《Extraordinary 40K·Golden Era》Chapter 3 The Crystal Mystery


"Morning Star"

Looking from the sky, morning star city is a bustling, noisy large city, it has a star city should have everything, hundreds of feet high buildings, various types of flying shuttle flow, flow between the city's high-speed pipeline for a moment, high-tech and exotic style perfect harmony together.

However, the city is shrouded in chaos and darkness with its tall, grotesque buildings, strange looking aliens coming and going, and the smell of gunfire and blood in the air.

It is the city of the fallen, the land of chaos, the paradise of the adventurer, the paradise of the criminal, and also the most famous commercial city of the administrative planet of revelation.

The thousand-foot-high skyscraper, all made of silver alloy, with its Windows constantly opening and closing, and the shuttles moving in and out of it, rose out of the earth like an immense beehive.

"Ruinfang", the biggest black market trading place of morning star city, one of the biggest black forces in this city, the background is deep, it is said that there is extraordinary person group backing behind.

When Ahern stepped out of the shuttle, he suddenly felt several cold and malicious attacks. With a quick step, the cold eyes swept all around, making the eyes of the greedy covets shrink.

This is a tough guy to mess with.

Most of the people who mix here have some eyesight, and you can see who likes to mess with who doesn't. Although Ahern doesn't look strong, the cold temperament in his body is just like a blade drawn from its sheath, which you can see at a glance.

Ahern's right wrist flicked, the silver and black metal grip dropped from the sleeve into the palm of his hand, and his black windcoat flew as he strode forward.

"Market" 452 floor, free exchange.

Enter it, no matter what you trade, alien slaves, genetic drugs, interstellar relics, precious materials, high-powered weapons, even large interstellar ships, here has the entire galaxy's most complete cargo, as long as you have the money, you can buy anything you want.

It was a wide hall, with a variety of people, most of them bleak and hideous, and alien aliens with strange heads and different skin colors meandering about at great distances and with great guard.

Ahern waited outside in the lobby for a moment, heard his number and came to a sealed trading room.

"Meow! Hello, Sir, Nicole Nana at your service." He was greeted in a soft chair at the back of a broad office by a tiger-skin cat woman in a simple leather skirt, cute ears and furry PAWS.

"I've come to collect my order." Cats are rare in the city, but there are a lot of maids at Aurora Academy, which Ahern says she's not surprised at.


"The bill number, meow, please." She taps the tablet in her hand, and Meow says.

Ahern nods and sends the bill number she has already prepared.

After confirming the bill number, the tiger-skin cat lady says, "Please wait for a moment."

She pressed a golden button on her left hand, and a moment later, with a click, the alloy doors at the back of the trading room swung open and a cylindrical robot glided in with a tray in its hands.

On the tray, a glittering and translucent bright red crystal column quietly lying above.

"Interstellar relics, from the unknown mysterious star 'Wo' star thirteen large relics, serial EB9527 commodity, for guests to have a look at meow."

With the advent of the new industry of the interstellar age, interstellar explorers explore the civilized planets one by one, trace the historical context, and search for the precious heritage that witnessed the imprint of civilization. These ancient relics left by the last generation are called "relics".

Of course, most of these interstellar relics, as many as the sand of the Ganges River, exist as works of art and antiques without any intrinsic value, but there are a very small number of objects with mysterious powers.

Have heard of a rumor, a collector spent a high price to buy back from an ancient civilization of interstellar relics, was suddenly found to have some magical power, the value of a sudden rise millions of times, the deeds of a night of wealth also have many.

That's why so many people are crazy about it.

Ahern grabbed the crystal on her plate and felt a surge of joy in her body, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes.

"Yes, it's what I want. Let's trade."

The tiger cat mother saw a business reached, her ears jitter with joy, and said briskly: "So, the guest please pay the balance of 2.95 million general currency meow, Nicole Nainai will complete this transaction for you meow..."

A quarter of an hour later, as Ahern leaves the trading room, he brushes his hand against the crystal hidden in his chest and feels a gentle flow of air coming into his body from it, merging with the forces inside him in a perfectly coordinated fashion.

"Sure enough, it was the thing." Ahern clenched her fist. Her face looked calm and indifferent, but there was a flicker of uncontrollable excitement in her eyes.

AInstead of leaving the market immediately after the deal, Hern rented a deluxe room on the 100th floor.

