《MLP Equestria Girls - Lucky Chances》Sirens of Symphony
Three Days Later...
Since moving in, after hearing the long story about what happened whilst I was asleep, I've been helping Rarity design a new dress for the upcoming spring formal. Turns out I have a talent in fashion design. But recently, I've found myself thinking more about her. I mean, we all have moments where we think we've fallen for someone, don't we? well, to put it in the simplest form - I think I have a crush on Rarity.
At first, I thought my cheeks flushing up every time our hands touched was some odd allergy. My stupid amnesia that we discovered the other day seemed to suggest so, but I soon started to doubt that since ... well, since it started happening more often. Since moving in three days ago, there have been a few small moments where we've not seen eye. But it doesn't really happen that much. No, really, it hasn't.
Occasionally, we'd find ourselves reaching for the same thing and freezing for just a short moment whilst our hands or fingers make brief contact with each other. Oh, that reminds me, I noticed her behaviour had changed ever so slightly since yesterd--
Oh, a new customer. I quickly make my way from out of the side room, almost tripping on something, but lucky enough not to break anything valuable. I walk up to the counter and greet the new customer.
"Hi there, welcome to Rarity's Boutique! I'm Rhyan, how can I be of sserrviceee...?" My voice breaks a tiny bit as my question ends on an awkward note. The young girl reminds me of someone, but I still can't put my finger on it. I hear a gentle 'coming' from Rarity as I stammer, but I recover it quickly. "Ar-are you okay? What's your name?" I say eventually, noticing the sad look on her face as she clutches her arm.
"My-my name I-is so-son-Sonata." She spoke softly, looking downwards. I just notice a small tear streak down her face. "An-and I wo-would like t-to apo-ap-apologise to th-the gir-girls we we-were fi-fi-fighting ag-against." I rush around the counter to catch her as she almost drops to the floor. I help her over to a sunset red coloured couch, whilst I go back to the counter briefly to take the orders of two other customers.
Keeping an eye on her from the counter, from my peripheral vision, I could she was looking around scared. Mostly she looked out of the front windows, as if expecting someone. I see Rarity bringing out a new line of clothes to my left smiling as I smile back to her. I have yet to see the ones I helped out with, but I'm not fussed. Come to think of it, how did I know the technical term for looking out of the corner of me eye?
"What are you doing here, Sonata?" I hear Rarity say loudly, getting most of the customers to look her way. I see her flinch from behind, but I don't see her face. I don't know how, but I sense a hint of embarrassment from her then quickly dismiss any thoughts about it. I quietly walk over, to hear the conversation a bit better. I watch as some of our friends enter the shop. Twilight, Sunset and Rainbow Dash all walk in.
"I-I'm so-sorry, Ra-Rarity." Stuttered Sonata softly. She continued to look down, hugging herself in the process. I walk over and touch Rarity's shoulder, only to get an odd look from her. "I-I-I just wa-want to ap-ap-apologise and av-a-avoid the others." We look back at Sonata as the other customers go back to looking through the store again.
"What's she doing here?" I hear Sunset say, as I turn around to face her. THe others all had angry faces aimed at the girl I'd only just learned the name of. "I thought she was with the Dazzlings." She probably noticed my confused face and as I'm about to ask, she adds, with a less angry face: "It's a fairly long story. We'll tell you later." I just nod in return.
"She claims to be here to apologise," Rarity replies, with her eyes narrowing a bit. I feel like I should step in, but I'm unsure to what I should say. "But I don't buy it." I look at Sonata and once again I notice a feeling, but it's from sincerity and sadness. I go to open my mouth to speak, when Sonata cuts me off.
"It's okay if you don't believe me." She says quietly, still looking at the floor. "I'm just a normal girl now, with no place to say anything.... I guess I'll just go now." As she get sup and walks past us, time slows a little as I watch her slowly look towards me, with her tears dripping slowly. I let time return to normal as I watch her leave the shop, tears stinging her eyes and sobbing quietly.
I'm still getting used to my, uhm, special powers. The past few days, I've been practicing with it in private. Mainly when I'm not being looked at. I can sort of catch subtle changes in body language with it, or run around without being seen. Although, I did almost get caught using it when I got back to Rarity's shop one time and found that she was turning around to probably talk with me.
"I'll just be right back," I say, hoping I didn't say it too quickly. "I'm just going to, uh, check on something." I walk off after I get an 'okay' from them as they go back to normal.
I'm about halfway up the stairs, ready to zip off, when I hear Rainbow Dash talking about seeing a really fast green streak, almost like neon lightning, zoom past her the other day. I freeze, hoping I heard that right. Yup, I did. I''d been so fast that luckily, I was fast enough not to be seen, but I quickly found out that I leave some sort of trail as I run with my powers. I start moving again, running upstairs, but something flashes green from my peripheral.
Again, a word I don't know that I somehow know to use. Was I smart before my amnesia? I thought to myself, as I put on the new jacket Rarity gave me after replacing my clothes. I always keep a pocket watch with me, since I found one just laying in the street, as I suddenly hear a tick slow down to extremely slow, deep, rumbling cricks of the gears as I shift into my super speed. I just walk past my friends as I then get into a fast jog, thinking about everything that's just happened.
