《Twins in Naruto》11 years in Konoha
11 years had passed since the start of the twins training.Even thought the real story hadn't even started yet, a lot had happened.These years had been especially eventful for the whole rather than just Konoha.Other than the normal events that happened in the normal Naruto worlds, some unexpected things happened too.The Akatsuki had been created faster than it should've been and most importantly, had started to become infamous way too quickly.The jinchuuriki of Gobi and Yonbi had been captured during by Obito himself who destroyed them with ease and stole their bijuu.He later told the twins that he did this to speed the process.Obito decided that he shouldn't wait and start his plans sooner because he sensed danger around him.For some reasons he felt like something would go wrong so he took things even more seriously.
Of course this was caused by the multiple times he had visited the twins.Staying with them had permitted him to calm his mind and not be blinded by his goal to the point of commiting stupid actions.He had recruited a great number of criminal and had trained them to become the most powerful they could.He also recruited many people that the twins had recommended, like zabuza and his apprentice or Pakura of Suna who was replaced by a reinforced shadow clone, created by Sana herself.
The twins didn't become members of the Akatsuki but every members knew and feared them.They trained under many powerful shinobi, and learned an impressive amount of things.
During those years they naturally became genin but an event forced the Hokage to promote them directly to the rank of Jonin.An event that had shocked many by the sheer ruthlessness of the twins, the only survivor of this slaughter became completely crazy and killed himself a few days later in his cell as he kept sobbing like a child.
It was during the 5th year after they came to konoha.They took a B-rank mission that was pretty simple.They had to escort a carriage of rich merchants to a town in the grass country.Sadly things didn't go as planned and it quickly turned into a nightmare.
After entering the town, a problem appeared.They had come while a battle took place in the town.A group of mercenaries nukenin were ambushed by atleast twenty hunter nin and the fight had turned the town into a battlefield.Unfortunately it became even worse when bounty hunters came, attracted by the huge bounties.Of course everyone started to fight everyone and the arrival of the carriage had made the matter worse.
Soon the merchants were attacked as the innocents were slaughtered randomly by flying shurikens or devastating jutsu.However the real nightmare started when the twins entered the battle.
10 minutes.In this little amount of time they killed 58 people.All of them being atleast at the level of genin.The most powerful one, a nukenin from Kumo named Raiko Seidenki , had nearly ripped Kais arm when he attacked him with a weird raiton jutsu, which transformed his arm into a lightning blade.
When Raiko was finally defeated he fell to the ground with a smile on his face and sighed.
"It was a great battle, but in the end i'm still too weak to beat monsters like you."Said Raiko as he closed his eyes and prepared himself to leave this world.After a few seconds he opened his eyes again when he heard suspicious whispers and saw that the twins were discussing.They turned to him with creepy smiles on their faces and licked their lips.
"Well, well.Mister i'm happy to tell you that we are impressed by your abilities and we want to recruit you!"Said Sana as she brought her face just a few inches from his.It was disturbing to say the least, but her words shocked him too much.
"R-Recruit me?!What the hell are you talking about?!*Cough*Just finish me, after all these years i'm finally gonna see my wife again, so finish me!!"Shouted Raiko who surprised the twins since he was only slightly older than them.
Kais pinched Sana arm and called her discreetly.
'You know what he's talkin' about?'
'Yeah, this world is different than ours.They do everything sooner here, so i think it's normal.'Said Sana as he shrugged his shoulders and used a judo chop on Raiko.He picked his body and put it in a more 'private' area as he called Obito who hid on the roof of a building since the start of the fight.
He thanked them before taking the body back and dissappearing.They then came back to the carriage but the merchants had already been killed so they just packed the corpses of the nukenin and returned to Konoha.
Due to that event but also due to how they handled it afterwards, acting like it was as normal as saying hello, they were promoted to Jonin rank and gained nicknames' Ginpatsu no akuma'(Silver-haired devil)for Kais and 'Toge no ōjo'(Thorn princess)for Sana.
Other than that there was also the matters of the Uchiha clan, naruto and orochimaru that they dealt with.
For Orochimaru they simply offered him something he couldn't refuse.They proved that they knew some extremely precious informations on his ennemies and that they would help him as long as he stayed their allies.
For Naruto it was even simpler.Since they couldn't adopt him for obvious reasons they decided to let him live a miserable life before finally 'saving him'.After he was once again beat by some angry and drunk villagers they came towards him and helped him.He was wary since he knew who those two were because of the many scary rumours he had heard about them, but he was pretty stunned when he saw how gentle and kind they were.They brought him to their appartment and took him to their bed so he could rest while they prepared dinner for him.After he ate the most delicious dinner in his whole life, they gave him many useful things for his own appartment and told him that if he ever needed help he could come to them.
