《MLP Equestria Girls - Lucky Chances》Time to Shine


Looking around frantically and confused, we try to look for places to hide as the sun is starting to rise. I'm glad it's daytime, but at the same time, Rainbow Dash is on my right as we nervously make our way down the street.

"Uugh," I hear her complain, as we walk with the growing sunrise. "Why are we even back here? I can't even think about what could go wrong." This doesn't sound like Dash. It sounds more like Sunset or Twilight. But I bet she know what's probably going on.

"I only heard a brief story about your, our school from Sunset," I start, unsure of how to comprehend what's happened. "I wonder if we could somehow help around here." I look around, recognising some of the shops from our run. They look a bit different in some places. "Hey Dash, shouldn't we have a disguise or something? People will notice you and I together." I watch her react to my idea, then grab my wrist and run off with me.

Good thing we have our speed, as I bet nobody can really see us as we run, well she runs and I'm half running and half being dragged, to some shop. When we come to a stop, I notice it's a café. I get elbowed, probably to get my attention, as she points to the next shop along. A hairdressers. I check my pockets, finding no cash, but I watch as Dash just disappears in a flash of rainbow streaks into the store. I follow suit, turning on my speed too.

A few minutes later, we're sitting on a bench at a park, as Dash is gawking and gagging whilst she tries to apply a different colour to her hair, with little to no success.

"Hey Dash," I say, grabbing her wrist. "Would you like me to apply that for you?" I watch her give a disgusted face as she nods.

"Yeah," she replies awkwardly. "I don't know a thing about styling hair." I take note that the colour of this hairspray is Crimson Sunset.

I chuckle a bit, thinking of how Rarity mentioned the exotic and oddly unique names of some colours in her fabric collection. Two minutes or so later, her hair is a few different shades of red, courtesy of the different colours she previously had. I zip back to return the spray as I look for one that I could do with wearing, when I spot a look in a poster inside the hairdressers and think of applying it to Dash. After applying a green spray to my hair, I zip back to her, finding that she had got up and started walking with a bit more confidence in her step.

Smiling, I make my way over to her, tap her shoulder and whisper "time travel" in a loud enough voice so that she doesn't get a shock. Before I know it, she gives me a big hug, then backs off with a soft blush. Sitting in the park, we just sit there for awhile, talking about why we're here and what might go wrong as I do her hair up similar to the one I saw earlier. I think back to the blast of silver light, wondering how I could somehow control it, when I sense her lean away from me.

"Uh, Rhyan," She whispers loudly, making me turn to look at her. "Why did your hair just flash silver?" She points at my head.

"Wait, " I reply, surprised. "My hair?" I reach up to my head, getting a bit of the not-yet-dried hairspray on my hands. She laughs a bit, then I hear her go completely still. I look at her, her eyes look a bit colder than I'm used to, then where she's looking and I see three girls walking past the entrance to the park.


"The Dazzlings." I hear her say, then lean into me, I sense another foreign feeling coming from her direction, mixed with a bit of anger. "They're trouble." I wrap my right arm around her shoulders as I take note of their appearances.

The girl at the front of their group must be their group leader. I listen to Dash as she tells me who each one is. The girl with the two orange and yellow, ball shaped pony tails is Adagio Dazzle, the purple and blue haired girl with two long flat pony tails is Aria Blaze, and the third one I recognised before she even told me. Sonata Dusk. I watch with Dash as they seem to be arguing over something. That's when I notice that Sonata is being left out. I feel like wanting to go over, but a tug on my shirt stops me from going over.

"You know," Dash says to me, grabbing my attention as the three of them walk off together. "I think they might be heading for the school." I nod in agreement as I remove my arm from her shoulders. "But, I still need to change my clothes." I look at her, then realise she was right.

"I hope you don't mind ransacking Rarity's clothes pile then?" I ask, remembering her shop from just a few blocks away.

Dash nods, smiles, then disappears in a streak of rainbows. I sit there, wondering what's going on, when just under a minute later, she reappears at my side. Her red shirt under a blue jacket had a blue bolt in the middle, with a green gem on the top left corner, top right for me, of the jacket. I internally laugh as I recognise the resemblance to my necklace.

