《The Howling Dust》Chapter 15
Gordon walked through hall way in his manor, a week here and he never even go outside like some princess in the story, enchanted by beautiful interior of the manor or by hospitality of the handsome prince that always Grace her with the story of his heroic deed and lavish dinner every day. Well, he wished that was the case. He could use some fancy dinner or an interesting story to distract him from his every job that was reading the report.
At first, he was excited when reading report about important people in his baronies, their Family, business, money. He even get to know their dark side too like this one man that work as head of Gods follower in one of the temples, that was known as holy man. Every day he would pray in his temple and would help anyone who needed help regardless whom they are and give sanctuary to people who hasn't place to stay.
Who would have thought that such a great man turnout was one of the kingdom's secret agents, his job was to collect information from the people who came to him about anything then pass it to his superior if there was something important. Gordon never thought that this kind of thing was actually normal that this agent was everywhere. In a tavern, market, village even in the brothel. He wonders what were their covers if they were in the brothel, maybe they work as one of the prostitutes. Enjoy the night while chatting with their customer to collect information, what an extraordinary devotion, willing to sell their body for duty to the kingdom which makes Gordon feel like giving appreciation directly to the women of this royal servant, in his bedroom.
He also wonders who might be the agent in his village, and there must be one in there right? Because it was stated in the report that there was at least one agent in every village. Maybe it was one of those old man in the golden eye tavern, pretending to be drunk when in reality was eavesdropping on everyone and they will never miss important news because as far as he knows they were always there every day, maybe they even sleep at their table. Wow, he wonders where he could apply for this kind of work because it sound easy and he was sure the payment was better than milking the goat.
He enters a room with a white door and gold letters. A smile was on his face when he sees Talia sitting behind her desk, doing what she usually did every day, read. He didn't know what she read though, maybe some report on Noble activity or detail information about him because she was crazy about him and wanted nothing but to own his body to satisfy her carnal desire. What a pitiful girl, what she needs to do was just asking him and he would give her his body to statisfied her.
Well, the dirty thought aside, he would be content even if she just looked happy when she sees him. Not like right now, she looked so unhappy seeing his smiling face.
"Hello..." He said awkwardly.
"Just enter your office." She said dryly. "And keep your hand close to your body. We don’t want it grabbing something that shouldn't be grabbed."
He winced hearing what she just said.
"I am really sorry for what happened last night, I didn't know what happened to me."
She just gives him a blank look, clearly disbelieved of what he said.
"It's true..."
"What happened was that you finally shown your true face."
"That isn't true."
"Really? Then tell me why your hand grabbed my butt and my.....my......womanhood? You also force yourself on me! Like you wanted to rape me."
Her body shuddered, she holds her own hand with haunted looks.
"Or you maybe indeed want to rape me." She muttered.
Damn it.
Gordon sighed, he doesn't know what he has to do now, to think that everything was so smooth at their first date that he even had thought that maybe he could propose to her after several date later when they know each other more intimate. But, looking at her face right now he was sure that proposal has to be postponed, maybe indefinitely.
He wasn't really sure about what happened last night. They go out to eat dinner in the fancy restaurant which name he couldn't remember and after that they ride together to her small manor. Of course he was just going to escort her then leave but somehow he ends up squeezed her buttocks roughly and tried to kiss her lips. He blamed his power for that. He was sure that some insidious whisper from autumn had corrupted his pure mind and made him did that because there was no way he did something like that. And if he looked at her condition right now he was sure that anything he said would just made it worse.
He sighed then enters his office, sat on his chair then sighed once again, he rubs his face and wondering if she eventually was willing to forgive him. He just hoped that she wouldn't tell her uncle about this thing, or he would royally be screwed. He picked up one of the reports that were on his desk and trying to concentrate on reading it. It was one of those reports about tax and expenditures which Arden insisted he has to read everyday to sharpen his mind and made him get used to read what he called financial report because apparently it was the most important thing job for him as a Baron. But his mind keeps back at those last night moment when he squeezed her ass, how soft and bouncy it felt.
Concentrate Gordon, your are doing an important job here.
Truly soft and bouncy ass, he wonders how Sharon ass felt like and those small slit between her legs.
"Oh come on!" He said to no one. He felt exasperated with himself, and wonders why he became such a giant pervert.
He tried to go back to reading the financial report in his hand but he still couldn't concentrate and finally gave up, placed the report on the table and stood up. He was pacing around his office trying to calm his chaotic mind but couldn't, so he grabs his door knob and gets out and stopped in front of Talia desk.