Naturally he didn't believe them at first but one day he was forced to ask them for help.
He was walking in the village during the night when he heard a little scream coming from the Hyuuga clan compound.He ran towards the location of the scream and saw Hiachi Hyuuga the patriarch of the clan fighting a dozen of masked men who tried to kidnap the heiress of the clan, Hinata Hyuuga.They were all Jonin level since they were beating him and after a few minutes they finally put him to sleep with a high-kick right in the chin.
Naruto may be simple minded but he wasn't stupid enough to go against all those ninjas who had beat a guy like Hiachi, even though they were injured because of his gentle fist.
He was stupid enough to scream loudly just a few meters away from the masked men.It surprised them but they quickly captured him while punching him in the throat to make him stop.Of course his loud scream had attracted a few Konoha ninjas who tried to intervene but were quickly stopped while the masked men began to run in the forest in order to escape, the poor young heiress still with them.
The Konoha ninjas were about to call for help when the Anbu appeared and chased after the masked men.They didn't really chased for long because they catched up to them in a few seconds.However what awaited them and the few ninjas who followed them, was a total mess.The young Heiress was still asleep, leaning comfortably against a tree while her surrounding wasn't comfortable at all.
Blood was splattered everywhere as many organs were stuck in the tree branches.The corpses of the masked men were barely recognizable but the Anbu identified them as ninjas from Kumo because of their Hitai-ate(forehead protector).
They continued to walk in the mix of blood and mud as they neared the responsibles of this mess, who were interrogating with the only survivor.
"So, you said that it was the Kumo council who ordered this kidnapping."Asked the calm hooded man who had tied the ninja to a nearby tree.
"YES!YES!IT WAS THEM!PLEASE DON'T DO THAT TO ME, I ONLY FOLLOWED ORDER!"Screamed the ninja who had clearly lost his badass and cold attitude into a way more docile one, after the other hooded figure had threatened to burn his precious little brother(If you know what i mean).The man was badly injured and had lost 3 fingers on his right hand, while said fingers were held by the first hooded figure who laughed after he heard the man answer.
"HAHAHA!Good!Good!I'm happy to know that you're honest even though i actually already knew the answer!Now...*Smirk*Sis, kill that trash."Said the figure who was clearly a middle-aged man due to his voice and body.He turned around and began to walk away as the man screamed once again.
The figure snickered, removed his hood and then looked at the frightened man who froze when he saw his face.The middle-aged man could clearly be called the epitome of handsomeness with his well defined face and his perfect skin that gave him a much younger look.He had a sharp nose and hypnotizing bloody red eyes.His wild Silver hair gave him a more savage look that would make him the wet dream of many women around the world.He had a well trimmed silver beard and what stood out the most about this man was something that the ninja saw only a little before he was beheaded.The bloody red eyes gained three tomoe and began to spin as the handsome devil laugh, seeing the man head fly on the air.
"Sis, you could've kill him normally, no need to do that."Said the man as his partned rolled her eyes which had the same color and strangely enough, the same spinning triple tomoe.
She removed her hood too, revealing a beautiful face that could easily make her a goddess in the eyes of others.Additionally to her eyes she had the same smooth skin as her brother even though hers had an unusual shine to it.Her perfect little nose mixed with her thin, sensual lips gave her the look of a sexy yet extremely cute woman.She could easily appear 20 years younger than she truly was with how beautiful she was, a fact that seemed to arouse her brother for a second.
They walked towards the Anbu who bowed immediately when they saw them.The leader sighed when he saw the antics of his subordinates, but he nonetheless came in front to thank the twins.
"Well i wanted to thank you for your good work, but with how much of a mess you made it's kinda difficult."Said the man who wore a dog mask.
"Don't worry mister Doggy!We don't need thanks, as long as we saved young Hinata it's good!"Said the woman with a little wink that was quickly shot down by a glare from her brother.
The other Anbu chuckled not so discreetly when they heard the nickname as the man blushed a little.
'M-Mister DOGGY?!'He thought as he shook his head and thanked them again before he and his team began to clean the mess.
After that they were considered as saviours by the Hyuuga clan even though the clan had problem with Kumo because of this event.
Kumo wanted the head of the patriarch of the clan and naturally they couldn't do that.They decided to send the head of Hizashi Hyuuga, the brother of Hiashi who looked exactly like him, instead.Of course everyone was okay with that because it was the only solution, but then something unexpected happened.