"I figured I should probably get something to resemble a part of you, to show that I'm from the future like you," She says, as we get up and head for the school. "Don't want you thinking that you couldn't find me, heh!" I catch her cheeks glowing a bit again, but I guess it's because we're the only ones who aren't supposed to be here.

"It's fine," I reply, smiling. "Besides, I even noticed the bolt and the gem symbols before you even mentioned them." I gently punch her shoulder as we share a chuckle on our way to the school.

As we arrive, we mingle with the students that are around us as we walk in. Most of them appear to be heading for the cafeteria, where she told me how they first met the trio of trouble. Well, that's what I've decided to call them. The cafeteria seems to be filling with students as I watch them all settling in to their own groups of friends.

"We better sit in an empty table in the corner," I begin, pointing to an empty table in the furthest corner.

"That's a bit risky." Dash replies, point to the table beside it. "My table, sorry, our past table is the one right beside it." I notice the table she points at, right as the six girls, Sunset, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, FlutterShy and Applejack walk over to it and sit down.

"They won't recognise me," I say, hoping to comfort her. 'But I'd sit with your back to them as we sit at that table. Or, would you prefer to move to another table?". She quickly shakes her head, dragging me to the table. I get the feeling she's nervous about something, but I don't want to push it.


Sitting across from them, I watch Pinkie shove some food into her mouth as she attempts to imagine what 'felt off' about the trio, according to Sunset's comments. At least I was finally reliving the events first hand. Seconds after she stops guessing, Both Dash and I, with mostly everybody else in the room, look at the door as that just opened to the room. The trio, start to sing a song and appear to be affecting the students in the room.

"This is before we find out that we're not affected by their 'dark magic', unlike the others." Dash whispers across to me. I look surprised, whilst she sulks in embarrassment. "This is also where we started to disagree on all the small things." She added.

The entire room is bickering and arguing after the song finishes, as I catch the lead singer, Adagio I think it was, cackling, rather than laughing. We leave quickly, when the other students leave as well. I start to think of anything that could or couldn't go wrong. That was when Dash pointed down the corridor somewhat discretely to our mutual friends.

"That's Princess Twilight." She says, the one from the other world, then she notices something. "But. I remember her tripping into Flash Sentry. Something is definitely off abo--" I cut her off by somehow making a green spark jump down my arm and shoot out from one of my fingers and create a brief aura that locks onto her foot as she partially stumbles into Flash. I catch her smiling softly at me. "Okay, now I 'm starting to see why some weird things happened during our 'battle of the bands' tournament." I smile back nervously, scratching me head in the process.

The rest of the day goes on uneventfullay and eventfully, where we watch from the stands in the sports hall and I actually got, sorry get see how badly her bands performance was, sorry, is ... wait a minute, gahh, time travel is so confusing! Anyway, before I confuse myself even more, I, sorry, we begin to start noticing more and more negative interactions between the past version of our friends. Dash almost revealed herself to them once as they walked past us after the school day finished, but when I started to talk about music in a certain way, I hoped that she got the hint.

"Whew," Dash responds after I give the all clear that the Rainbooms. She slides down the wall outside the school. "That was definitely way too close, don't ya think?" She says, looking up from her position, her hand placed on her head. I smile and nod in return.

"Well," I mumble, thinking of what else might go wrong to how Dash remembers it going. "Is there anything else that we should look out for?" I ask, looking at her as I sit down beside her.

"Hmmm...." She mutters, then her eyes light up as she quickly looks to me. "Something odd happened during the final battle. It couldn't have happened naturally." I nod, as she describes how during the battle, Twilight is blown back by some sonic attack, releasing the microphone, making it fly backwards then somehow landing at Sunset's feet, like it was pushed there deliberately.

We look at each other, then zip over to the stadium they play at later tonight, where we watch a girl, who Dash mentions to me as Trixie, who apparently wasn't 'oh so great and powerful' after they'd found out she was there to pull the lever that put them below the stage. Dash mentioned how she'd wished she'd pulled the door below instead of running into it. Right as she mentions this, we both catch Twilight's dog, Spike I believe it was, drop his toy then run off.

