《MLP Equestria Girls - Lucky Chances》Hidden Secrets


Waking up the next day, I'm glad I didn't choose to stay downstairs. I slept so deeply, I'm surprised I've even managed to wake up. Like, how comfortable is a couch to a luxuriously soft bed? I take a look around the room and recognise a lot of things. I remember how Rarity and I kissed for the first time last night, but afterwards, we'd both agreed on taking our relationship slowly. I didn't know the first thing about having a girlfriend, nor being in a relationship, so there was that as well.

Waking up a bit more, I notice I'm still back to back with Rarity, my glamorous gemstar. Yeah, I've already thought of a nickname for her, but I'm going to have to keep that to myself from now on. I slowly attempt to slip out of bed, when Rarity turns over and lays her arm across me. I feel my cheeks burning brightly as I stay still for a couple of seconds, before lifting her arm gently and placing it back onto the bed. One thing I'm also grateful for, is the red and black two-piece pyjama's Rarity had somehow designed for me.

As my blush continues, I quietly go downstairs and head into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast, after almost tripping over Rarity's cat in the process. Good thing I have superspeed, as I instinctively use it to slide around the cat and upright myself. I begin to think as I sit at the table with a slice of toast about everything that's happened so far as I decide that a little bit of coffee wouldn't hurt. Even with thinking about the fact I might have lost my memories, I'm actually beginning to enjoy this place.

"Morning, Rhyan!" I hear from behind me, making me jump as it's followed by a yawn, almost making me spill the coffee I was making. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump. I woke up early too." I realise it's Sweetie Belle, then calm down as I sit in the seat again whilst thinking back to last night. She sits in the seat to my left after she grabs her breakfast - a bowl of cereal. "Hey, you feeling okay? You look a little, uh, warm cheeked. Is there something bothering you this early in the morning?" I hadn't realised it was only just gone 5am until I took a glance at the clock, including the gentle glow on my cheeks.

"Uh, um, it's nothing. Really." I respond a bit too quickly, burning my tongue on the coffee afterwards, making her chuckle.

"Oh, okay." She says, leaning onto the table, as if thinking about something. "Hey Rhyan, did you ever get your backpack back?" She adds, looking at me.

"Uh, no, I don't think so." I say, trying not to burn my tongue again, then realise something as I bite my toast. "Wait, my backpack?" I almost spew the bit of toast in my mouth in surprise, making me almost choke on it instead.

"Um, yeah. Hold on, I'll go and get it for you. Wait here." She gets up to look for it, as I get up and put my empty plate in the dishwasher as I carry my drink with me.


My cheeks have stopped feeling warm, which is a good thing. Out of nowhere, she returns, knocking me enough to spill my coffee. Shifting subconsciously into superspeed, I had no idea what I was doing, but all I saw was my arm holding the cup swing in a wide arc, collecting all the spilt coffee back into the cup as I spin once to counter the drink's momentum. I giggle, nervously scratching my head as she just looked at me wide eyed.

"Uh, you did that speed thingy again, didn't you?" She asks me, as I nod in return laughing softly, which she returns.

"I had no idea I'd done it to be entirely honest." I reply, putting the cup back down on the table as I look through the contents of the bag. I recognise another necklace in the bag. "Huh? Why is there another necklace?" I look at Sweetie Belle, but she just shrugged.

I remembered when I first put mine on. I still remember the pain like it was yesterday. I take out the broken looking phone and stick it in my pocket after looking at It for a few seconds. Looking up at the clock, it's only half past five. I would go back to sleep, but I don't want to wake Rarity, so staying awake it is then. Just thinking of her makes my cheeks warm up. I really need to control my cheeks. I think to myself, making a mental note about it.

"Well, I guess you will need to get that fixed." She says over my shoulder as I zip the bag up. "Hey, you're gonna come back to CHS, right?" She adds, as I catch a glint of happiness in her eyes.

"Um, yeah." I respond, thinking a bit. "Well, I hope I will be. I'll need to check with Principal Celestia about it really." I catch the sight of a calendar on the wall as I sit back down and pull the phone out.

Taking a sip of my lukewarm coffee, I scroll through the phone, seeing it's pretty much clean. But somehow, I feel like I've had this phone for most of my life, like how familiar everyone feels. I freeze, expecting a blinding pain in my head, but for once I don't get one. I look through the phone's settings, finding it all as defaults. I go through everything else setting up and had help downloading apps she thought I'd be able to use to keep in touch with my friends.

"Are you sure I should download PonyHopper?" I ask, looking at the game's trailer video, where a pony, sorry, pegasus flying between pipes earns points, until it dies after changing colour and its score seven times. "Why would I play this?" She just rolled her eyes, skipping the game entirely.

