《[NaNoWriMo] The Mortal God's Melancholy》Chapter 4: The time of reckoning begins
"So you plan on disrupting the sacred feast? How bold... But a very captivating plan."
"Are you with me, or against me? I plan on succeeding no matter what. I will not fail."
"How would a mere mortal hope to stand up against a god?"
"If he becomes a god himself, then the scales are even."
Two men, nefariously planning within the shroud of darkness covering their identities.
One is of a tall, well-built stature. A human tower to behold.
The other is a one of a smaller height, but one would say the norm compared to the giant in the same room as him.
The air feels suffocating, their auras denote that of a grave animosity towards something.
"When do you think it will be ready?"
The giant man speaks with a low morose tone, his voice echoes from wall to wall.
"Patience. The feast has just begun. We shall arrive at an opportune time, and soon, our very own legion of gods will reign, banishing the very bane of this world. We have no need for gods any longer..."
The man beside him speaks with a more erudite attitude, displaying his confidence.
"Your overconfidence will be your undoing soon. Take that as a friendly reminder, or a warning."
The giant man leaves, making clanking sounds of metal boots as he slams the door shut.
The confident man is now alone, but not pleased rather, he seems scornful of something.
"I shall show them all someday to never underestimate me. Including that man. Soon, it will be your undoing. Not mine."
He closes a cluttered book, wrapping it with a white dusty linen cloth, putting it aside in his satchel bag.
He then approaches the only source of light in the room, dousing it as he nears the entrance, leaving as well.
*Sigh* "How long till we get there?"
Kaellum speaks, sweating profusely as he tries to catch his breath from all the trudging.
-It hasn't even been that long since you left the settlement village. Have you really no stamina at all?
"I thought you would've read my mind long ago to find out why."
-Well, true, but I don't think I'll find anything that will benefit or interest me in any way.
"Jeez, way to be harsh. What happened to you so suddenly."
-Oh, pardon me, I did not mean to harm your self-esteem, merely point out the more obvious facts.
"You know what? Let's just change the subject. I feel really uncomfortable at this moment.
He continues struggling forward despite his condition, impressing the god that resides within his mind.
"I think it's time to start talking about using your powers. We had that talk of enthusiasm, but I don't think it's going to help me physically."
-Well, I'm still trying to find a way to connect the deities with your soul. The only way you'll be able to use my strength is to form a bond with the guardians.
"Well, shouldn't that be easy since I'm you now?"
-It should be, but you would need a guardian to acknowledge you, allowing you to have access to their powers.
"Wait, I think I clearly remember you saying something along the lines of, 'they believe that you have potential,' am I mistaken?"
-... You're not, but... I must confess, I only told you that so you would be more reluctant to accept your new role. It was not my intention to lie, but I was desperate.
Kaellum stays silent, not at all surprised, rather, he anticipated something like this to happen. He became skeptical once hours passed, thinking that there was really nothing to worry about, except his premonitions became true, oh so painfully true.
"So, how am I going to fight then?"
-I can't believe you took it without a witty remark- I mean; I'll find a way. I will keep my promise for sure. For now, your best hope is trying to improve your physical fortitude.
"What's that?"
-Remember, you are immortal. You need to be able to withstand attacks that could shatter the earth, which is the norm for gods.
"I don't think I'm ready to commit to that, plus, how will I be able to practice something like that? Asking a god to punch me to oblivion?"
-Of course not, you're part mortal, so that would be a death wish. What I was meaning to say is that there is an alternative to doing just that.
"Don't hold back on me. Just spill it already. I need something to heal my trust, hopefully something helpful."
-Very well. This is quite easy. Since I am the god of seasons, all you need to do is gather in energy around you, the nature's to be more specific. My powers are strengthened depending on the season, so it is quite logical to use the corresponding one more often than the rest.
"Oh, pretty interesting. But, what power did you use against Thor?"
-I used winter's power, just to nullify his lighting and thunder, but unfortunately I could not overcome his raw fervor.
"I'd like to avoid fighting him if possible."
Kael feels a powerful sense of unease as he imagines his duel against Thor, a cold sweat forms on his brow.
