《# Gaea 2 - Light of the Shadow》Chapter 4 - Part 2
Supporting her weight against the cushioned arms of the armchair, she pushed herself up, and once again had to stand still for a moment until another dizzy spell went subsided.
She quickly took in the room, searching for a phone, but there was none to be found. There was a wooden cupboard against the wall right in front of her. On the far end of the room a mini-bar, the colorful bottles aligned on the shelf behind it, two tall stools keeping the stone counter company. Behind her there was an enormous bookshelf with old-looking books that one would expect to find in an antique shop. And, on the wall, over the cupboard, there were two paintings picturing surreal nocturnal landscapes. The room and been decorated with taste and yet simplicity, overall making it cozy and pleasant. One could easily tell that, even though the owner was clearly wealthy, he also didn’t like spending money on superfluous things. In fact she could easily point out the lack of most commodities that one could be consider normal in a house, like a plasma TV, or even a stereo. There were no pictures anywhere, and, of course, no phone to talk about.
The windows, taking over most of the left wall, were covered by beige screens. Still the weak light coming from outside told her that Anne hadn’t lied about the time.
Sarah stumbled towards the stone arch through which she could easily see the stairs. If she wasn’t mistaken, the door she’d seen before would lead outside. She knew that Anne was probably right, and that the wisest thing would be to wait for someone to take her home. However, for the most part, she just wanted to get away from all that mess. She no longer cared about what was real, if her memories or the nice woman’s words. All she wanted was to return to the safety of her home and call Selena as soon as possible.
“Oh?! But what is this?”
The sudden sound of that voice made her jump and her heart exploded into a crazy beat as if it were trying to escape from her chest. She instinctively turned back but did so too fast, leaving her immediately dizzy and sick to the stomach. Sarah stumbled back, searching for some kind of support, and her trembling hands grabbed hold of the first thing she touched, as she mentally thanked the presence of the heavy bookshelf right beside her. And then she was finally able to focus her attention on the young man watching her with an evil, cold smile on his face.
Looking a few years younger than her, he was tall and well built. But his dark-green eyes showed a cruel amusement that immediately left her on alert. He had straight black hair, amongst which were a few shocking red locks, and the bangs that purposely fell over his forehead partially covered his left eye. He wore a black sweater with a V neckline, and blue jeans that stuck to his firm muscular legs; the faded, tattered fabric making it look as if they’d been worn one too many times; the tears that showed his skin, added to his flashy hair, making him look like some street kid. Surely he’s not the medicine student Anne was talking about … she hoped after a brief analysis. But, on the other hand … Anything was possible …!
In any case, where had he come from? Her gaze fell upon a door, near the bar, that she hadn’t noticed before. She hadn’t heard it open or close, or even the sound of any footsteps. And she was sure that, just moments ago, there hadn’t been anyone else in that room.
“Who …?” she tried to ask, frowning suspiciously, but the air scrapped against her dry throat, making her cough.
“Well, ain’t that my question,” he replied, bluntly eyeing her from head to toe, which only made her even more aware of the poor state she was in. “A female in this house is something never seen before. Which means one of two things. Either he has no intentions of letting you get out alive, or he’s gone completely insane and madness made him incredibly careless,” he observed and gave her another critical once-over. “No matter the case, it would seem he’s been having fun with you. I bet that you’re the reason no one has heard from him in days! And we fools, looking for him in Italy!” he added and the vibrant despise in his voice made her cringe against the bookshelf. That boy wasn’t normal … She could clearly feel the same type of insanity she felt near Alexis, vibrating in the air surrounding him. The only difference was that this young man was much better at controlling it. “Where has he been hiding you all this time?” he asked, taking a step towards her, and Sarah quickly looked around, searching for something that could be used as a weapon. “Because the last time I was here he wasn’t at home. I turned the whole place upside down looking for him.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sarah replied, unable to leave the support the bookshelf provided her, and the amusement that took over his face told her he’d realized she wanted nothing more but to keep the distance between them, which only made him get even closer.
