《Haunting My Boyfriend》Episode 13 - The Class Idol


Damn! What was with those groupies?

If I had a stick I would have beat them back with it.

This imposing fatty and that creepy girl are definitely going on my hit list.

While the teacher took attendance, the boy that apparently felt the need to fight for a back seat, rolled up to the front to squeeze into an empty desk.

Almost immediately, some students began to loudly complain that he was too tall and too big to sit in front, so the teacher switched his position with another student who occupied a window seat.

Naturally, I took note of my second target's name: Hiromitsu Matsuo.

I've always wanted a plush toy, and was glad I found it.

I debated which of the two I wanted to haunt first.

After giving it some thought, I decided that I would be generous and rotate a few nights between them.

After all, my first priority was to eliminate any potential threat to my dominance by squashing the spirits of the other girls.

I mean, its only natural for an alpha female to establish her position.

The teacher then went on to outline their class schedule. Every student took down a copy.

After that he waved his hand in a showy fashion and asked, "Some of you have held onto your roles as prefects in middle school, so that makes my life easier. But we still need a class representative. Any volunteers?"

The class was silent for a few moments, before one of Tomoya's fangirls tentatively raised her hand and asked, "Can we nominate someone?"

The teacher raised a perplexed eyebrow but still nodded in reply, "Of course the person in question can still refuse. But if you feel the need to encourage someone, then go ahead."

Emboldened, she went on to say, "I nominate Tomoya Sumisu to be our class rep. I think he has a lot of experience."


Eeh? What kind of experience are you looking for?

"I also nominate Tomoya." Said another, more confident voice.

"Me too. Let Tomoya be our leader." Said one male student.

"Our class rep should be good looking and nice to talk to. So I agree." Said the newly acquired target.

Then a few more targets revealed themselves, so I quickly memorized their faces.

A wave of assent instantly drowned out the few, remaining volunteers.

In the face of all that 'encouragement', the teacher didn't bother to consult the so-called nominee and went on to announce, "It's settled then. Tomoya is 10C's class representative. Be sure to grab a copy of the topical outlines for each subject from him. And Tomoya, during the break, meet me in the staff room."

The homeroom teacher then bid the class farewell, and wished them a productive year ahead.

The class immediately returned to its boisterous mood, although no one approached Tomoya.

He sat listlessly by himself, clearly unhappy with his newfound responsibilities.

So, I floated around the class, sticking close to the ceiling while taking the time to eavesdrop on each conversation.

Most of what was discussed revolved around happy reunions, as students who were close friends in middle school met and caught up with their high school peers.

Some of the boys seemed to be in a heated argument about sports, and kept referring to their school's rising baseball star.

While some of the girls were enthralled in their conversations about horoscopes, as they debated which guru they believed was most suited for guiding romantic relationships.

However, one girl drew most of my attention. She seemed to be in an unusual mood.

She wasn't a fangirl, so at first I didn't notice her.

But her red tie and prissy expression were very familiar.

She had a small, white box with a pink ribbon on her desk. But for some reason, she seemed afraid to open it.

A pair of bubbly girls were leaning over her shoulders. They were overflowing with conciliatory words, although they also appeared to be too afraid to touch that forlorn box.

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