

“...Because I can see the future.”

HUH?! I feel my eyes grow large and wide.

C-Cole, are you some hidden side character with lots of plot armor?! Where were you in my past life?!

“...And in that future, your fate...is entangled by Alastair Skye’s.” A grim frown comes forth. Cole lightly taps a finger on my forehead. “Qin Yang, you need to get strong, okay?”

I stare in awe of how mature my new friend has become.

“So, you can save Moon Flower.”


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