《Halloweenish Project Time Lapse》Chapter 23 - Karatsu and Rin Final Arc : Final message. [Road to Volume 2]
[Karatsu's POV]
So, i'm taking another path once again. I lost the last parent i had. Old man has passed away. I hated him but not in my entire life. Everyone will hate me. I made fake promises with Kisara, I keep lying with my only little sister Rin. I ran away from everyone. I think it's better way for me. I was thinking to commit suicide but i remembered what the Old guy said.
"Suicide is not the only solution to escape through reality." He saved me when i was trying to kill myself after mom died. How is he doing now?
Karatsu reaches the old house near the mountain. The house of his Grandmother. (Sayaka). His grandmother standing on the stairs and waiting for him.
"Are you.. Sayaka? My Father's..." Karatsu asked.
"That's right. I'm Sayaka. Katsu's mother. I heard about you. You're the same with him." The old black haired woman smiled at him and helps him to go on her house.
"I can do everything. Cooking, Washing and anything."
"You're kind just like your father. Karatsu. I called you to tell you something important about your family and your father."
"What is it?" Karatsu's mood get seriously and he's ready to listen.
"I know you hate him. But it's not the reason to forget him. He told me about your relationship with Kisara. Tetsu's Daughter. Your relationship with her are the same with relationship with your parents. Katsu loved Inoue. When he's younger age. He keep skipping classes just to visit Inoue. He needs help with his best friend Tetsu on how confessed with her. So he helped him."
(Katsu's younger age)
"Inoue.. please accept my confession" Katsu bows at her when blushing. Tetsu hides and watched them.
"I appreciated you hard work, Katsu. I felt your feelings about me and you really love me.That's why I love you as well." Inoue smiles at him then Katsu hugs her tightly.
[End of Flashback]
"That relationship they made get stronger. They married and have their first daughter. You know her right?"
"It's Laura?"
"Yup. Laura Kirigaya."
"Why she's using Kirigaya? Instead of Himegami?"
"Laura decided to use your mother's last name. I don't know the reason but she wants to keep it secret on you.
After 3 years. Your parents have you. They give your name when they're thinking about Ice creams." She laughs at him then pats his head.
"Your father worked hard for you and Laura. They never fight. They lived happily without problems. After 2 years. They had their 3rd child and it's Rin. I'm happy that you have a family like that. I just want you keep this photo of your Family." She gives the photo of Himegami Family at Karatsu.
"I will treasure it, Obaasan (Grandmother)" Karatsu bows at her.
"I'm not done yet. Do you want to know why your father ended up like that?"
"I really want to know about it!"
"After the horrible events on his entire life. Katsu's changed. Katsu getting addicted on drinking beer, using cigarette and using drugs. He told me this thing after knowing that he have a cancer. He cried and he wants forgiveness on his children also you. Karatsu. Katsu wants you to forgive you. I visited him yesterday and he told me to give those letters he did to his children before he dies. It makes me sad.. When his last breathe.. Katsu smiles at me. After that. I gave those letters to your little sister and i think she put it somewhere." His grandmother wipes her tears then suddenly looks on the skies.
"His last word to me. "Inoue gave me a biggest and the best gift on my entire life but i never kept it." He said."
"I turned into a bad son to him. I think i also killed him. I'm coward. I never talk to him. I never know what happen to his life.. He thinks.. that i don't care about him." Karatsu looks down and blamed himself on what happened to his father.
"Karatsu.." His grandmother holds his shoulder.
"You can still forgive him. He can go to heaven if you do that. In the end.. you turned into a mature one. You're the same as him. I can tell you. No need to blame yourself. You did your best to show how you improved. It's time to visit your father's grave. Send him your final message to your father and read his your final message to you as well. Go now. Karatsu" His grandmother enters her house.
[Karatsu's POV]
It makes me realized something. Life without parents is hard. You can't told them your problem, you can't asked their help, you can't hug and cried on their sad. They give their best on us. They worked hard, Encounter some consequences and they sacrifice their life on us. I want to apologized on what i did to my own father..
(At Miyu's house)
"You look cute now Rin." Laura said while laying on the bed with her.
"That's not true. Even An-chan didn't tell me about that"
"Karatsu? I remembered what he said on you when we're young. He said. " Rin you looked cute than Kisara" He never lied on you." Laura said while playing her hair.
"An-chan.. is liar.."
"What do you mean?"