What's more is that there is no fresh air inside the damp confines of the forest, turning his breath into a musky, thick one.
Almost drenched in sweat, he calms down to stop in his tracks, attempting to absorb the energy of the nature around him, just like what his ally had told him to do.
He breaks his own concentration, collapsing on the soil, flat on his back, looking at the beam of light passing through the trees and leaves.
"How do I gain your deities' favor? Can't you just ask them to help me?"
-Their quite stubborn, just like what I've said earlier. They will deliberate, and sometimes they will act on their own, but if it will benefit them as a whole.
"Quite the complicated group you have there. I wonder how you met them, starting out and all that."
-It's quite the long story, so I will tell you only a fraction of the beginning.
Right beside where Kael lies, Vixalis creates an image of him, similar to the one he had seen from his replica of a house.
He clears his throat, crossing his legs as if this were a campfire story to be gathered around to.
-They were quite the rascals when I first met them, all small and quite adorable. Yet, they grew up quickly. Before all that, they were playful, and was not that uptight. Even I'm confused as to why they suddenly became too worked up about their duties.
"Yes, that tells a lot, but how did you meet them?"
-A predecessor of mine had given them to me. He's gone now, but they are what reminds me of him.
After closing his eyes while listening to Vixalis, he springs upright, stretching with renewed vigor.
Feeling a strange sensation filling him up after having heard the sounds of the tranquil forest, feeling the thick air, and almost being one with it, he stands with a stern look to his face.
Vixalis looks up at him with a puzzled expression, still remaining seated as he lets a yawn escape from his mouth.
Approaching a sturdy, but old looking tree, placing his hand on it, hearing a faint grumbling resonating to him.
Vixalis, who is still connected to Kael's mind, changes his face to a serious looking one, looking intently to what his partner is attempting to do.
Retracting his hand, he winds his right fist, backing the right side of his body backwards.
He takes a deep breath in, circulating a cycle to his lungs. He closes his eyes, clenching his fist as hard as he can as everything begins to slow down around him.
He exhales, opening his eyes with suddenness, striking the body of the tree with enough force to destroy its exterior, exposing the very heartwood of the tree.
Leaves and pebbles are blown aside by the massive pulse of air that came from the collision.
Kael backs away, his knees give, and he falls to the ground, as if all his energy had been siphoned away, with only a drop remaining.
Vixalis, who had been watching the entire time, has his mouth open wide in surprise, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight, nor say anything at all.
The only sound present is a strong draft of air pulsating through the entire forest, sweeping away the leaves that have come from the now barren trees. That, and the sound of Kael, desperately gasping for air.
Finally, Vixalis manages to find the words and speaks.
-Was that really you, Kael?
Purely amazed, Vixalis is unable to believe what he had just seen, thinking hard about what might have caused this sudden burst of power to emerge immediately.
Except, there's no reply at all. Kael could barely even move a muscle as he lies down on the ground, breathing, nothing else but that.
Vixalis once again shifts his sights to the tree that Kael had left a mark upon with his fist, engraved on the middle of it, along with the bare interior of protruding on the outer side.
Yet, with a stubborn attitude, Kael speaks despite his constant fight for air.
"I don't know what happened, but my body moved on its own, and I just followed through, thinking what I was doing was going somewhere, *cough* But after that, I felt all the energy in my body leak out with that punch."
-This is amazing! An alternative in storing energy, attacking using that. Even I've never known that you could use the power gathered from nature like that.
"Does this mean that I can defeat a god?"
-No, but you have gained something of which to fight with, except you will need to have defeated your opponent with one punch since you might pass out of exhaustion just like right now.
*Sigh* "Still have a long way to go, but this is a good start-"
A loud baritone horn sounds, echoing through the land like a signal to Armageddon’s coming.
Vixalis and Kael turn their attentions to the sky, listening as the sound forces its way in to their ears.
-This, this is the calling horn. We must hurry! The feast is beginning without us. We have to hurry.
"Why the hurry?"
-Would you like to receive a smite from Zeus himself, or be punished for being too tardy? We are gods, so there can be no reason for being tardy for an auspicious occasion.
Kael yells loudly at the sky, not out of anger, but as something to give him a push.
