《Beyond Mortality》Chapter 13- The Moonlit Night


After Locux he went to look at the surrounding wildlife in the forest. He seemed to be completely lost in his thoughts.

She's probably going to be a great deity force cultivator and I'm going to most likely take up my dad's occupation. A deity force cultivator favoring a blacksmith is like an emperor favoring a beggar. The difference in status is too much. I should probably try to distance myself from her starting now. It's the most logical approach. It's said the heavens determine the fate of everyone. They decide how your life starts and ends.


Locux sat down in the middle of the forest thinking about the unfairness of the world. He thought about how different his life would have been if he had been born a noble or a deity force cultivator. But alas, the world won't change no matter how much one imagines. A person will not become a dragon if they imagine becoming a dragon. Locux and other commoners could be said to be lacking in luck. They may blame the heavens but they all know that luck is also a part of talent.

Some are born high and some are born poor. The world has never been fair and it will never be fair. A fair world would not allow a few lucky few to rule over countless others and act in whatever manner they decided.In this unfair world, an extremely few stubborn people who couldn't stand this unfairness would fight for a higher position and more power. These people risked their lives and were very well acquainted with the taste of death as they had repeatedly brushed shoulders and saw the smiling face of the grim reaper on their journey to the top. Some of these people accomplished many things and gained the power they sought but the majority fell on their journey because if one plays with death enough times, death will eventually win.

Locux imagined himself becoming one of those heroes. He would go from being a commoner to a king or an emperor. He would no longer want for anything as there would be many people willing and wanting to serve him.

This was the dream of many youths but they all decided not follow it for many reasons. Locux could not just go out adventuring. He was not alone in this world and had others he needed to look out for. His dad may lose the ability to work at any time due to aging and his mother and siblings would have no one to provide for them. He could not be that selfish. Even though he dreamed of big things, he loved this village and he loved life in the village. He was surrounded by people that cared for and loved him. Riches and power may be great things but their value pales in comparison to the value of love and family.


After Locux thought all this out, he felt happier. He decided to go home and see his beloved family.


The annual test had ended so Mark and his knights should have left the village immediately but they ended up staying an extra day.

On that day, Mark invited Holland's family to his Manor so they could discuss something. All the villagers assumed this was to talk about Holland's entry into the sect as a disciple. The villagers thought this was all reasonable Holland was a talented individual so it would only be right for the sect to want to invite her. It would also be foolish to reject such an offer! This was an invitation to a sect! Being a sect disciple meant a drastic elevation in status. Anyone with a brain would accept an invitation to join a sect. ...

That night a weird rumor started running around the village. It seemed as if Holland Lazer and her family would be staying inside the manor for an extended amount of time. People found this strange but thought that Mark was just being nice as usual.

The only one who thought differently from the villagers was Locux.

Why hasn't she come to see me? It has been days since I've seen her. She usually sees me every day.

Locux found this strange at first but thought Holland also wanted to ease the blow of separation so she cut off all contact with him.

Hmph..If she wants not be associated with me.That's fine too!

Locux at that point tried to erase all thoughts about Holland.

When he got home, his parents tried to comfort him but he acted as though it didn't affect him. ....

Days later, another strange rumor arose from nowhere. A strange moaning and screaming sound were coming out of Marks mansion every night. Villagers assumed that it was Mark training since deity force cultivators were said to have very hard and painful training


"Training hmm" Locux was in deep thought. This rumor made him think of a very unlikely scenario.

Holland didn't reject that Mark guy and his invitation to the sect, right? No! No that couldn't be possible but Holland is a stubborn person when she makes a choice. I should check just to calm my mind.


That night Locux left his house and when to some near by shrubs. Within those shrubs, he picked up a bundle of items such as dung, rocks, and a small knife.


Locux with the night as his cover crept up to Mark's manner. As soon as he saw the coast was relatively clear, he scaled the low fence that surrounded the manner. After walking for a few seconds he heard the sound of armor rubbing up against each other. He quickly hid in a corner outside of the Mansion. After a minute, the sound grew distant. Locux continued to creep up to the mansion.


He was now near the entrance door but a knight was standing guard in front of it. It was at this moment that Locux went back and found a guard he previously saw he went to a tree that was close to the fence and placed the dung there. After doing that he went to the other side of the tree by going to the guard near the fence and then he aimed for the tree that was positioned to the left of the guard and threw several rocks at the rock.

"Thump" The rocks hit the tree and caused the guard near the fence to become alarmed.

The Knight was caught unprepared but he quickly calmed down.He quickly looked towards the left and yelled

"Back up, someone is sneaking around near me"

By the time the guard yelled this Locux was nearing the entrance and saw that the entrance guard was coming his way. His heart quickened and he raced behind a tree.

The guard didn't stop at the tree Locux was at but continued to head towards the area where the original disturbance occurred.

That was too close! Way too close! I shouldn't be doing this but I have to make sure Holland and her family are safe

Locux made his way to the entrance after the guard passed him. The entrance had a lock, Locux didn't have a key. He went into his supply bag and took out a small and sharp pick. This was probably something he made using his dad's tools of the trade.

The lock was quickly picked and Locux made his way in.The mansion was lavishly decorated and radiated a natural noble air about it but there was a slight malicious and slightly evil feeling to the place.

Nobles are truly something else

Locux begins looking around the mansion carefully. He didn't have time to try to acquire a map detailing the layout of the residence so he had navigated with his instincts. Holland was a deity force cultivator even though she hadn't truly started cultivating yet. Deity force cultivators stood out because their auras were overwhelming to begin with!

Locux closed his eyes for a moment and felt that Holland's aura was coming from a particular direction. Catching on to her aura didn't make him feel any happy because it didn't feel like the usually cheerful and happy Holland.

Locux got closer and closer to Holland until he was just a door away.

Locux quickly picked the Lock that was on the door and then he entered with haste.

"Holland" He called out.

The room was dark and Locux couldn't immediately take in everything but after a few seconds in the room, his senses became more clear. The room was on the second floor of the mansion. The only source of light in the room came from the moon.

The Moonlight entered the room through a window. It allowed Locux to clearly see Holland and what he saw shocked him.

Holland wore a minimal amount of clothes while she was chained to a pole. Locux ran up to her.

"HOLLAND, HOLLAND! "Locux called to her while he removed her chains.

When he got closer he saw her body riddled with not only scars but also a sizeable amount of blood. She looked completely weary and defeated but this wasn't the worst part of it all. The worst part of it was her eyes!

They were lifeless. All light that had been previously there had been completely lost. She was breathing and living but her eyes made her look like a dead person.

"Holland! Who did this to you!? Tell me so I can kill that bastard!" Locux was howling in grief. He didn't care about being discovered at this moment.

"Well, well, well, it seems a little insect has intruded onto my property." Mark appeared at the doorway with a sinister smile.

"You! Was it you who did this?! Why did you do this?"Locux madly questioned Mark.

Mark just smiled and laughed.

"Hahahaha, why should I answer a dead man or should I say a dead insect?"

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