“Sure you don’t. After all, why give unnecessary information to a toy that, once broken, will just be thrown away without remorse? If I were you I’d get out of here as soon as possible,” he advised pointing the stone arch at her back. And yet the strange glow in his eyes told her otherwise, that she’d be in real danger should she dare to turn her back on him. He looked more like a wild animal, waiting for its prey to start running so he could hunt it down. “So? Does that mean you rather wait for him?” he insisted in a clear challenge and Sarah felt her heart beat faster against her chest. True all she wanted was to leave that house as soon as possible. But she wasn’t about to give him the pleasure of surprising her in the last moment, thwarting her vain hopes of escape.
“Hale!” The voice that called that name sounded more like a roar and Sarah’s attention was immediately turned towards the two men that had just arrived. At least now she’d clearly seen them opening and closing the door in the back, which told her that it was probably a back entrance, and consequently a second way of escape. Nevertheless, and although the presence of those strange men meant she was probably in danger again, she couldn’t help feel relieved as she was finally able to confirm that her memories were real.
Alexis was furious, glaring the young man that, up till moments ago, had been her only company. His companion, on the other hand, looked calm, almost uninterested, although he kept a close eye on Alexis, as if ready to grab him and stop him if needed be.
If Alexis' presence was strange and intimidating, the one beside him was almost surreal. Taller than Alexis by a full head, his hair was completely white, long like a woman’s, falling shiny and straight all the way to his waist. His eyes were dark-blue, almost black, watching her indifferently. His young face, of almost perfect proportions, reminded her of a statue, unable to change or show any kind of expression. He also wore black, but contrary to Alexis that obviously had a thing for leather, he wore jeans. And yet, no matter what he wore, nothing on earth could mask the terrifying aura surrounding him. Surrounding the three of them, for that matter!, Sarah had to add.
And how in hell three almost perfect male specimens had come together in one room? Her suspicion that she was actually having a mental breakdown and that everything she saw was just a figment of her own imagination returned.
Still she had to concede, although completely different, the three of them were rather attractive, not only in the way they looked but also in the way they carried themselves. She would have probably been left stunned, just mindlessly gaping at them, if not for her gift that allowed her to capture other people's emotions and intentions. Because every single one of those men perfectly balanced their beauty with an equal deep need of death and violence.
“Hale, get away from the girl. She’s not pleased with your proximity,” the one with white hair said, even though his eyes kept watching Alexis. Sure she’d feel much better if that young man would just take a few steps back, but it was clear that it wasn’t her that that white-haired man was trying to appease.
To her surprise the irreverent youngster obeyed without arguing, even though he still stared at her as if he wanted to swallow her whole.
“Hale! What are you doing here?” Alexis demanded, anger vibrating in his voice, and Hale spun around, falling heavily on one of the couches, putting his feet on the glass table in front of him, as if he were at home. All-Star tennis shoes that used to be dark-blue, Sarah noticed and immediately reprimanded herself for paying attention to such irrelevant details.
Just have to closely memorize everything I see. This is real, Sarah! You’re not dreaming! And for your own sake don’t doubt yourself again!
“I came looking for you, obviously! I’m your partner, after all. And that’s what partners do, right? Especially when someone just goes missing without a trace for more than three weeks!” Hale added in a clear tone of reprehension and Alexis frowned, clearly displeased, not only with his tone, but also with what he’d said.
“Partner?! What are you talking about?”
“Oh, I have nothing to do with that,” Hale replied with a dismissive gesture as if the matter was none of his concern. “I’m just following orders.”
Alexis gleaming eyes immediately turned towards the man that, with arms crossed over his chest, stood calmly at his side.
“Aaran! What does he mean? What orders?”
“I told you since the beginning that we would work in two men cells. And after so many days without a single word from you I had no other choice but to ask Hale to look for you,” he told him, apparently immune to Alexis sour mood.