I catch up with Sonata after thinking about who had left the pocket watch and finding them. I hear it finish ticking as I grab Sonata around the waist and behind her head. I push her along to the closest and brightest alley, hoping to ask her some questions. Yes, this will probably reveal my secret, but I felt like I was strong enough to at least let Sonata know. Coming out of super speed, I catch her as she trips and wobbles a bit after appearing in a new place so quickly.
"Woaoaahh!" I hear her say, as I think quickly about how to avoid her knowing who I was.
With my black jeans and hoodie, I decide to test something that keeps nagging at my mind after deciding to ask her why she wants to apologise. I pull my hoodie up, then try and vibrate my entire body. I feel it working, like I'm buzzing. As she turns around I start to notice small sparks of green zipping across my vision every now and then.
"Uh, who are you?" She asks, tilting her head cluelessly as I vibrate. "And what are you doing?" Her innocent looks make me want to laugh, but that would be rude, so I cross my arms and hope my voice sounds different like this.
"I hear you're looking to apologise to the girls in that fashion shop." I am just as surprised as her, because my voice sounds jittery, a bit like static and deeper than my normal voice. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't leave right now." I tried not to sound menacing, but as I turn around to leave, I get grabbed and shoved into a wall.
"Hey mister," I hear behind me, as I still vibrate. Rainbow Dash? I thought in utmost surprise. "Stop harassing the girl. There's no way you can... Wait, who are you and how are you doing that?" I guess my vibrating body must be at least a little bit freaky.
I hope that she isn't mad at me, as I stop vibrating and hear a gasp. I immediately get released from the wall as I turn around to see Rainbow Dash, but her hair is longer, has wings on her back and her ears have changed. I see the shocked look on her face, as I shrug with my hands up, hoping for sympathy with a half-smile, half-grimace on my face.
"Wait, RHYAN?!" She yells, as the other five girls come around the corner, looking normal. They share the same look on their faces. "But how did... What is.. HOW?!" I didn't want to say anything, but I see the look of curiosity and forgiveness in all of their faces.
"Okay, Rhyan," Sunset says, breaking the awkward silence. "You need to tell us everything." She smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder after walking over to me. I flinch a bit. "Don't worry, we just want to know how you can run that fast." A question nips at the back of my mind.
"I have one question though," I ask, getting the attention of all of them, as I barely notice Sonata slip by and run off down the street. "How did you find me so quickly, Rainbow Dash?" I watch her chuckle, only just realising she's actually flying.
"I caught a streak of green and raced after it." She replies, her cheeks flushing up a bit as she gives a short giggle. "Heh, sorry guys."
"Well," Rarity pipes up. "At least you've got someone you can race against now, Rainbow Dash." I watch Rainbow Dash turn into her usual self, acknowledge the comment, then lunge at me. Awkwardly, she releases me from the hug she just gave me.
"Um, heheh, sorry Rhyan." She says, blushing as we all start walking towards the school.
"It's okay." I reply, as my head starts filling with lots of questions. "Hey, Dash, how did you, uh, how did you change your appearance like that?"
"Oh, that's magic." Twilight responds, pushing her glasses up her nose. "All seven of us have it." They all laugh as I look shocked and surprised. "Yeah, it's not that big of a deal though."
"Uh, Yeah, it is a big deal!" Interrupted Rainbow Dash. "We get to kick bad people's butts!" They all laugh, so I join in. I think about how fast she must have been going to see my streak, which gives me a brilliant idea.
"Hey Dash," I ask, wiping away a tear from the laughing just now. "Fancy a race? I want to know how fast I am."
"You're on Rhyan!" She replies, as we fistbump each other. "Hey Sunset, could you and Applejack the others get our classmates to come and watch a race between us two?"
"I'm not sure a race is a good idea, Rainbow Dash." Spoke the voice of Principal Celestia, who had walked over to our bench outside the school. "Especially seeing how recent his injuries are."
"Principal Ceiestia," Began Sunset, but I interrupted her without trying to be rude.
"Principal Celestia, all my injuries have healed. They're pretty much non-existent now." I say, taking off my hoodie to show that all the scars and burn marks are indeed not there anymore. That was enough to convince her that it was okay for us to race.
With some help with the sports department, the race between Dash and I was scheduled for Monday. I was looking forward to how fast I could go. The rest of the bank holiday weekend went by practicing for the race. I told my friends about how I discovered my powers and why I had kept it a secret. They forgave me for it and show me their powers in return. It was amazing what they could do.
Although, when I was watching Twilight use her ability to move things without touching them, I felt a spark as I watch a necklace she levitates Glow and then fall to the ground. I put it on and feel a small rush as I somehow 'pony up', according to Sunset's description of what happens to them when they power up. For half a second, I see some blurry images flash before me as I float in my new form, before it disappears and I clutch my head in pain.
I have no idea what that was, but I push it to the back of my mind as I continue to play with my speed on a treadmill Twilight was able to modify for Rainbow Dash. A few times I fell off backwards into a pile of clothing filled boxes, making Rarity laugh, but besides that, my top speed was the exact same as Dash's. But there was something telling me that this wasn't my full potential.
Even though I felt that something might happen during our race tomorrow.
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Apollyon's Curse
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