《Twins in Naruto》Blushing mother and serious talk


After their spar Kais and Sana left the training ground and started to run around the village.After 2 hours they finally stopped but before they could go home, they were stopped by two interesting people.It was Itachi and his mother Mikoto who just finished shopping.Itachi blushed when he saw Sana, something that made Mikoto laugh as she decided to talk to them.

"Hello, my name is Mikoto Uchiha.I'm pleased to see that you two already settled in the village, usually it's difficult for mercenaries."Said Mikoto as she bowed to the two who returned the gesture politely, while Sana winked at Itachi.

"Well it was easy for the both of us, thank you for your concern.By the way my name's Kais and the little girl is Sana."Said Kais as Sana pouted and punched him in the arm.

"I'm not a little girl!"Shouted Sana as Kais whispered to her ear.

'Said the one who wet her bed'

Sana blushed since she knew it wasn't exactly what Kais thought, but she wasn't gonna tell him that so she just shut up, and Kais continued to talk with Mikoto who started to blush.At first she didn't really look at his appearence but she was blushing madly.Usually Kais had his wild hair hanging in front of his face so it was difficult to see his face, but after the spar his face was may more visible.Be it his perfect skin or his dangerous eyes, his face made her extremely aroused.

She tried to hide it but Kais saw it and smirked, he started to walk to her while he talked until he was just a few inches away from her face.She was so dazed that she didn't even noticed how close his face was.


"Hmm, are you okay?"Asked a smiling Kais as Mikoto blinked and hurriedly nodded, trying to hide her embarassment.

Itachi understood what was happening so he decided to help his mother.

"It was nice to see you two but we need to go back home.My mother need to take care of Sasuke and i need to finish my homeworks."Said Itachi as Kais nodded and Sana smiled seductively at him.

He took his mother's arm and walked quickly in the opposite direction.

"He know the Uchiha clan compound his in the other direction right?"Asked Sana as she laughed.

"*Sigh*Seriously sis, you're going too far, how is he gonna turn into a badass ninja if you act like that.Knowing you, you will turn him into some sort of slave and then we will lose our chance to help the Uchiha clan."

"Oh come oooooon!It's not that serious!Plus, i already chose a prey."Said Sana as Kais eyed her suspiciously.

"Prey?Who?I mean you can't possibly have selected a prey already!"Kais said as Sana winked at him.The truth hit him like a brick as he shook his head.

"No no no!We already talked about it and i don't want to!"Kais said as he walked towards their appartment quickly while Sana frowned and walked beside him.

"Why do always say no?It's not like you don't want it!Stop lying to yourself, you want me as much as i want you!"Shouted Sana as the people around them looked at them with curiousity.Kais saw this and put his hand on Sana mouth as they neared the building.When they finally entered the appartment Sana snapped.



Kais frown deepened as he tackled her against the wall.

"We are siblings, remember?!Seems like you forget that fact pretty easily!Siblings can't do things like that!Firstly because it's just wrong , and secondly because you know what can happen if it end with a pregnancy!"Shouted Kais who was calmer than her but the his eyes betrayed his emotions.


Kais tensed when he heard this but still denied it.

"I don't know what you're talking about but you should start by calming yourself, you're too loud."

Sana calmed down but tears started to fall on her pretty face.

"Don't try to deny it, i know it's the true.I know i'm a seductress but i never did anything to deserve that.I'm a virgin and you know that!"

"*SIGH*Sana we are brother and sister, as such we can't do that.End of the discussion, now let me alone i'm gonna take my clothes off"Said Kais as he began to undress himself and change into something more comfortable since he knew the training would've to wait until she really calmed.

"Oh, so it's not because you see me as a whore huh?Prove it then."

Kais turned around and saw that not only did she not got out of the room, she also undressed herself and was now in her underwears.

"Sana, i told you to get out of the room.I'm not gonna prove anything since i know what you mean by 'proving'."

"What, you're afraid to actually do that with me?You said it wasn't because you see me as whore , so prove it.I'm not gonna move until you prove it!"Said Sana as she crossed her arm and glared at him.

He sighed and stood up as he walked towards her.He looked at her straight in the eyes and used one of her weakness against her.He glared at her with such icy eyes she could feel the temperature go down in the room.Kais always used that on her when she was like this.It seemed like a normal glare but anyone who received the glare before would tell you this.

'It's too terrifying to be humanly possible.'

She froze and Kais grabbed her by the throat.

"Get out of the room Sana, it's not a matter of whether you're right or wrong but you know i hate when you act so stubborn."Said Kais as he applied some pressure on her throat but instead of obeying him, she returned the glare tenfold and grabbed his arm.

"I'm not gonna move until you fuck me ,BRO.I've waited way too long for this , and be it the love of the lust i feel for you, it's about to burst.So FUCK ME!"

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