"I just want to say that I am sorry. I am really sorry that I did that to you, I am just a selfish asshole who apparently has falling love with you, I can't help myself because you were so beautiful last night like some goddess of beauty and sexiness which made me wanted you, all of you. Your strengths and weaknesses for all the time in my life and even after I am dead I am still wanted you, in my side, in my arms, forever."
Talia looked at him wide-eyed.
"Please, say something."
She sighed. "Okay, I forgive you."
"Yeah...you still kind of creepy guy but that declaration of love is the most epic one that a guy ever given to me so yeah I think I will give you a chance, just don't do that again without asking me first."
Gordon was standing in front of her smiling like an idiot.
"Please don't just stand there, and smiling like an idiot, go...just do your work, we can talk again later."
Gordon walking back to his office still smiling likes an idiot. He Made himself comfortable in his chair and read again those damn report but give up after half an hour reading it while pretending he understands what it means with balance number and other thing in the report, and once again his mind wandering to Talia ass and its softness.
Suddenly the door to his office opened, and Talia poked her head through the open door.
"There are guests who want to meet you."
"she says her name is Bertha and that you know her."
"White skin, pretty face with black hair and brown eyes?" He asked with a smile and quickly changed his expression to neutral when he saw the angry expression on Talia's face.
Talia walked into the office and closed the door. She stood at the table with her arms crossed and a sullen face.
"Who is she? Your girlfriend?"
"What? No...she just a friend from my village, why are you asking?"
"She is pretty and her skin was smooth just the way you like it, and her body is sexy."
"What? Sexy? What are you talking about? And what is this with 'the way I like it' thing?"
"Nothing." She said turning her face away.
"Tell her to come in, maybe she came to bring important news from my village." He said in a tone as normal as possible, as if he wasn't too excited about meeting Bertha.
Talia stared intently at him, she studied his facial expression like an eagle about to pounce on its prey.
"Okay." She walked out and closed the door.
Gordon gasped breath as if he had been running all day, sweat poured all over his body. He felt like he just gets away with an inch of his life from a great Doom. If he slipped there, he would be sure that he would suffer for a long time.
"Fuih...just dodge a big swing there."
His office door opened then Bertha went inside. She was wearing a woman's outfit without trousers, which was strange because she usually always wore trousers. He could see her smooth legs from the seat and her breasts, what a magnificent white meat.
"My eyes are here you know."
Her voice startled Gordon who was busy admiring her asset. He smiles awkwardly at her then invited her to sit down.
She smirked at him which suddenly made his chair felt really uncomfortable. He wonders what her purpose for coming here and for a brief moment had a suspicion that she was here probably to seduce him. Of course if that was true then, he would have to give her a chance right? After all what kind of man he was if he wouldn't give a woman, a beautiful sexy woman a chance to use their charm to seduce a man who they loved.
"Who have thought that someday you would look so handsome."
"That is?"
"A beautiful woman coming to your office then praise you and what you said is only 'Thanks' ?"
Bertha sighed then laughed which confused him. He even has thought that she may has loses her mind. Something horrible happened to her maybe? Something nasty and traumatic like being kidnaped and raped over and over again. That would be very possible happened because if he looked again at those legs, those breast he was sure that every man would want to see it more clearly without any cover, because he was sure he did.
"Hold your mind there! I know what you are thinking."
"What? I don't understand what are you saying and please state your business with me because I am very busy."
"Yeah I can see that."
"Is that sarcasm?"
"Yes it is." She said while looking at his eyes clearly challenges him.
Gordon turned his eyes and pretended to be busy by looking through the reports on his desk.
"Do you want me to punch your face?"
"What? Why would you ask me that?"
"Because I am pissed and wanted to punch your face."
Yeah, your hobby of hitting people's faces for no apparent reason really amazes me.
"You look angry, and I don't know why you are angry but I am ready to help you so can you tell me why you are angry?"
She sighed. "I just annoyed at my job."
"You feel tired having to milk the goats every day?"
She glared at him. "Not that, it is my other job."
"You have other work besides milking goats?"
"First, my job on the ranch isn't milking the goats, it's your job losers. Second, yes, I have other jobs besides that."
"Losers eh? I think it's an inappropriate title for the people who help you every day."
"Come on, you think I don't know what you guys do every day? Milking while your eyes look at every woman's buttocks and breasts that pass in front of you and then talk about whose butt is the sexiest or whose breasts are the plumpest."
