《Isekai Reporter》Prologue: A carreer path


Back in high school, I used to want to be a news reporter when I grow up so I decided to participate in the school's newspaper and photography arts club. At least that's what I had decided to do before coming here.

A few day ago, I woke up clueless of my whereabouts as I scan my surroundings and ponder about my weird military attire, I don't remember wearing a JSDF uniform before. A library it seems and an old one to be exact. I make my way out of the door to a brightly shine front yard.

The yard though had been covered mostly with fauna, but the military equipment was still visible even from afar. I looked around trying to find anyone that could tell me where I was? However, the place was dead quiet, quiet to a point that there were no birds nor animals could be heard. My calls for help kept echoing on and on with no responses.

To be honest, that was the first time I felt isolated and alone. Though I've accustomed to the feeling of alone from silently sit in the corner at school, this new feeling of isolation is still new to me. I made me feel week, vulnerable.

Acknowledging that I was truly alone, I then decided to tinker around with the military weapons and hardware that were present at the scene. Weapons such as assault rifles, handguns, revolvers and weapons were carefully stored in the rusted weapon cases, almost all of them were still in pristine condition and funny enough I even found a ceramic Kabuki mask, hidden under the stacks of what I could presume were HOWA type 89s from the markings on the guns.

Merely touching the gun, I then turned to the hardware that laid adjacent to the guns. Rusted HAM radios with a few seemingly still working headsets and short range radios. After a quick inspection, I then decided to fix them since I'd been in the school's communication's club. Hopefully, I could use it to contact with other people was what I thought.

I then spent like half a day, if my memory is still good enough, fixing the darn thing. Most of the circuits were either too corroded due to the humid weather or the acid from the battery units that the radios used. I wipe off the corrosion with the cloth scarf around my neck, using the machine oil from the cleaning kit to grease up the generator wheels and start the HAM radio.

As the generator turned on, I noticed a peculiar object hiding behind the large generator. Upon closer inspection, I noticed it to be a skeleton of a soldier. It startled me at first but once I gathered myself, I turn to it and decide to bury him for a sake of courtesy.

I carefully remove his dog tags from his neck, revealing him to be a part of the KP. I used to read news about their accomplishment fighting against the Chinese in the South East Asian Sea. After saying my prayers and paying my respect for him, I then returned to tinkering with the radio.

At first, the radio gave me a static and recognizable sound of music playing, but as I try to tune into other channels, sparks started to fly out of the torn wires. And at that moment, the short circuit electrocuted me, leading me to become unconscious.


As I came to, I saw that the scenery had changed. I was no longer in the library garden, but instead, my location shifted into what seemed to be a regular Japanese home. Seeing the interiors that were quite similar to my house, I then kind of concluded that I was back in Japan, in my home or at least someone's home that I could ask to use the phone.


The place earlier didn't seem to be a hallucination or a dream though seeing how I was still clad in the JSDF uniform.

"Sorry for the intrusion!"(Rynosuke)

"Yes! One second please, I'm in the middle of making something, I'll be with you in a second!"(...)

Within less than a second, I got a response.

"Alright! Then may I come in?"(Rynosuke)

"Sure! But please leave your shoes on the shelves in the left please!"(...)

I entered the living room of the house. It was a small room consisted of two wooden shelves, a sofa, a small coffee table and a large TV and a videogame set. Looks like a regular house after all. I sat down on the sofa and waited for the host to come and greet me.

Not long after settling down to my seat, the host finally came to greet me. She was a young girl about my age, she wore a black sailor uniform and a white apron with a few still bright food stains seemingly from cooking. She carefully walked into the room, making almost none to no sound and slowly present to me a tray with a teapot and three ceramic glasses.

"Ah sorry for making you wait. I made some matcha tea, please help yourself."(...)

She then presented me with the cup and offered to pour some tea for me.

"Ah thank you...Could you be so kind to tell me where am I?"(Rynosuke)

After she give me my cup she then poured her own and signaled me to drink mine.

"Please, drink it then we'll talk."(...)

I raised the cup up to take a soft blow to cool down the tea and downed a gulp of it.

"This is delicious!"(Rynosuke)

"Thank you!"(...)

With one large gulp, I then downed the entire cup of tea.

"Thank you for praising my tea. Now, please don't freak out from what I'm going to tell you but...You're in hell."(...)

"Excuse me?..."(Rynosuke)

I spaced out for a moment upon hearing that. She then continued.

"But you're not gonna be suffering a thousand year of pain. The reason I have summoned you here is that I have a request for you."(...)