By quarter to six, I'm a little less sleepy, as I did manage to finish my coffee. Sitting there, I tap my fingers as I try to think of something to do. Something shiny sparkles in the corner of my eye, making me think of a design that I could give to Rarity someday. I ask Sweetie Belle to help me, but she declined, because she doesn't like to mess with anything that's being worked on. Fair enough.


Spending about ten or so minutes designing something I thought was kinda okay, I started pulling out some thin black frills and a roll of fabric, uh, I look at the name tag and notice it's silk and is the colour of fuchsia. Exotic name that. It looks pretty too. I thought to myself. I move to the next room look around, noticing a lot of unfinished designs. At least I eventually spot a free child-sized and a teen-sized display model in the back of the store.

It's just before half-past six, when I'm almost done with turning my art into a dress. The thin frill follows the fold down from the neckline, over the chest area to the hip on the right side of the body. Sweetie Belle asked what I was up to as I was applying a custom cut to the bottom of the dress, making me jump, but I quietly explained that is was a surprise present for Rarity someday. I was surprised when she told me her birthday was coming up soon. Just four days away to be exact.

"Do you think you'll be finished before she wakes up?" She asks me whilst swinging her legs from the nearby stool, as I stare at the bottom of the dress, that's now half dress, half skirt as it sits from just above the left knee to about an inch or two below the right, now with a soft but silvery-white frill at the bottom.

"I hope so, what time is it exactly?" I reply, Finding a thin silver belt with a sky blue buckle and cosmic silver bag in the accessories area as I see Sweetie Belle help herself to another bowl of cereal.

I hear it's almost 7:45am as I delicately remove the black frill and replace it with the same one I used on the bottom of the dress. A few minutes later, I've embroidered two diamonds with superspeed into the silver bag and attached two belt loops so I could attach it to the belt. Admiring my work, I gently remove the bag first and fold the new dress up. Come to think of it, I think Rarity will like it, but I hope she doesn't notice that I used her stuff to make it.

Waiting downstairs fifteen minutes later, my gift is secretly packed away in my bag after Sweetie Belle promises to not say anything about it or anything that she's likely to overhear between Rarity and I. But in return, I had to give her a ride on my back at superspeed on the way to school, with a helmet of course. As I got up, I checked the fridge and cupboards and make a second breakfast, a bowl this time, upon finishing and returning to the table, I turn to look at the doorway as I see Rarity there right as I catch the clock turning to 7am.

"Morning sis!" The younger girl says, her voice carrying through the room a bit. "did you sleep well?". I notice Rarity cringe a bit from her voice. "Oh, sorry sis." She adds, as her older sister comes over to sit beside me.

I push the bowl of yoghurt and berries in front of me over to Rarity's place, which she takes from me then a few seconds later, gives me a questioning but surprised look on her face after her second spoonful.

"Rhyan, darling," She asks me after swallowing a spoonful. "How did you know what I was going to have today?" I just respond with a shrug as Sweetie Belle heads upstairs to get ready for school whilst Rarity sneaks in a quick kiss as she heads for the stairs. "Do you think we should tell our friends about this, um, this new thing we have?" She whispers to me, leaning onto my right shoulder whilst eating.

"I don't know," I respond, as I hear the upstairs shower turn on whilst I wrap my arm around her back. "I'm just as new to it as you are. Would the school be okay with it?" I ask, giving a soft pat with my hand, but Rarity pulls her head up from my shoulder and looks at me.

"The school doesn't entirely like students dating during school hours darling," She replies a bit coldly, placing her hand on my chest after seeing my reaction, she relaxes and leans back into as we both hear sudden movement upstairs. "Sorry darling, but I think keeping it a secret would be a good idea for now, okay?" I just nod as we quickly share a quick glance for the stairs as we expect Sweetie Belle to appear there.

For a quick moment, we share a warm kiss together as we hug each other for a few more seconds, then we both go and get ready for our school day, glad that Sweetie Belle hadn't seen us. Minutes later, Sweetie Belle is actually ready to leave earlier than Rarity says she usually leaves. Instead of leaving with Rarity and her sister later, I might as well let her ride as I zoom towards the school. I keep a slow pace, so I can hear what the younger sibling is saying about the speed.

I drop my speed mmentarily just before the school, sliding to a stop and dropping her off by her two friends, before zipping back to Rarity's home. I should probably start calling our home, now that I'm probably going to be living there. I hear that the CHS dorms are just as comfy, but I feel like I just need someone there who knows what I'm going to be going through.

Especially if it's someone I love...

...who loves me back.

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