《[NaNoWriMo] The Mortal God's Melancholy》Chapter 2: An unlikely fate for an unlikely God.
"Oh, that reminds me. We need to head to the temple of Aether. Before the start of every day of the feast, the gods who are still in participation must be in attendance."
Vixalis urges me, standing with suddenness.
He starts to fade, dispersing in the form of orbs of light, floating towards me.
A soft spoken, gentle voice echoes to my ears.
-Let us set out to see our fortune then, shall we?"
I guess this is how he's going to talk inside my head? Weird, I thought I'd be more terrified of having someone else inside my head.
No more dirty thoughts now, huh? How unlucky. Can this day just get worse and worse?
I pick up the cup, throwing them to the empty bin as if this were my real home, I feel rather at ease.
"Vixalis, tell me about this world. If I recall correctly, you said that mortals also resided in this world, right?"
-Yes, but in fact, they are quite concerned and deathly fearful every time the gods battle with one another. Those are the times when what you mortals call natural calamities happen. Earthquakes, lighting, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and many more.
"Why? Don't the gods care about the lives that they might take in the process?"
Inside my head, the voice is silent, but aware. Taking his time to answer, as if to word it properly first, Vixlalis speaks in a reserved manner.
-The reality of gods is that; they care little to none about mortal existence. After all, they created them, so they are at their disposal at any moment. The only time when a god will defend a mortal is if that is his or her son or daughter, or a champion.
"That's terrible. It's making me ashamed of being a god, even though just a replacement one. But you, how do you feel about this. You must have known for a long time, right?"
-I have. But I can do nothing against the gods and their benevolent powers. Even in what's supposed to be a friendly feast became death to me. I can never truly understand what the higher gods think about, yet I am one. I am merely a lower god, near a deity, so I have no say in anything that the gods decide.
I approach the closet, picking from my usual clothes to the ones that I rarely wear. But, Vixalis suggests an alternative.
-I can provide you your own set of clothes, rather one fit for the god of the shifting seasons.
"Really? It still sounds pretty lame to me. I mean, I've never even heard of you, yet you're in charge of something as large as the shifting seasons. I know I said it's lame, but you basically make the world rotate, right?"
-Your words pains me so. But what you say of rotating the earth? I've never heard of anything like that before.
"Oh, right. Science doesn't apply to gods. Or that's what I think. Anyway, I'll be treating this just like one of my games. It's getting me quite riled up, the idea of me being a god, a transcendent being."
-Just snap your fingers, the garb might just form for you on the first try.
"Wait... So you don't think I'll be able to get it on my first attempt?"
-Oh, no, it's not like that. What I meant is that you might need a lot of practice to get better used to my powers. And treating this as a game might prove fatal. Your life is on the line after all. you should be concerned all the more.
"Well, you have a point there. There's no use in worrying about it. Hopefully I'll come through when it's time. For now, I'll enjoy these remaining moments for as long as I can."
I snap my fingers, and from the tip of my thumb and index finger comes a spark of light, but nothing more than that.
Quite disappointed, I try snapping once more, then again, then again, failing time after time.
-Ah, Kael? I don't think you can do it yet.
"All it takes is a bit of time and perseverance. It will work if I put a bit more faith in to it."
-It- but, it doesn't work that way, though.
Giving up after many failed attempts, I flop back on my bed, closing my eyes as to try and relax for a while, preventing the anxiety from affecting me.
I can't keep putting up a brave front. I'm scared on the inside. I don't know what to do, and I am forced into dueling the strongest gods of mythology, all for the sake of living and staying alive.
I can't do anything to stop it since there's no way other than to finish the feast, meaning that I have to die in the future, or win so that I can live and hopefully get my freedom back.
My strength feels like it'll crumble at any time. I can feel my hands trembling at the immense pressure that I'm in right now.
Does this mean, that I'll die no matter what? After all, I'm just mortal. I can never think of amounting to anything like a god.
Plus, have I truly accepted this delusion? I can't be nonchalant about this, I'm not, for sure. I don't know what's keeping me sane either.
Maybe I already broke my sanity last night, and that this is me, a walking hollow husk containing the soul of a god.
I can't pray to god for redemption or a saving grace anymore, right? Basically, it turns out that gods from the myths actually exist. I don't know what to believe anymore.
My cheeks feel a bit drenched. Opening my eyes, I feel tears have streamed down, uncontrollably.
-Don't worry about it too much, Kael. I know I'm very unreliable, timid, but trust my word that I won't let you die. I may be a minor god that is unknown to you, but I will succeed at making you remember me in a new light, a favorable one. Have faith in me. After all, we are friends now, right?
*Hic* "You're right. Thanks, Vixalis. You're making me wish that I had known you even without having met you last night."