"He keeps lying on me.. He doesn't care about me at all. I hate him.."
"I understand you, Rin. But i think. He's not that kind of man. Do you remember when he protects you with Ruka. I saw on my apartment. Karatsu cares at you at all." Laura sits on her bed.
"An-chan... lost his time with me since he joined another club. I found a new friends but i lost him already."
"Let's sleep Rin. I think you need to take a rest for a while" Laura lays on the bed then start sleeping.
Rin looks on the window and start thinking about his brother.
In the shrine. Karatsu and Rin are walking
"Are you sure?" Karatsu asked.
"Yup! I really want to visit there"
"We will go there. Let's go!" Karatsu replied.
Rin climbs in the tree then waves her hand on his brother.
"An-chan! Come here!"
"Be careful. You'll get fall if you didn't careful."
"I'm okay!!" The branches cracks
"Woah!!" Rin holds in the branches then she falls but Karatsu saved her.
"I told you to be careful. I'm glad i was there. Are you okay?" Karatsu asked.
"Yup! I'm fine! Thank you for saving me An-chan!" Rin hugs him tightly then he smiles.
"Let's go home. Let's play with Hidashi."
"Yup! That's a great idea!!"
[End of Flashback]
"An-chan cares about me.. But... i think he doesn't now anymore. He thinks i'm adult already.. Silly you..." Rin closes her eyes and sleeps.
(At Hiragi Residence)
Yukihara was sleeping on her room while Yukina was reading her favorite manga.
Someone knocks the door and Yukina opens it.
"Karatsu? What are you doing here? It's already late." Yukina asked.
"Ahh! I-i'm just here to visit you" Karatsu replied.
Yukina blushed but she looks away from him.
"You didn't show up for a week. You make me and Kisara disappointed."
"Sorry. I just do something important in my grandmother's house."
"Tsk. Condolence."
"Eh? What is it?"
"Nothing! Take a sit. I'll prepare coffee." Yukina blushed as she walks in the kitchen.
Karatsu sits on the chair and looks in the manga that Yukina read.
"Maple Love?" Karatsu asked himself.
Yukina noticed the manga so she gets it and hide on her apron.
"Don't touch my property! You idiot!" Yukina blushed so hard when shouting him. She placed the cup of coffee in the table.
"You act awkward today, Karatsu."
"Me? I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I just want to waste my time here."
"Ohh.. i see.." Yukina looks away from him.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing!!!" She punches his shoulder then looks away.
"You're always like that. Tsundere type."
"Shut up!" She put a tape on his mouth then crossed arms.
Yukina take out the tape on his mouth then sits.
"Kisara is worried about you. Also the members of our club. Try to show up tomorrow."
"I'll try.."
Yukina opens the TV and watched anime. She sits on the sofa and calls Karatsu.
"Come here. Let's watch some movies."
"Ohh.. okay"
"I'll prepare our midnight snack"
30 minutes later. Yukina feel asleep on Karatsu shoulder. He keep watching the movie then he noticed that she was sleeping on his shoulder. Karatsu puts her in the sofa to let her sleep there. Karatsu turns off the TV and sits in the chair again.
"You're strong but you can't endure your being sleepy." Karatsu said.
Karatsu opens the letter that he found on his bag and read it.
[Dear.. Karatsu.
Sorry for being a bad father on you and Rin. I don't want you to go in the wrong paths as mine. Sorry if i hide this to you for a long time. My life changed when your mother died. Inoue is special and important to me. She gave me a very special gift and it was you. You, Rin and Laura. I heard that you're Tetsu's daughter's boyfriend. Please take care of her. Karatsu. I doesn't want you to hate me. I guess you had a reason to hate me. Sorry for everything on what i did.
Rin told me about your success about Scarlet Dream. Keep it up! I'm your best fan. This is my final message to you. I gave letters to on your Sister and from Rin. I'm happy now because i can spend my time on your mother in heaven. Please remember what your mom told you before.
Don't eat too much. Be serious on your studies, Respect other people and bring us a Ice cream before going home.
I think we can't eat Ice cream with you anymore. We gave your name because of Ice cream. Your mom likes that. Do you remember when i arrived at home i'm always bringing your favorite dessert. You're always happy about it. But now.. i can't give you a single one.
I know you're crying now. I know you missed us. We missed you. Everything happens for a reason so i will accept what will happen to me.
