《The Wind Waker》-XLI-


"THIS IS not nearly as fun as it once was," Joel said, panting heavily after a little sparring match.

"You're doing great Joel!" Link encouraged, "you are hiking your grip a bit far up your weapon, but that's something you'll get better at with time."

Joel laughed. "Maybe. Some of us just aren't meant to be swordsmen."

"Or maybe," Link's father said from behind, "Link has a bit of an unfair advantage, hmm?"

"Oh hey," Link turned to his father, "I've already loaded my things on the ship, thought I'd have a bit of fun for old times sake."

"I'm going to miss you," Joel said.

"We all will," Link's father said. "But... I think I feel that it is right. From the moment you declared your intention to go after Aryll, I've felt that one thought - this is right. I had no idea our family had been passing down pieces of the triforce - but I'm glad that we trusted you, so that they could find their way into the right hands."

"You and Mom did far more for me than the triforce," Link smiled. "Somehow, I never could bring myself to completely give up. Somehow, I kept choosing to help people, even when I didn't."

"For all her faults," his father said, "I think Tetra is right. Though it may seem distant now, the promise of a new land sounds incredible."

"And it's one that I better get ready for," Link said.

They had been sparring on the east side of the island's ridge, where a thankfully now fixed, and more sturdy rope bridge connected. Link had found himself up here more and more often, a place where he felt he could really grasp the fierce winds.

When Link walked out of the shade of some trees as they came down the hill, he was surprised to see the island all gathered together, with a bunch of tables set down on the grass.

"We never did celebrate your birthday," Link's mother smiled, "and letting you go without some kind of celebration seemed -"

"A blatant waste of a good excuse to throw a party," Grandma said.

She seemed more active, more strong since Link had been home. Her healing all that time ago seemed to have really changed her. He had discovered real life and personality in his Grandmother that he'd never seen before.

And with his family, with his parents, Grandma and Aryll - with the villagers who were essentially family - and then with the crew and Tetra, he finally celebrated the day he traditionally became a man.

He really considered the ceremony sacred, but it had been but a precursor to the real trials that had, and were shaping him into an adult. Maybe someday he'd feel as mature as his father. Maybe someday Link would be able to smile, leading his own son through the ceremony.

He wondered if perhaps they should perform it anymore. After all, Ganondorf had been slain, and Hylia's people now had a hero. But Link felt that it was something that should continue. Someday, he would be gone. He wanted others to follow him.

They had an island feast, with pig roasted over a fire, and fresh grilled vegetables. Link had been afraid that the pirates would... well, do something out of place, or offend the islanders. But with the sharing of stories from Link's adventures, and a few from the pirates, there wasn't a frown to be seen.


Music was played, songs were sung, and Link was even able to get Tetra to dance one song with him.

After it all, by the time the sun was sinking down lower in the sky, when the songs had ceased, the food had been cleared, and the conversation had died down... Link knew that the time had finally arrived.

Tetra's crew left first, to began preparing the ship, and loading on some supplies the islanders had offered for their voyage.

Link left Tetra, who was talking with some of the islander girls, who seemed, to Tetra's annoyance, more interested in the pretty dress Tetra had worn for a time, rather than her daring battles.

Walking across the island, Link traveled to his family's home, one last time. As he walked, he felt a strong slap on his back.

"I'm quite proud of you Link," Orca said.

"Oh, thanks," Link smiled, turning to the aging man.

"You've granted me the dream of any good teacher - to have a pupil achieve greater heights than himself."

"Perhaps," Link chuckled. "Don't loosen up on Joel."

"The boy thinks he is clever because he subverts the ancient techniques. But slowly maybe he will learn discipline."


"Keep that sword close," Orca said. "In your search for a new land, there is no doubt that many vile creatures will be lurking about. However, I know you'll do well."

"Thank you Orca."

Orca nodded, then turned around, walking thoughtfully.

Looking away from his old master, Link turned his attention to his home. It felt strange, walking inside, even though he'd done so frequently in the few weeks he'd spent back.

He had truly feared, the first time he'd left home, that he would not come back. This time he knew, or at least felt more confident that he would return home safely. But it felt somehow more permanent this time.

When he had left to save Aryll, he'd assumed that if he rescued her, he would be able to come home, and live here the rest of his life. But the next time he saw the inside of this humble cottage, it would truly be his last. It would be to gather his family up, to travel to a new land.

Link wondered if, no matter how beautiful, if such a new land could ever be his home. He couldn't be sure.

So, he spent these last moments, looking at pictograph pictures, at drawings he and Aryll had scrawled on certain stones in the floor. He simply ran his hand along the beds he and his sister had slept in. He sat down next to the hearth with no fire, thinking back on all the laughter his family had shared here.

And he thought of that less tangible flame from here - those family gatherings, reading the Codex, hearing of the glories of long forgotten lands, of the virtues of great heroes and heroines. So much of himself was part of this home. Maybe someday, he would be able to make a place like this for his own children.

When he finally walked outside, he saw his parents, Grandma, and Aryll waiting for him.

