《Halloweenish Project Time Lapse》Chapter 6 : The Post Should be Forgetten


Karatsu wakes up on the Infirmary room at St.Lucario Academy. He tries to touch his head but he feel the pain and look at the door.

"Khh.. Where i am?" His head have bandage.

"You're on Infirmary. Himegami" Yukina said.

"Yukina-san.. W-what happened to me?" He said

Yukina looked away from him while talking with him.

"I saw you beaten up by my Brother.." She replied.

"Brother? You mean? That guy?"

"Yes.. He is. Sorry for doing that to you. Please forgive my brother!" She bows at front at him

Karatsu pats her head when Yukina stood up she saw his smiles then she do the same.

"No need to apologize, Yukina-chan. I should be the one who need to apologize. I cause you a trouble." He looks away

"Do you heard everything about me right? I know you're going to hate me from now. You finally know my Identity.." He said.

"Y-yeah.. I heard it But--"

"A man who destroyed the Game Club.. The Halloweenish Project. The Sensitive Jerk and Attention Seeker was Me! The person you hate was my Friend.. an Old Friend of mine. I'm a previously member of ForTune that you really hate!" Karatsu looks at her seriously.

"...." Yukina is speechless while looking at him.

"I destroyed our Relationship on that Club! I'm the one who Disbanded the Club and i'm the only guy who said ridiculous things on his friends! Shizuka,Yui,Misaki,Kanade,Haruka and Ruka hates me now. They avoided me and they never talked to me after that... Also.. the girl i love... Ayumi.. She hates me and... she never talks to me." Karatsu tries to resist his tears.

"I think.. I'll be the one who's going to destroyed this Relationship we have with Everyone on Music Club.. I ran away from everything. Hide myself on anything... I'm coward.. And i know someday.. You and Yukihara will hate me then you're going to leave me just like my old friends do.." He's faced is black when Yukina is still looking at him.

"Do you regret it?" Yukina asked.

"Yes... I regret it.. If i haven't do those things.. Halloweenish Project is still existed.. Sorry... I'm sorry" He looks down and cries on front of Yukina.

Yukina suddenly hugged Karatsu then pats his head.

"Idiot.. I will never hate you. No matter kind of Past you had. Me and Yukihara will never leave you. You saved and helped us. I'm know that you're trying your best to changed yourself."


"I will accept you no matter who you are. As long as you prove that you're serious on everything. We can forget our past and start a new beginning. Don't ever live on the past" Yukina smiled while patting his back.

"Don't think that you're alone. The Scarlet Dream is here for you"

Karatsu looks at her while yukina is smiling.

"Sorry.. I cried.." Karatsu said.

"It's okay. You proved that you're a real man. It's normal to cry so don't apologized" Yukina kissed his forehead where the bandage was placed. Karatsu suddenly blushed.

"Take a rest for while, Karatsu." Yukina stands up then wave her hand.

"Y-yes..." Karatsu is still blushing when lying on his bed.

"The Past should be Forgotten, okay?" Yukina leaves the room

"Yes..." Karatsu closed his eyes when blushing.

Yukina start walking when she saw Sagiri knocking the door at Infirmary.

"Leave him alone this time. He need to take a rest." Yukina said.

"Ehh? I'm Karatsu-senpai's Friend. So i want to see him" Sagiri responded

Yukina looks at her madly.

"Yukimura-nii san is a part of Student Council right? Why you didn't stop him? He hurt my Friend!"

"You mean? Akashikyun? Well, He want to teach him a lesson so i have no choice just to let him" She looks away when putting her hands on her back.

Yukina holds her hand tightly when looking at her.

"Let me go! It's hurt..." She said when trying to stop Yukina. The other students pay attention on the situation.

"What's happening?"

"President Sagiri is scared at Yukina"

"It looks like they have a fight"

"Yuki-chan is angry"

Hidashi was walking that time when he saw Yukina and Sagiri.

"Hey! Stop it!" Hidashi stops them.

"What the hell are you looking at? Are you happy seeing them like that!? Are you an Idiot!!?" Hidashi shouted while looking at the students.

The students leaves the place and enter their room.

"What's wrong with you? Having a fight in front of those students?"

"She's the one who started it!" Sagiri holds her hand.

"Tell to my Idiot Brother. Don't ever touch him! Or me and Yukihara. I don't have a Brother like him." Yukina walks away.

