《[NaNoWriMo] The Mortal God's Melancholy》Chapter 12: A new dawn
Wukong grows immensely in size, equaling or possibly surpassing Gastor's large body frame.
An aura drifts from him, spreading to his surroundings, emanating from him like a strong mist.
His eyes glow golden, much brighter than it was earlier.
His aura alone is imposing enough, inducing fear to his enemies just by looking, or being there.
-Don't you falter now, Kael. This is just one more trial that you'll have to face.
"Easier said than done. But, I won't give up for sure, that option's been thrown out the door already."
I look at Cuiv from my side, his spear and the hand that holds it trembles, feeling the full effect of Sun's power.
Naturally, a deity can't really stand up to a god unless he has help with him, but this is just pushing it.
Sun raises his cudgel to the air, slamming its butt end to the ground, causing a small quake to occur in our surroundings, destroying the lush environment that I've come to like.
He begins taking small steps, each one creates a tremor in which we are forced to back away.
-We wary of any movements of his, we'll strike back only after his first move.
I take a stance, taking energy from Gastor as I strengthen my body to its optimal limit.
"You ready, Cuiv?"
"I should be asking you that. You must be shaking in your boots right about now."
"Still as cocky in the face of an enemy huh?"
Feeling especially drained after having used my mortal smite, I begin gathering as much energy as I can from nature, but since we are surrounded by a vast lain, there's not much to take from other than the fertile soil, and the deity merged with me.
Wukong begins to close in, looking down on us as a tower does to the population below it.
With one hand, he draws his cudgel, setting it to the side as the air flows by it, amassing a strong convergence of energy.
"I have an idea, Gastor."
-What is it? I have a feeling that it might be a bit too reckless.
"Not at all, in fact, it's quite innovative."
-Well then, say it now while we have time.
"He seems to be releasing a lot of energy, what if I can take that for my own, would that be possible?"
Gastor seems to ponder for a bit as he thinks about my suggestion.
-It might be possible, yet it cannot be.
"Why? Isn't it the same as what I've been doing for the past few days?"
-It is, but, Nature's energy and a god's energy are two different things. The just cannot be compared to one another. If you even attempt to take a god's power away from him, then you might be faced with consequences that are irreversible, such as being corrupted since two different energies are merged.
"So it's also my one downfall, huh?"
-Yes, you may also lose if a god forcible passes his or her own energy to you, corrupting you from the inside, but that's best left forgotten, you wouldn't want anyone to find that out, right?
"That's pretty terrifying."
-Not as terrifying as that simian beast closing in on you.
Breaking the very wind restricting its speed, Wukong swings his cudgel form the side, blowing away anything in its path.
The winter's deity is unable to sense the fast approaching cudgel, nearing to be hit, I pull him by the collar, dodging to the side until we reach Wukong's blind spot behind him.
-Now, strike him!
Impulsively, I rush forward, delivering a succession of blows that connect to Wukong's back, the punches creates a faint ripple through the air, surging towards my target.
Unperturbed and not even bothered by my attack, he swings his right arm towards me, sending a devastating impact on my face, knocking me back meters away on the open field.
I manage to catch my own landing, taking a look at Cuiv, who still remained there, but is now facing Wukong head on.
Unable to yell out his name due to my jaw and face hurting, he fights without getting any support from us, exchanging assaults between his spear and Wukong's cudgel.
Naturally, Cuiv is having a hard time, each swing turning pale in comparison to the monkey god's raw strength.
-We need to move now, Kael. We can't let him take down Cuiv, otherwise we'll be left to fight one on one, which is a terrible idea.
Recklessly, I start barreling forward, disregarding the damage I've just been dealt, to save my ally from being brutally destroyed.
Yet, he is sent back hard by the cudgel, but barely saving himself as he defends with his spear, looking to be unbreakable even if it looks as wide as a normal spear.
I catch him using my body, being sent back again with the force from Cuiv.
"Is this it? Did the fight in you disappear?"
Sun begins to taunt, his voice turns to a grizzled low voice, different from how it was, as if this is an entirely different opponent from before.
Suddenly, my heart begins to beat loudly, as if resounding to my very ears, the only thing I can hear right now.
Then, a high pitch screech, like something blocking my hearing out, hurting my head.
-Kael, are you alright?
"I don't know what that was, but it hurts like crazy."
-I felt it as well. What was that.
I shake my head due to the tingling feeling ravaging my mind.
And at that moment, Wukong goes forth, delivering blow after blow, turning every part of my body numb with pain.
Unable to move even a finger, he continues his relentless barrage, to air pulsates with each movement, stronger than steel.
-You have to regain hold, Kael. You can't let this continue, otherwise you'll die. Remember that you're mortal, so fight back!
I can't even say anything back to Gastor, my jaw might be dislocated already, plus, my throat hurts, or is it just that it's numb with pain as well.