Gordon tried to hide his face from Bertha's sharp gaze while cursing her thoroughness in his heart. Who would have thought that his dirty secret on the ranch was already known to her.
"No need to be so flustered like that, your dirty secret is safe with me." She said while flirting with him.
"Hahahahaha...I have no dirty secret, but I appreciate your kindness. “He said still denying his dirty secret in front of her because it’s embarrassing. If he was still a normal village guy, he would accept her accusation then begging her to keep it secret but since he wasn't he has to deny every possible thing that could be used against him just like what the book he had read when he first came here suggested.
"So...can you tell me about your other job? What make you annoyed with it?" He said to divert the conversation to another topic.
"Well, my work as a foreman in the ranch is actually isn't my real job, it's just a camouflage for my real work which is an agent."
"Wait a minute, you are an agent? You are the agent in our village?"
"Yep that's true."
Gordon leaned back in disbelief. "Wow...this is truly a great surprise for me, you know that I thought that one of the guys who always got drunk on the golden eye was an agent, who would have thought that you are the agent in the village, what a shock."
"Please don't be dramatic, it's just a job and trusts me it is pretty boring."
"Okay, if you said so."
Gordon fiddled with his fingers and looked at Bertha. "So you want to quit, because it’s boring?"
"I don't want to quit my agent job."
"But, you just said."
"I know what i said okay, i just want to quit my camouflage job in the ranch."
"Alright, but you need to know that I think you did a very good job of yours on the ranch."
"Really? Thanks."
"By screaming in our faces every day, you are like a devil to us who must be avoided at all costs."
"Do you want me to Punch your face? Because I know this technique that will make you sleep forever."
"No thanks." He smiled at her.
"You got mouth after coming here...eh."
"Ehem...just jooking, no need to be angry."
Bertha crossed her arms and then used them to push her breasts up which made Gordon swallow. Her eyes continued to pay attention to the expression on Gordon's face.
"Still can't hold your eyes off my breast?"
"I will grant your request to quit your foreman job because i am a magnanimous lord." He said ignoring her jab at his wandering eyes.
"Do you have any other need with me? Like to seduce me maybe." He said jokingly.
She stood up then walked towards him until she was standing right beside him. She put her lips to his ear and whispered. "Yes...I do want to seduce you."
Gordon's heart was beating so fast and hard that his chest ached. His mind was chaotic and his little brother got up then screamed for retribution. It must be satisfied or there will be blood.
When Gordon was still sitting stiff and confused, Bertha climbed onto his lap and wrapped her hands around his neck.
"Don't be afraid, this big sister will take care of you."
Then she kissed him, suck his lips until he felt his breath almost cut off. They kissed for a few minutes and when Gordon felt almost dead from suffocation she stopped kissing him.
They looked at each other with red faces and gasping for breath. Gordon tried several times to speak but couldn't because his breath was still panting.
She kissed him again, this time her tongue went into his mouth and played with his tongue. Not to be outdone, he squeezed her ass until he satisfied then his hand crept up and held her breast. It was so soft and warm, just like when he milked a goat he wants to squeeze it but more gently and drink her milk.
Gordon gasped in shock at the sound of someone shouting his name, ending their kiss.
Talia stood in front of Gordon's office door which was wide open, she looked shocked for a moment then her expression turned furious. She spun around and walked to her desk without saying anything. Meanwhile, Gordon was still frozen in his chair and holding Bertha's breasts.
"Ups... that's my cue." Bertha said.
She got off Gordon's lap, tidied her clothes and gave Gordon a kiss on his cheek. "See you later and thanks for your magnanimous my lord." She smiled then hurried out of his office.
Gordon immediately got up and walked over to Talia.
"Talia...I am...that is an accident. She suddenly climbed into my lap and kissed me, I really didn't know that she would do that, trust me...I have nothing with her."
She turned to him with a cold gaze. "You are dead."
In the afternoon, Gordon was training with Arden's chosen knights, his name was Markus which Made his blood boiled for a second. Arden had thought that Gordon needed to train his body to become stronger. Yet what happened was that he was getting his ass beat up again and again by the knight who supposed to train him which made him wonder if this asshole had some grudge against him because it felt like he was.
"Have we met before?" He said to Markus. He longed to call autumn and shredding this asshole body to piece for his insolence to have the same name as the man who has stolen the woman he loved.
"No, but you have met my little sister."
"Oh...what's your little sister's name?"
"Talia Brook and you just broke her heart this morning."
God damn it.
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