He succeeds, getting up on his two feet, wobbling to a tree for support.
"So, it is just forward from where I'm facing, right?"
-Yes, you won't miss it. But, how are you going to get by without falling down, or resting?
"I have ways. I always do this when I'm running late for school. Watch me."
Kael heaves a breath inward, exhaling with a shout that launches him running towards the vast green obscuring his way.
He ignores the terrain, brushing away the branches and leaves with his weak and heavy arms, almost tumbling forward and falling down in many cases, but miraculously keeping his momentum up.
As he runs, a bright light appears, getting bigger as he nears what seems to be the end of the forest.
Staring at the grand temple perched on top of a mountain that extends up to the heavens, passing the clouds. The only thing present stair case containing millions of steps, maybe more. The sight shows that the mountain housing the temple seems to extend farther than what his eyes can see, and the temple, as large as that.
All of Kael's fatigue disappears as he stares at the beauty of the sight before him. Not a tree in sight, but rather a plain of lush grass, then the mountain where a temple looking to be made of gold, sits on top of it.
The clear blue sky gives him a strange sense of freedom unlike any has ever felt before. Something along the lines of, 'I can run through these fields forever without feeling tired,' kind of feeling.
-It truly is a marvel to behold isn't it? Larger than Mount Olympus, grander than the halls of Valhalla. I was captivated as well when I first came here. I didn't want to leave.
"You're right about that. So we're finally here, huh? I wonder how I'm going to get through those steps without stopping?"
-I think there may be a Pegasus chariot waiting at the base of the mountain. Run, let us not waste any more time dawdling to ourselves. You must see for yourself, the greatness of the temple of Aether.
Exhilarated, Kael runs down the forest's mountain, and through the fields, feeling an eternal amount of energy with every step of the way.
In his sight, a white object comes into view, slowly getting more and more identifiable as he closes in on the temple's base.
It grazes the field, shaking its head as its pure white mane brushes the air. It flaps its wings, fluttering feathers across the land.
"Amazing! So this a Pegasus. I've only ever seen one on the internet. Everyone thinks that they're a myth, but here I am in front of one."
Kael examines the mighty horse, changing angles to see every feature in its ardor.
-Don't get too sidetracked, Kael. This is Hercules' Pegasus, so it is best to not make it too uncomfortable.
Kael freezes at the name. Another mighty force to be reckoned with. Hercules, the son of Zeus, and a man of limitless strength, overcoming the trials given to him to become immortal.
-Just step on the chariot and whip the reigns, and he should know what to do next. Just hold on tightly, you wouldn't want to fall down from a great height.
Kael does just as he is ordered to, feeling unease as the chariot rocks with his mounting.
Afraid of heights, he quickly takes the reigns, lashing them lightly, then kneeling as to avoid seeing the ground below.
Pegasus takes to the air almost instantly, flapping its wings the beats the air, like a heartbeat.
The air ruffles Kael's hair without him noticing the beauty that the sky has to offer.
-Kael! Open your eyes and look at this. You'll never see anything like it!
Vixalis urges on, edging Kael's curiosity as he takes a small peek, inching them open.
The sight instantly takes his breath away, forcing his eyes open, removing the fear constricting him for this very moment. It feels like a painting on a canvas, something too good to be true, yet here he is, riding on a chariot that is being pulled by a Pegasus. What more could one ask for?
The sky smothered the scene with a thickly threaded blanket, melting over the corners of the horizon, seemingly limitless as it extended infinitely.
The great temple looms before it, stealing Kael's attention as the intricately designed temple is bare to the eyes, built to be admired by the lucky few called gods, and a half mortal in this instance.
The great toll of emotions end with a landing on the polished granite looking floor of the temple, adorned by pillars far larger than any building in the earth's existence.
"Is this all real, or am I dreaming?"
-Oh believe me, this is all real.
Pegasus neighs from behind them, running for a start, then flapping its wings, descending back to the base of the mountain.
"It's quite envious that he can go back and forth to see that sight again and again until he tires of it."
-Don't worry. Soon, you'll learn to fly yourself, and you will be able to see it for as long as you want.
