《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 87


Tristan leaned back into the couch, letting Mat and I work it out, “Guess it’s a good thing Rian didn’t stay. He would no doubt be trying to beat Mat up right about now.”

“Why’s that?” Kami asked. Brandon and Cedric dropped onto the couch with her and Tristan, forcing her to squish herself between the arm of the couch and Brandon.

“He is fiercely protective of her. Did I not mention he glared at me the first time I saw him, simply because I sat by her and he was in her lap.”

“I would say it’s the bond, but it’s more likely a combination of the bond and Aly’s natural aura. Everyone feels the need to protect her.” Cedric said, thinking a moment before adding, “And anyone who doesn’t, would be instantly suspicious in my book. Especially if they had spent more than 5 or 10 minutes getting to know her.”

“Mmm, that’s a valid point, but probably not something to live by, so to speak.” Tristan nodded in agreement.

“Speaking of living… Did, uh, you tell mom and dad about Rian yet?”

Tristan stilled and even I kind of paled as I finally got Mat pinned to the floor. “Shit. No.” I flicked Mat between the eyes, as hard as I could, grinning when he flinched and winced a little. “I win.”

I stood, letting Mat up and walked to Tristan, sitting in his lap once more. Mat rubbed the bridge of his nose as he got to his feet and rejoined Cedric on the couch, which ultimately forced Kami to shift so she was practically in Brandon’s lap even though she was trying to keep herself more on the arm of the couch.

“Think it’s too late to tell your parents tonight?” I asked Tristan.

“They might still be awake. If not, we can tell them first thing in the morning.” He answered.

I nodded, “I’ll reach out to Ivy.”

“Afterwards we should go for a run, burn off some energy?”

I heard the group agreeing as I closed my eyes and opened the link to both Daemon and Ivy. *Good evening Ivy, Daemon, are you still awake?*

I waited, Ivy coming across the link just a moment later. *Yes Alyce. Is everything ok?*

*Yes, everything is fine, but could you and Daemon join us in our room for a few minutes? We have some news to share.*


*Of course. We’ll be up shortly.*

*Thank you.*

I closed the link and looked at Tristan. “They’ll be up in a few minutes.”

He kissed my forehead and smiled softly at me, “Thank you, my love.”

“Mmm, you’re welcome.”

“Sickeningly sweet…” Kami whispered to Brandon, who nodded and grinned at her as she giggled.

Mat and Cedric were laughing a little. Cedric pulling Mat further into his lap, snuggling him. Mat nuzzled Cedric, kissing him softly.

“Aww not you two also.” Kami groaned a bit and Brandon laughed softly and patted her back lightly.

“They’re only doing it to get a rise out of you.” Brandon whispered to her.

“I know, what’s worse is they succeeded.” She pouted at Brandon and I watched his hands twitch. His body language said he wanted to pull her close and console that pout on her face away, but he was keeping himself under control.

I opened a link to Tristan. *I think Brandon might be into Kami without the mate link, or perhaps he’s picking up on the link forming on a subconscious level.*

*Let’s hope it’s the latter. I’d rather not have him broken hearted if he’s not her mate when her birthday comes around in a few weeks.*

*Indeed. They compliment each other well, work well together even. I think I’ll be a little disappointed myself if they turn out not to be mates.*

*I might be too at this point.*

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the room door, followed by it opening and Ivy and Daemon letting themselves in.

“Good evening everyone!” Ivy greeted, hugging everyone in turn as she reached us, Cedric and I being the receivers of the longest embraces.

“Hey there. Thanks for coming up on short notice. It’s been a bit of a crazy day.” I said, hugging Daemon next.

“Oh I’m sure. I hear you two had Rian with you for the day.” Ivy smiled.

“We did. It’s actually him that we want to talk to you about.” Tristan replied.

“Oh? Did something happen?”

“Well, other than the bond starting to form, which I told you about this morning. Rian is going to be coming to stay with us permanently in a few weeks. Once we can get everything officially in order.”


