《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 33


I took a moment to look around the office. The east and west walls were lined with built-in shelves, the entrance was on the north wall and the south wall was the exterior wall. It had a large picture window that the desk sat in front of. Instead of blinds there were curtains in here, which allowed some more flexibility for how much light was let in and from what angle.

“Good evening everyone,” Daemon stood from where he was sitting behind the desk when we entered. There was a tall woman standing with him, I assumed she was Tristan’s mother. She was taller than most she-wolves, about 6’5” with dark, dark red hair. It nearly looked like it was black it was so dark a red. Her eyes were a piercing sky blue and judging by her muscle structure she was a fighter. Daemon took her hand and came around the desk with her, “Let me introduce my mate and wife to you, her name is Ivy.”

Tristan moved over to his mother, kissing her cheek, “Hello mother, this is Jake, his mate Faith, and their son Matheau. Jake is a warrior, Faith a nurse, and Mat has accepted the role as my Beta.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Luna Ivy,” Jake bowed a little.

“I look forward to making myself useful in the pack hospital, Luna.” Faith smiled at her.

Mat just nodded politely to her and smiled, he was still partially blocking me. I was pretty sure his natural stance anymore was in front of me defensively, even when it wasn’t necessary.

“The pleasure is all mine, Daemon has kept me up to speed on everything. I’m happy to have you in the Moonlight Pack. Though I must admit, the one I’m most curious about is that tiny little thing behind you Matheau. Are you always so defensive of her?”

Mat blinked at her, “I don’t even notice I’m doing it anymore Luna, but yes. Yes I am. She is my best friend and my sister.” He stepped to the side as Tristan came over and took my hand, bringing me to the front of the group. I did not bow or submit like the others had. I met her gaze and gave her a friendly smile.


“Mother, this is my mate and Luna, Alyce.” Tristan introduced me, his gaze never leaving my face as he smiled at me.

“Oh! You look like her, but I bet you have his temperament.” Ivy mused.

My confidence faltered and I looked at her in disbelief, “You knew my parents?”

“Yes I did. You mother was my best friend growing up. Her clan made an alliance with this pack when I was just a child. Gwydia and I were instantly inseparable. Last time I saw you, you weren’t talking yet, and your brother wasn’t even a gleam in your parents eyes. Oh Faelyn, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. I thought you had disappeared with them…”

My eyes widened when she called me Faelyn, “Who… Who are you?” Mat and Jake, picking up on my anxiety, were instantly on the defensive at my sides. Tristan was looking confused.

“Mother, I never told you her name…” He murmured.

“You didn’t have to, silly boy. I’m her godmother. I’d know her anywhere. I know who and what she is, I just never knew she was still alive. She should have come to us, not to Red Moon. I’ll kill Lucian myself for what he’s done.” Ivy was growling.

I was suddenly overwhelmed, hearing his name, getting all this new information. I hadn’t said his name in nine years. I hadn’t told anyone he was responsible for everything, not even Mat and them. My knees buckled and I felt Tristan scoop me up before I hit the floor, “Alyce!” he called my name in worry.

Mat was growling, though I’m not sure even he knew why. He just knew I had collapsed and his instinct kicked in. Jake put a hand on his shoulder to calm him,

“I’m, I’m ok. Mat, it’s fine. It’s a lot to take in.” I curled into Tristan, laying my head on his shoulder. I took a minute to gather my thoughts before having Tristan set me back on my feet.

“I’m sorry my dear. I didn’t realize you weren’t aware of me.” Ivy smiled softly at me.


“I may have been, but if I was at one point, I had forgotten. If I’m your Goddaughter, why didn’t Daemon recognize me?”

“Because he never met you. He knew of you, but he never came to visit with me, he had his hands full with everything here.”

I nodded a little. “No one can know who I really am. I need to remain vanished. It’s the only chance I have of getting Silver Moon away from him.”

“Why do you speak like you’re in this alone? You’re not. You have us, this pack.”

“I won’t ask anyone to get involved in my fight Ivy. Lucian is dangerous.”

“It’s my fight too. He took my best friend, my goddaughter. He is the reason you went through everything that you did. No arguments.”

I nodded, smiling at her a little, her logic was sound and I doubted that anyone would change her mind on the subject. “Okay. If you’re sure. All I ask is that anyone that helps do so by choice, no one forced.”

“I’m sure, and that’s fair. Though I’m sure the entire pack will want to aid their future Luna.” She came over to me and wrapped me into a hug that was both warm and familiar. Her scent hit my nose, she smelt of snow and cherry blossom. I knew I had smelled her scent before, even if I couldn’t remember her. I hugged her back and felt a familiar sense of home. It was different from the feeling of home I had with Tristan. Tristan was safe, and warm, like he was where I belonged. Ivy was more childhood memories and a safe haven of childhood ignorance type home. I was glad for both.

“I’m so glad Tristan found you, even more glad the Goddess paired you with him.” She stepped back letting me go and I gave her a sheepish smile. Did she know he was my second chance mate, not my first? Probably, but I wasn’t going to bring that up now.

“Jake, Faith, Mat, thank you. Thank you for taking care of her, for being the family she needed while she was there.”

“Nothing to thank us for. She’s the daughter I always wanted and never got. Mat has more to do with us becoming her family. He would constantly bring her home to play, or be running off to beat up someone who had been mean to her when they were little. She was his sister from the start as far as we were concerned. I simply took care of her as best I could.”

“I’ll still beat up anyone who’s mean to her.” Mat gave a nonchalant shrug and we all laughed.

“Love you too, Mattie.” I reached over and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head.

“Let’s get some rest everyone. It’s been a long day and in some ways a longer evening. Training starts at 6:00a if you want to join, you’re welcome to. Victor is our head warrior so he leads our training. Breakfast is at 8:00a.” Tristan informed us.

Mat looked over at me and arched an eyebrow at me. I simply grinned at him and he groaned. We had an entire conversation without a word in under 30 seconds. I laughed at him and Tristan was looking at us like we’d grown extra heads.

Jake laughed at Tristan, “Alyce is going to training, which means Mat will go too, even if he doesn’t want to. His instinct is to protect her. I highly suspect he was born to be her Beta, so I’m glad you’re putting him in that role. Don’t worry, you’ll eventually learn to read their unspoken conversations. We’ve just had 10 years of practice.”

“And don’t bother trying to talk her out of it. She actually likes training.” Faith snickered at us. I shrugged with a grin. With that we all left the office, bidding Daemon and Ivy a goodnight.

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