《Halloweenish Project Time Lapse》Chapter 3 : Yukihara And Rin : Rival


At St.Lucario Academy. Karatsu meet Marika on the hallway of the school.

"Karatsu-senpai, Good Morning!" She smiled at him when waving her hand.

"Hello, Good Morning, Marika-chan" As he wave his hand as well and they start walking together.

"You're walking alone this now, What's wrong?" he asked.

"Senpai asked to leave her alone, so that i go outside." She was blushing when answering his question.

"Ehh..? I see. Shall we go on the Club now?"

"Y-yup. Let's go"

When Karatsu and Marika walking each other they saw Yukihara and Yukina talking. They hide and listen to them.

"Why are you doing this, Onee-chan?" Yukina asked when looking at her sister seriously.

"It's none of your business, Yukihara."

"The ForTune Group is a Professional Band, Ruka Shirayama-san is the Leader of that Band. You're just wasting your time on doing it! The Music Club will be Disbanded somed----"

Yukina slapped her face then Yukihara suddenly stops on talking.

"I told you, It's none of your business. I don't care if they're the Professional Band or whatever. The Only Thing i want to prove is I can sing and we can perform. By helping each other. I won't let anyone Disband this Club."

"I have Marika-chan.. and the new member. Karatsu-san. No matter what happens, We will perform each other someday! To be Honest, Since you start being a fan of Ruka Shirayama, I really Hate you! Get out and Don't ever show your Face at me and to this Club, Yukihara." As she pushes Yukihara outside and closes the door.

Yukihara is speechless she feels confused after hearing those words on her Sister

"Onee.....chan..." she cries and ran away then she bumped Karatsu.

"S-sorry..." She continues on running.

"I can't believe it! Senpai do something like that on her own Little Sister" Marika said.

"... I-i see..." Karatsu enters the Club and looks at Yukina.

"G-good morning.." he sits on the floor when reading his notes.

Yukina ignored him and she keeps reading her notes as well. After the afternoon class Karatsu didn't go on the Club. He stayed on the Rooftop and he saw Yukihara standing in a wall.

"Hey, What the hell are you doing!?" He looks at her then suddenly stands up to stop her.


Yukihara looks at him with a teary eyes and jumps but Karatsu holds her hand.

"Hold tightly! I will save you!"

"Shut up! Don't stop me!!"

"No, Idiot!" He thinks about the past and he remembered the time that Haruka save him on a Accident. Actually, Karatsu tries to kill himself that day.

"Suicide is not the solution to escape the reality, Idiot!!!" He holds her hands tightly.

"No! Let me die!! Onee-chan and my family hates me! So i'm better to die than being alive!" Yukihara said.

Karatsu pulls his hands and he successfully save Yukihara on that Incident.

"Are you okay?" Karatsu lays on the floor when still holding Yukihara's hands.

"Why? Why did you save me..?" She asked.

"If you die, your sister will cry. I do the same things before, those people hates me. But someone stops me to do it."

"Yukina-nee chan... Hates me.."

"Cut it out already, Idiot" He pats her head.

"She really want to beat Ruka Shirayama's Group.. I know she can't do it.. Why is she trying so hard?"

"You need to understand her. She wants to be a great singer just like her. I think she act like that because you start being a fan of someone. Yukihara, why don't you try to be your Sister's Fan?" Karatsu smiled at her.

"O-onee-chan's fan?"

"Yup, I'm sure she will be happy by that."


Karatsu pats her head once again and start to walk away.

"You'll understand her if you do that."

Yukihara suddenly holds his uniform.

"T-thank you, K-karatsu-nii san.." She looks away when blushing.

Karatsu blushes then get Yukihara's hand to get her on Infirmary.


At Hidashi's house.

Rin was watching TV/Video of ForTune Band. Hidashi arrived and pats her head.

"You really miss them, don't you?" Hidashi said.

"No. Not really..." she turn off the TV.

"Then why are you watching their performance?" Hidashi asked.

Rin looks at him with a teary eyes.

"I want to see.. An-chan..."

"Ehh? You said, You hate him. You don't want to see him. Then why?"

"An-chan... Is my An-chan.."


"Sorry... An-chan..." Rin suddenly cries and Hidashi shocked.


"Ahh!! What should i do.. I make her cry..." He hit his head on the wall.

