《MLP Equestria Girls - Lucky Chances》Memory Mishaps - The Final Chapter
The confrontation between Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush before me and the girls took a sudden turn at those three words. Flash and I step out of the car to hear what was going on.
"I only tried to erase their good memories of you," Wallflower continues, pulling out the dark, turquoise coloured rock. The Memory Stone. "But that didn't work." I'm in shock and slight disgust at how easy she found herself removing memories. I could also see similar expressions on RaeRae and the others girls.
"What if I removed ALL of their memories of high school?" She adds menacingly, grasping the rock with a wicked grin on her face.
"You can't! You'd be stealing their memories of each other!"
"They'll think of each other the way you think of me! Which is not at all!"
Wallflower fires a turquoise beam of energy from the Memory Stone, directly for our group of friends, when I catch movement to my right.
I watch as Sunset jumps in the way of the beam and takes it full force before it could reach her friends, as it surrounds her in a thick aura. The girls, Flash and I all gasp in shock at the actions shed taken to save them.
"I've ruined their friendship once before. I'd rather give up my own memories than let it happen again!" She says with all the strength she could muster, as the aura disappears from foot to head and a glowing appears on her forehead.
"Hgnn... Fluttershy! No!" I hear her say, as the glowing reveals what looked like an old movie reel tape leaving her head, but a pale yellow colour of it.
Which I definitely think had to be all her memories of Fluttershy. Already I could tell this was going to go downhill a lot and something really bad was going to happen, as she started to recite all the names of the girls.
"Applejack!" A brownish orange one leaves her head.
"hnnh... Rarity!" A soft Purple memory reel tape this time.
"Aaagh! Rainbow Dash!" Deep blue for her.
"Pinkie Pie!" Vivid pink.
"Twilight! Don't forget me!" Deep violet.
As the last one leaves her head, Twilight gasps in shock as Sunset's last memories enter the stone, leaving a mixed crowd of shocked faces as she then slumps to the ground. Even Wallflower is surprised by how strong that magical blast had been as her stone absorbs the last memory.
"This isn't Canterlot. Where am I? Princess Celestia? What's happened to me? Somepony, help me!" I'm getting an uneasy feeling as she looks up at Twilight. "Who are you?"
"We're your friends." She replies, looking with an angry expression to Wallflower, or what I could only guess from where Flash and I were standing.
"We may not remember you..." AJ starts speaking, followed by Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy.
"But after seeing what you did..."
"...the sacrifice you made for us..."
"...we'd be proud to call you..."
"...our friend!" They all chorus together.
Wallflower and I all gasp in shock and surprise as the geodes the girls have all make their bodies glow. Weirdly, I don't actually 'pony-up' like the girls do this time. Nor do I join them.
Probably because I'm focused on something else. I think to myself, as I'm mesmerised by the Memory Stone. Then I watch them transform into new uniforms as some weird but heroic background music starts to play from thin air.
"Hey Flash, do you hear that?" I ask him as they're all transforming.
"Huh, hear what?" He replies, looking at me briefly with curiosity before watching them.
"Nothing, never mind." Why do I only hear the background music then? Is it all in my head, or part of the magic?
After the transformations, the girls all hover there in the air, the air so full of magic around them that it's like it was actually sparkling around them like the stars on a clear night sky.
"Wallflower! You have magic you do not understand! But it is nothing compared to the Magic of—!" Twilight starts monologuing a line she probably tried rehearsing, only to be interrupted by Pinkie as I hear the music randomly stop.
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Light her up, ladies!" The music I'm hearing suddenly starts back up again, but a lot more vigorous and vivacious.
I watch as all their magic coalesces into a rainbow beam that shatters the Memory Stone directly from knocking it out of Wallflower's hands and sending her falling onto her butt.
As the memory shards all start to return to their respective hosts, me included, I couldn't help but wonder what Pinkie was thinking about to cause that weirdly lewd expression, not that I would know what anything lewd is, but quickly dismiss it as Pinkie being Pinkie. I watch as they all respond to the reflux of their memories being fixed.
Reflux? Again with these weirdly familiar science terms! I thought to myself as I see Sunset rubbing her head as the shards lose their glow.
"Twilight... Sparkle?" Ihear from Sunset, hesitation in her voice.
"Sunset Shimmer!" She replies excitedly.
The rest of the girls cheer happily as they all get into a brief hug of support.
"We're so sorry." Twilight says after the hug stops.
"I'm just glad to have you all back."
"I'm so ashamed." Interrupted Wallflower. "When I first found the Memory Stone, I only erased little things – awkward hellos, saying the wrong thing, literally any public speaking..." Her face showed what I could only sense as extreme emotional turmoil from her.