Vixalis' words give Kael heart, making him smile radiantly.
-Come, I wouldn't want you to miss the festivities.
Kael walks towards the massive open gate the matches the size of the temple, making everyone else look like an ant despite them being godly beings.
Beyond that open door, the sounds of lively people, or gods in this case, bustling with energy, and with constant yells of satisfaction and enthusiasm are overflowing.
Before entering, he is halted by guards wearing golden armor that gleams brightly as the light shines upon them.
They hold their spears to the side, nor permitting him entrance. Yet they speak with a stern voice.
"Halt, stranger. You are not familiar. State your name."
They suspiciously glare as the one guard asks a question.
Kael thinks of the appropriate response, thinking of exerting a bit of authority.
"My name is Vixalis, the god of the four seasons. I require that you let me through."
Unimpressed, the guards look him over, getting suspicious at every second that passes.
"I don't know who that is. Are you certain, or are you lying?"
A cold sweat forms on Kael's back, not because of failed, but because he was embarrassed that even the guards did not know who he was.
-It is truly disappointing, isn't it?
"Wait, I recognize that presence anywhere! Is that you, Vixalis?"
A voice loudly interrupts the guards, forcing them aside as the gracious man with large, toned belly and a bald head embraced Kael.
-Hotei! It's really you! Oh wait, he can't hear me anymore, right?
From inside, Vixalis wonders about his presence to anyone other than Kael, who is unable to reply as he does not recognize the man wearing a brightly patterned vest with a protruding chest, laughing heartily to himself, too glad to have met Kael, who houses Vixalis' soul.
"You look different. Why is that? Thor might have overdone it. You look much uglier that you were. I can't believe the brutality of the Norse, no finesse whatsoever."
Kael simply sighs and looks at the gracious man with little contempt, feeling a certain animosity.
"Don't just stand there, come! We can talk about this inside."
Ignoring the guards, the man called Hotei pushes Kael into the temple's front halls, which is already something to behold.
Decorated with beautiful gemstones that shines brighter as the sun graces them with its presence.
All around there are gods and goddesses drinking, eating, socializing, overwhelming the newly initiated Kael, who simply stares in awe of the auspicious occasion.
All look different however, by the way they dress, the way they look, the way they act. Some even look similar to an animal, as if they were transformed into human-like beings.
Music plays in the background, headed by creatures that are called fawns, nymphs, and other strange looking beings holding instruments creating a harmonious melody that seems to lift the weary spirit and fatigue from any one person that might hear it.
He follows Hotei, who takes a mug filled with wine, gulping it down in seconds, throwing it away somewhere as he finishes.
"What I am amazed of, is that you are still alive. Your name did disappear from the stone, yet it reappeared. You should have seen Thor's face of dissatisfaction; it was of epic proportions I say!"
Not knowing what he is speaking of, nor knowing who he is, Kael absentmindedly follows, listening to take in all the information that he can.
-He is Hotei, one of the seven Shinto gods of luck. A god residing in the east, Japan as you mortals might call it. It is safe to tell him of our secret, though I don't think this is much of a secret. He is also quite a close friend of mine that I met while traveling the world.
Kael takes in the information, surprised that he even has friends to begin with.
But finally, he manages to speak up despite the roaring noise that makes any sort of whisper, null.
"Hotei, I must speak with you privately. Can we do that?"
"Oh, this seems a bit dramatic, but I will do as you say. You are my friend after all."
Hotei leads, heading to a secluded place where the noise is still loud, but bearable.
He tells of what had happened, who he is now, and what he will be doing.
Each word surprises and interests Hotei, unlike what Kael predicted.
"So you can still hear me in there, right, Vixalis?"
"Yes," Kael replies, acting as the mediator between them, speaking as Vixalis chooses the words to say.
"Hmm, this will be quite difficult. A mortal in Aether? The gods will be outraged if they hear this. Better keep this a secret between us then."
A grand bell rings, coming from inside the temple, rallying the attention of all those that can hear it.
"Oh, it is time for the selection. No one has challenged any one, so the stone will choose the participants, fairly of course. Has Vixalis told you about anything pertaining to the feast?"
Hotei explains, walking towards the entrance with Kael following.