Dash shares a confused and scared look with me as he runs straight over to where we're hiding. We both hope that he runs straight past us, but he stops and looks directly at us.

"Let me guess," He says, which completely surprised me. I had no idea he could talk. "You're not affected like everyone else, are you." He points his paw at us. "And you don't look like you're from here, are you?" He looked from me to Dash and back, placing a paw on his furry chin. "Hmm, let me guess, Dash is down below the stage, a half decent cover of Dash up here, I'm going to guess something happened in the future?"

We both look at him with a gawking expression on our faces.

"Yup, that must be it!" He continues, then looks around. "Uh, I guess I couldn't ask for your help, uh ...?" That's when I realise he talking to me.

"Oh," I reply, coming to with a nervous smile whilst scratching my head. "Sorry, I'm Rhyan Sparks, and I don't think I'm supposed to be the one that helps you." Future Dash rubs her hair, creating a soft cloud of red around her head, as her original hair colour reappears after she coughs. I do the same to mine, hoping I get the same effect. Huh, it worked. What d'ya know. I thought to myself, coughing at the small clouds of dusty hair colours.

"Huh, red hair." Spike says, commenting on my original hair colour. "Who knew. Anyway, who do I get?" He adds, making me look at Dash.

"Well..." She emphasises, thinking of what happened "I believe it was that girl with the love for rock and roll music. I don't remember her name, but she wears shades and headphones. DJ something, I think." She shrugs, not knowing the full name.

"Hey, uh, Spike," I say to the dog, which felt really weird. "Could you by any chance not tell anybody about the battle that'll be here later tonight?" I bend down and pat his head. "Oh, and please don't talk to Princess Twilight until I meet you two later in the future, okay? I'll say the word 'redhead' when I next see you and Twilight, yeah. You got that?"

"Aah," He sighs, as I scratch behind his ears, before becoming aware of his surroundings again. "Oh, yeah, I promise to not say anything. Thanks for your help!" He adds, then runs off as fast as he can on his little legs.

"Well that was something, huh." Dash says, as we then zip off for the rest of the afternoon, keeping in a low superspeed mode as we wait for the battle later in the night.

We waited in a bush up on the hill, playing a small card game, when we both hear the past versions of or friends rock up with the DJ. Watching her car transform into a live dance station was unbelievable. No, really, it was unbelievable something like that was possible in this world without the need for magic. As the battle commences, I watch as the trio on the stage power-up as I hear past Dash wow in amazement at the , then start playing on her guitar, along with the band.

The battle turned into a literal battle of the bands, as the Dazzlings turned into some weird, astral beings that had amazing voices. We were just in the right spot, as the vocal attack from the lead astral creature knocking the microphone past the converted the car and through the air, almost towards our bush.

"I hope Spike knows what he's doing." I mutter to myself, as I shift the microphone ever so slightly in the air so it heads for her feet. I watch it change momentum abruptly enough to bounce off of the hood and towards Sunset's feet. Everything had gone according to plan, but we had to find a way home.

"Hey Dash," I whisper, turning around to see her not by my side and then suddenly by my side in less than a second. "Wha... Nevermind, are you ready to try and go home?" She grabs my shirt by both of her hands, slightly shaking me.

"We can?!" She whispers excitedly. "How?!" She looks at me with a very excited look in her eyes.

"Because I think I've figured out how to get back to our own time." I respond, sneaking out of the bush with her as I explain my plan. Which was to run as fast as we can together, then get distracted by each other at the last second.

Unbeknownst to everybody else, who'd probably been distracted by the big, magical attack in the sky, two streaks, Dash and I, zoomed down the street in which we came from and disappear in a small flash of silver light as we passed the school statue, disappearing from this point in time.

We tried our best not to interfere with our past selves, but I get the feeling, as we are somehow still running in some weird silver lightning filled dimension, that an impending threat might possibly be something that we are not willing to face.

But there's one problem as we drop out of the realm of silver lightning with the same thought in our heads.

"Where the hell are we?"

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