《Subject 0001》Chapter 7


Harper trudges down the long hallway, towards her secret weapon. Her thoughts clouded with thoughts of what would happen. She might have asked for Leon again but with all the problems it had caused last time she thought this might be the better alternative. Tricia was still in training with her powers, as one of the newest miraculous, but her progress had been exceptional over the past months. Harper felt she might be ready to try actual combat.

Harper had started a big operation with the goal of making a force of people with powers. the whole project had only been active for a little less than half a year, but already they had found and engaged six people with powers. All of them had been found in the dome and so none of them had any real experience with their gifts yet. So far only Tricia had full control of her powers.

Finally Harper made it to Tricia's room. She quickly knocks on the door three times, and then opens it without waiting for an answer from the other side. Tricia is laying her bed with a magazine about women clothes. She is blond and very pretty, her blue eyes and refined curves. She hastily sits up as she sees Harper crashing in.

"Get ready, you're going out on the field." Tricia stares shocked at Harper, then jumps out of her bed with a spring in her step. She starts laughing and jumping around as she slowly makes her way through clothes pasted everywhere to her cabinet. Harper looks at her with a stern look. Tricia isn't long in catching on, and starts putting on her suit with more haste.

"So," She starts out, as she puts her arm through the vest.

"What is going on?" Harper looks at her. She waits until she finishes putting on the suit, then walks out the room. Tricia jumps over her mountain of clothes and follow suit.


They walk along the hallway back the way Harper just came from. She doesn't bother looking back as she starts explaining.

"63 kreosoans and two irregulars. We are sending out all experienced troops, and you." Tricia gasps from behind but keeps pace with Harper. Still, Harper can't help but feel Tricia is still happy that she gets to go into action. She has been begging for allowance to go with the forces.

"You will be sent to deal with the irregulars, and to keep them away from the troops. When you are done, you do NOT engage the kreosoans." Before Tricia can ask questions Harper continues to explain.

"This is your first time and I don't want to risk anything. Also the other troops can handle the rest." There is a short break where they are just walking. They are almost at the landing zone, where they will be escorted to the battlefield when Tricia finally speaks up.

"I will not disappoint!" Harper looks back at her, and smiles. Then they turn a corner and the wind suddenly kicks up, lifting their long hair.

Tricia is forced to close her eyes against the powerful wind and raises a hand to cover her face. When she opens her eyes, she is blown away by the huge helicopter in front of her. It's rotors already spinning at such a pace that it was impossible to discern the eight blades from each other. The helicopter spanned the whole helipad which was placed in a large area that expanded out from the base for all of the air-force to land at. There was a total of five helipads on the outside area. All of them approximately 50 meters long, with helicopters 30 meters long each on all one of them.

Tricia almost forget to keep pace with Harper as they walk closer to one of the five monsters. A man talking with Jeremy, the head of the normal forces, see harper going in their direction and quickly ends his conversation with Jeremy and starts coming towards them to meet them halfway. When he gets up beside Harper, he turns around and keeps pace. He is an old man, in his 50's or 60's even. His hair is grey and his clothes old and worn. Contrary to his old looks, the man seemed to have a certain spring in his step, ready for the next thing that waited for him.


"I've prepared all helicopters and equipped all soldiers with the standard equipment. There's extra ammunition and other artillery on the fifth chopper. Harper nods as he keeps informing her on the situation and everything that is prepared and what was missing.

"Good work Chris," Harper says as they finally make it to the helicopter, and Chris is finished briefing. Tricia is still in awe of the huge Machine in front of her. Chris must have caught her attention because he suddenly started talking to her.

"You like 'em?" He asks with a proud smile. Tricia looks down from the chopper and at Chris. He seems almost exited. Tricia nods, and her eyes wander to the chopper in front of them again.

"I designed them myself, from a previous model of course. The Mil Mi-26 to be exact. It's an old chopper made by the Russians back in 19-," Harper cuts him off right there.

"She's 20 years old Chris, she doesn't know about russia or even the 19th century, it's long behind us." Chris' smile drops, and he sags a little.

"kill joy," he mumbles as he walks off and yells something to someone at one of the other helicopters.

"You will be flying with the special force," Harper says as she starts walking again, this time towards one of the other choppers. People are already starting to board them, and Tricia stares impressed at the efficiency of the soldiers. Harper snaps her fingers in Tricia's face, and she blinks as she directs her attention back to Harper.

"stay with them until you are within range of the irregulars, they will get you safely there, after that, it's all on you." Tricia looks at Harper with a mixture of fear and excitement.

"I'm ready."

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