My sight begins to darken, ever so slowly as it takes away the view of which I see, namely the monkey god who assaults me with his rage filled power.
... Maybe this is it. There's nothing left I can do, I’m just not fit for fighting a god, or even worthy enough for that matter.
All seems awfully hopeless from day one, now reality slaps me into submission, reminding me of that very hopeless road I've walked.
... I won't let you die, we promised to each other that we will make it, right?
"Wh-who's that?"
... It's me, Vixalis.
"Oh, sorry about what this came to be. I guess that this is as far as I can go. I haven't really accomplished anything anyway, so there's nothing to lose other than my life, the only thing binding me to this world."
... But there's still a way. Won't you keep believing in me as I had asked for you since our first meeting?
"I want to, but it'll probably just be disappointing you like every other thing I've done."
... But will you believe in me?
"Hah, sure, do your worst, whatever that is."
... Then I will do just that.
(Gastor, Cuiv, awaken for me. Please help this friend of mine overcome his destiny. Carry on your shoulders his burden, give him someone to lean on, and finally, to end his sufferings.)
"Vixalis, you're going, aren't you?"
(Just for a while.)
"Why are you doing this for some mortal. There's more like him out there, there will never be a shortage of weak idiots, plus, they're human, there's no need to help him."
(But he's not just some human, he is my friend, and he has given his trust to me, and I shall see that through.)
"Hmph, fine, that's your problem now."
(Thank you, Cuiv.)
"Leave him to us. There will be nothing to worry about."
(Thank you, Gastor. Know that there are still two of them who lingers within him, waiting to be challenged. Aid him, and together, you five will become greater than what you already know.)
A bright glow of light, like a birth of a new star, the two guardians turn their sights to their menace, the monkey god.
With furious eyes, they air to take control of the battle, relieving their god of the pain he is being dealt.
Their new responsibility, their new master, he is now what binds them together as the seasons change like the oceans ebb and flow.
Cuiv's speed in enhanced as he rushes like a bullet through the air, with his spear pointed to his enemy's back after jumping to Sun's blind spot.
He pierces his enemy's back just barely, but that is enough for his power to manifest, as winter takes a light touch of those unfortunate enough to encounter her power.
Winter begins to show her power through Cuiv's spear, enveloping Wukong with a coat of ice, freezing him from the spot where the spear had struck, developing into a coat of winter's embrace.
"Take this you overgrown ape!"
In that same instance, after retracting his spear from the beast's back, he connects with a catastrophic flurry of his spear, accompanied with icicles being created out of thin air, homing into Wukong.
His enemy's blind spot is covered with ice, and his body is starting to feel the effects of Cuiv's cold touch, the petrifying coat of ice covers Wukong's torso, moving up to the other parts in his body.
Now over encumbered, his barrage ceases, and his face is overcome by surprise as he notices the changes that have occurred within the span of a second.
His so called helpless enemy looks at him fearlessly, his stance has changed as well, having crossed his arms, effectively blocking any further attack from being made.
He had noticed that in a brief second during his attack, his enemy had begun defending himself, and that his attacks were becoming less effective with each punch, as if he had been completely read.
That wasn't the only surprise they had in store for him.
He had noticed as well that his body's movement was being restrained, and even his after destroying the encumbrance that is the coat of ice, it still reforms, becoming relentless in itself, as if having a life of its own.
He struggles, moving and moving until his body could not overcome to ice despite his powerful build and constitution, struggling until finally losing control over his body.
Kael lowers his arms, looking coldly at Wukong.
His aura has changed, different from who he was, as if a different person now stands as his opponent.
Clenching his fists, his amasses an insurmountable amount of power, just like how he had done with mortal smite, except this is a different form of power, stronger than anything Wukong has faced in this feast.
A god has descended, and is now looking to end this.
Taking a running start, Kael retreats his fists to his sides, filling with power from nature and his surroundings.
Closing in instantly, returns the grudge of having received a barrage of attacks with his own, smiting every impact with his fist, causing a pulse of air to breach the ground they both stand on.
With one last parting gift, he pours all his energy into one more attack, aimed square at Wukong's face.
Unable to dodge, he receives the brunt force of the attack head on, and he is launched towards the ruined fortress, fully ruining it as the rubble scatters everywhere.
Kael bends one leg, breathing harshly, looking down with tired eyes.
He begins to glow green, then they separate, Gastor emerging to his side, exhausted, not anything he has ever seen before.
"You really took a lot from me. It seems that the awakening was effective, but not manifested fully."
He murmurs to himself, but most of his words were pointed to Kael, who can't seem to hear anything as he his head thumps like his heart, beating, denying any words from being audible.
Cuiv runs up to them, quite upbeat as per the results from their victory.