“The hell you had, Aaran! You just wanted to get rid of him and so you pushed him on me!” Alexis countered, accusingly, and Hale jumped to his feet with a threatening, angry expression, making Sarah cower against the bookshelf, certain that that discussion wouldn’t end well. The air around them was heavy with violence and hostility, and if they all left that room by their own feet would be a miracle.
“Watch your mouth, old man!” Hale roared threateningly and Alexis took an angry step towards him. However, all it took was Aaran’s hand on his shoulder, and he was immediately frozen in place, as Sarah blinked in disbelief, since even the madness consuming him had simply melted away.
“Hale, I don’t need you to defend me,” Aaran declared in that same emotionless tone, and although there wasn’t the slightest hint of a reprimand, Sarah felt those wards like a cold slap. Hale too, seemed to share her feelings, because he simply sat back with a sulking expression. “Alex, like it or not, from now on Hale is your partner. I’m sure you agree that we can’t risk having you being captured again. And we both know that after learning about your escape Farran won’t rest until he grabs you again. It will be a matter of honor as far as he's concerned.”
To her surprise, Alexis crossed his arms and looked away in a rather childish attitude.
“As if that one there is going to be able to stop Farran from hunting me down,” he grunted between clenched teeth and Hale sulked even more.
“At least Hale has his cellphone turned on!” Aaran countered patiently.
“I have my cellphone on, too!” Alexis retorted and the light wrinkle that marked Aaran’s forehead made even Alexis take a step back.
“Of course you do, at home, where it’s completely useless should you need it!” he added with a hint of irony. “And no more arguing! It has already been decided!” The absence of further arguments closed the matter and Sarah wished she could just disappear when those dark-blue eyes turned her way once again. “Now … Is this the girl we were talking about?” he asked, even though he clearly knew the answer, and Alexis took a deep breath as he nodded.
“Her name is Sarah.”
“Good evening, Sarah. I’m sorry you had to witness such unpleasant discussion,” he told her in an obviously studied manner that made him sound cordial and pleasant, and the smile that cut through his severe expression gave her the creeps.
It was better if he didn’t smile at all … Fake smiles that have nothing to do with what people are feeling are truly scary. Like the smile on a killer's face, she thought, and immediately ordered her hyper-imaginative mind to stop wondering.
“Oh, that’s why she’s here!” Hale claimed, quickly recovering from his bad-humor, and watched her again with a mocking, critical expression. “Really, I’d already wondered what was such an uninteresting female doing in your house,” he went on, turning his irony towards Alexis. “I say … she’s truly a Hridaya worthy of you. Or you can always stick your face in a bucket of acid and be done with it.”
“Shut your trap, Hale! Before I make sure you swallow your teeth,” Alexis growled, clenching his fists so hard that his hands shook, and Sarah felt a wave of madness taking over him again.
“Alex … you're sure you want me to do this?” Aaran asked, and once more all it took was the sound of that emotionless voice to calm him down.
Sarah was certain that they were talking about her, and her heart jumped in anticipation. Do? Do what? After the way Hale had spoken she knew she wasn’t really being seen with friendly eyes, and her mind sped into a frenzy, trying to anticipate what would follow.
It was clear that that Aaran had a certain amount of authority over the other two, and that Alexis had gone to him to talk about her. Maybe he was the leader of the gang, or even some mob lord. He’d probably gone there to decide if she should live or die, after all she’d seen and heard in the last forty-eight hours.
Alexis restrained expression suddenly irritated her. He was probably too much of a coward, turning to his leader for help because he didn't have the courage to do what needed to be done. Aaran, on the other hand, had the posture of a true cold blooded killer. She could easily picture his pale skin smeared with blood and be sure that nothing would change or crack the cold ice inhabiting his gaze.
Buy the corner of her eye Sarah quickly calculated the distance from where she stood to the stone arch. Maybe if she ran … Maybe she’d be able to reach the front door, and, once there, simply scream for help. In a hopeful attempt she tried to release the bookshelf, but her legs shook painfully, forcing her to resort to the old wood structure for support again. Her sweaty hands slipped, forcing her to hold on even harder.