She then explained the situation to me. I was summoned here after my death due to a good virtue that I had. In the afterlife, god and demons work together to fight against Khaos, a being that spreads prejudice and chaos throughout worlds. Several worlds that were created by the gods had been destroyed by the influences of Khaos. She then explained my role, I and those that other gods managed to save from my previous world shall be sent to this new fantasy world where I and other chosen ones shall try to coexist with those from this world and repel Khaos's influences.

Following up with a few question on her request and briefing, I then reluctantly agreed to the request, with a condition that I would only play on the defensive. I stated that I didn't want to see much bloodshed. She agreed, bringing out a calligraphy brush and an ink stone.

She slowly grinded the inkstone in the ink dish with some water whilst constantly talking to me.

"There will also be other apostles fighting on your side, but beware Khaos influence can infect anyone even angel guardians. Stay vigilant, trust your friend, but prepare to strike them down if necessary."(Kuucifer)

With the ink had melted down onto the water, she then instructed me to lay down on my back, of which I obediently follow. I then waited patiently for what came after. Abruptly and suddenly, the girl lifted the two edges of my shirt, exposing my back, she stood up, raising her foot over the side of my butt and sat down on my leg.



"Hold still! I'm just gonna grant you a blessing from the demon kind..."(Kuucifer)

She was surprisingly soft and light to be honest. Resting her soft and delicate hands on my back, she then started to make her strokes.

"Cold!" (Rynosuke)

"Stay still!"(Kuucifer)

"Sorry, It's not every day that I would get pinned on by a beautiful woman."

I responded sarcastically.


She didn't bother to return to that petty conversation, but rather focusing greatly on her work. And I could feel that focus carefully tracing over the spines and bones of my back, telling from the careful and delicate brush strokes she laid on me. Respecting her concentration and in order not to annoy her, I obediently laid in silence, waiting for her to finish. During that time, I fell into a deep sleep unbothered from the drawings she was putting on me.


After a while, I came to, having to see no trace of Kuucifer and realizing that I was still in her home, I decided to have a look around the living room. I looked around on the shelves and was surprised to see the number of games and manga that she had. IT was quite a lot, much like the entire closet full of contrabands that "Kaichou" Mitsuha showed me last year when I had to write about the student council. As I stroll around the room, an alluring smell caught my attention. Upon following it, I found Kuucifer sitting across on the other side eating what I presumed from the smell of sweet soy sauce and flatbed look, an Onomoyaki?

She scooped up a big spoon and stuffed it in her mouth swooning after every bite. So she's a glutton eh?

She continued eating, displaying what I could assume to be a secret to her, seeing how she carefully chewed and cut the pancake to not make any sound. Which kind of rooted another assumption of a second or third tenant living together with her.

As I was drowning deep in my thoughts about the other role of the other tenants that might share this home with her, I accidentally leaned too much on the slightly opened door and fell down, surprising the gluttonous demon.

Kuucifer let out an adorable yelp after seeing come crashing on the ground just across her table, following up with a soft choke. She quickly coughed it out and drink a cup of water before bashfully asking me to not tell this secret to any of her sisters while tending to my wounds.

"KUUWAH!*cough**cough*! What...*gulp*...are you?"(Kuucifer)

"I'm sorry! *Groan* Damn that was painful."(Rynosuke)

Kuucifer walks over to my side, crouched her knee down to my level and grabbed my face.

"You bruised elbow, let me have a look..."(Kuucifer)

"I'm sorry... for spying on you..."(Rynosuke)

"That's really rude you know?" (Kuucifer)

"Sorry...journalist instincts and habits..." (Rynosuke)

"No... I understood that's why I chose you to be my apostle, you have a keen eye for details and intelligence gathering. Other gods prefer more combat effective individuals, but to me having a sly fox that uses information in his favour is good enough for me." (Kuucifer)

"You praise me too much." (Kuucifer)

"Yeah I am, even after the Student council scandal I'm surprised that you are still able to stand tall." (Rynosuke)

The conversation startled me, how did she know about that?!

"You're wondering how I knew about your evil deeds back in the old world? Easy, because I'm omnipresent and secondly I'm a demon, I keep track of all the evil deeds that my vassals ever did. You are not the first scumbag that have been seated in my home, so don't get your hopes too high." (Kuucifer)

"Well, I'm not gonna deny that. Ha...ha...I've done some screwed up shit during my school days, but I wouldn't do it for personal interest you know? I only did it for her..." (Rynosuke)

My eyes started to water this time, as I recalled the incident. Back in my old school, one of my acquaintances got into trouble and I had to swallow my own tears and guilt to get her out of it.

