《The Demon Lord Just Wants Some Love》Chapter 6 - Big Brother's A Demon


Myriam watches Arias’ focused expression, and a delightful smile appears on her face.

“I never meant to hurt you, dear Rosa. Though life and love fill my coffer, in the real world, I'm a destitute pauper. Our love was not meant to be, but in the next life, may my yearning find you, and you'll find me. Farewell, dear Rosa, may your soul find wealth as mine has with thee.”

“But it was wealthy… filled with the tears we cried and the love we shared… But now it's gone… to be remembered as a simple love-sick affair…”

The curtains close and Arias stands up to offer a thunderous applause. “Bravo! Bravo! Wonderful! Beautiful!” Arias announces with great pleasure.

Myriam watches this and lets out a laugh. She also joins in on the applause. For what she saw this day, she’d say that she also greatly enjoyed the show.

Conversation sprung up all around as the audience gathered their things and left, their appetites fully satiated.

Myriam’s mother stands with a smile. “Should we go? You sisters should bring the kids along and join us at the house. We all need to catch up while we can.” She says.

Myriam’s sister, Alexia, lets out a smile. “Of course, mother. Myriam has to tell me who the lucky man is.” She says as she playfully grabs Myriam’s shoulder.

Myriam’s other sister, Bethany also lets out a gentle smile. “I’m curious as well. If must be quite the tale.” She says as she stands. “Come along, little ones. We’re going to your grandmother’s.” She says as she gathers her children.

“I don’t want to go to grandma’s! I want to play with uncle Edgar! He said he would teach me a body refining technique!” Rodrick says unhappily.


“Oh, hush now. You’re much too young for body refining. Wait until your 10 years old and then you can start body refining.” Bethany says.

Arias feels someone touch his hand and looks to the side. It was a little girl, looking up at him with big eyes. Arias lets out a bitter smile. My cousin? Is this my life now? He wonders.

Arias follows along, holding the hand of little Alice, on their way to the carriages. Suddenly, as Arias moves forward, an apparition with his image leaves his body and walks away.

Following his senses, Arias’ apparition, slowly moves in the direction of Garl and Telzen.

In a secluded area, between buildings, the pair revealed themselves and offered a slight bow. “Your Highness.” They say together.

Arias waves a hand. “Please. The time for that courtesy is over. You serve Oezu now.” He says as he looks at his two previous subordinates. “You two look good. Well fed, I assume.” He says with a smile.

“Yes, sir.” Telzen says.

“Your proposition?” Garl asks, somewhat impatiently.

Arias nods. “Yes, my proposition. Well, I was thinking of retiring here. So, as any old man would like, I’d prefer some peace during this time. I know Oezu wants to invade the Freeman continent, and I don't intend to interfere. So I was thinking that we postpone our battle till he comes to invade Shearpeak.” He says.

Garl raises an eyebrow. “You’re willing to stay idle during that time?” He asks.

“Yes, I don’t have any plans. I just want to leisurely stroll around, enjoying the sight and scenery.” Arias says honestly.

Telzen frowns. “Why Shearpeak? Would you defend this place?” He asks, a little doubtful.

Arias smiles again. “Well it’s my home now, Telzen. You have to defend your home.” He says.


Telzen lets out a bitter smile. “Of course.” He says.

Garl nods. “We’ll relay your words to Oezu.” He says.

“Good. And give him this.” Arias says as he throws an engraved, circular stone to Garl. “I left him a present in the treasury. Tell him to use it well.” He says before his apparition disappears.

Garl looks to Telzen and Telzen looks to Garl. Both men let out a sigh.

“It’s his old habit again.” Telzen says.

“Yes. It seems he’s using Oezu to grow.” Garl says with a shake of his head.

“This one’s name is Marsha, and this is Eleanor.” Alice says as she holds up two dolls to show Arias.

Arias lets out another bitter smile. He never thought that he’d be spending his days entertaining kids. “I think Marsha is prettier than Eleanor. What do you think?” Arias says.

“No! No! They’re both equally pretty!” Alice exclaims defiantly.

Arias smiles. “Oh? Sure Eleanor’s clothes are prettier, but Marsha has a prettier face.” He says.

“No! They’re both pretty! Like me!” Alice says.

Arias lets out a laugh and ruffles the kid’s hair. “Your hair is pretty messy. Are you sure you’re pretty?” He asks like a mean older brother.

“Wah! Demon! Big brother’s a demon!” Alice cries as she collapses to ground.

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