"I've had plenty of awkward moments I wish I could erase, too." Twilight adds on, as I walk over to Rarity and we give each other a peck on each others lips quick enough to hopefully not have it be noticed.
"But it's no excuse. I was so used to erasing memories that I got completely carried away. I'm sorry for everything."
"It's okay. I'm sorry, too." She bends down to Wallflower, who's hugging her legs.
"I may have stopped being mean, but a Great and Powerful friend helped me realize I still wasn't very nice to you. Everyone matters, Wallflower. No matter how insignificant or invisible they feel."
Grabbing Sunset's outstretched hand, she gets up and I hug my arm around RaeRae's waist as they hug each other. To avoid any awkwardness, Wallflower invites all of us, including Flash, who'd been watching curiously and with awe this entire time.
"This is my garden. I didn't really mean to manipulate everyone's memories. I guess I was just jealous."
"It's alright, we forgive you." A warm hand rests on her shoulder, making her blush happily. Now I feel like her name make more sense. I think to myself as Rarity guides me forward with her hand holding mine.
Walking into the quiet, alcove-like area, there are three rocks that I saw when I was with Twilight in the same formation that I'd seen in Sunset's book when we'd been stuck in the computer room.
Oh no, Tri— "Oh no, Trixie!" I blurt, making them all look my way look my way, with Sunset facepalming. "Don't worry, I'll go and get her! I'll be back in a few seconds!" I add, before getting a confirming nod and smile from her as I shift into superspeed then dash back into the school.
I remember exactly where to go, so I run towards the room, dodging a barely moving Vice Principal Luna along the way, making me worry about Trixie being locked in the room after the school timetable has finished.
I hope I'm not too late!
I arrive by the door, her fists mid hit on the door, making a long, soft, deep hum reach my ears as I quickly walk up to it. Deciding to utilise an idea I had earlier, I reach out for the door and wonder what would happen if I vibrate my hands. I don't know why I wanted to do this, but it just felt right.
When I feel my hands beginning to buzz rapidly, a lot faster than I thought they would, I suddenly feel my arms vibrating in the same way. As I watch in fascination, I slowly attempt to push against the door, which surprisingly feels like it isn't even there. Snapping back to Trixie's position, her face starts to take on a hint of recognition and confusion.
As I grab her with my hands through the door, I worry that I won't be able to pull her through but somehow, instinctively, I give my weird ability to her as I slowly pull her through the door. Right as she's clear of the door by a few feet, I suddenly shift out of my superspeed and double over. Not from feeling sick, but from the amount of energy I've put into vibrating my arms to 'phase' through solid matter.
"HEL—... Oh. I'm out." I hear from above me, as I kneel there, on all fours, feeling very dizzy, disoriented and tired. "I, um, I guess a thanks is in order?" She adds, helping me to my feet. "After my amazing Magician's Exit to get Sunset and I out, well mostly Sunset, it stopped working after she left me in here!" A long pause happens, before she begins talking again. "Did Sunset manage to get to Wallflower in t—?"
As she's talking, I see a memory strip float into her head, making her stop talking. She winces a little after it disappears inside her head. I see her thinking about what she was doing, then a little glint appears in her eyes.
"Hmm, now where was I? Oh right, I was explaining how the Great and Powerful Trixie was grateful for her frie—... um, Pretty Decent Assistant-Detective-Helper People!" We both laugh at that.
After that, she walks along with me, avoiding Vice Principal Luna by sneaking into a somehow open room with no lights on, then running fairly quietly out the front of the school with a giggle. After I say that Sunset would be glad she's free, I say I just need to go and ask her something, so I disappear in a flash of green lightning and reappear back in the garden.
"What took you so long, darling?" Rarity asks, without turning her head or missing a beat.
"Nothing. Well, not exactly nothing."
This earned me a questioning look from Rarity. Jealousy? No, i don't think so.
"Aa-actually, I went to go and get Trixie out of the locked computer room that Sunset, her and I were locked in before the confrontation I was watching."
"Oh, um, okay." I detected a hint of something, but I didn't know what that feeling was.
Walking around the garden, Wallflower is a lot nicer than I was actually expecting. tour of the flower garden, I notice a somewhat familiar engraving in one of the stones. I dare not go near it after what happened with the memory stone, but the symbol matched my pendant around my neck perfectly. I don't know how, but I feel like someday, I will need to come back here to fulfill something.
I realise that I have this feeling to hate prophecies, but this time, I feel like just forgetting about all that.
Two Days Later...
After a good night's sleep, we all help out, around 10-ish, at school with moving some stuff as Big Mac shows up in his truck as Luna walk out from the double-door exit. Sunset is writing to Princess Twilight and I am sitting with RaeRae as we discuss what her next fashion line should be for the autumn season in a few weeks. Good thing the four of us here are all on a break in our timetables.
