《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 12


The last week leading up to the banquet was beyond busy. Mat kept me company as I prepped and cooked, even getting some of the other Omega’s to help us with storing the food and rotating dishes through the ovens. I still did every last bit of the cooking and most of the prep work, but it was nice to have some extra hands for the little stuff.

The banquet was tomorrow night and some of the guest packs had started to arrive this afternoon. I avoided the guests as much as possible, glad that I wasn’t having to hide bruises while they were here.

I also avoided Theo as much as possible. I would catch him looking at me from across the room on the rare occasion that our paths had to cross. The only upside to that was the fact that Jewel seemed to notice his attention towards me, no matter how brief, and the anger it instilled in her was oddly satisfying to me. Especially since she could do nothing about it, at least not to me at the moment.

I was softly humming to myself, moving about the kitchen as I cleaned up and put the last of the prepared pasta dishes into the walk-in fridge. They would be easy to pull out and pop into the oven tomorrow as needed. The steaks were either pre-seasoned or marinating for the grill tomorrow. I had convinced Andrew that they would be best cooked to order otherwise they would end up cold or rubbery or both. I think it had physically pained him to agree with my idea.

I finished wiping the counter down and tossed the rag into the laundry as I heard someone walking into the kitchen. I tried to pretend I hadn’t and headed for the basement stairs, hoping whoever it was would let me be.

“Pardon me, Miss.” I heard a gruff male voice call out and I sighed a little, turning to look at him questioningly, “My name is Victor, I’m the Delta of the Moonlight Pack. Can you point me towards the pack house please? I was told the shortest route is through the kitchen.”

“Yes Delta,” I glanced over him again briefly. He was a handsome man with brown eyes and strawberry blonde hair. He must have been about 6’0” give or take and I could see tattoos peeking out the collar and sleeves of his shirt. I offered a tight lipped, polite smile and pointed towards the back door, “If you head out that door and follow the path to the left, you can’t miss it. Large brown building, bunch of loud young wolves.” I gave him the directions and had started to turn back towards the stairs, but slipping away wasn’t going to be that simple.

“Thank you, miss…?” He asked as he crossed the kitchen, watching me curiously. I was used to that, I did tend to stick out amongst wolves looking nothing like 95% of them.


“Alyce.” I replied briefly. I didn’t have any desire to get to know any of the visiting packs. I wanted to keep my head down and stay under the radar until I could slip away in the midst of the banquet chaos. Little did I know that the Moon Goddess had plans for me that didn’t even remotely include staying under the radar.

“And you are part of Red Moon?”

I gave a slight nod, “I am… for now” the last part muttered to myself under my breath but the brief quirk in his eyebrow made me wonder if he had heard it, “I work as an Omega here, if you will excuse me. I have some things I need to attend to. Enjoy your stay, Delta Victor.” I turned, not waiting for a response this time, and headed down the stairs to my space. I needed to get ready for my first shift tonight. It was only a few hours away now.

What an odd interaction that had been. At least he didn’t look at me with disdain. Perhaps with a bit too much curiosity though. I would have to be careful, I couldn't have anyone messing up my plans, even accidentally.

I settled onto my bed, and glanced at the clock, it read 8:00p. I could get a few hours of sleep before I needed to get up and head out. I knew the first shift was exhausting, so best prepare as much as I am able to. I set an alarm for 10:00p and pulled my blanket over me, snuggling into it and letting myself drift off to sleep.


I had just left Alpha Andrew’s office where Daemon, Tristan, Kami, Titus and I had just wrapped up introductions of our ranked members that came. Daemon was the current Alpha of the Moonlight Pack, Tristan and Kami his children. He had left Luna Ivy and Gamma Bruce back in the mountains to keep an eye on the pack. I had tried to volunteer as I was lower rank than Bruce and Titus, who was the Beta, but they wouldn’t hear anything about it. I suspect they were hoping I might find someone to catch my eye and perhaps take as a mate.

My mate had passed away in a rare rogue attack a few years back. We hadn’t been together long. We had found each other later than most wolves, and the bond was still building which made it easier to survive her passing. Honestly I was content to go about my duties as the Delta and Head Warrior.

“I think I’m going to go to the pack house and get my room settled. I will catch up with you all later.” I looked over at Alpha Daemon and the rest of the group, I wasn’t feeling particularly social at this moment. I had heard rumors of how Alpha Andrew ran his pack and I didn’t agree with them, if they were true, plus the man just rubbed me the wrong way.