"We really kicked him out of here, huh?"
"We can't rest yet, don't let your guard down!"
Gastor says, his body weighs heavily, as if a metal plate rests behind him, forcing him to the ground.
"Wow, this is the first I've ever seen you this exhausted."
"This is the first I've ever felt exhausted as well. It doesn't matter, we can't let Vixalis' sacrifice be in vain. We will win this no matter the cost!"
From behind Cuiv, the ruined fortress explodes, bursting high up in the air is a smoke clad silhouette in broad daylight.
They turn around, surprised and disturbed from their brief break.
"Kael, we have to merge once again, this is far from over."
Gastor says, barely even finishing his sentence.
He nods with an exhausted look, closing his eyes to tap into Gastor's energy stream.
He stops however, opening his eyes in surprise.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't, I mean I see your flow of energy, but I can't do it anymore."
"It's as I expected. We've abused the pact too much, including the energy you've taken from me, and the energy that I've given to you."
Gastor says, his words carrying gravity with it.
"Then what can we do? I don't think we can attack effectively without having been merged."
Gastor looks to Cuiv, and Kael follows, thinking only one thing left for them to do, yet the one who's being focused on looks hesitant, not looking interested in their propositions.
"I already told you, I won't do it, right?"
"Now's not the time to be like this, Cuiv. You promised that you would see this through, we can't fail Vixalis."
"Wait, what do you two mean by Vixalis and failing him?"
Kael asks, his tone becomes low in curiosity and concern.
"Don't worry about that for now, all we need to think about is persuading Cuiv to merge with you, ending this threat immediately, as a drawn out battle will spell our end."
A loud bang takes place in a field just a few meters before us, and a puff of smoke emerges.
A howl emerges, rampaging through the air, releasing a burst of wind.
Wukong emerges, having removed the coat of ice, sweeping the smoke and dust away with his cudgel, covered with his own aura of heated madness.
"We don't have time, merge now!"
Gastor yells on the top of his lungs, his eyes seethe with rage, never before seen by both parties as they back away in fear.
Kael looks at Cuiv sternly, "Let's put aside our differences. I want to win this, I made a promise that I would, no matter what."
"Tch, fine! Let's just get this over with."
Kael closes his eyes tapping into Cuiv's energy filled with winter's cold embrace.
From the hilltop where Wukong landed, he begins to run, burning with rage that can't be measured.
Gastor stands, stretching out his body, looking forward.
"You better hurry. I'll hold off the god for as long as I can."
Without waiting for a reply, he begins charging forth the same way as Wukong is, hoping to meet in the middle.
Cuiv is coated in a blue light, slowly turning into a blue ball of light.
The same shroud begins enveloping Kael, giving him the power of winter.
The blue ball merges with Kael's body, transforming him into a white knight clad in strong metal, designed to look like the guardian of winter, steadfast and unfaltering.
He stands, his white cape fluttering in the air, his spear creating a field of ice as it's end touches the ground.
His aura carries with him the cold touch of winter in the form of a raging blizzard, giving his allies protection, and his enemies its full wrath.
Through his helmet, two blue gleaming lights stare daggers at the enemy, currently clashing with the weak Gastor.
-Don't mess up, alright?
Cuiv speaks from inside his head, giving not so friendly advices.
Nevertheless, Kael feels the great power that winter has bestow to him.
Even with the faintest movement of his fingers the snow around him seems to follow him.
In a moment of idleness, memories drift into Kael's mind, not his, but someone else’s' using the power of winter to its full potential.
-I remember this. What are they doing here anyway? Must have something to do with being awakened and all.
With words, Kael focuses his breath, thinking to imitate all the actions being performed in the memories that are being shown in his mind.
He looks up at the helpless Gastor, trying his best to hold back, Wukong, yet without his energy, he is nothing but fodder to him.
Kael turns the field in front of him to ice, using it to skate through the with ease, denying the sun from melting it.
He closes in on Wukong and Gastor within seconds after having used his new method of charging.
With his spear pointed, he thrusts one, creating a barrier of ice from where the spear had struck, covering Wukong's behind.
With a gesture to pull, the pillars of ice that Wukong had neglected begins growing sharp spears made of ice, piercing through the enemy, stopping him from further attacking Gastor.
He yells, his breath and voice starts to diminish as the cold takes a strong grip on his neck, his entire body, and his soul.
Without any other thought, Kael takes to the sky, miles away from below.
He points his spear downwards, creating a small ball of ice, then turns into a sphere in a second, growing a fraction of the moon's size.
"Take this, heaven fall, winter's bead!"
With his cry for power, the sphere becomes stronger, developing more layers of ice as it further lowers itself to the ground, creating a draft of wind along with it, strengthening the ice that way.
Gastor, with enough energy left, runs away from the place that Kael is aiming for.