"No student parking in the faculty lot!" Luna yells informatively towards Applejack and the others helping out with the boxes.
I couldn't help but snicker along with Sunset for some reason when she said that, but I quickly turn back to the designs before me.
"I think this line-up will do perfectly. It not only works, but also emphasises on great appearance and style. A bit like the ones from Saddle." I point to the third group of designs.
"I think so too, Darling, but there's also this one on par with the shique of current fashion in Cosmare." She replies, pointing to group five.
There are seven groups of designs overall and we've only just looked over them briefly today.
"Then what about this one?" I point at the sixth group.
"Ooh! That might just do it! Thank you, my dearest!" She squeals joyfully. Giving me a quick peck on my cheek, she then proceeds to pack her designs up and head back inside as I feel her blushing from here, or maybe that's just me blushing. I get ready to follow her, but I'm interrupted.
"Um, can I borrow Rhyan for a second, Rarity?" A soft voice asks. "It won't take long."
I turn around to see Fluttershy looking a little bit down, so after a silent message just through eye contact with RaeRae, I sit back down with Fluttershy. Just by looking at her body posture, she's nervous but I'm not sure why. When she said that her animal friends knew we were dating, she wanted to ask me for some advice.
After a few minutes of just talking, I think what I'm getting at from the quiet conversation between us is that Fluttershy has a crush on Rainbow Dash, not that she'd said anything directly about it, but that she's also noticed Dash returning her feelings but hanging out more with Applejack.
With a nice calm hug, I calm down her feelings of sadness and her lovely, timid but perky smile lights up her face and she walks inside as I help with the last two boxes before heading back inside myself.
Passing through the hall, I hear someone yelling about a yearbook and its president, and when I walk around the corner I'm greeted with a joyful Sunset and Trixie.
"A yearbook president, never reveals her secrets!"
I walk past them as they giggle together while heading off to a class. After my class of science with Twilight and Applejack, I have a free just before lunch. Walking out of the side exit to the school, into the faculty lot, I spot Sunset walking to the not-so-secret flower garden Wallflower had made and follow suit by just a few seconds.
I arrive to find Wallflower hugging the new journal with a warm smile, then walk over to the two of them. Sunset spots me first. I'm amazed how in the span of a couple of days, Wallflower has gone from a timid, girl hiding in plain sight, to a strong-willed, plant-loving girl with a surprisingly talkative personality as we helped her out of her shell of shyness.
"Hey, Rhyan."
"Hi, Sunset. Wow, this flower garden looks amazing, Wallflower!"
"Yeah, thanks. I spent a lot of my free time just managing it whenever I didn't have any classwork to do." She says with a caring smile.
That was when Sunset's eyes widen a little at something she's seen, then looks at my neck, probably at my pendant, and did at least two double takes before huffing and looking away. She looked fine with her joyful , but I could immediately sense that she was confused and feeling unnerved about something. It was like my ability to sense her emotions, amongst the other students around, had gone into overdrive like when I got my pendant but this time I was sensing her emotions almost in their entirety.
"Um, what is is Sunset? Is something wrong?"
"Nothing!" She stammers hurriedly, the feeling of worry felt like it was flowing right off of her. "I'm sure it's nothing Rhyan." She waves it off like it wasn't worth noting, but somehow, knowing Sunset, I look where she'd been looking at it was the same rock that I'd noticed my pendant was on.
As we are getting ready to leave for lunch, I had told Sunset about the rock with my pendant in it and that we shouldn't worry about it so much. However, something interesting seemed to have wiped away the worrying and upset emotions, turning them into a joyful one.
"Hey, Rhyan, I was just talking with Wallflower and she would like to give you the fragment of the Memory Stone she'd been holding on to since it got destroyed." Holding out her hand, she shows the fragment with a slight swirl on it from part of the engravings. "She doesn't know the whole story behind your amnesia, but I thought it would be helpful to have something that might have some use in the future."
"Oh. Thanks." I remark, surprised at the kind gesture.
I take the fragment, which now has a strap attached to it so it can hang from my pendant.
A few school hours pass and during the day, Wallflower is actually in a lot more classes than I realised after the stone got broken. Whenever she's told off for late submission, either one of the girls or someone in the class she'd been working with had been kind enough to actually back her up.
During the lunch break we finally get given our yearbooks, yet I still haven't really been here. Can't believe how many students there are for us to get the yearbook by lunchtime. I think, as we meet up outside, near where the portal to Equestria was.
Rainbow came out looking ecstatic at a supposed 'Best Friends of the Year' page with all of us on it. But her reaction to our Best Friends page was hilarious! Sunset and I just laughed at her reaction while the others were stifling their reactions to the big guy with large biceps and kissing them, being on the opposite page to ours as she opened and closed the book.
"Oh come on! SERIOUSLY?!"
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