
Chapter 11: New World

City of Dalen

A young boy is walking and wandering around in the busy pavement crowded with enthusiastic merchants, displaying their items some were saying it is mythical some were legendary with an affordable price. There are also adventurers roaming around checking the items, others were also secretly appraising the armors, shields, weapons and the like.

‘Swoooosh’ a griffon flying with someone riding on its back passed the isle

‘This place is like a fantasy world!’ the young boy thought with a big smile. He is wearing a full body armor silverish in color and a sheathed sword on his right waist, some ladies might say ‘knight in a shining armor’. He is amazed by the display of mythical beasts in the streets and in the sky, the items that glows differently, the appearance of status and magic!


Someone interrupted the joyous thoughts of the young boy. He look for the source of the sound but found nothing. ‘Maybe it was for someone, haha’ he chuckled

“You child, come here I am waving at you”

Then he saw an old woman waving gleefully at him, she was situated near an alleyway with her table in front of her and a transparent marble in the center of it.

‘Is she some kind of fortune teller?’ he thought as he cautiously walked towards the old woman

“Child, I can see in your eyes that you are craving for answers, I can give it you”

“Is it for free?”

“You’re first question will be free of charge my child. The price varies on the difficulty of question”

“Then what is this world?”

“Ah, very broad question 1 gold for that”

‘ugh this woman!.......hayzzz’ “here is the payment” I reluctantly gave the money.

“This world is named Syrion it is consisted of 12 continents. One must pass the perilous sea to travel to the other continents but there are portals also, obviously these portals are paid with a sum of gold. The inhabitants of this world are differentiated by what we call ‘race’, even beasts are part of the race! In this world you can become an adventurer by choosing your profession!”

“Here..” I gave the woman another gold as I can see that she is withdrawing some important details, the money is not important, what I need now is information.

“Oh! Such a generous boy”

“I want specific details!”

“Okay..okay…children nowadays are impulsive.. Do you know why the beasts became a race even though they are just some monster?

“Why?” I was dumbfounded by the sudden question

“Because they are capable of evolution, just like us humans, elves, dwarves, demons and orcs. In the early times when I was still a little child, it was only 5 races who dominate this world. War occurred from different kingdoms, elves versus humans, humans vs demons, orcs versus dwarves etc. All five races waged war against each other. One day the whole world of Syrion were covered with thick thunderclouds and then loud thunders echoed all over the 12 continents and people were scared even the mighty armies were feeling helpless….” She suddenly halted the story


‘Really! Fucking old woman!’ I did not say it out loud, I still need information and gave her another 1 gold.

“Ah yes this will keep me talking” the old woman grin cunningly

This cycle keeps going on and on until I got the answers that I needed, and I lost 100 gold because of that cunning old hag. Centuries ago, a divine being was seen on all places around the world, it had four wings, two pairs at the shoulder level and two pairs at the hips, and all of them were carrying a scroll that was pure white in color. The sight was so divine, and then it started to speak, based on the old hag’s story it stated that this world was now owned by their god Teskol, he wanted to have very strong pawn that even the divine being holding the scrolls will become insects to them, to enter the universal arena participated by different gods. So he created a ‘system’ that allows individual to grow, he created legendary skills and items even the ‘profession system’, and to increase the chances of having more and powerful pawn for his ‘arena fighters’ all the inhabitants are given the power to evolved.

Several years later, the rabbits that were just leaping around in the grassland has now evolved into a muscular man, some were a more beautiful ladies and all of them can speak the same language that humans have, old hag almost forgotten that the god Teskol allowed universal language to exist.

The evolved rabbits were hunted by humans fearing that these once weak creatures might trample them. But a warrior pleaded to the king to let this new race lived and brought up the idea that they could become their allies and manipulate them. The hunt was stopped and they offered apologies to the rabbits. After that information was traded, humans learned that they grow through what they do or what they eat, and a certain point a notification offered them to evolved into something called ‘professions’. They asked the rabbits if they were able to think for themselves when they not yet evolved and they answered that they did not, instead their instincts lead them, and the notification was only understand by the rabbit race and until they had evolved they are able to understand the language of the humans and this was the same to all different kinds of monsters.