“In order? What do you mean?” Daemon asked.

“We’re adopting Rian. We’ve already discussed it with Miss Maggie, he’ll be staying with her until we can prepare for him, and he does not know any of this yet. We will be telling him tomorrow after I pick him up from the daycare center.” I answered.

Ivy exclaimed in joy, “Oh, that’s wonderful!”

Daemon grinned, “That is good news!”

“Can you help us with the paperwork, Mother?” Tristan asked.

“Absolutely! I’d love to!”

“Thank you. It is much appreciated.” I smiled at them.

“Of course my darling.”

“Our family is growing quickly and in some unexpected but happy ways.” Daemon chuckled, patting Mat and Cedric’s shoulders.”

“We’re happy to be part of it.” Mat said.

“Truly honored.” Cedric added.

“We are a pretty awesome family.” Kami giggled.

“I can’t argue with that.” I chuckled at her.

“All that’s left is for Kami to find her mate, with any luck in a few weeks.” Ivy was giddy at her growing family circle.

“And Brandon to find his.” I added.

“Yeah, he might as well be family.” Tristan said.

“The younger brother Tristan never wanted.” Brandon joked.

“Oh come on, you’re my best friend man. You know that.”

“I do know.”

Mat and I grinned at each other, completely understanding the dynamic between Tristan and Brandon.

“Alright, it’s getting late, everyone should go get some rest, which means your own rooms.” Ivy said with a stern smile.

‘Yes ma’ams’ and ‘Yes moms’ resounded throughout the group, causing me to giggle a little. “We’ll see you all tomorrow.”

“I’ll get the paperwork together tomorrow and we can find some time to go over it together.” Ivy said, hugging Tristan and I once more.

“Sounds good. Thank you again.”

“No thanks needed.” Daemon said, hugging me and patting Tristan on the back.

*We’ll meet in an hour for a run. I don’t think any of us are ready to sleep tonight.* Tristan sent out a group link to Kami, Brandon, Mat and myself. Mat would let Cedric know.

Everyone shuffled out and I flopped onto our bed as Tristan closed the door behind them. I sighed, both happy and a bit exhausted, or maybe that was the sudden hunger I felt, my stomach growling to announce it.

“Hungry, Half-Pint?”

“Apparently so.” I giggled, hopping off the bed.

“Well let’s get you fed before the run. What sounds good?”

“Mmm, grilled cheese?”

“You got it gorgeous.”

“You’re too good to me.”

“You’re sweet, but that’s not really a factual statement.”


He kissed the tip of my nose and smiled, resting his forehead against mine, “No. I’m not good enough. You are amazing and I’m not sure there’s any male alive that deserves you, but I am damn happy that I am the one who was lucky enough to get you.”

“Now who’s the sweet one hmm?” I kissed him softly and smiled at him.

“Both of us. Now, I’ll go make you some food, you relax.”

“Yes Alpha.”

“Don’t you start that Half-Pint, not when we’re supposed to go on a run in 45 minutes.”

I giggled and went and curled up in a chair. “No idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you don’t.” He headed into the kitchen, shaking his head at me with a grin.

I smiled at him and relaxed, grabbing a book off one of the end tables. I read the back cover, pretty sure it was once of Tristan’s and not one of mine as I didn’t recognize it. The description read like a run of the mill fantasy. Group of experienced adventurers traveling the lands in an attempt to stop some long trapped evil that was threatening to re-emerge.

I opened it, reading it without paying too much attention so I didn’t get sucked in. I had lost myself countless tales over the years, using them as an escape in my younger years, avoiding the realities that were starting to take hold in my world.

I found myself lost in thought and nearly missing it when Tristan brought out a plate, stacked with grilled cheese sandwiches, both traditional and some with ham on them as well. “Come eat, Half-Pint.”

“Thank you for cooking.”

“You’re welcome.”

I set the book aside and hopped up. I headed over to join him at the table for a fuel up before our run.

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