Karatsu. Take care of your sisters. I love you. You're the best son i ever had.
-Your Best Dad, Katsu]
Karatsu holds his head and keep crying. Karatsu cries in silent he doesn't want Yukina to notice him that he's crying.
But Yukina noticed him. She just look and back on sleeping.
(After that.)
"Thank you for giving me a time to stay here. I owe you one" Karatsu bows at her.
"Ahh-- It's not a big deal." Yukina blushes again then looks away.
"Visit the club later, okay?"
"Sure. See ya!" Karatsu start walking away from her house.
Yukina smiles at him and then Yukihara show up.
He visited his parents grave. Karatsu puts an Ice cream to their grave. A strawberry (Inoue) and Mango (Katsu) Ice cream. Karatsu prays for them and finally put the flowers.
"Thank you for being part of my life, Mom and Dad. Thank you for everything. I will never forget you. You helped me a lot. I promise i will take care of Rin and my friends. Thank you for giving my favorite flavor of Ice cream." Karatsu smiles as he start walking away.
Meanwhile at St. Lucario Academy.
Everyone are preparing for their performance next week. Rin and Kisara are expecting that Karatsu will arrive.
"Be ready! Next week will be our major performance at Akihabara. Be serious!" Yukina shouted.
"Karatsu still missing. I think we can't do it." Hidashi response.
"He will come. Just trust him."
"Ka-chan.." Kisara wants to go somewhere. She opened the door then she saw Karatsu standing in front of her.
"Ka-chan... Ka-chan is back!!" Kisara hugs him tightly. Yukihara do the same thing as well.
"Onii-chan." Yukihara said.
"I told you, He will come."
"I'm back. Sorry for not showing up for a week." Karatsu bows at them.
"What are you talking about? It's okay. We understand you." Ishida said as he pats his head.
"I'm glad that you're back." Yukina pats his shoulder.
"Welcome back!!" Fumi and Ayami cheerfully waved their hands at him.
Marika pats Rin's back as she smiles at her.
"Go ahead, Rin"
"Ehh.. but.. An-chan.."
"Don't be scared."
"Ohh.. okay.."
Rin approaches to her brother.
"Rin... Sorry for saying those things on you. I didn't mean to say that. It's not true. You're not annoying or nuisance. You're important to me. I don't want to lose you as well. As your brother. I will protect you no matter what." Karatsu said.
"Sorry.. Sorry.. An-chan..." Rin hugs his brother crying on at him.
"Sorry.. Sorry.."
"Don't apologized.. Rin. It's okay. An-chan doesn't hate you." Karatsu pats her head.
"You will realized that your brother loves you. He will protect you no matter what. As your sister, I will do the same thing as well." Laura hugs her.
"I don't want lose An-chan.. I need him.." Rin cries.
"We lost our parents. So we need to live each other. We are family" Laura smiles.
"Laura-nee san." Rin smiles.
[End of Flashback]
"I'm a bit lonely An-chan.."
"Me too.."
Karatsu and Rin smiles together as the member of Scarlet Dream supported them.
[Karatsu's POV]
(Parents is the important things that we will have in this world. Without them you will never existed on this world. We can have them once not twice. We only live once. Before they died. Take your time on them. Play with them, share your problem, talk with them. You will see their smiles until the end of their day.
Once you lost them you will never saw them smiling.
Love your friends and family. Don't ever lose those precious things.
I think this is the final message that i can say to all of you. Thank you. )
Karatsu, Rin and also the members of Scarlet Dream visited his Family's Grave and pray for them.
Karatsu listened on his favorite song.
[We used to think our words were gold
That our binded hearts could withstand cold
We were catching diamonds in the rain
Letting precious water through the drain
Stars were dancing in their light
A past that we could never right
Oh, they were dancing way up high
We built these walls so we could find
Who could prove themselves through the waves of time
Trying to repent before you sin
Is like giving up before you begin
Stars were dancing in their light
A past that we could never right
Oh, they were dancing way up high
Stars were dancing in their light
A future we will never write
Dirt on our feet was bone dry, it was bone dry
Thought another goal is all we needed
Taking second chances 'til we bleed
And when all the love had been depleted
We had but no choice to concede
As the stars were dancing in their light
A past that we could never right
Oh, they were dancing way up high
Stars were dancing in their light
A future we will never write
Dirt on our feet was bone dry, it was bone dry]
-Final Arc Ended.
-To Be Continued
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