Wukong, trying to break the icicles of spears running through him, looks up in surprise, seeing a large object in the sky going down towards him.
His fear turns genuine, reminding him of the time that he was imprisoned under a mountain for his false claims.
The earth quakes as the sphere hits the ground, turning the very region into winter's domain, spreading the cold chill everywhere, even disregarding the existence of the sun.
His enemy, lost within the blizzard, his allies, safe an unharmed, that is winter's strength, its benevolence.
Kael descends from the sky, landing on the ground with a thus as Cuiv separates from him, the blue ball of light turns into the guardian.
Gastor walks towards them, though battered and bruised, he manages to make his way to meet them both.
Kael looks at them both.
"Did we do it?"
Gastor looks at both of them with stern and proud eyes.
"Yes, we have. You two have done a great deed today."
As Gastor takes his pause, the Pegasus drawn chariot closes in, but is being obscured by the raging blizzard storm that covers the land.
But it successfully takes them, flying back to the temple at a great speed as to get away from the storm.
Having been whisked away, he is met by awkward cheers while some are silent, looking awkwardly at Kael as he limps through the temple room, catching the said gazes.
"What, no cheering? I thought we won."
Cuiv says silently so that only Kael and Gastor may be able to hear it.
"We did, but remember, no one here agrees to an unaffiliated god entering the feast for a chance at attaining victory."
Gastor implies, but Kael remembers that from the beginning after it having been clearly stated to him.
He knows that there is no glory, and that he deserves no glory.
But, he has resolved to keep moving forward despite all that, bearing anything along the way.
From behind him, a voice congratulates him with his great victory.
"Congratulations, Vixalis, on your great victory over Sun Wukong. You have truly shown everyone a great battle, one that will be remembered as a hard fought one."
He turns around, seeing Zeus standing, clapping at him with a proud smile.
The crowd then follows suit, clapping as well, then follows the cheering and applause that they thought would not come.
"This ends todays feast; you are now all free to enjoy the feast!"
With a smile, he goes back, thinking that even with this kind of treatment, there's still something to be had.
he then starts limping towards someone who seems to be waiting for him, smiling as well as she taps on the open space near her.
"That was quite the spectacle you put on. Even I didn't expect that from you."
He grits his teeth as he sits down, trying to not let the pain disturb him.
"Thanks, even I didn't know how it would turn out, but I'm just grateful for how it did in the end."
"I don't know if you're being modest of sincere, but you're really something else, huh? A benevolent god or something?"
He laughs at her remark, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of people talking and enjoying the feast.
"Well, whatever it is, you earned it."
She passes him a cup filled with some sort of beverage.
He takes it without any other words, gulping it all down.
Gastor and Cuiv rest in another table, eating to their hearts content.
In a dark room where two people converse, one is filled with anxiety, while the other is shrouded in mystery.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow we strike."
"Are you sure? Isn't it too early for this?"
"We will lose our chance if we take too much time. They're beginning to press their search for the missing gods, and soon they will find them, and all we've worked for will be for naught."
"Well, the results will be less effective in return, are you prepared for that?"
"I am, and I will be seeing things through for myself."
"Oh, the general on the forefront, how interesting."
"How about you? What will you do?"
"Whatever I am ordered to do. You have formed a contract with me, no? I think it's still valid."
"Then you are to join me tomorrow. We strike at the break of dawn, the men will be prepared by then, and so will our secret weapon."
With a stern voice, he stresses the last words of his sentence, depending heavily upon it from just the tone.
"This is an interesting revolution. I look forward to being a part of it."
The cunning man smiles from under his cloak, and with it is his confidence.
"How of the gods? Surely they too will see for themselves what will become of their beloved kin, right?"
He asks, masking in ulterior motive, but his question is sincere.
"They too shall be there. They have no power anymore, I have it. They can do no damage to us."
"Then if that is all, I shall show myself out. I have much to prepare if I am to join you tomorrow."
He does just that, walking to the door, waving goodbye.
And the man is now left alone, thinking to himself if his strong judgement is right.
"No, I can't hesitate now. I won't wait another millennium! I must avenge all those who have suffered under these oblivious gods and their tyranny over this world."
He paces back and forth, looking over the various reports laid out on his desk.
All the various changes that have happened, all the countless damage reports that clutter another table behind him.
"I can't let this stress me. Once I've eliminated the pests and become god myself, I will govern justly, and so no one will have to suffer after I've unified this world of ours. There will be a reign of peace once I've begun my reign."
He approaches the lantern serving as the only source of light in the room, taking it, and placing it near his desk as he takes a seat.
“There is much to do if I am to truly reform this world. The gods still stand in my way, and I cannot underestimate them. The mirror will serve as the inducer, those who are stronger than her will not be affected, yes… It is all prepared. Now we wait.”
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