As a large comprehensive place with trading, entertainment, living and eating functions, "Market" also provides private places for visitors to have a rest and adjust.

Also, any legal or illegal transactions can be carried out here, and no eavesdropping or surveillance equipment will be installed in the room.


This, of course, is matched by its high cost, with a 24-hour accommodation costing up to $10,000.

Ahern paid half a month's deposit and headed to her room.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Ahern's right hand stretches out to "scan," and the blue light ripples from his hand, flowing slowly across the room like water waves.

After checking that all was well, Ahern removed the crystal and examined it carefully.

The crystal is crystal clear, like the best crystal, the whole body is red, red flashes, you can faintly see the inside of the sun like the bright red luster.

"What is the origin of this thing?"

Ahern looks calm and calm, but inside he is a whirlwind and full of thoughts.

Although it has been twenty years, what happened that day is still vividly in my mind.

Or, another Ahern memory.

In my memory, Ahern lived in an aqua blue planet called "Earth", where the technology is far inferior to here, no federal government, no starship, no alien visitors... Even the people who live on Earth are not yet able to get rid of their dependence on their home planet.

He, on the other hand, is one of the ordinary people on the earth, living a peaceful and peaceful life.

How he came into this world is as yet unknown. All he remembered was that on the day before the crossing he was on his way home from work when he suddenly heard a cry of surprise from the people around him, and then a whirl of the sky and the earth.

His only recollection was that, just moments before he had lost consciousness, he had vaguely seen a crystal, enveloped in a thousand bright stars, flying towards him.

"It's like... The infinite universe of stars." This was the last thought of Ahern.

When he reopens, Ahern is a nameless infant adopted by the Federal Welfare Institute, a human citizen of the interstellar age.

Because of his adult thoughts and self-consciousness, Ahern, who has lived his whole life again, knows more about and cherishs himself and works hard to make progress. Finally, he was admitted to the highest university of Aurora on the inhabited planet when he became an adult, so that he can occupy a corner in this era of interstellar talents coming out in large number.

However, with memories of another world, Ahern always remembers the mysterious crystal that brought her to this world, searching for something similar and finally finding it with the help of a friend.

At the first glance, he had already confirmed that this was the very crystal that had brought him into the world.

As she lay in bed, Ahern toyed with a mysterious crystal in her hand. "Who are you that has brought me through time and space to this world?"

It was then that the metamorphosis broke out.

The crystal in his hand broke into countless tiny fragments that pierced Ahern's body faster than thought, ripping through his skin and deep into his flesh.

Amazingly, the blood that had been sprayed did not fall on the ground, but solidified in the air, collecting in clusters of blood-red crystals near the wound.

When the crystal is fused with flesh and blood, wonderful changes take place!

Dong! Dong! Dong!

His heart was pounding, his blood pumping, his body almost swelled in a circle, and the violent energy pouring into him from the SPAR was like a river flowing into the sea, but the capacity of the human body was limited, and this energy almost burst him from the inside out.

Ahern concentrates on breathing, shutting out all external distractions.

In the body, the original energy that was already ready to move collided head-on with this external force. The two forces were from the same origin, just like a giant whale in the star-sea. The instinctive breath swallowed up this huge energy and absorbed it completely.

There seemed to be some magnificent and divine sound in the void, but Ahern did not feel it at all. He concentrated on meditation, channeling this enormous energy through his body, changing his whole body function bit by bit.

From the outside, Ahern at this time becomes a transparent crystal person with translucent skin on the surface. From the outside, you can see the viscera, blood vessels and bones inside the body, and between the viscera, there is mercury-like energy flowing slowly.

At the same time, the trillions of cells in Ahern's body are gorging themselves on this force, the potential of life, and optimizing for the most perfect, the most extreme.

The most important central brain of the human body, the mental strength soared at a terrible speed. The cells of high-speed friction unexpectedly caused another completely different extraordinary system in Ahern's body, awakening and breakthrough!

Three hundred thousand volts... Four hundred thousand... Four hundred and fifty thousand... Five hundred thousand...

The electric current drives the force to advance all the way, filar silk continuously blue electric light emerges from the pineal body part, the electric current in the form of tree branch wantonly vents, the powerful electric current instantly destroys everything around the body.

Just as the force was about to touch the wall, the quantitative change finally created a qualitative change, and the electric force suddenly rolled back into the heart.

A more destructive and vital energy emerges from the depths of the cell!

Promotion! Magnetic field rotation ability!

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