"What should i do!!?"

Hidashi approach at her then smiles.

"Come with me tomorrow. At St.Lucario Academy. Where me and Karatsu went."

"Y-yes..." she wipes her tears then smiles.

"Thanks.. Goodness" he said on his mind.


September 6. At Music Club.

Karatsu is the only one who staying in the club, writing, listening, studying, reviewing and serious for upcoming Exam this week. He never noticed Yukina is already inside of the Club.

"Tsk. Idiot. You never notice me!" Yukina said when arranging her items.

"Good Morning! Senpai! I just receive a Request form for our Club." Marika shouted while holding the Request Form.

"Let me take a look" she get the paper and read.

"No way!!!" She shouted and shocked when she read the request form. Karatsu ignores them and still busy on his work.

Yukina throws a book on Karatsu.

"Hey! Why are you ignoring us!?"

"I'm busy for this upcoming examination next week, so don't bother me" He replied then he endure the pain that he received.

"Yukihara will join the Club!? How this thing happen!?"

"Calm down, Senpai."

Yukihara enters the room when holding her bag.

"Onee-chan.." she smiled at her.

"Y-yukihara? why?" Yukina asked.

"I realized that.. I want to follow on your steps.. I want to be like you! You're strong and you have a trust on yourself. You never give up on everything. I'm diffrent from you. I'm weak.. coward.. and idiot!"


"Sorry.. for everything.. on what i say yesterday.. and sorry for being a bad sister to you..."

"Shut up! That's enough.."


"I already forgive you.. so don't turn back the past." She hugs her little sister then cries.. "Sorry..."

Yukihara hugs back then cries. Karatsu looks at them then he smiled and back to his work.

"Sorry... Onee-chan".

Marika looks too then she sits and smile.

"They finally okay! Good for you senpai".


After 10minutes. Yukina accepted Yukihara's request to join the Music Club and start explaining about the goal of the club. Hidashi and Rin arrives at St.Lucario Academy and start looking for Karatsu.

"Onii-chan!" Yukihara said.

Karatsu ignores her then keep reading.

"Onii-chan!!!!?" She shouted the he looks at her.

"Onii-chan?" Karatsu looks at her.

"Yup, Onii-chan. I will call you like that from now" she smiles at him.


"Nothing, Onii...chan!" she hugs karatsu's shoulder then smiles again.

Rin looks on the window and she saw Yukihara and Karatsu.

"Hey. what are you doing? I'm busy, Yukihara" he said.

"Ehh? Sorry Onii-chan" she smiled once again then sits on a chair.

"Onii-chan?" A mad Rin suddenly enters the room.

"An-chan!" as she calls her brother

Karatsu looks at Rin then stands up.

"Rin.. It's been a while" He said.

"Yup! I-it's been a while.." she replied.

"Onii-chan, who is she?" Yukihara asked.

"Ahh she's my ---"

"Don't call him "Onii-chan" An-chan is mine!" Rin looks madly at her.

"Who is she? Onii-chan?"

Rin pushes her then Yukihara fights back. Karatsu and Yukina stops them.

"Stop it! Rin.. Yukihara!"

"Grrrr.... She started the fight! Onii-chan"

"You call him " Onii-chan" again!!" Rin calms down then Spread her arms to protect his Brother.

"Kukukuku... I won't let you to touch my An-chan! I will kill you!" Rin said.

"Do you think you can scare me? Hmph! Karatsu is my Onii-chan"

"Kukukuku.. Do you think An-chan will choose you. Never!"

"Onii-chan will choose me. If you try to kill me, Onii-chan will save me!"

Marika and Yukina are watching on their fight.

"Stop calling An-chan like that! It's disgusting!"

"Stop calling Onii-chan like your real brother!"

"That's my line!" Rin is still mad and tries to attack her again.

"Onii-chan! That girl is a stranger right!?" Yukihara asked.

"To be honest, she's my little sister" Karatsu replied.

Yukihara shocked then hides on Yukina's back.

"Little sister!?" Marika and Yukina said.

"Y-yup. her name is Rin Himegami."

"Kukuku.. I won the duel! You can't defeat a Princess like me!"

"Childish mind?" Yukina said when patting her head.

"I will join this club! for my An-chan!"

"What!!!?" They said.


To Be Continued.

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