《MLP Equestria Girls - Lucky Chances》Crusaders of Curiosity


A Few Days Earlier...

3rd Person PoV

After the teenager was brought in to the CHS first aid room, Vice Principal Luna heads to her office, hoping to find something about the young teenager.

She just manages to dodge a student run past her as she turns a corner. The student appears to be crying, but as she almost calls out to them, she spots the pink haired student, Fluttershy, with her group of magical friends coming the other way.

Fluttershy notices the crying student, managing to immediately convince her friend Pinkie Pie to go towards the student with her.

Smiling briefly, VP Luna then continues for her office. Stopping only to remind the new student that had upset the other young girl.

"Melody Symfonía," She warned strongly. "You know better that your behaviour like that could get you expelled from the school." Luna pulls out a detention slip, signs it for lunch time and hands it to her.

"Tch, whatevers, Miss Luna." Melody grumbles quietly in response, taking the slip. Luna does a quick look up and down the hall, then ruffles her hair as they hug quickly. Melody then heads for the canteen to grab a small snack, flicking a brief look backwards before turning the corner.

Upon reaching the office, Luna smiles back to her sister, Principal Celestia, as she goes to sit at her desk. They share a short discussion about looking for the boys parents, amongst other things. Luna mentions to Celestia not to mention that their new student, Melody, was the one to save him. They both agree to wait until the young boy is awake before mentioning anything.

Right, She thought, as her computer was starting up. Two minutes later, she was in her web browser FireMare. Now, where do I look? And who do I look for? Luna started searching for ... Well, she couldn't, as she didn't know the boy's name.

But she did know the young fashionista, Rarity, who might be able to fix or replace his burnt clothes. Just as she'd sent off an email to the student regarding security and his safety, two younger students appeared at the door.

"Miss Luna, Principal Celestia," they both said at the same time, their voices higher pitched than normal.

"What is it, students?" Responded Principal Celestia, sitting up sharply at their appearance. The light-purple haired student, Sweetie Belle, spoke first.

"We told her not to, but Scootaloo thought it was a good idea to see who it was in the first aid room, so we tried to talk her out of going in there, but we couldn't stop her, so we had to ru-, uh, speed walk to your office and stop her before she does something stupid.... Again." She rambled quickly, barely getting her words out slowly enough.

"Yeah, wha' she said." Added Apple Bloom, just as fast. "We didn' mean no harm, an' we tried ah best to stop her!"

For the rest of the day, after the 2 crusaders, Celestia and Luna were able to convince young Scootaloo to not say anything. But the trio did discover a torn up rucksack with burn marks matching those on his clothes.


Especially when it had the young, unconscious boy's name embroidered perfectly into the back of it, just below the hand strap.

"You should go and look for his parents, Luna," Spoke principal Celestia, smiling as she patted her sisters shoulder. "I'll go and collect two of those girls who always ending up saving our school with their magic." Adding with an afterthought, as not to say it whilst the door was open. But I still find it impossible to believe that magic exists.

Principal Celestia had noticed after looking up the girls that indeed three of them had a free session just before lunch.

Heading off, she gave a comforting smile to her sister. Who returned the gesture as she got back to work on her filing and the search for the boys name and his parents.

Luna searched through the school records, but almost an hour later, there was no 'Rhyan Sparks' to be found. She groaned internally, then went to speak with another student about skipping classes. Again.

On her return route, she took a change of direction to get an update on the young boy, meeting her sister and the three students she said she had asked to meet her here.


The trio of crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, were not exactly thrilled to hear that they can't tell anybody about the young boy, nor that they could help.

But they decided to help look into his 'sudden' appearance anyway. So during their lunch break, they decided to grab a notepad and a pen, as well as a voice recorder from the music studio without asking, they decided to try and find the boys parents.

As they usually messed things up before fixing them, Sweetie Belle quickly decided that telling her sister might help. Until she saw Principal Celestia heading the same way, making her perform a sharp 180 degree turn to walk the other way.

Later, she thought to herself. I'll ask her later. As she walks off, she pays no attention to the other girl watching her.

A few minutes later, the trio were going through their lunch break. Sneaking off campus was a great feeling, but the fact that students can visit the shops and café's nearby anyway, the school allowed students to get the chance to mingle socially outside of the learning environment from time to time.

"So, what're we lookin' for again?" Spoke Apple Bloom, still a bit confused.

"The boy's parents, duh." Sweetie Belle replied, rolling her eyes before humming a small song she'd been working on.

They asked around, seeing if anybody was aware of the name of "Sparks". Annoyingly, the three girls later sat around in the school cafeteria, disappointed with their results.

Although, they hadn't given up hope.

After writing down some, well, rather far fetched theories and a few basic theories, the trio then take a lunch break.

