《The Howling Dust》Chapter 5
Sharon couldn't sleep from yesterday, she was worried about Gordon's condition who was still unconscious. Plus the kidnapping of her by the two strangers still leaves a deep trauma for Sharon, she always has nightmares every time she sleeps.
Fortunately Mr. Antam and Mr. Sully was back from their business in town so this matter can be handled more quickly. It was not only a matter of kidnapping him but also a matter of burning forest because of the fight between the kidnappers and Gordon.
Sharon sighed, it was still hard for her to believe that the Gordon she knew could do such a thing, the sound of their fighting alone sounded across the village like a bolt of lightning, and everyone could see as the sun emerged from the forest. Sharon, who had run far enough by then, could still feel the immense heat from the giant fireball. She couldn't believe that Gordon was fighting such a strong opponent and winning.
They found Gordon's body among the burning trees with a cut across his back and burns all over his body. The hunter who found his body said that his condition was so bad that the hunter thought Gordon was dead, imagine how shocked the hunter was when he examined Gordon's body that he was still alive, his heart rate was still normal even though his whole body was burned.
Sharon sighed again, she felt guilty for Gordon, he was hurt like that for saving her, Sharon herself didn't know how Gordon could be there just when she needed help. But it didn't matter, what mattered was that he was saved and Gordon was still alive.
"Are you okay Sharon, I've been seeing you daydreaming" her mother asked.
"I'm fine mom, just thinking about the recent events" Sharon said.
Sharon's mother approached and hugged Sharon. "Luckily you survived Sharon, I can't imagine what I would do if I lost you."
"Yes mother, I'm sorry for making you worry"
Sharon's mother looked at her daughter's face affectionately. "Instead of you daydreaming, you better help mom cook cakes in the kitchen"
Sharon turned to her mother and nodded, they both went to the kitchen to cook.
"How is he?" Arden asked the healer who was treating Gordon's wounds. He felt sorry for Gordon, and in order to save Sharon the boy was willing to fight all out against an enemy that Arden himself did not believe he could fight.
"He is fine" The Healer said. "All his vital organs are healthy and his heart rate is normal, to be honest if I didn't see this in person I would not have believed if someone had told me that a young man with burns this bad could still be alive".
Arden took a deep breath, relieved to hear the words of the healer. Gordon was a good young man, Arden felt guilty because protecting the people of this village was his duty, not the duty of a young man who was not yet twenty years old.
"How is Gordon's mother?" Arden asked Rubben who had been standing next to him, the village chief looked depressed and repeatedly shook his head.
"She was in deep shock, until now she is still asleep in my house, you take it easy, my wife is a good nurse" Ruben said.
“I've seen the location of their fight, Arden, so much damage and everything burned to dust, I can't imagine what kind of battle would have such an outcome, the villagers told me that they saw the green sun above the trees, burning everything around it. what kind of person was Gordon fighting ”. Rubben said he looked restless and disturbed. "Our village is just a small village, we will not be able to survive the attention of people who have such power".
Arden saw the look on his friend's frantic expression calmly, he had known Rubben since they were young and he knew that Rubben always acted like this when something unexpected happened. Rubben was a conscientious person, he always prepares everything and calculates all the possibilities that occur and how to solve them. The battle between Gordon and the two kidnappers seemed to have gone beyond Rubben's estimate.
"I can't confirm who the two kidnappers Rub, because there is nothing left of their bodies apart from the fragments but I've heard of the green sun before, in this kingdom there was only one person who has that power, Archmage Tal Itan Yurik". Arden said, staring hard into Rubben's eyes. "I got information from one of my friends in the City that Archmage Yurik had been accused of conspiring with the enemy and being labeled a rebel, he disappeared from his home in the capital two years ago, since then no one has ever seen him".
“An Archmage… ..” Rubben whispered, he looked a little shocked after hearing Arden's explanation. "Then how can Gordon win against him, this does not make any sense".
"I don't know, for sure Gordon has fought against the Archmage and won, I don't understand how it happened but there is one fact that we can't deny, Gordon is stronger than an Archmage". Arden's face looked several years older after he said that.
“Maybe Yurik was not in prime condition, you said that he was on the run. Maybe he was injured or something happened that made him unable to use all his strength, we're talking about an Archmage, there's no way Gordon can just beat him ”Rubben said frantically.
"May be".
Gordon just opened his eyes, and he was already regretting it. His whole body ached and his head was spinning.
Why does this keep happening to me.
He had tried to sit up before a voice stopped him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" someone said, Gordon did not recognize the voice.
Gordon tried to turn to the side to see who was talking but his head was spinning which made him feel like throwing up.
"Hueek ... hueeekkk" Gordon vomited but nothing came out of his mouth.
"Eeww ...."