An evolved being regardless of the race with their professions are technically immortal, they continue to live and grow in age unless their hp drops to zero they will forfeit their lives. And everyone is measured not by levels but by the class, starting from bottom Class E to the top Ex Awakened SSS class. Your class level can be seen in the status viewer and is situated near your profession. She also warned me that I should be careful from the monsters that evolved, because when they lose their sanity they regress and their intelligence is like of raging beasts, they will not hesitate to kill everyone on their sight. I also asked her how does the five races evolved? She replied that we grow by following quests and hunting monsters, then I asked her again, if they are able to evolve then who can be the monsters? She just simply smiled at me and told me that, evolution does not always lead to become like us, some prideful creatures evolve to a higher existence and is still one of the monster, for example the dragons. They don’t want to filthy their scales by living alongside with the humans and choose to increase their might through the power of evolution and when they do this, they are extremely strong creatures that could wipe cities with their mighty breaths. For some creatures, they are afraid to make contact with the humans and choose to grow stronger to protect their families.


‘Do you know why you were summoned here? This kingdom wanted to increase their military forces by summoning people from the other world and told them to defeat the demon king, now my child you are manipulated for their own cause my only tip for you is that become stronger so that no one can hold you’ I thought these over and over as I walked back to the palace’s barracks. It was like a warning and I felt anger welled in me but the sight that made me powerless was the aura that the king emitted. He face is showing kindness but his aura displayed death, I even thought I would die due to suffocation, and that was the time all of us 10 summoned ‘heroes’ pledged to king.

“Kenzo!” an indian guy called me, the accent was still the same but it’s like I am hearing him talking in Japanese language.

“Don’t call me by my first name you idiot, I did not allowed you to!” I retorted him

“hahaha you two get along well huh?” a filipino guy was laughing at us and we stared at him

“No we are not Erik” I exclaimed at him

“okay…don’t call me by my FIRST NAME Kato Kenzo…”


“hahaha just kidding, it is awkward for me to keep hearing someone says ‘hey Lukban’ so in our first introduction I want you to call me erik” he was smiling at me with those statements.

“Erik is fine for me but Shyam, I don’t feel like hearing you call me by my first name!”

“hahahaha okay okay fine with me KATO” with an interjection on my family name

The three of us were given the opportunity by the fearsome king to roam the city, the remaining 7 stayed in the barracks, sleeping or maybe having trainings. I decided to wander around alone to increase my efficiency in knowing the area, if you are in group your actions are limited. I don’t know where the two roamed, maybe they found something that interests them, while me, I got answers for this world I am going to live.

“So what you guys found?” I asked them

“Ooooh we found centaurs, cat girls! Oooh they are so cute hmmmmm” Shyam was imagining while talking to me

“hahahaha, he really loves them, we found that this world is like an ‘rpg’ and that we must continue to grow” Erik was more mature than Shyam so I was not surprised that his findings were almost identical to my information but not specific like what I have learned. We were standing in a busy street filled with customers and sellers when all of a sudden, thunder clouds were starting to form in a fast forward pace and then thunders rang and grounds trembled and then a divine being with four wings and a scroll appeared.

‘Huh, wow such divine presence, is this what the prophets in our world called Earth felt when they encountered angels?’ I mumbled inwardly

The divine being then spoke “Good day to everyone, hear the message of the mighty god, god Toskel! He was displeased by the deaths of his two candidates that occurred within the city of Tulan due to some personal interest, thus god Toskel created a solution to avoid losing more competent beings, the appearance of ‘safe zones’. The safe zones are mainly cities that his candidates had built. If the candidate become a king then the city is automatically becomes a safe zone. Inside the safe zones, your hp does not drop to zero and buildings and walls becomes invincible recovery rate is faster inside of it. god Toskel hopes that this will encourage everyone to live harmoniously. That is the entire message”

Then in an instant the phenomenon vanished.

“Such sarcasm” I unconsciously spoke the words from my thoughts

“Yeah, this will encourage people to more violent” the two agreed

‘Shiiiiiiiing’ a transparent barrier covered the whole city of Dalen, it was a massive city but the barrier did not have a problem filling it whole, then after it had enveloped the whole city it then shatter and a huge notification floated above

“City of Dalen is now one of the Safe Zones”




A few moments earlier

“………….Yes, I have completed my task on planting doubts in the heart of the ‘hero’ a seductive woman was casually walking towards the city gates of Dalen

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