"Hey guys," spoke Sweetie Belle softly, looking confused whilst slurping some soft drink. "Isn't it a bit odd that this boy appears exactly when the school suffered a strange storm?" The three of them thought for a second. "I mean come on, you can't survive a strike from the lightning that night and just appear in the street, right?"


"Nah!/Nope!" The other two said in unison, as they laughed and continued writing down things. Then returned to their normal, well, normal-ish daily activities and classes.

Later That Day...

The trio head to Rarity's workplace right after the school finished, which also had the fashionista's home located above it.

"Rarity, I'm home! I brought my friends over!" Sweetie Belle yells up the stairs, hoping her sister is home. A muffled response replies, which agrees to let the trio hang out downstairs in the room they usually use. But they all forgot which direction the voice was coming from.

The trio run for the room and hope to start working on finding anything, finding Rarity at work on a weekend. She turns around to face the trio, a slight sweat due to working on some new clothes.

"Heheh, hi sis!" Sweetie Belle stutters briefly, walking slowly to their little room. "Were just gonna go and do some crusading stuff again." The trio of friends suddenly stop walking then each look befuddled, confused, curious and interested all at once at what Rarity is designing.

"Wait, what are you designing?" Asks Apple Bloom, feeling curious.

"Oh nothing, Sweetie," She responds, wiping her forehead a little. "I hear that you've seen the boy who was struck by lightning?" The trio nod silently. "Well, I should be fine telling you this then. Whilst listening to how he was found outside the school, I took a good look at his clothing-" And his handsomely good looks. She added mentally. "-after the principal called for me. I was told to keep him as a secret between my friends and I, so I've been at work on designing some new clothes for him... if he does eventually wake up that is." She quickly daydreams, eyelids dropping slightly, then snaps back to reality and continues sewing the red hoodie.

The trio then go into their room and discuss the details of everything they could possibly know about the boy.

After spending an hour in the room they all changed over, after getting mostly everything written down, to do some trig and English homework.

"Ugh, this homework is boooriiing!!" Groaned Scootaloo, leaning into her beanbag and flopping her head backwards. She looks and notices something on their pinboard, with the title of 'Wall of Curiosity', regarding the new teenager.

"Wait a minute..." She says, turning over quickly to get a better look at the board. "There's only one place we haven't checked yet." The trio look between each other and smile.

"The School Statue!" They all say in unison, and loudly at that.

Rather quickly, the three Crusaders got dressed to go outside, oblivious to the fashionista, who was now completely focused on working on a pair of black jeans.

On the way, a small storm was brewing overhead, but it was a good thing the trio of friends had taken their coats. A thunderclap makes two of them jump, but Scootaloo just smiles as a bolt of lightning reminds her of the older sports fan, Rainbow Dash, of whom she considers as a sister.

The sudden drizzle slowly turns into soft rain, then almost a downpour, as they rush to the remaining block the statue was once a part of.

Looking around, the storm starts swirling counterclockwise slowly above, but was ignored by the Crusaders as they try to find any clues.

"Where could a clue be if we can barely see in this weather?!" Cried Apple Bloom over the noise of the storm.

"I can't see either! What gives?!" Replied Scootaloo, just close enough to be seen by the other two in the now thick downpour.

As they near the statue pedestal however, they all fall forward into each other as if they broke through a wall in the strong winds. The rain just fell straight down where they were, as they stared at the pedestal in shock.

Up above, the trio watch as an impossibly thick bolt of rainbow coloured lightning moves a bit slower down towards them, but not directly at them.

They all gasp loudly, as the bolt then splits into 3 smaller bolts that zap the ground in three different spots in enough to time for each of the girls to get up and, stupidly, run over to those spots. The lightning appears to have struck a phone and two necklaces.

Scootaloo picks up the phone on the road sitting face down right by the curb, Sweetie Belle picks up one necklace, which she can barely make out the shape of, with the initials "M.S." on the back.

Lastly, Apple Bloom picks up the second necklace with an electric green, six-sided gem underneath some bright red lightning bolts. This one had the initials "R.S." engraved in a more fancy, elegant style on the back of it.

Sweetie Belle, who luckily brought her backpack, stores the three items in the bag as the storm returns to normal but continues to rain with the occasional flash of light followed by a thunderclap.

But on the way home, unbeknownst to the three girls, the two necklaces were glowing softly in the bag. The phone however, had been able to retain all the apps but unfortunately no contacts or text messages.

Two Hours Later...

Completely forgetting the contents of the backpack, the trio have returned home and actually managed to complete their current homework, surprising Rarity a little, before they had to separate and go home ready for another day at school.

Except the bag was moved by Rarity, who tripped on it whilst it sat in the upstairs hallway and placed in a new location where it wouldn't interfere with her work.

But this was only the beginning of something new.

Something exciting.

Something that feels...


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