Gordon's eyebrows raised at the voice of a girl he knew, he actually wanted to turn to the voice but finally decided to lay down before his stomach felt sick.
"How are you bertha, it's been a while since we met" Gordon greeted the unseen girl who he was sure was Bertha.
"Ohh ... you know that this is me just by hearing my voice?" bertha said in disbelief. "I don't know whether to be flattered or worried".
Bertha approached and sat next to Gordon, she looked like how Gordon remembered her, tall, sexy body, smooth milky white skin, pretty face with short black curls. Overall bertha looks similar to her sister Sharon, what was different from them was that her body is slightly taller than Sharon and her eyes are brown, while Sharon's hair is straight shoulder length and her eyes are green. They are the flower of the Eston village who make many young people heartbroken, including Gordon.
"How are you, oh ... sorry I shouldn't have said that, by looking at your body I should know that your condition is very bad" Bertha said in an exasperated tone.
And by temperament, Sharon was a gentle and motherly girl whereas Bertha was more like a thug who will punch you in the face if you look at her for too long.
"You don't need to respond to my words, you better rest so that you get well soon. I came here at Sharon's request, she is worried about your situation".
"Thank you." Gordon said, feeling a breeze of cool dew circling his heart after hearing Sharon worry about his condition. "I feel really bad, but I'm sure I'll be better soon" He couldn't stop the smile on his face.
"Did you know that your whole body is covered in burns" She said
"What…!" Gordon raised his hands, he saw that his skin was fine and then felt his face which was also fine. "My face and my hands are fine, what do you mean my whole body is covered in burns".
"I mean was, sorry" She didn't look sorry at all.
"Your whole body was covered in burns, believe me, Mr. Sully summoned an excellent healer from the city to heal you, that's why your skin looks normal, damn, I can't imagine how expensive that healing fee would be." Bertha said.
Dammit. I'm bothering Mr. Sully again, why am I like this.
Gordon Sighed then looked over at the smiling Bertha who looking at Gordon with a predatory gaze while playing with her curls.
"What's wrong, why are you looking at me with such a look?" Gordon was terrified by the way she looked at him and was also a little aroused. Even though he was still a virgin, he knows the meaning of that look because he has seen several women doing that at New Year's party, his friends call it the I want you signal or I want to eat you tonight signal and bertha was one of the girls he likes.
Gordon always thought that Bertha didn't like him because she never cared about him when he talked to her, but maybe he'd been wrong all this time and thought she had feelings for Gordon, she was just busy when Gordon tried to talk to her.
Yes, that must be the reason.
"Or the truth is that she just doesn't like you, poor, fat, coward lad" Gordon's more sensible side said.
That's not true, I have a job now, then I'm not fat after getting lost in the forest, I fought the criminals who wanted to kidnap Sharon, I have proven that I have courage.
"She is only interested in you because you have shown great power, she is only using you" Gordon's more sensible side said, again.
That… that might be true.
"All that doesn't matter, the most important thing is that now she wants you, her and the other girls because you have so much power" Gordon's slightly crazy side speaks.
That's right, that's absolutely right
"Take it all, give nothing back, look at her, she wants you, they all wanted a piece of you, this is your time, this is your destiny."
Yes, yes, you are right my crazy pal
This my destiny, my time has finally come, muahahahahaha ...
“What are you thinking?” Bertha suddenly asked which surprised Gordon
"Nothing ... .haha..i think nothing" Gordon swallowed, his neck felt a little tense.
"Lies" Bertha said with a smile. “Your eyes are wandering and a stupid smile is on your face.” Her smile grew wider which made Gordon break out into a cold sweat.
"You're thinking of a girl" she said with a playful smile, Gordon tried to control his facial expression to keep it calm but he failed miserably and instead looked like he wanted to cry.
Shit, has to find an excuse, damn you Gordon said something, said something, damn it.
“How is Sharon, is she okay?” Gordon said with a sad expression but his heart felt very relieved.
Eat the bait, eat it woman.
"She is fine". Bertha takes a bait from Gordon.
Muahahahahaha ...
"I was worried Sharon was injured as a result of my fight with Tal, because the giant fireball was so big I wouldn't be surprised if part of the village of Eston got burned."
"You are really cute Gordon, even though you are hurt so badly but what you worry about is Sharon, I know you love her so I don't feel surprised by your behavior" Bertha stopped talking for a moment "But you need to know that Sharon is engaged to Markus, they are planning to get married next week.”
Gordon already knew that Sharon was engaged to Markus but when he heard that they were going to marry Gordon's heart ached. "I already know, I hope they are both happy."
Bertha saw Gordon's face, there was a pity expression on her face. "It's good if you already know, but to be honest your reaction is not what I expected."
Gordon snorted when he heard the words from Bertha. "What do you think I will react to?"
"I don't know, it's just that your reaction is completely unexpected, you seem so calm to hear the news that Sharon will get married soon even though you just risked your life for him".