The twins entered the room where the clan elders and the council of Konoha were discussing, and laughed madly.
"HAHAHA!You are all extremely dumb, you know that?You want to sacrifice a member of the proud Hyuuga clan just because those fuckers want you to do that?It's their fault so they should be the one to pay the price!!"Said the Kais as his sister nodded, while the whole council sweatdropped at the sight of these childish twins.
The Hokage frowned and decided what Kais meant by that since it was clearly naive to think like that.
"What do you mean Kais?We can't ask something like that to them when-"He was stopped directly by Sana who put her finger on his mouth and giggled.
"NYAHAHAH!You're clearly senile old man!Those bastards are the one who should pay the price of their actions!Plus we know that the Raikage never accepter this mission and it was the council of Kumo who asked those ninjas to kidnap young Hinata!According to the law they are clearly abusing their powers since they do not hold the required authority to order something like that without the say of the Raikage!As such i-WE have an amazing idea!You should ask the head of the foolish person who proposed the idea of the kidnapping!"Said Sana as the Hyuuga clan elders were surprisingly nodding.The Hokage was dumbfounded when he saw how easily they accepted this idea.Hyuuga was also okay with this idea since it will definitely help his clan keep their honor.After all they would be ashamed if they lost such an important member because of that matter.
The council discussed a little more and finally came to a decision.The Hokage sighed and then raised his voice to announce his decision.
"Very well then.We will do as you said Sana.We will send a letter to Kumo and request the head of the person who brought the idead of the kidnapping.We will expose all the facts so that they can't return this against us since it is clearly their faults.If our request is denied then Konoha will be under the obligation of starting a war Kumo!"Said the elderly man who was clearly too old for this shit.
Kumo sent the head of the woman who had proposed the idea a few days later, since the Raikage was furious against his council and even threatened to completely dismantle it to create a new one.
After this the twins became once again the talk of the whole village and were even visited by Hizashi,Hiashi and their children.
The brothers and Kais talked about pretty much everything while Sana was thanked by a shy Neji who unexpectedly hid behind the couch to avoid the intense gaze of Sana.Hinata thanked her too but she looked like she was about to faint on the spot if Sana looked at her too much.
After a few hours they exited the house with a smile on their faces while the twins had a weird reaction.
"ARGHH!!HINATA IS WAY TOO FUCKING CUTE!!"Shouted Kais as he hugged a pillow and rolled on the floor with it.
"HOW CAN SUCH A CUTE CREATURE EXIST?!EVEN NEJI LOOK SO FUCKING CUTE!!I WANT TO CUDDLE WITH THEM UNTIL I DIE!!"Shouted an even more excited Sana who grabbed him by his collar and began to violently shake him.
They looked at each other and laughed before shouting once again.
This event had led Naruto to trust the twins even more as he frequently came at their appartment to eat.After a few more years he began to see them as older siblings and started to pretty much live with them.He was always with them, eating with them, training with them and even sleeping with them.
This relationship continued until the twins finally became so important to him he started to call them 'Mom and Dad'.After this they decided that it was time to start their plan to corrupt Naruto and make him join them.But it's a story for another time.
Finally for the Uchiha, the matter was handled swiftly and with absolutely no problem by our little manipulators.They became close to Itachi and offered him a place he could come when he was stressed by the matter of his clan.It was easy to manipulate him since they were great actors and most importantly, they knew Itachi too well.
In only a few years they became a second family to him and with that they even approached the clan directly.
The Uchiha didn't really liked them at the start but they slowly began to respect the twins until the day when the Uchiha became the allies of the twins.
Being the a little too honest people they were, the twins directly confronted the Clan elders about the coup that they were preparing.
The Uchiha were immediately wary but after an intense discussion they came to a conclusion.
Since the they all wanted to rebel against Konoha they decided to help each other.The twins said that they wanted the Uchiha to control Konoha because they thought the current government to be too weak.
It was a simple explanation that only serverd to flatter the gigantic ego of the Uchiha.Of course Itachi didn't believe them but they had plan for him.Since they wanted to turn him into a pawn, they brought him to Obito and the three of them brainwashed him.It was difficult because of how strong-willed he was, and in the end they settled it pretty easily.
Itachi believed in them and most importantly wanted the world peace, so they just convinced him to help them.Of course they didn't told him their real plan since they needed him to be more loyal before they did.
Again, thanks to their incredible ability at lying and manipulating, they gain the loyalty of the clan after they helped them prepare the coup.
The story hadn't started yet , that they already changed many things in the world.However the worse had yet to come.
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