-That's very reassuring. I'm glad that you trust me. Now, let us be on our way. We shall figure out sometime in the future how you will be able to use my powers. I believe that you will be able to achieve that.
A bright smile appears on the face of the person in my consciousness.
Wiping off my tears with my arm, I take deep breaths, circulating the air in my body so that I don't panic as much, or hyperventilate.
I approach the door, turning the knob and pulling it.
As a strong gust of wind blows past me, I almost fall to my doom. Remembering that beyond that door lies the air from which I reside in from a floating house in the vast sky.
I quickly close the door, backing myself to a wall, just to comfort myself in any way.
-Forgive me, I had forgotten that we still levitate in the air. We will have another means for descending.
I sigh in relief, but in the same time, a feeling of prejudice wells over me. He sure is incompetent, but if he says to believe in him, then I will do that.
I don't think I've ever thought a god to ask for someone's forgiveness, nor their faith in them. This truly changes my perspective on gods, both high and minor. A newfound respect as some might call it.
"So, how are we getting down anyway? Please don't suggest that we jump out, leaving my fate and safety in the belief that your powers might work that way."
-... I guess we can try another way then.
"Wait, you actually thought about that? And to think that I put my faith in you."
-No, you are mistaken. I had no ulterior motives, it was merely a thought, but nothing I would put into practice.
"You're one shady god for sure. But, putting that aside for now, how do you plan on getting to the temple?"
-We will walk there. We still have enough time for a scenic walk by the neighboring towns. You might find them to your liking as they are fellow humans.
"You're right. That makes clear sense. The walking part sits well with me, but I don't think we can walk from the air to the ground, not unless I know how to use your power."
-Worry not, I will send us to the ground with my powers.
"How are you going to do that? You don't have a corporeal body to make use of."
-That is where you are mistaken once again, my friend. A god is capable of many things. Simply believe in me, and will do all in my power to fulfill.
"Wait! Before we go, I need to think something though."
I interrupt Vixalis' channeling of power, having another plan in my disposal, one that makes me grin from ear to ear, forgetting my past sadness of being unable to do anything but cry.
I don't know if this only applies to games, but, this is a fantasy world if I'm not mistaken. So there must be some kind of artifacts that might help me be stronger, and have a chance against a god.
-Uhm, I do not want to reign on your optimistic thinking, but-
"Don't cut me off right now. I'm on the verge of an idea that will make our success rate, skyrocket! There's no doubt about it, we might just succeed if my plans hold true."
-*sigh* I can't tell whether you're jesting or not. I just can't seem to predict your character. But, if you think that your plan will work, then I will support you in any way I can. I do not know much about this world as well, so this will be my first time roaming freely.
"That's the spirit! Don't you worry about a thing. Just pray to god that my plan comes through... Oh, wait. You're a god, and so am I... Forget about it. You can send us down now."
From inside my head, I hear a snap of a finger echoing, getting louder and louder as the sound fades.
Without my noticing, my eyes close, giving me the sense that I am floating on air, unable to move my limbs.
A sharp screeching sound fills my eardrums, clearing out almost instantly as I open my eyes, blinking a few times as to adjust my eyes to the sunlight, as if I were dragged out from my man cave back home, devoid of light as the curtains are shut, and the doors are barred from the inside. The only light present is the one from the console. But this time, it's a different case.
Feeling dizzy, and unbalanced, I fall to my knees as my head spins, almost as if I could vomit at any moment, losing myself to the experience that dreads me.
-I predicted that this might happen. Unfortunately, it is unavoidable for a mortal. It will happen again and again as we fade and reappear from nothingness. Not unless you use my powers instead, to fly of course.
I can't even make the words out. The motion sickness slowly dies down, miraculously. Who would have known that there are very ungracious moments in a god's life, his beginning to be precise?
Forcing myself up, I look around me, captivated by the pristine sight that surrounds me.
A lush field that is being combed by the wind's air, flowers growing colorfully, the sky, which is almost clear and blue, lastly but not the least, the sun, which shines gleefully in the sky, its warmth bathing me, giving off a comfortable presence.
No other life in sight except me. I could just lay down here and rest, but that would just make my chances of having a chance to win, smaller than it already is.
"So, where do you think we should go now, Vixalis?"
-Judging from the air, and the deities' suggestions, I recommend traveling northeast from where you are facing It should bring us somewhere interesting.
Without responding, I walk towards the way of which the god inside my head had suggested, which is a forest in the said direction.
Letting the peace and tranquility take over my mind for a bit, I begin hatching my emergency plan, just in the case of a surprise encounter with a god. But from what I recall, the feast where battles start, won't be held not unless the ceremony begins, which is in about four hours. Don't ask me how I know, I guessed as well.
Now that I am here, free for the taking of any god, away from my replicated abode, the anxiety returns, but not as harsh as it was previously. What I need to focus on the most was how I would be able to put Vixalis' powers to good use, that is if I can figure out what his powers are in the first place.