Well, and that was her answer. She’d never be able to run anywhere. Just managing to walk to the door would be a huge achievement.
Sarah raised her head and faced the three men watching her. At least she wouldn’t show them fear, no matter how terrified she truly was.
Alexis nodded, and with that discreet sign Aaran took a step towards her.
Sarah forced her hands to hold on to the bookshelf even harder, making sure her fingers wouldn’t betray her, and faced her attacker with all the courage she could manage, even though she was shaking like a leaf inside.
“You have nothing to fear, Sarah … I’m not going to hurt you,” Aaran declared in that appeasing tone, but even so his footsteps kept bringing him closer, quickly devouring the space between them.
As he got closer, looking even taller and imposing than she’d initially perceived him, the fear corroding her stomach spread to her chest, making it harder to breathe. Panicking, her mind was again filled with despairing ideas of escape and she tried to step back, just to notice that her body refused to obey, leaving her defenseless, just standing there.
Just like in the car!, she recalled. And the terror of that memory brought up other, much worse memories, that found resonance in the wounds still covering her body.
And then he was standing right in front of her, tall, cold and insensitive like a wall. Panicking she saw him raise his arms and cold hands with long fingers lightly touched her face. The instantaneous revulsion she felt coursed through her body like a spasm, her eyes tearing up. She could hardly breathe and her heart beat like crazy. Aaran, on the other hand, seemed indifferent to her feelings, as if he were simply complying with some predetermined course of action, and, leaning over her, pressed his lips against hers.
Terror washed over her, consuming thoughts and emotions. Her desire to be able to fight and defend herself against that invasion was frustrated by her inability to move, and her broken mind screamed in despair.
A violent gust of wind suddenly rushed through the room and a wild, bloodthirsty monster roared so loud that even the walls shook. And then the world was all darkness and silence.
The first thing Sarah noticed was that she was still breathing and that the sound of her gasping breath was the only thing she could hear. Then pain washed over her like a wave, more intense in certain places. And only then did she feel the strong arms surrounding her, squeezing her with too much strength, especially taking into account her dreadful state. And yet she could immediately recognize the warmth of the body pressed against her back, his emotions invading her mind, making her gasp.
Anger, hate, possessiveness … death.
Shaking uncontrollably, she looked around to make sure they were still in the same place. The room was the same, she concluded, but there were two couches missing, a pile of dark ash on the floor where they’d been.
Aaran remained apparently calm, still watching her, but his dark gaze showed a ferocity that hadn’t been there before. And how had he gotten so far from her in just a split second, when he’d just been standing right in front her, his cold hard lips against hers, only moments ago?
The sound of a low growl made her turn her attention towards Hale, that crouching on the armchair where he’d been leisurely sitting, looked more like a wild animal ready to attack.
“Hale, come. Let’s leave them alone,” Aaran declared in his impeccable opaque voice, even though he still watched them attentively, and Hale growled again.
“And leave him in this state?” He sounded incredulous. “You know what this means! He’s going to swallow that female whole!”
Sarah couldn’t help shudder at the sound of that, since she was the only female around. But the arm around her waist squeezed her even harder, making sure she couldn’t escape.
“He won’t hurt her,” Aaran replied with an apparent certainty Sarah wished she could share. “The same can’t be said about you, Hale. So just do as I say. I’m not in the mood to have to die to protect you,” he added with a certain severity and Hale still grunted something but ended up doing as he was told.
In slow movements, alert to any sudden change, as if fearing he might be attacked out of nowhere, he climbed down from the armchair and stepped back until he stood next Aaran who, equally alert, only relaxed when he grabbed the young man by the collar of his black t-shirt.
“I hope you got your answer. Make your decision and then come and find me,” he told the man still holding her but, even so, didn’t dare turn his back on him. Dragging Hale with him, Aaran slowly stepped back towards the door he’d come from, and left.
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