"He has, but I don't know much more about the specifics. I wonder if there are more that you can tell me."
"Oh, it will be my pleasure. A friend of my friend is a friend of mine," he laughs to himself.
Hotei continues, "If you are not picked for this bout, meaning that you are very lucky, then you will be able to witness a battle between gods. Quite lucky, aren't you? Come, let us join the gathering!"
They both hurry as the gods become silent, gathering around a tall altar where one stands above all, brandishing his white locks of hair, and his superfluous white beard. One whom I recognized right away as the lightning wielding god of the Greeks, Zeus.
"Greetings to all! We are once again gathered here to prove and see who will become the great ruler of the gods. It has been over a millennium ever since we last battled each other, but now, it is time to decide who will reign supreme. Will any of you be able to replace me, or will I stand firm in this throne."
With a grand voice, Zeus speaks with benevolence, gracing his audience with his words of empowerment.
"My mother, Gaia, will now choose the next ones who will test their might for a chance at becoming the one who will stand above all."
Zeus motions to the stone on the base of the altar from where he stands, everyone else looks to that direction.
"I thought there would be more names since there are more gods than I can count. Why is that?"
I ask Hotei, curious about the number of names on the stone slab, which are quite legible to a mortal.
"Only few capable gods, who think they have a chance at winning, have entered. Others are merely here to enjoy the event and witness this, unlike minor gods, where only some can be admitted here, while some are too weak of spirit to be of welcomed here. This is a feast where gods and goddesses of war are the most feared, and the god fathers are impossible trials to overcome. I still don't know the reason as to why Vixalis joined, but I will support him, and you."
Hotei smiles at me, shifting his attention to the stone, beginning to glow a faint white light, and a voice similar to that of a tranquil mother speaking the names, "Bellona, and Hou yi!"
Once the names are called, the crowd retreats a few steps away, leaving two being standing near the altar, their names glow brightly.
One is women clad in silver and gold armor, wearing a red cape behind her, carrying a golden shield which is a fraction of her size, and a polished, intricately designed sword made of materials unknown to me.
She is short, dark haired, possessing beauty that surpasses all those girls that I've asked out on a date throughout my youth.
The other is a male, possessing a long black hair that is tied back. A mask covering half his face, adorned with a glowing red feather, the same color as the vanes near the nock of his arrows.
But what truly catches my attention is his left arm turned into a gauntlet of some sort, holding his long bow sideways, resembling that of a phoenix padded with strange metal resembling steel, but stronger looking.
He too wears a red clothing, but a rather large scarf wrapped around his neck to be more specific. He wears dark leggings displaying some of his armor.
Looking at both of them, this is quite the mismatch.
If I base this on a game, fighting a swordsman with a bow will prove to be difficult, or impossible. The rest is more or less common sense to those who see it, but these are gods which are not to be underestimated.
Both participants look serious, burning with anticipation.
-Those two are not to be taken lightly. Bellona is a roman goddess of war, while Hou Yi is a skilled archer that was said to have shot down nine suns with one arrow each.
Vixalis patronizes them, making me feel more unease as I think of myself going against someone like them in the future.
Zeus whistles in the air, calling forth two Pegasus inside the temple.
"The battle will take place behind the temple of Aether, in the mountains of Zarathris. There, only one will emerge victorious. Now, enter your chariot so that you may be sent to your destinations!"
By his words, the two participants nod to each other, separating, taking the reins of their respective Pegasus, flying off into the mountains that Zeus had called for.
"What happens now, Vixalis?"
-There will be an orb that will appear as a project the battle from the safety of the temple.
Just as Vixalis says, an orb made of pure water descends from the temple's ceiling, showing an empty image of a peaceful, fog filled mountains.
But, it is not empty anymore as two chariots come riding opposite of each other, riding around when their riders leap off, landing safely on the top of the mountains.
A battle brews, the anticipation in me boils. Even though I'm not the one there, I feel myself getting nervous.
I look intently at the orb, presenting two gods facing off each other. Hou Yi against, Bellona...
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Devoid: Original Version [Going to re-release this soon under a new fiction]
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Vampire Midas AU
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