What can the four seasons bring you? All I can think of is changing seasons, period. Why would he enter anyway, and with such useless powers? I think Thor did him a favor by taking him out first, making him realize that there are some things that can't be grasped even when you are a god, that or Thor might just be a jerk, not a forthright hammer wielding god of strange vocabulary.
-You do know that I can hear all your ramblings, right?
"Oh, yeah I forgot. Sorry about that. But, there's no other way around it. Tell me, if you were to battle a god, then how would you do it? What would be your powers, the ones that are useful."
-I can't disprove my weakness and lack of conviction, but I do have powers to boast of. Think of what kind of power does each season pertain to? I'll give you a hint. For example, winter is to snow...
"Hmm, alright. I seem to be slowly understanding what you want to convey. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you have four powers that are rather significant to the seasons?"
-Correct. I'm glad that you guessed it right on the first try.
"But how would you use each one? I don't understand, but at the same time I do."
-Very well, I will explain in a way that you might best understand. Having four strengths, I can use only one at a time. Say I use winter's power. Then only that power would be active. But since there is a vessel in use of my powers, it would manifest itself in a different way from how it would manifest in mine.
"... Still quite complicated, but I have the gist of it. But it seems that you have a much more interesting power than I first thought. What about the deities that I heard you talk about earlier?"
-Oh, they are the guardians of the seasons. They aid me in maintaining control over each one. They are quite powerful, and friendly. They seem to see some potential in you as well. This is quite odd to me since this is the first time they have spoken of anything other than their duties as guardians.
"So, you don't converse with them very often?"
-No, they're quite the stickler for their duties. They would only speak if it became of concern. But, through it all, they are wise. I know that they boast great intellect-.
A faint rustling of shrubbery interrupts us, taking our full attention as I stand idle, waiting for something to happen.
A loud roar escapes the shadows of the overgrowth, housing a massive bear, twice the size it normally should be in my world. A brown grizzly with its fangs protruding, its claws uncut but sharp.
It eyes me down, taking a cautious approach, slowly crawling towards me.
-You should start running now, Kael. This is a Bear, but if it takes you down and tears at your flesh, then you might die this very moment.
"Hush, staying idle is the best strategy for this. If you stay idle for long, then it'll leave you alone."
-I'm no pacifist, but I worry about where you find your ideas from. Those thoughts of yours are filled with superstition.
The Bear begins closing in, shortening the gap that separates us.
"Do you think this would be a great time to help me bring out your powers?"
-It is plausible that it might emerge through fear, but you only have one chance. Are you willing to risk it on this one test?
"I don't think we have an option anymore."
My voice disappears until only a faint murmur is heard. The Bear stands on two legs, displaying its length and massive body, petrifying me even more.
I can't hesitate. I need to bring out my powers in any way possible. I won't let any god take away my life, even if this is just a game!
-Wait, Kael! Don't do it!
With a loud cry, I clench my fists, gritting my teeth as I charge forward, winding my arm to hit the Bear's stomach.
It connects, a soft and furry texture wraps around my fist as it remains there, without recoiling back to me, or even any sign of sending my enemy back.
Quaking in fear as I am unable to retract my fist, I slowly look up at the puzzled Bear turning hostile with the flip of a switch, roaring loudly at me as its saliva drenches me.
Raising an arm high in the sky, covering the beam of sunlight on my eyes, it brings it down, hard, knocking me back to a tree with a loud thud. The air is knocked out of me, making me take a sharp breath in, just to not suffocate.
My body limps, my arms don't move at all. I feel a hot liquid drenching my chest. It hurts, it seethes, like putting alcohol on a wound.
I can’t speak, yet I can hear a voice, one that I can't respond to. The only thing I see with my one open eye is the Bear going back on all fours, crawling towards me once again.
-Stay awake, Kael. I'll do something. Don't let the pain take you away.
I can hear the voice, reaching out to me. The wound starts to feel a bit more painful, like a sting turning to a puncture.
I think I've broken my back as well, I can't move my spine, and every time I try, I feel all my nerves break down, killing me with the mere pain of one attack.
I don't feel like I'm dying, but it feels too unbearable, the pain, to keep going. It feels like I could sleep forever if I closed my eyes.
Too bad I'm immortal though. It does no good when you're in a mortal's body. It's practically useless, after all, a bear attacked me with enough force to kill me. Don't tell me that's not embarrassing.
The bear begins to charge, and in that moment, I resign myself to my fate.
-I won't let you! Spring, flourish, ravage the barren world of your-
The voice in my head is cut off, as it had been for the past few hours. Honestly, I feel bad for him, having never finished all of his sentences, as if intentionally.
I could barely make it out, but I see a lone arrow fly like a bullet, driving into the Bear's head from the side, forcing it silent.
