《Problems of Modern Society》Chapter 13 - Dad Jokes


As we are nearing the season finale of Problems in Modern Society I have decided to talk about something thats means something to a lot of people, good or bad. I am talking about dad jokes. There are a many types of jokes that people find funny but I would narrow these jokes down to four types of jokes.

1. I call these filthy frank jokes. These are dark, offensive, and honestly jokes that nobody should find funny.

2. Numero duo is meme template jokes. Let me just explain. "Bro, I was working out hard last night." "I just went to get cereal, I guess you could say fitness is my passion." If you still don't understand then meme culture is not your thing.

3. Third joke I would say would be sarcastic jokes. These are jokes that you say without meaning them. Almost as if you said something like "politicians are smart" that would be sarcastic (lol please don't @ me.)

4. Lastly the big finale. Dad jokes.... This takes all the jokes that I talked about before and elevates it to a level never known to man unless you are a father of a child. These are not only offensive and dark but also have sarcasm and meme dust in the jokes. They can be hilarious or extremely misrepresented.

Tell me what you think is the superior form of comedy besides the first presidential debate. That was just self parody, sorry I can't.

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