"Hero of Winds," Grandma smiled, "I have a gift for you."

She handed him a sack with something soft and lumpy inside. When he opened it, he found clothing. Hero's clothing.


"A hero deserves dignified clothing," she said, "but probably more than one pair of it would be helpful."

"This... this isn't dad's old set is it?"

His father huffed, and the rest of them smiled, and laughed a bit.

"All I ask in return," Grandma said, "is that you and your fair lady find this land quickly. I would like to get there before I become a living statue, and make a nice tapestry to hang in the great big castle you build."

"I'll try my best Grandma," Link laughed.

Link's eyes caught Aryll's.

"I think I have something to return that's long overdue."

He pulled Aryll's red telescope out of his satchel.

"But how will you find you way if you can't see the stars?" Aryll asked.

"The pirates have a telescope I can use," Link said.

"Definitely not," Link's mother said.

She revealed from behind her back a latched box. When Link opened it, he found a sky blue telescope, painted with white clouds, and curling gusts of wind.

"Mom, Dad," he said, "this... "

"It was going to be your big birthday present," his father said, "the paint was something your mother added later though."

Link decided to swallow concerns about the cost, and simply smiled. He looked through it. The lenses were brand new, and clear. He also noticed that this was more powerful than Aryll's telescope.

"Find that new Hyrule Link," his mother said, "we'll be here when you return - don't worry."

Link put the telescope back in its case and closed the lid, then put it in his satchel. Gerudo that thing was useful.

He walked with his family along the sand. Link took it all in. The high cliffs overlooking the island. As the sky began to grow red, they were cast in a beautiful light. The palm trees swayed gently in the wind.

As they made their way to the dock, the rest of the islanders were gathering there.

Link paused for a moment, seeing Tetra leaning against a palm tree. She looked thoughtfully out at the quiet rolling surf.

"You ready?" she asked him.

"Yeah," he said, his voice cracking slightly.

"You aren't going to get all emotional are you?" she smiled.

"Not sure I can promise that," he smiled back.

Tetra had not lost much of her edge - but it had changed drastically in tone. Her banter wasn't meant to degrade. It was friendly teasing. Maybe Link had just grown to better understand his friend.

Link walked onto the boards of the dock, as the islanders gathered at the end of it, and his family members followed him to the gangplank.

He stopped there, turning slowly to face them. Their smiling faces were in great contrast to the grief they'd had when he'd first left home. It made him feel warm, and at peace to see his sister there, holding onto their mother once again.

"I wish that last time had been this cheerful of a goodbye," Link laughed quietly.

There was a brief silence before Link found himself breaking into tears. They embraced him, one by one.

He couldn't think of anything really impressive to say.

"I love you," he said, "I love you all so much."

They answered in kind.

Link turned around, where Tetra stood at the base of the gangplank.

"What you waitin' for?" she asked, "I'm not giving you a hug until we step on the shore of our new Hyrule - now climb aboard, adventure awaits."

He gave his family one last smile.

"I will try to send letters when possible," he said, "we'll keep in touch with the Rito, and they'll try their best to get them to you."

His parents simply nodded back, maintaining smiles, but like Link, unable to keep their eyes dry.

Link walked up the gangplank after Tetra. He walked aboard The Shrewd Scout, unable to keep his eyes off of his family.

He made his way to the stern, where Gonzo stood at the wheel.

"Where do we sail captain?" he asked.

Tetra turned to Link with a smile. "Link?"

He pulled out the wind waker.

And as he lofted it, he heard the wind sing once again.

He holds the sliver of the past in his hand,

and has cast aside the desert sand,

he hath lost the prize that others sought,

that ancient land for which he fought.

Though the land of the ancients now is dead,

their courage, wisdom, and power will be led,

to a new land, rich and green, unlike that which they have seen.

For the waker of winds hath awakened that breeze,

which the king of Gerudo sought to seize,

he now leads it across the seas,

and to the doors that will open by its keys.

The ancient magic has awakened at last,

and found its heroes, reforging the past.

The wind was with Link, the hero of winds, the waker of winds that day. Their determined gusts wanted to travel to the west, and he granted their desire.

The sails of the ship filled, and Gonzo began steering the ship in the direction Link held the wind waker.

Link returned the sacred tool to his satchel, and then looked out at his home island as they began to sail away.

He basked in their cheers, their goodbyes, and returned their waving.

Soon, the roaring of the waves covered the sound of them, and they grew smaller and smaller into the distance.

Tears still on his face, but determination in his heart, Link found that passion in his chest - the thing him and Tetra both wanted so much.

He ran down the stairs, along the main deck. Then, he stopped at the prow, where he could see the ship cutting through the waves. And the horizon ahead.

It was beautiful shades of red and orange as the sun got closer to setting. Beautiful billowing clouds stretched as far as he could cast in that setting light.

He imagined a sky like that stretching over endless fields of grass, and framed by lofty mountains.

And he felt in that moment, that he could almost see it.

The Legends of the past reborn.

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