“We’ll meet up with you later, perhaps we can go for a run this evening.” Titus responded as I headed down the stairs. I waved over my shoulder and wandered on the main floor until I found the kitchen. Andrew had said the most direct route was out the back door.

I heard someone humming, the voice was beautiful, the tune soulful even if it was just humming. I stopped, watching the young woman as she moved about the kitchen cleaning up. She was different, certainly not your typical wolf and not just for her looks, which seemed familiar to me as well, it was her aura. It wasn’t calming like an Omegas, which is who you would expect to find cleaning up a kitchen in a pack manor or pack house. There was an edge to it, one that made you want to both let your guard down and go on the defensive at the same time. It was subtle, and intriguing. Who was this woman?

I cleared my throat, “Pardon me, Miss.” She turned, her aura instantly pulling back and almost vanishing. She gave me a questioning look, so I continued “My name is Victor, I’m the Delta of the Moonlight Pack. Can you point me towards the pack house please? I was told the shortest route is through the kitchen.”

“Yes Delta,” Her eyes roamed over me, not really checking me out, more like an assessment, gauging me to see if I was a threat. Clearly she was trained in fighting, to assess situations and opponents. “If you head out that door and follow the path to the left, you can’t miss it. Large brown building, bunch of loud young wolves.” She turned for the stairs as soon as she had finished providing the information I’d requested.

“Thank you, miss…?” I returned the look, taking in her red hair and pale skin. She looked nothing like your average wolf. She was small and curvy, but you could see the muscles working under her worn clothes. I caught glimpses of faint scars peeking from the edges of her t-shirt. I’d bet my next paycheck that she knew how to use those muscles too, I bet she could take most Deltas and Gammas.

“Alyce.” She replied briefly.

She looked like she didn’t particularly want to have a conversation, but I needed just a little more information, though I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to have it. There was an attraction, I was drawn to her. Not as one might be drawn to a lover, no I was likely old enough to be her father, but like one is drawn to a friendship or a family member, “And you are part of Red Moon?”

She gave a slight nod, “I am… for now” the last bit was so quiet I almost didn’t hear it. I quirked an eyebrow at her, “I work as an Omega here, if you will excuse me. I have some things I need to attend to. Enjoy your stay, Delta Victor.” She turned and left, and I didn’t stop her this time. I continued out the back door of the manor and followed her directions until I came upon the pack house.

I headed inside, weaving through younger wolves to get to my assigned room. I slipped in, locking the door behind me. We were only going to be here a few days so I didn’t bother unpacking much of my bag, just my bathroom supplies, everything else could stay in the bag and I would just live out of it. I did hang up my banquet attire in the closet at least, no sense in showing up in a wrinkled outfit.

Laying back on my bed I put my hands behind my head and let my thoughts drift to the girl I’d met in the kitchen. There was much more to her than she let on, that much I was sure off, *What do you think, Ezra?* I asked my wolf.

*I tried reaching out to her wolf when your interest peaked, but she wouldn’t speak to me. Just glared at me, like she had some reason to fear people around them, or something to hide. Maybe both.*

*I’ve heard rumors of the way Andrew runs this pack, that the Omegas are not treated well. There were even whispers of abuse at one point, but they were quickly squashed so I don’t know.*

*She did have scars on her. It’s not common for wolves to have scars, only silver or wolfsbane will leave scars. Omega’s don’t generally fight… Train sure, but short of war, they’re usually left to protect the old, weak, and those too young to fight.*

*I don’t buy for one moment that she’s an Omega. Did you feel her aura? It was unlike anything I’ve ever come across.*

*Then maybe she was abused? But there’s no proof of that, nor that it was done at the hands of this pack.*

*I know, but I can’t shake this nagging feeling. This draw to her.*

*She’s too young for you old man. I’m sure she has a mate out there somewhere.*

*No, no not like that. I’ll admit I’m drawn to protect her, but more like an uncle or a brother, not as a mate.*

*Maybe we can ask around, or even ask Alpha or Titus. They’ve both been around other packs more than anyone else in our village.*

*Not a bad idea, I’ll ask Daemon about it a little later.*

Ezra nodded and settled down into the back of my mind and we both drifted off, traveling out of the mountains was exhausting, a nap was a great idea.

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