"Sorry for causing you a trouble. Miss. No i mean. President." Hidashi bows then followed Yukina.

"I-it's okay.." as she walk slowly.


"What do you mean " Don't ever touch him?" who are you talking about?" Hidashi asked.


"It was Karatsu." She answered.

"What happened to him?"

"My Idiot Brother attacked him. For knowing his true Identity."

Hidashi stops on walking.

"You mean.. He knows what Karatsu did to Everyone at Rakudai?" He said.


"It's not his fault! They ignored him. Karatsu wants their Attention. He have a lot of idea for our Project. But they ignored him! He's not a Sensitive Jerk or Attention Seeker or else! They're ignoring his effort for that stupid club! They let Karatsu suffered. Actually they doesn't care at him! After the Disbanded of the Club. I decided to forget them and cheer him up! He tried to kill himself before but i stopped him!" Hidashi explained the all details about what happened on Karatsu and Game Club.

"He's my childhood friend and i know what kind of person he is! That's why i never hate him!"

Yukina looks down when standing on front at him.

"... I'm sorry" As Yukina put her knees on the floor then bows.

Hidashi shocked when looking at her.

"Yukina-san.." as he helped her to stand.

"It's okay.. It's not a big deal. Afterall i told you his true Identity. Just believed at him not on the other people"

Yukina smiled then walks away. Hidashi followed at her once again. The Brown Haired Girl saw them as she goes back on her room.


At Music Club. Yukihara and Rin are sitting on the floor when reading Manga. They laughed together and start talking about their self. Marika is practicing on Piano while Stella is reading her notes.

"You two are friends now?" Marika asked Yukihara and Rin.

"What!? Me and her Friends? How Disgusting!" Rin said.

"Why i should be friends with her? She's a piece of trash!" Yukihara responded.

"She's my Rival! So we can't be friends!"

"Yeah she's right. Karatsu will be mine!"

"Kukuku.. An-chan will never be yours!"

As Yukihara and Rin start fighting. Marika tries to stop them but she can't. Stella watched them and laughs.

"Kukuku... A Garbage like you is not good here."

"Ohh? How about you? You're not deserved to be a part of this Club"

"An-chan is here so i will be here also!"

Rin put her hairband on the table and Yukihara do the same.

"Are you ready for the last duel?" Rin asked

"Ofcourse! I'm going to defeat you!" Yukihara attacks Rin and touches her belly.

"Noo!! It tickles!!" Rin was laughing when Yukihara touching her as she fights back.

"Stop it!!" Yukihara is laughing too.

"Umm.. Can you stop it now?" Marika said.


At Student Council Room.

"What happened to your hand, President!?" Rika Yamada The Vice President of Student Council.

"It's nothing." Sagiri replied.

"Tell me!"

"Yamada-san it's nothing okay.." As she sits on the chair.

"Did Shizuka Ankoku Attacked you!?"


"Then who?"

"Don't asked her this time, Rika" Akashi/Yukimura Nakade said.


"It looks like Yukina found out the truth about him."

"I don't understand you two at all! Nah!! I will listen to my music!" As Rika put her earphones and play a music.



6:30pm at Infirmary room. Karatsu is still sleeping and a Red haired girl visited him and put a letter on his side.

"It's been a while, I thought we will never see each other again. Do you still remember me? You and my father are always hanging out and looks like you two are friend. Since Papa transferred me here. I'm glad that you're here too. I hope you'll be okay. I saw Hidashi-kun. He changed so much and it looks like He already had a Girlfriend.

You never tell me about your leaving at Rakudai. I never say goodbye to you that day. But no need to say that. We can meet each other once again. I'm glad. Please wake up and visit to my house once again. Don't call me Kairi again, okay?

Your Fiancée... Kisara Daisuke"

Those sentence are written on the letter that the Red Haired Girl sent.


6:30am at Infirmary. Yukina and Yukihara reads the letter and .....

"What!? Fiancée!? Me? Hidashi's Girlfriend!? No way!" A angry Yukina suddenly shouted

"Onii-chan have... Fiancée!?"

"Are you kidding me!? Kisara is here!!?" Hidashi said.

(At the Rooftop a Red Haired Girl standing on a floor while her hands are on her head.)

"You should know me, Karatsu-kun" she said and the wind blows.

To be Continued

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