"I am aware of your circumstances back then, that's why I decided to make you my vassal. You have a good heart, I'm not gonna lie, but you are quite a coward." (Rynosuke)

Guilty as charged since I was basically the one who usually grovel down under my oppressor's feet to stop things from escalating into something worst. Followed up with her remark, I then comically commented on her love for the greasy Onomoyaki.

"It's better than a gluttonous goddess." (Rynosuke)

Her face then burning up with a reddish hue as I refer to the food that she was eating earlier.

"You...you...don't you have any courtesy?! It's rude to tell a woman that she's gluttonous. It's just my cheat day ok?! I don't do this every day?!" (Kuucifer)

A blatant lie I presumed, seeing how she stutters and how her eyes kept diverting away every time I tried to look her in the eyes.

"Sorry for being rude but you shoulda know, I can tell if you are lying or not right? Seeing how your behaviour prior to me barging in tells me that you've been doing this for a long time and even more when your sisters are at home, aren't you?"(Rynosuke)

Her eyes started to water and as a young child, she started to throw a tantrum.

"Hmp! I hate you! Idiot! Jerk! Enemy of woman kind..." (Kuucifer)

"Stop! Ouch! I get it to stop!" (Rynosuke)

I raised my arms up to cover my face from her punches and hits. As I leaned off more and more to dodge avoid her hits while raising arms up to counter her hits, she closed in, making the chair lean more and more increasing the level of balance I needed to keep to not falling down to the floor the second time.

At this point, the chair gave way (from the excess amount of weight two people applied on it), leading me and Kuucifer plundering down on to the ground. We fell onto the ground, or rather onto my body to be honest (because a gentleman always shields a woman away from harm, though in this situation it was merely quite coincidental).

During this incident, we both fell into quite an awkward situation as her hand accidentally touched my crotch while my face came buried into her breasts. And instinctively we both retracted ourselves, immediately turning around away from each other. An awkward silence atmosphere then surround us.

"Sorry..." (Rynosuke)

"Don...Don't mind it, it was my fault..."(Kuucifer)

I made an attempt to apologize but the awkward silence still followed up after our brief exchange of words. Until my belly started to growl.


"Are you hungry? I still have so Onomoyaki batter left..."(Kuucifer)

She pulled on my shirt, offering to cook me a meal. I was going to decline seeing how much trouble I had caused her, but in the end, I reluctantly accepted it (because my belly growled even harder and it was hurting my guts).

"Wait a moment please."(Kuucifer)

She then helped me to get seated and walked into the kitchen. In a quick moment, I could hear the "stzss" sound from the Onomoyaki batter hitting the oil. The aroma was enticing, truly fits the work of a god (in this case demon goddess), a smell of cabbage, Chinese leeks and bacon wrapped on together to create a wonderful smell (godly smell). Kuucifer then brought the dish out of the kitchen blank un-sauced before squirting a few lines of mayo, sweet Onomoyaki sauce and sprinkling a few pieces of bonito flakes on the hot steaming sauce, creating somewhat of a dancing octopus show for me before eating.

"Itadakimasu!" (Rynosuke)

I dug in, stunned by the amount of Umami that the dish presented, despite only made out of 5 ingredients exempting the sauces. Kuucifer giggled upon seeing my poor eating etiquettes, which in return, I blush up a little bit, wiped my face off the food bits and slowed down on my consumption.

"It's good...thank you...Goochisousamadeshita." (Rynosuke)

We shared a few awkward looks in the eyes and getting flustered before a loud bell from the grandfather clock from outside the room echoed out into the room.

"Oh dear!" (Kuucifer)

"What is it?!" (Rynosuke)

"You have to go, come follow me." (Kuucifer)

She then grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the front door.

"I'm sorry for the discourteous things I did today...hopefully I ask for your forgiveness." (Kuucifer)

"It was my fault at first, please don't be so harsh on yourself...Will I see you again? I wish to eat more of your cooking..." (Rynosuke)

Her face then turned red after hearing my response.

"...Y...yes...you will...thank you for today..." (Kuucifer)

She grabbed my hands giving me a small gun then bowed down to greet me away. I holstered the gun, then unable to curb my emotions any more, I spontaneously hugged her...She had the smell of Vanilla, sweat and calming.

"Wah!" (Kuucifer)

"...I...I'm sorry..." (Rynosuke)

Realizing how rude I was being, I jumped backwards, looking away from her.

"...I'll see you on the Cliffside..." (Kuucifer)

We said our goodbyes, then I walked through the door and wake up in the library once more. This time, the drapes of the night sky had covered over the abandoned library.

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