A volley of arrows follows, accurately hitting the bear on the head, not missing a single one.
I then hear a high pitch yell. Not one of fear, but that of fervor and strength. It emerges from my sight, a hair as brown as the purest grain of sand in the desert. The rest of her features are covered by the sun, flaring brightly at me.
The mysterious person rushes the bear riddles with arrows, with a spear, one whose tip reflects the beam of light piercing the forest.
The person skewers the beast, striking the spear straight without like a disciplined fighter.
The Bear, unmoving, makes faint roaring sounds before going down, flopping on the floor, sending dust flying in every direction.
My eyelids finally give, getting heavier, I reach my limit. The last thing I see is the person with pure blue eyes, like that of the ocean, kneeling in front of me.
I could have sworn that I felt a warm presence hold my cheek. It was quite pleasant, but I think this is it. Nothing else left for me but to fade away, like the disgraceful god that I am.
I don’t even think I deserve the title of God.
The first god to ever live and die on the same day. Quite hilarious now that you think of it.
Now all I can see is darkness. Nothing else but that.
I haven't even had the chance to meet a god... Wait, I have met one, and one that goes by the name of Vixalis.
Even in a dire time, I still manage to downgrade him. I truly am sorry, if you are listening. You might have faded away, awaiting reincarnation as you are in a world where gods reside.
Meanwhile, I'll wait for what comes next. Maybe reincarnation myself if I’m lucky, or staying dead for good.
I'm terrified. I don't want to die. I never listened to Vixalis, treating this like a game when it was not, it was clearly nothing like a game, yet look at what happened now.
This is a cause of my own impudence...
But, I thought the afterlife was supposed to feel warm, inviting, and pleasant. Why is it cold suddenly?
It feels like I'm being bathed with ice.
There's weight on different parts of my body, and it tickles. Should the afterlife be like this?
My eyes twitch, a bright light drapes over it. Does this mean I'll be meeting God? The one who'll send me to the true after life? Oh, wait. I know a god, and he doesn't look like the type to be able to do anything like that at all.
My eyes are greeted by a bright light, blinding me for a few seconds before showing me the reality of my delusions.
I see a girl beside me, brown haired, blue eyes, quite tanned in color, quite cute as well, just like a secretly kept beauty, hidden from mortal eyes, but that's not the point.
I sit, looking around me. I seem to be lying on a bed made of cotton, a blanket made of leather taken from different animals, then sown together to make an alluring pattern.
I look back at the girl, puzzled as we lock gazes.
Realizing that this is the longest I've ever locked gazes with a girl without her hitting me back without warning.
It feels, pretty great to be alive.
She speaks with the sweetest, and in a soft spoken gentle tone, fitting for a girl just like her.
"Are you, alright? I don't think you should be sitting upright although."
An awkward response to someone admiring her presence alone. I'm fine with that actually. I'm just ecstatic that I get the chance to even be in an approximate distance of a girl who’s not disgusted of me. I mean, you can't monopolize air, so the phrase, "I don't want to even breathe the same air as you," does not apply whatsoever.
But, why am I ranting anyway? Have all my frustrations come out of the closet? Wait, never mind ranting, I need to speak. I don't want to make this first encounter a bad one. Trust me, there's already a plethora of that hanging on the wall of fame in my mind.
"Where am I?"
Starting with the most generic answer in history might be a good idea.
"You are in Vajra, in a house near a newfound settlement."
She answers curtly, fixing her posture as she presents herself in a rather dignified way.
"I have yet to introduce myself. I am Svanvhit. What might yours be?"
"My name is Kaellum. What happened? How did I get here?"
"Don't you remember? You were knocked out and covered in blood. I managed to save you in time, but I thought that you would not make it because of the severity of the wound."
... My mind crumbles. Thinking back, I remember seeing someone approach me before I got knocked out. Don't tell me it's her...
So does this mean, I embarrassed myself by being beaten by a bear? But she defeated it so easily too. Oh, the agony!
I close my eyes, flopping back down on the soft bed.
I hear her voice, clearly calling out to me with confusion as 'to why I'm lied down so suddenly' that might be it.
I already ruined our first meeting by being rescued. I became a damsel on the verge of death, rescued by a beauty, when it should be the other way around.
Could I get any unluckier than I already am!?
- In Serial7 Chapters
AOT: Boats
I know, the title doesnt seem to make sense. Its an acronym. For what? Hm. T means True. Up to you otherwise. Oh, right. The acronym actually does have an impact on one of the themes of the "story". At the same time I mixed it up with a reference to the original plan for this when I started, so yay. A double. Well, actually, a triple. Again, up to you. I should also mention that, as the rhyme that starts the story probably tells you, its gonna get kinda disturbing. All kinds of disturbing. Just to let you know.
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