"Yes, to be honest I also feel surprised I can stay calm at the news, maybe because I can already accept the fact that the person Sharon loves is not me" Gordon took a deep breath. "I saved her not because she is Sharon, but because it is the right thing to do ”. Then Gordon smiled a little.
"Who are you? a Hero? ”. Bertha quipped Gordon.
"Hahaha ..." Gordon laughed weakly. "Of course not, but there's no way I can just keep quiet letting them kidnap a girl."
Bertha snorted at Gorgon's words, she crossed her arms in front of her body which made her breasts look bulging and big, Gordon swallowed hard because of that.
"You look prettier than before, Bertha" Gordon said smiling at Bertha who rolled her eyes after hearing Gordon's words.
Shit, I hope she doesn't get mad.
"Who the heck are you and tell me honestly where the real Gordon is" Bertha asked in an exasperated tone.
"What do you mean? I'm the real Gordon."
"Is it true? The Gordon I know is a quiet and shy young man, don't even think he would praise me for being beautiful, just staring at my face, his face would immediately flushed."
"Oh, so that's what you mean" Gordon said and then he fell silent, he never noticed his own behavior so he did not feel anything strange, but after hearing what Bertha Gordon became aware that he had changed a lot. He used to be a shy and timid young man; he didn't even dare to speak to a girl, now he easily compliments a girl and fights dangerous people. It reminded Gordon of the words of a strange man in the Autumn realm that the power within Gordon would eat away at his identity, make him something else, something he was not.
With the assumption that his identity was his humanity, if what the stranger said is true, it means that Loksum was only deceiving him because as long as Gordon was still alive and has the power of Autumn, his humanity will surely fade little by little even though he has managed to steal the Crown of Spring.
"Hey ...." Bertha waved her hand in Gordon's face. "I'm talking to you, don't you dare ignore me."
"Sorry, I suddenly remembered something." Gordon did not know what to say. Bertha temperament made many young people afraid to approach her, including Gordon, though he thought she actually easy to talk to. Gordon himself knew Bertha at work; she wasn't milking goats like Gordon, but more like a foreman managing people.
"Whatever you want to say, I don't care, huh .." Bertha looked annoyed with Gordon which made Gordon embarrassed because she kept staring at his face.
"Ehem…." Gordon was trying to break this uncomfortable atmosphere. "How about my mother, does she already know the situation I am now."
"Huh ..." instead of answering Gordon's question, Bertha turned her head away which made Gordon even more confused about how to deal with this girl.
I thought Bertha was a girl who was easy to talk to, it turned out that she was the same as any other girl, I really don't know how a man can get a girlfriend.
Suddenly she turned around, glaring at Gordon. "You've been talking here and there and just remembering your mother now" she stopped talking and took a deep breath."She was in shock and passed out when she heard what happened to you, she was at Mr. Antam' house, his wife who takes care of your mother."
Gordon's breath caught in his throat when he heard the news, he once again made his mother worry. He clenched his fists, tried to remain calm and not rush to the village chief's house, somehow he knew that this time was not the last time he would experience something like this.
"So, tell me how you can have such power?" Bertha's facial expression turned into a seductive smile.
"I thought you were mad at me." Gordon was amazed by the moody moods of Bertha; he never knew that she had this side.
"That's right, I'm still angry with you, so quickly answer my question." bertha said curtly.
"I was awakened when I was attacked by a bear in the forest when I got lost, since then I can control the wind." Gordon said.
And also dust but you don't need to know that
"And ... .." Bertha asked impatiently.
"And that's all." Gordon did not understand what she meant.
Bertha growled which surprised Gordon. "You fought two people, one of whom was an Archmage Gordon, and you won, there's no way someone just awaken like you can beat an Archmage." She turned back and walked to the window, sighed deeply and then sat back down next to Gordon.
Gordon ignored the pain all over his body and sat on the edge of his bed, breathing hard.
"An Archmage, you mean Tal is an Archmage, that's impossible, why would an Archmage kidnap a girl to sell, they are clearly a slave trader or bandit." Gordon did not believe the information from Bertha.
“His name was Tal Itan Yurik, one of the seven people who are called legends in the world of magic, he killed the legendary Dragon Knight Estrada Palm from Varkim in a one-on-one battle and ended a war that had lasted 10 years. He was the advisor and confidant of the King, but two years ago something happened in the capital that made him run away, no one knows where he was, until two days ago you killed him in the jungle. ”Bertha ended her explanation with a dramatic nod.
Meanwhile, Gordon just sat pensively on his bed. "Advisor and confidant of the King" he whispered softly, his head dizzy thinking about the consequences of his actions.
“Gordon… ..Gordon… ..don't you dare ignore me again, damn it” Bertha was very annoyed with Gordon.
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